read_SAScii <-
function( dat_path , sas_path = NULL , beginline = 1 , lrecl = NULL , skip_decimal_division = NULL , zipped = FALSE , na_values = c( "NA" , "" , "." ) , sas_stru = NULL , sas_encoding = "windows-1252" , filesize_fun = 'httr' , ... ){
if( is.null( sas_path ) & is.null( sas_stru ) ) stop( "either sas_path= or sas_stru= must be specified" )
if( !is.null( sas_path ) & !is.null( sas_stru ) ) stop( "either sas_path= or sas_stru= must be specified, but not both" )
if( is.null( sas_stru ) ){
this_con <- file( sas_path , "rb" , encoding = sas_encoding )
this_sas <- readLines( this_con , encoding = sas_encoding )
close( this_con )
tf <- tempfile()
writeLines( this_sas , tf )
suppressWarnings( sasc <- SAScii::parse.SAScii( tf , beginline = beginline , lrecl = lrecl ) )
} else sasc <- sas_stru
y <- sasc[ ! sasc[ , "varname" ] ) , ]
sasc$varname[ sasc$varname ) ] <- paste0( "toss" , seq( sum( sasc$varname ) ) ) )
if (zipped) {
tf <- tempfile()
cachaca( dat_path , tf , mode = "wb" , filesize_fun = filesize_fun )
dat_path <- unzip_warn_fail( tf , exdir = paste0( tempdir() , "/unzips" ) , overwrite = TRUE )
if( length( dat_path ) != 1 ) stop( "zipped file does not contain exactly one file" )
# read in the fixed-width file..
x <-
# using the ftp filepath
dat_path ,
# using the parsed sas widths
readr::fwf_widths( abs( sasc$width ) , col_names = sasc[ , 'varname' ] ) ,
# using the parsed sas column types
col_types = paste0( ifelse( grepl( "^toss" , sasc$varname ) , "_" , ifelse( sasc$char , "c" , "d" ) ) , collapse = "" ) ,
na = na_values ,
locale = readr::locale( decimal_mark = "." , grouping_mark = "," ) ,
# passed in from read_SAScii
x <- data.frame( x )
# if the table has zero records, stop here.
if( nrow( x ) == 0 ) return( x )
if (is.null(skip_decimal_division)) {
no_decimal_points <-
x ,
function( z )
( isTRUE( all.equal(
sum( grepl( "\\." , format( z , scientific = FALSE ) ) ) ,
) ) )
cols_to_multiply <- no_decimal_points & !y[ , "char" ] & !sapply( y[ , "divisor" ] , function(x,y)isTRUE(all.equal(x,y)) , y = 1 )
x[ cols_to_multiply ] <- data.frame( t( t( x[ cols_to_multiply ] ) * y[ cols_to_multiply , "divisor" ] ) )
} else {
if( !skip_decimal_division ){
cols_to_multiply <- !y[ , "char" ] & !sapply( y[ , "divisor" ] , function(x,y)isTRUE(all.equal(x,y)) , y = 1 )
x[ cols_to_multiply ] <- data.frame( t( t( x[ cols_to_multiply ] ) * y[ cols_to_multiply , "divisor" ] ) )
read_SAScii_monetdb <-
# differences between parameters for read.SAScii() (from the R SAScii package)
# and read.SAScii.monetdb() documented here --
fn ,
sas_ri = NULL ,
beginline = 1 ,
zipped = F ,
lrecl = NULL ,
skip_decimal_division = FALSE , # skipping decimal division defaults to FALSE for this function!
tl = F , # convert all column names to lowercase?
tablename ,
overwrite = FALSE , # overwrite existing table?
connection ,
tf.path = NULL , # do temporary files need to be stored in a specific folder?
# this option is useful for keeping protected data off of random temporary folders on your computer--
# specifying this option creates the temporary file inside the folder specified
try_best_effort = FALSE ,
sas_stru = NULL ,
allow_zero_records = FALSE , # by default, expect more than zero records to be imported.
na_strings = "" , # by default, na strings are empty
unzip_fun = unzip_warn_fail ,
winslash_edit = "\\" ,
filesize_fun = 'unzip_verify'
) {
if( is.null( sas_ri ) & is.null( sas_stru ) ) stop( "either sas_ri= or sas_stru= must be specified" )
if( !is.null( sas_ri ) & !is.null( sas_stru ) ) stop( "either sas_ri= or sas_stru= must be specified, but not both" )
if( length( na_strings ) != 1 ) stop( "na_strings must have length of one" )
# before anything else, create the temporary files needed for this function to run
# if the user doesn't specify that the temporary files get stored in a temporary directory
# just put them anywhere..
if ( is.null( tf.path ) ){
tf <- tempfile()
td <- tempdir()
tf2 <- tempfile()
} else {
# otherwise, put them in the protected folder
tf.path <- normalizePath( tf.path , winslash = winslash_edit )
td <- tf.path
tf <- paste0( tf.path , "/" , tablename , "1" )
tf2 <- paste0( tf.path , "/" , tablename , "2" )
file.create( tf , tf2 )
# scientific notation contains a decimal point when converted to a character string..
# so store the user's current value and get rid of it.
user.defined.scipen <- getOption( 'scipen' )
# set scientific notation to something impossibly high. Inf doesn't work.
options( scipen = 1000000 )
on.exit( options( scipen = user.defined.scipen ) )
if( !is.null( sas_ri ) ){
tf_sri <- tempfile()
# if the sas read-in file needs to be downloaded..
if( any( grepl( 'url' , attr( file( sas_ri ) , "class" ) ) ) ){
# download it.
download.file( sas_ri , tf_sri , mode = 'wb' )
# otherwise, just copy it over.
} else tf_sri <- sas_ri
this_con <- file( tf_sri , "rb" , encoding = "windows-1252" )
this_sas <- readLines( this_con )
close( this_con )
tf_sas <- tempfile()
writeLines( this_sas , tf_sas )
suppressWarnings( x <- SAScii::parse.SAScii( tf_sas , beginline , lrecl ) )
} else {
x <- sas_stru
if( tl ) x$varname <- tolower( x$varname )
#only the width field should include negatives
y <- x[ ! x[ , 'varname' ] ) , ]
# deal with gaps in the data frame #
num.gaps <- nrow( x ) - nrow( y )
# if there are any gaps..
if ( num.gaps > 0 ){
# read them in as simple character strings
x[ x[ , 'varname' ] ) , 'char' ] <- TRUE
x[ x[ , 'varname' ] ) , 'divisor' ] <- 1
# invert their widths
x[ x[ , 'varname' ] ) , 'width' ] <- abs( x[ x[ , 'varname' ] ) , 'width' ] )
# name them toss_1 thru toss_###
x[ x[ , 'varname' ] ) , 'varname' ] <- paste( 'toss' , 1:num.gaps , sep = "_" )
# and re-create y
y <- x
#if the ASCII file is stored in an archive, unpack it to a temporary file and run that through read.fwf instead.
if ( zipped ){
# download the CPS repwgts zipped file
cachaca( fn , tf , mode = "wb" , filesize_fun = filesize_fun )
# unzip the file's contents and store the file name within the temporary directory
if( identical( unzip_warn_fail , unzip_fun ) ){
fn <- unzip_fun( tf , exdir = td )
} else {
fn <- unzip_fun( tf , td )
on.exit( file.remove( tf ) )
# if the overwrite flag is TRUE, then check if the table is in the database..
if ( overwrite ){
# and if it is, remove it.
if ( tablename %in% DBI::dbListTables( connection ) ) DBI::dbRemoveTable( connection , tablename )
# if the overwrite flag is false
# but the table exists in the database..
} else {
if ( tablename %in% DBI::dbListTables( connection ) ) stop( "table with this name already in database" )
for ( j in y$varname[ toupper( y$varname ) %in% getFromNamespace( "reserved_monetdb_keywords" , "MonetDBLite" ) ] ){
warning( paste0( 'warning: variable named ' , j , ' not allowed in monetdb\nchanging column name to ' , j , '_' ) )
y[ y$varname == j , 'varname' ] <- paste0( j , "_" )
fields <- y$varname
colTypes <- ifelse( !y[ , 'char' ] , 'DOUBLE PRECISION' , 'STRING' )
colDecl <- paste( fields , colTypes )
sql.create <-
tablename ,
) ,
colDecl ,
collapse = ", "
# starts and ends
w <- abs ( x$width )
# in speed tests, adding the exact number of lines in the file was much faster
# than setting a very high number and letting it finish..
full_table_editing_attempt <-
# create the table in the database
DBI::dbSendQuery( connection , sql.create )
# begin importation attempt #
connection ,
tablename ,
" FROM '" ,
normalizePath( fn , winslash = winslash_edit ) ,
"' NULL AS " ,
paste0( "'" , na_strings , "'" ) ,
" " ,
if( try_best_effort ) " BEST EFFORT " ,
" FWF (" ,
paste0( w , collapse = ", " ) ,
# end importation attempt #
# loop through all columns to:
# convert to numeric where necessary
# divide by the divisor whenever necessary
for ( l in seq( nrow(y) ) ){
if ( ( y[ l , "divisor" ] != 1 ) & !( y[ l , "char" ] ) ) {
sql <- paste( "UPDATE" , tablename , "SET" , y[ l , 'varname' ] , "=" , y[ l , 'varname' ] , "*" , y[ l , "divisor" ] )
if ( !skip_decimal_division ) DBI::dbSendQuery( connection , sql )
# eliminate gap variables.. loop through every gap
if ( num.gaps > 0 ){
for ( i in seq( num.gaps ) ) {
# create a SQL query to drop these columns
sql.drop <- paste0( "ALTER TABLE " , tablename , " DROP toss_" , i )
# and drop them!
DBI::dbSendQuery( connection , sql.drop )
} , silent = TRUE )
# reset scientific notation length
options( scipen = user.defined.scipen )
# if anything about the table creation/import/editing went wrong, then remove the table and return the error
if( class( full_table_editing_attempt ) == 'try-error' ){
try( DBI::dbRemoveTable( connection , tablename ) , silent = TRUE )
stop( full_table_editing_attempt )
num_recs <- DBI::dbGetQuery( connection , paste( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM" , tablename ) )[ 1 , 1 ]
if( num_recs == 0 && !allow_zero_records ) {
DBI::dbRemoveTable( connection , tablename )
stop( "imported table has zero records. if this is expected, set allow_zero_records = TRUE" )
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