get_catalog_nsch <-
function( data_name = "nsch" , output_dir , ... ){
catalog <- NULL
data_links <- readLines( "" , warn = FALSE )
dataset_lines <- grep( "ataset" , data_links , value = TRUE )
dataset_hrefs <- gsub( "^ftp" , "https" , paste0( gsub( '(.*)href=\"(.*)\"(.*)' , "\\2" , dataset_lines ) , "/" ) )
four_digit_years <- suppressWarnings( as.numeric( gsub( "(.*)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(.*)" , "\\2" , dataset_hrefs ) ) )
two_digit_years <- 2000 + suppressWarnings( as.numeric( gsub( "(.*)([0-9][0-9])(.*)" , "\\2" , dataset_hrefs ) ) )
available_years <-
ifelse( ! four_digit_years ) , four_digit_years ,
ifelse( ! two_digit_years ) , two_digit_years ,
2003 ) )
for( i in seq_along( available_years ) ){
nsch_ftp_contents <- strsplit( RCurl::getURL( dataset_hrefs[i] , ssl.verifypeer = FALSE ) , "<br>" )[[1]]
nsch_ftp_contents <- gsub( '(.*)\\">(.*)<\\/A>$', "\\2" , nsch_ftp_contents )
nsch_ftp_paths <- nsch_ftp_contents[ grep( "\\.zip$" , tolower( nsch_ftp_contents ) ) ]
nsch_ftp_paths <- gsub( " " , "%20" , nsch_ftp_paths , fixed = TRUE )
dat_files <- nsch_ftp_paths[ !grepl( "mimp|Multiple%20Imputation" , basename( nsch_ftp_paths ) ) ]
mi_files <- nsch_ftp_paths[ grepl( "mimp|Multiple%20Imputation" , basename( nsch_ftp_paths ) ) ]
catalog <-
catalog ,
directory = available_years[ i ] ,
virgin_islands = grepl( "_vi" , basename( dat_files ) ) ,
year = available_years[ i ] ,
screener_url = NA ,
dat_url = paste0( dataset_hrefs[i] , dat_files ) ,
mi_url = paste0( dataset_hrefs[i] , mi_files ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
data_links <- readLines( "" , warn = FALSE )
dataset_lines <- grep( "https(.*)datasets(.*)nsch" , data_links , value = TRUE , = TRUE )
dataset_hrefs <- unique( paste0( "" , gsub( '(.*)href=\"(.*)html(.*)' , "\\2html" , dataset_lines ) ) )
dataset_hrefs <- dataset_hrefs[ !grepl( 'linkedin' , dataset_hrefs ) ]
four_digit_years <- suppressWarnings( as.numeric( gsub( "(.*)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(.*)" , "\\2" , dataset_hrefs ) ) )
catalog <-
catalog ,
directory = four_digit_years ,
virgin_islands = FALSE ,
year = four_digit_years ,
dat_url = paste0( "" , four_digit_years , "/nsch_" , four_digit_years , "_topical" , ifelse( four_digit_years >= 2018 , "_SAS" , "" ) , ".zip" ) ,
screener_url = paste0( "" , four_digit_years , "/nsch_" , four_digit_years , "_screener" , ifelse( four_digit_years >= 2018 , "_SAS" , "" ) , ".zip" ) ,
mi_url = ifelse( four_digit_years == 2016 , "" , NA ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
catalog$output_folder <- output_dir
catalog[ order( catalog$year ) , ]
lodown_nsch <-
function( data_name = "nsch" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# download the file
cachaca( catalog[ i , "dat_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' , filesize_fun = 'unzip_verify' )
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
sas_path <- grep( "\\.sas7bdat$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE )
x <- data.frame( haven::read_sas( sas_path ) )
file.remove( unzipped_files )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
# clear up RAM
# add a column of all ones
x$one <- 1
if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] >= 2017 ){
mimp <- x[ , c( 'hhid' , paste0( 'fpl_i' , 1:6 ) ) ]
x <- x[ , !( names( x ) %in% paste0( 'fpl_i' , 1:6 ) ) ]
} else {
# download the multiply-imputed poverty data.frame
cachaca( catalog[ i , "mi_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' , filesize_fun = 'unzip_verify' )
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
sas_path <- grep( "\\.sas7bdat$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE )
mimp <- data.frame( haven::read_sas( sas_path ) )
file.remove( unzipped_files )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( mimp ) <- tolower( names( mimp ) )
num_imps <- if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] >= 2016 ) 6 else 5
if( catalog[ i , 'year' ] >= 2016 ){
mout <- NULL
for( j in seq( num_imps ) ) {
tout <- mimp[ c( 'hhid' , paste0( "fpl_i" , j ) ) ]
names( tout ) <- c( "hhid" , "fpl" )
tout$imputation <- j
mout <- rbind( mout , tout ) ; rm( tout ) ; gc()
mimp <- mout ; rm( mout ) ; gc()
x$fpl <- NULL
# double-check that there are five times as many records
# in the `mimp` data.frame as in `x`
stopifnot( nrow( x ) == ( nrow( mimp ) / num_imps ) )
# loop through each unique level of the `imputation` field
for ( impnum in seq( num_imps ) ){
# keep the records for the current level,
# and throw out that column simultaneously
cur_imp <-
mimp$imputation %in% impnum ,
!( names( mimp ) %in% 'imputation' )
# tack the imputed poverty values onto the main data.frame
y <- merge( x , cur_imp )
# triple-check that the number of records isn't changed
stopifnot( nrow( x ) == nrow( y ) )
# save the data.frame as `imp1` - `imp5`
assign( paste0( 'imp' , impnum ) , y )
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( y )
rm( y ) ; gc()
# save implicates 1 - 5 to the local working directory for faster loading later
mget( paste0( "imp" , seq( num_imps ) ) ) ,
file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "/" , catalog[ i , 'year' ] , ' ' , if( catalog[ i , 'virgin_islands' ] ) 'vi' else 'main' , '.rds' ) ,
compress = FALSE
) ; rm( list = paste0( 'imp' , seq( num_imps ) ) ) ; rm( x ) ; gc()
if( ! catalog[ i , 'screener_url' ] ) ){
# download the file
cachaca( catalog[ i , "dat_url" ] , tf , mode = 'wb' )
unzipped_files <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
sas_path <- grep( "\\.sas7bdat$" , unzipped_files , value = TRUE )
x <- data.frame( haven::read_sas( sas_path ) )
file.remove( unzipped_files )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
# clear up RAM
# add a column of all ones
x$one <- 1
saveRDS( x , file = paste0( catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , '/' , catalog[ i , 'year' ] , ' screener.rds' ) , compress = FALSE )
} ; rm( x ) ; gc()
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored in '" , catalog[ i , 'output_folder' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
# delete the temporary file
file.remove( tf )
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