get_catalog_meps <-
function( data_name = "meps" , output_dir , ... ){
catalog <- NULL
meps_dl_page <- ""
meps_dl_text <- readLines( curl::curl( meps_dl_page ) )
year_start <- grep( 'All available years' , meps_dl_text ) + 1
year_end <- grep( 'Projected Years' , meps_dl_text )
possible_years <- meps_dl_text[ seq( year_start , year_end ) ]
possible_years <- unique( as.numeric( unlist( strsplit( gsub( " +" , " " , gsub( "[^0-9]" , " " , possible_years ) ) , " " ) ) ) )
possible_years <- possible_years[ ! possible_years ) ]
possible_years <- possible_years[ possible_years != 1996 ]
for( this_year in possible_years ){
cat( paste0( "loading " , data_name , " catalog for " , this_year , "\r\n\n" ) )
search_page <- paste0( "" , this_year , "&buttonYearandDataType=Search" )
search_result <- readLines( curl::curl( search_page ) )
puf_search_result_table <- grep( "PUF Search Results" , search_result )
table_closures <- grep( "/table" , search_result )
stopifnot( length( puf_search_result_table ) == 1 )
search_result <- search_result[ seq( puf_search_result_table , min( table_closures[ table_closures > puf_search_result_table ] ) ) ]
tf <- tempfile()
writeLines( search_result , tf )
available_pufs <- data.frame( rvest::html_table( xml2::read_html( tf ) , fill = TRUE )[[1]] )
available_pufs <- available_pufs[ grepl( "^HC" , available_pufs[ , 1 ] ) , ]
names( available_pufs ) <- c( "table_id" , "file_name" , "data_update" , "year" , "file_type" )
for( i in seq_len( nrow( available_pufs ) ) ){
this_line <- search_result[ grep( available_pufs[ i , 'table_id' ] , search_result ) ]
this_line <- grep( "download_data_files_detail" , this_line , value = TRUE )
if( grepl( "HC-036BRR" , this_line[ 1 ] ) ) this_line <- this_line[ 1 ]
available_pufs[ i , 'this_link' ] <- unique( gsub( '(.*)href=\"(.*)\">(.*)</a>(.*)' , "\\2" , this_line ) )
puf_result <- readLines( curl::curl( paste0( "" , available_pufs[ i , 'this_link' ] ) ) )
if( any( grepl( 'v9\\.zip' , puf_result ) ) ){
link_names <- gsub( '(.*)href=\"(.*)\">(.*)</a>(.*)' , "\\2" , puf_result[ grepl( "v9\\.zip" , puf_result ) ] )
} else {
link_names <- gsub( '(.*)href=\"(.*)\">(.*)</a>(.*)' , "\\2" , puf_result[ grepl( "ssp\\.zip" , puf_result ) ] )
this_file <- merge( available_pufs[ i , ] , data.frame( full_url = paste0( "" , gsub( "../" , "" , link_names , fixed = TRUE ) ) , file_num = if( length( link_names ) > 1 ) seq( link_names ) else NA , stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )
catalog <- rbind( catalog , this_file )
catalog <- catalog[ !duplicated( catalog$full_url ) , ]
catalog$output_filename <-
output_dir , "/" ,
ifelse( grepl( "\\-" , catalog$year ) , "" , paste0( catalog$year , "/" ) ) ,
ifelse( grepl( "Longitudinal" , catalog$file_name ) , paste0( catalog$year , " " ) , "" ) ,
ifelse( !grepl( "\\-" , catalog$year ) ,
gsub( "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] " , "" , tolower( gsub( "[^A-z0-9 -]" , "" , catalog$file_name ) ) ) ,
tolower( gsub( "[^A-z0-9 -]" , "" , catalog$file_name ) )
) ,
ifelse( catalog$file_num ) , "" , paste0( " f" , catalog$file_num ) ) ,
catalog <- catalog[ grepl( "\\.zip$" , catalog$full_url , = TRUE ) , ]
catalog$output_filename <- gsub( " data| public use| file" , "" , catalog$output_filename )
lodown_meps <-
function( data_name = "meps" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# download the file
this_file <- cachaca( catalog[ i , 'full_url' ] , FUN = httr::GET , config = httr::config( ssl_verifypeer = FALSE ) , filesize_fun = 'unzip_verify' )
writeBin( httr::content( this_file , "raw" ) , tf )
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , "/unzips" ) )
if( length( unzipped_files ) != 1 ) stop( "expecting a single sas v9 or transport file" )
import_result <-
if( grepl( 'sas7bdat' , unzipped_files ) ){
x <- data.frame( haven::read_sas( unzipped_files ) )
} else {
x <- foreign::read.xport( unzipped_files )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( x )
dir.create( dirname( catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] ) )
saveRDS( x , file = catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , compress = FALSE )
} , silent = TRUE )
if( class( import_result ) == 'try-error' ) cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " failed.'\r\n\n" ) )
# delete the temporary files
suppressWarnings( file.remove( tf , unzipped_files ) )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored at '" , catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
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