get_catalog_yrbss <-
function( data_name = "yrbss" , output_dir , ... ){
catalog <- NULL
yrbss_ftp_contents <- strsplit( RCurl::getURL( "" , ssl.verifypeer = FALSE ) , "<br>" )[[1]]
yrbss_ftp_paths <- paste0( "" , gsub( '(.*)\\">(.*)<\\/A>$', "\\2" , yrbss_ftp_contents ) , "/" )
yrbss_folders <- grep( "([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])" , yrbss_ftp_paths , value = TRUE )
yrbss_folders <- yrbss_folders[ !( basename( yrbss_folders ) %in% c( "2015" , "SADC_2013" ) ) ]
for( this_year in yrbss_folders ){
this_year_contents <- strsplit( RCurl::getURL( this_year , ssl.verifypeer = FALSE ) , "<br>" )[[1]]
this_year_paths <- paste0( this_year , gsub( '(.*)\\">(.*)<\\/A>$', "\\2" , this_year_contents ) )
if( this_year == "" ) this_year_paths[ c( 3 , 5 ) ] <- this_year_paths[ c( 5 , 3 ) ]
catalog <-
catalog ,
directory = gsub( "(.*)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(.*)" , "\\2" , basename( this_year ) ) ,
year = gsub( "(.*)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])(.*)" , "\\2" , basename( this_year ) ) ,
dat_url = grep( "\\.dat$" , this_year_paths , value = TRUE , = TRUE ) ,
sas_url = grep( "input_program\\.sas$" , this_year_paths , value = TRUE , = TRUE ) ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# hardcode 2015 since it doesn't fit the pattern
catalog[ catalog[ , 'year' ] == 2015 , 'dat_url' ] <- ""
catalog$output_filename <- paste0( output_dir , "/" , catalog$year , " main.rds" )
catalog[ grepl( 'district' , catalog[ , 'dat_url' ] ) , 'output_filename' ] <-
gsub( "main" , "district" , catalog[ grepl( 'district' , catalog[ , 'dat_url' ] ) , 'output_filename' ] )
catalog[ grepl( 'a_m' , catalog[ , 'dat_url' ] ) , 'output_filename' ] <-
gsub( "main" , "states a-m" , catalog[ grepl( 'a_m' , catalog[ , 'dat_url' ] ) , 'output_filename' ] )
catalog[ grepl( 'n_z' , catalog[ , 'dat_url' ] ) , 'output_filename' ] <-
gsub( "main" , "states n-z" , catalog[ grepl( 'n_z' , catalog[ , 'dat_url' ] ) , 'output_filename' ] )
lodown_yrbss <-
function( data_name = "yrbss" , catalog , ... ){
on.exit( print( catalog ) )
tf_fn <- tempfile()
tf_sas <- tempfile()
for ( i in seq_len( nrow( catalog ) ) ){
# download the file
cachaca( catalog[ i , "dat_url" ] , tf_fn , mode = 'wb' )
# read those sas importation instructions
# into working memory immediately
sas_text <- tolower( readLines( catalog[ i , "sas_url" ] ) )
# if there's an @1 site $3. out of order,
# re-order the text file so it goes in the front
if( any( sas_text == '@1 site $3.' ) ){
# find the site location
site.location <- which( sas_text == '@1 site $3.' )
# find the start field location
input.location <- which( sas_text == "input" )
# create a vector from 1 to the length of the text file
sas_length <- seq( length( sas_text ) )
# remove the site location
sas_length <- sas_length[ -site.location ]
# re-insert the site location right after input
sas_reorder <- c( sas_length[ seq( input.location ) ] , site.location , sas_length[ seq( input.location + 1 , length( sas_length ) ) ] )
# re-order the sas text file
sas_text <- sas_text[ sas_reorder ]
# older sas import scripts have some
# serious quirks that need to be twerked out.
if ( catalog[ i , "year" ] < 2013 ){
# the R SAScii package cannot handle `$char8.`
# so here's the first half of q4 patch,
# where those lines of the sas importation scripts
# are manually dealt with
sas_text <- gsub( "q4orig $char8." , "q4orig 8.0" , sas_text , fixed = TRUE )
# find all strings that begin with "@"
at.beginners <- which( substr( sas_text , 1 , 1 ) == "@" )
# remove all "" empty strings
no.empty <- lapply( strsplit( sas_text[ at.beginners ] , " " ) , function( z ) z[ z != '' ] )
# take all of the _second_ elements <- lapply( no.empty , "[[" , 2 )
# repeatedly run the previously-constructed `sas.switcharoo` function
# on all of the lines that need lines flipped
for ( in ) sas_text <- sas.switcharoo( sas_text , )
# and here's the second half of q4 patch
# q4orig should be treated as a string, not numeric
sas_text <- gsub( "q4orig" , "q4orig $" , sas_text , fixed = TRUE )
# here's some more code to deal with quirky sas importation instructions:
# if the first column position isn't at one..
first.instruction <- grep( 'input' , SAScii::SAS.uncomment( sas_text , '/*' , '*/') ) + 1
if ( !grepl( " 1-" , sas_text[ first.instruction ] ) ){
# find the first position
dash.position <- gregexpr( "-" , sas_text[ first.instruction ] )[[1]][1]
start.blank <- as.numeric( substr( sas_text[ first.instruction ] , dash.position - 3 , dash.position - 1 ) ) - 1
# add a blank in sas_text
sas_text <-
sas_text[ 1:( first.instruction - 1 ) ] ,
paste0( "blank $ 1-" , start.blank ) ,
sas_text[ first.instruction:length( sas_text ) ]
# adding this `blank` will effectively create a column full of nothing
# in the final data file as read-in by read.SAScii
# ..but that'll get thrown out later
# save the final sas importation script to
# a file on the hard disk (since ?read.SAScii and ?parse.SAScii
# require a file, not something read into working memory)
writeLines( sas_text , tf_sas )
x <- read_SAScii( tf_fn , tf_sas )
# convert all column names to lowercase
names( x ) <- tolower( names( x ) )
# throw out all columns called `blank`
# which we'd added as a band-aid above.
x <- x[ , !( names( x ) %in% 'blank' ) ]
# add a column full of ones
x$one <- 1
catalog[ i , 'case_count' ] <- nrow( x )
# save the current `x` data.frame to the local disk
saveRDS( x , file = catalog[ i , "output_filename" ] , compress = FALSE )
cat( paste0( data_name , " catalog entry " , i , " of " , nrow( catalog ) , " stored at '" , catalog[ i , 'output_filename' ] , "'\r\n\n" ) )
# delete the temporary files
file.remove( tf_fn , tf_sas )
sas.switcharoo <-
function( sas_ri , variable ){
# find the first occurrence of the variable inside the sas importation syntax <- grep( variable , sas_ri )[1]
# extract that single line of code <- sas_ri[ ]
# find the ending position of the variable within the current string
end.position.of.var <- eval( parse( text = gsub( paste( "@(.*)" , variable , "(.*)\\.(.*)" ) , "\\1 + \\2" , ) ) ) - 1
# find the replacement string <- gsub( paste( "@(.*)" , variable , "(.*)\\." ) , paste0( variable , " \\1-" , end.position.of.var , " ." ) , , perl = TRUE )
# replace the old block with the new one
# throughout the sas importation instructions
gsub( , , sas_ri )
# since the result of this `gsub` function
# is the last line of the `sas.switcharoo` function
# the function will return that result.
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