
# part one of eq, linear in n
dwormst1 <- function(n, r, k) {
    r * (1 - n / k)

# part two of eq, funky in n
dwormst2 <- function(n, r, k) {
    n / (1 + n^2)

# all of diff eq
dworms <- function(n, r, k) {
     n * (dwormst1(n, r, k) - dwormst2(n, r, k))

# function to find the stable solution(s)
solworms <- function(r, k) {
    # browser()
    x <- seq(0.01, k, length.out = 1000)
    s <- dwormst1(x, r, k) - dwormst2(x, r, k)
    p <- diff(s < 0)
    solPoints <- which(p != 0)
    solTypes <- p[solPoints]
    roots <- sapply(solPoints, function(i) {
        uniroot(interval = x[c(i - 1, i + 1)], 
                f = function(n) dwormst1(n, r, k) - dwormst2(n, r, k))$root
    return(list(roots = roots, types = solTypes))

# second deriv wrt n
d2worms <- function(n, r, k) {
    t1 <- 1 + n^2
    t2 <- r * (1 - n/k) - n/t1
    t2 - n * (r * (1/k) + (1/t1 - n * (2 * n)/t1^2))

# function to find bifurcation points near `ninit` and `rinit`
bifurworms <- function(rinit, ninit, k) {
    f <- function(p) {
        c(dworms(p[1], p[2], k)^2, d2worms(p[1], p[2], k)^2)
    s <- nleqslv::nleqslv(c(n = ninit, r = rinit), f)

# read in latex-generated eqs
eqworms <- png::readPNG('lecture_01/budworm/worms_eq.png')
eqK <- png::readPNG('lecture_01/budworm/k.png')
eqr <- png::readPNG('lecture_01/budworm/r.png')

# control parameters for computation
npar <- 100
rr <- seq(0.3, 0.7, length.out = npar)
k <- 8

# bifurcation points
bifur1 <- bifurworms(0.46, 3.8, k)
bifur2 <- bifurworms(0.5, 0.67, k)
i1 <- max(which(rr - bifur1[1] < 0))
i2 <- max(which(rr - bifur2[1] < 0))

rr <- c(rr[1:i1], bifur1[1], rr[(i1 + 1):i2], bifur2[1], rr[(i2 + 1):length(rr)])

# object to hold solutions across values of `rr`
nstar <- lapply(rr, function(r) {
    s <- solworms(r, k)
    return(cbind(r, s[[1]], s[[2]]))

nstar <- cbind(, nstar), 3)
nstar[nstar[, 3] == 1, 4] <- kmeans(nstar[nstar[, 3] == 1, 2], 2)$cluster
colnames(nstar) <- c('r', 'n', 'type', 'group')

# add bifurcation points
nstar <- rbind(nstar, c(bifur1, -2, 2), c(bifur2, -3, 1))
nstar <- nstar[order(nstar[, 1]), ]

# make animation go up then down the `rr` values
rr <- c(rr, rev(rr))
nstar <- cbind(nstar, nstar[nrow(nstar):1, ])

# loop over values of `rr` plotting parts 1 and 2, the whole diff eq
# and the bifurcation plot

# function for indexing subfigures
indexExpand <- function(i, j, imax, jmax) {
    paste(paste0(c(rep(0, nchar(as.character(imax)) -
                           nchar(as.character(i))), i),
                 collapse = ''), 
          paste0(c(rep(0, nchar(as.character(jmax)) -
                           nchar(as.character(j))), j),
                 collapse = ''), 
          sep = '-')

# function to add solutions (including bifurcation points) to plots
pnts <- function(x, y, r, types) {
    if(length(x) > 0) {
        symbols(x, y, circles = r, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE, 
                fg = c('black', 'transparent')[(types < -1) + 1], 
                bg = c('black', 'white')[(types <= 0) + 1])
        if(any(types < -1)) {
            if(types[types < -1] == -2) {
                col <- c('white', 'black')
            } else if(types[types < -1] == -3) {
                col <- c('black', 'white')
            plotrix::floating.pie(x[types < -1], y[types < -1], 
                                  radius = r[types < -1], x = c(1, 1), 
                                  startpos = pi/2, col = col)

rscale <- 0.025 # the proportional radius of points
nbifurfig <- 10

# make folder to temporarily hold frames until processed into gif
if(!file.exists('lecture_01/budworm/temp')) system('mkdir lecture_01/budworm/temp')

for(i in 1:length(rr)) {
    # extract this solution
    thisNstar <- nstar[nstar[, 1] == rr[i], , drop = FALSE]
    sol <- thisNstar[, 2:3, drop = FALSE]
    if(any(sol[, 2] < -1)) { # these are the bifurcations
        nfig <- nbifurfig
    } else {
        nfig <- 1
    sol <- list(roots = sol[, 1], types = sol[, 2])
    for(j in 1:nfig) {
        png(paste0('lecture_01/budworm/temp/frame_', indexExpand(i, j, npar, nbifurfig), 
            width = 5.8, height = 4.8, units = 'in', res = 280)
        layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 0, 6, 6, 0), ncol = 2), 
               heights = c(1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3))
        par(oma = c(3, 0.5, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 2.5, 0.1, 2.5), cex.axis = 1.4, 
            mgp = c(2, 0.75, 0), tck = -0.03)
        # disply the diff eq
        plot(1, xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1, xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i', type = 'n', axes = FALSE, 
             xlab = '', ylab = '')
        rasterImage(eqworms, 0, 0.05, 1, 0.7)
        # plot the 2 eq parts
        par(mar = c(0.5, 2.5, 0.5, 2.5))
        curve(dwormst1(x, rr[i], k), from = 0, to = 6.5, col = 'red', 
              xlab = '', ylab = '', ylim = c(0, 0.65), xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', 
              lwd = 2)
        axis(2, at = (0:3) * 2/10, cex.axis = 1.4)
        curve(dwormst2(x, rr[i], k), col = 'blue', add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
        pnts(sol$roots, dwormst1(sol$roots, rr[i], k), 
             r = rep(rscale * diff(par('usr')[1:2]), length(sol$roots)), 
             types = sol$types)
        # plot the whole diff eq
        curve(dworms(x, rr[i], k), from = 0, to = 6.5, xlab = '', ylab = '', 
              ylim = c(-0.5, 0.5), xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', lwd = 2, 
              panel.first = abline(h = 0, col = 'gray'))
        axis(1, at = 2*(0:3))
        axis(2, at = c(-0.4, 0, 0.4), cex.axis = 1.4)
        pnts(sol$roots, dworms(sol$roots, rr[i], k), 
             r = rep(rscale * diff(par('usr')[1:2]), length(sol$roots)), 
             types = sol$types)
        mtext('Population size (n)', side = 1, line = 2.25, cex = 1.1)
        # show the parameter values
        par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0.5))
        plot(1, type = 'n', axes = FALSE, xlim = c(-0.05, 0.64), ylim = 0:1)
        rasterImage(eqK, -0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.4)
        plot(1, xlim = c(0.187, 0.695), ylim = 0:1, axes = FALSE)
        rasterImage(eqr, 0.19 + 0.005, 0.55, 0.235 + 0.005, 0.8)
        axis(1, at = pretty(rr), line = -1.5, tck = -0.2)
        y0 <- par('usr')[3] + 1.5 * par('cin')[2] * par('cex') * par('lheight') * 
            diff(grconvertY(0:1, 'inches', 'user'))
        segments(x0 = min(rr), x1 = max(rr), y0 = y0, lwd = 5, col = 'gray90')
        segments(x0 = min(rr), x1 = rr[i], y0 = y0, lwd = 5, col = 'black')
        points(rr[i], y0, pch = 21, bg = 'gray', cex = 2, lwd = 2)
        # the bifurcation plot
        par(mar = c(0.5, 4.5, 0.5, 0.5))
        plot(nstar[, 1:2], type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', ylim = c(0, 6.5), 
             yaxt = 'n')
        axis(2, at = 2*(0:3))
        mtext('r', side = 1, line = 2.5, cex = 1.1)
        mtext(expression(n^'*'), side = 2, line = 2.5, cex = 1.1)
        if(i <= length(rr) / 2) {
            lines(nstar[nstar[, 1] <= rr[i] & nstar[, 4] == 1, 1:2], lwd = 2)
            lines(nstar[nstar[, 1] <= rr[i] & nstar[, 4] == 3, 1:2], lty = 3, lwd = 2)
            lines(nstar[nstar[, 1] <= rr[i] & nstar[, 4] == 2, 1:2], lwd = 2)
        } else {
            lines(nstar[nstar[, 4] == 1, 1:2], lwd = 2)
            lines(nstar[nstar[, 4] == 3, 1:2], lty = 3, lwd = 2)
            lines(nstar[nstar[, 4] == 2, 1:2], lwd = 2)
        pnts(thisNstar[, 1], thisNstar[, 2],
             r = rep(rscale * diff(par('usr')[1:2]), nrow(thisNstar)),
             types = thisNstar[, 3])

# make gif using ImageMagick and clean up temp files
system('convert lecture_01/budworm/temp/*.png -delay 3 -loop 0 lecture_01/budworm/budworm_dynamics.gif')
system('rm -r -f lecture_01/budworm/temp')
ajrominger/dynamicSid documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1:36 p.m.