
Defines functions plotDiablo splotMatPlot panel.ellipses

# Author :
#   Amrit Singh. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
#   Florian Rohart, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
#   Kim-Anh Le Cao, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
# created: 04-2015
# last modified: 25-08-2016
# Copyright (C) 2015
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# ========================================================================================================
# functions
#     1) plotIndiv_diablo; 2 sub-functions; splotMatPlot() and panel.ellipses
#     2) circosPlot_diablo
#     3) heatmap_diablo
#     4) enrichPathwayNetwork_diablo
# ========================================================================================================

#' Graphical output for the DIABLO framework
#' Function to visualise correlation between components from different data
#' sets
#' The function uses a plot.data.frame to plot the component \code{ncomp}
#' calculated from each data set to visualise whether DIABLO (block.splsda) is
#' successful at maximising the correlation between each data sets' component.
#' The lower triangular panel indicated the Pearson's correlation coefficient,
#' the upper triangular panel the scatter plot.
#' @param x object of class inheriting from \code{"block.splsda"}.
#' @param ncomp Which component to plot calculated from each data set. Has to
#' be lower than the minimum of \code{object$ncomp}
#' @param legend boolean. Whether the legend should be added. Default is TRUE.
#' @param legend.ncol Number of columns for the legend. Default to
#' \code{min(5,nlevels(x$Y))}
#' @param \dots not used
#' @return none
#' @author Amrit Singh
#' @seealso \code{\link{block.splsda}} and http://www.mixOmics.org/mixDIABLO
#' for more details.
#' @references Singh A., Gautier B., Shannon C., Vacher M., Rohart F., Tebbutt
#' S. and LĂȘ Cao K.A. (2016). DIABLO - multi omics integration for biomarker
#' discovery. Submitted.
#' @keywords regression multivariate
#' @examples
#' Y = breast.TCGA$data.train$subtype
#' data = list(mrna =  breast.TCGA$data.train$mrna,
#' mirna =  breast.TCGA$data.train$mirna, prot =  breast.TCGA$data.train$protein)
#' # set number of component per data set
#' ncomp = 3
#' # set number of variables to select, per component and per data set (arbitrarily set)
#' list.keepX = list(mrna = rep(20, 3), mirna = rep(10,3), prot = rep(10,3))
#' # set up a full design where every block is connected
#' design = matrix(1, ncol = length(data), nrow = length(data),
#' dimnames = list(names(data), names(data)))
#' diag(design) =  0
#' design
#' BC.diablo = block.splsda(X = data, Y = Y, ncomp = ncomp, keepX = list.keepX, design = design)
#' plotDiablo(BC.diablo, ncomp = 1)
#' @importFrom ellipse ellipse
plot.sgccda = plotDiablo = function(x,
ncomp = 1,
legend = TRUE,

    #need to reorder variates and loadings to put 'Y' in last
    opar = par()[! names(par()) %in% c("cin", "cra", "csi", "cxy", "din", "page")]


    VarX = do.call(cbind, lapply(object$variates, function(i) i[, ncomp]))
    datNames = colnames(VarX)

    stop("This function is only available when there are more than 3 blocks") # so 2 blocks + the outcome Y

    # check input parameters

    if (length(ncomp) != 1 | ncomp > min(object$ncomp))
    stop(paste0("'ncomp' must be a numeric value lower than ", min(object$ncomp),", which is min(object$ncomp)"))
    # end check parameters

    legend.ncol = min(5, nlevels(Y))

    numberOfCols = ncol(VarX)-1
    numberOfRows = numberOfCols #- 1

    mat = matrix(0, nrow = numberOfRows, ncol = numberOfRows)
    for(i in 1:nrow(mat))
        for(j in 1:ncol(mat))
        mat[i,j] = paste(i,j, sep="_")
    plotType = list(cor=mat[lower.tri(mat)], scatter=mat[upper.tri(mat)],
    #bar=paste(1:(numberOfRows-1), numberOfCols, sep="_"),
    #stackedbar=paste(numberOfRows, numberOfCols, sep="_"))

    par(mfrow = c(numberOfRows+1, numberOfCols), mar = rep.int(1/2, 4), oma = c(2,2,2,2))
    layout(matrix(c(1:(numberOfCols)^2, rep((numberOfCols)^2+1,numberOfCols)),numberOfRows+1,numberOfCols, byrow=TRUE),
    heights = c(rep(1,numberOfRows), 0.25 * floor(nlevels(Y)/legend.ncol)))
    for(i in 1:numberOfRows)
        for(j in 1:numberOfCols)
            ptype = unlist(lapply(plotType, function(x)
                intersect(paste(i,j,sep="_"), x)
            splotMatPlot(x=VarX[, j], y=VarX[, i], datNames, Y, ptype)

            if(i == 1 & j %in% seq(2, numberOfRows, 1))
            Axis(side = 3, x=VarX[, i])

            if(j == numberOfRows & i %in% seq(1, numberOfRows-1, 1))
            Axis(side = 4, x=VarX[, i])
    #add legend
    legend("center",legend=levels(Y), col = color.mixo(1:nlevels(Y)), pch = 19, ncol = legend.ncol, cex = 1.5)


splotMatPlot = function(x, y, datNames, Y, ptype)
    if(names(ptype) == "cor")
        plot(1, type = "n", axes = FALSE)
        r = round(cor(x, y), 2)
        text(1, 1, labels=r, cex = 0.6/strwidth(abs(r))*abs(r))
    if(names(ptype) == "scatter")
    panel.ellipses(x=x, y=y, Y = Y)

    if(names(ptype) == "lab")
        plot(1, type = "n", axes = FALSE)
        ind = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(ptype, "_"), unique)))
        text(x=1, y=1, labels=datNames[ind], cex = 2)
    if(names(ptype) == "bar")
        Y2 = factor(as.character(Y), levels = groupOrder)
        boxplot(x ~ Y2, horizontal=TRUE, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(min(x)-3, max(x)),
        col= color.mixo(match(levels(Y2), levels(Y))))
        axis(4, at=1:nlevels(Y2), labels=levels(Y2))
    if(names(ptype) == "stackedbar")
        Y2 = factor(as.character(Y), levels = groupOrder)
        bars = table(Y2)
        barplot(bars, col= color.mixo(match(levels(Y2), levels(Y))),
        axes = FALSE)
        axis(4, at=seq(0,max(bars),length.out=5), labels=seq(0,max(bars),length.out=5))

panel.ellipses = function(x, y, Y = Y, pch = par("pch"), col.lm = "red", axes = FALSE, ...)
    ind.gp = matrice = cdg = variance = list()
    for(i in 1:nlevels(Y))
    ind.gp[[i]] = which(as.numeric(Y)==i)

    matrice = lapply(ind.gp, function(z){matrix(c(x[z], y[z]), ncol = 2)})
    cdg = lapply(matrice, colMeans)
    variance = lapply(matrice, var)

    coord.ellipse = lapply(1:nlevels(Y), function(x){ellipse(variance[[x]], centre = cdg[[x]], ellipse.level = 0.95)})
    max.ellipse = sapply(coord.ellipse, function(x){apply(x, 2, max)})
    min.ellipse = sapply(coord.ellipse, function(x){apply(x, 2, min)})
    ind.names = names(Y)
    cex = 0.5

    plot(x, y, xlab = "X.label", ylab = "Y.label", col=color.mixo(as.numeric(Y)), pch=20, axes=axes,
    xlim = c(min(x, min.ellipse[1, ]), max(x, max.ellipse[1, ])), ylim = c(min(y, min.ellipse[2, ]), max(y, max.ellipse[2, ])))
    #text(x, y, ind.names, col = col, cex = cex)
    for (z in 1:nlevels(Y))
    points(coord.ellipse[[z]], type = "l", col = color.mixo(c(1:nlevels(Y))[z]))

ajabadi/mixOmics2 documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 1:08 a.m.