get_catalog_mics <-
function( data_name = "mics" , output_dir , ... ){
if ( !requireNamespace( "jsonlite" , quietly = TRUE ) ) stop( "jsonlite needed for this function to work. to install it, type `install.packages( 'jsonlite' )`" , call. = FALSE )
if( !( 'your_email' %in% names(list(...)) ) ) stop( "`your_email` parameter must be specified. create an account at" )
your_email <- list(...)[["your_email"]]
if( !( 'your_password' %in% names(list(...)) ) ) stop( "`your_password` parameter must be specified. create an account at" )
your_password <- list(...)[["your_password"]]
mics_authenticate( your_email , your_password )
res <- httr::GET( "" )
catalog <- data.frame( jsonlite::fromJSON( httr::content( res , as = "text" ) , flatten = TRUE ) )
catalog <- catalog[ catalog$dataset.url != "" , ]
catalog$dataset.status <- NULL
names( catalog )[ names( catalog ) == 'dataset.url' ] <- 'full_url'
catalog$output_folder <- paste0( output_dir , "/" , catalog$country , "/" , catalog$year )
lodown_mics <-
function( data_name = "mics" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
if ( !requireNamespace( "jpeg" , quietly = TRUE ) ) stop( "jpeg needed for this function to work. to install it, type `install.packages( 'jpeg' )`" , call. = FALSE )
if( !( 'your_email' %in% names(list(...)) ) ) stop( "`your_email` parameter must be specified. create an account at" )
your_email <- list(...)[["your_email"]]
if( !( 'your_password' %in% names(list(...)) ) ) stop( "`your_password` parameter must be specified. create an account at" )
your_password <- list(...)[["your_password"]]
mics_authenticate( your_email , your_password )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# download the file
cachaca( catalog[ i , "full_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , "/unzips" ) )
for( this_zip in grep( "\\.zip$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE , = TRUE ) ) unzipped_files <- c( unzipped_files , unzip_warn_fail( this_zip , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , "/unzips" ) ) )
sav_files <- grep( "\\.sav$" , unzipped_files , = TRUE , value = TRUE )
if( length( sav_files ) == 0 ) stop( "zero files to import" )
for( this_sav in sav_files ){
x <- data.frame( haven::read_spss( this_sav ) )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- max( catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] , nrow( x ) , na.rm = TRUE )
saveRDS( x , file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "/" , gsub( "\\.sav" , ".rds" , basename( this_sav ) , = TRUE ) ) , compress = FALSE )
# delete the temporary files
suppressWarnings( file.remove( tf , unzipped_files ) )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored in '" , catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
mics_authenticate <-
function( your_email , your_password ){
tf <- tempfile() ; tf2 <- tempfile()
signin_page <- ""
a <- httr::GET( signin_page )
writeBin( a$content , tf )
if( any( grepl( "Log Out" , readLines(tf) ) ) ) return( invisible( TRUE ) )
readline( prompt = "" )
this_page <- readLines( tf )
this_token <- gsub( '(.*)authenticity_token\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"(.*)\"(.*)' , "\\2" , grep( "authenticity_token" , this_page , value = TRUE ) )
challenge_page <- gsub( '<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"(.*)\"(.*)' , "\\1" , grep("recaptcha",this_page , value = TRUE )[1] )
challenge_res <- httr::GET( paste0( "https:" , challenge_page ) )
suppressMessages( chal <- gsub( "(.*)challenge : '(.*)',\n timeout(.*)" , "\\2" , httr::content(challenge_res) ) )
b <- paste0( "" , chal )
suppressMessages( download.file( b , tf2 , mode = 'wb' ) )
jj <- jpeg::readJPEG(tf2,native=TRUE)
captcha_value <- readline( prompt = "a captcha image just popped up. type the text of the image here: " )
values <-
authenticity_token = this_token ,
utf8 = "✓" ,
"visitor[email]" = your_email ,
"visitor[password]" = your_password ,
recaptcha_challenge_field = chal ,
recaptcha_response_field = captcha_value ,
commit = "Log in"
b <- httr::POST( signin_page , body = values )
if( !any( grepl( "Log Out" , readLines(tf) ) ) ) stop( "you are not logged in" ) else invisible( TRUE )
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.