
rm(list = ls())


my_cols <- c('#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c')
ids <- read.csv('data-raw/allocation_data/allocation_early_id_2017-02-24.csv')

r1 <- read.csv('data-raw/allocation_data/allocation_early_2017-03-01.csv')
r2 <- read.csv('data-raw/allocation_data/allocation_mid.csv')
r3 <- read.csv('data-raw/allocation_data/allocation_late.csv')
r3_id <- read.csv('data-raw/allocation_data/allocation_late_size.csv')

r1 <- r1 %>% left_join(ids, by = c('round', 'plant_id') )
r3 <- left_join(r3, r3_id, by = c('round', 'species', 'plant_id'))

df <- bind_rows(r1, r2, r3)

df$sample_date <- factor(df$round, labels = c('early', 'mid', 'late'))

df$species <- factor( df$species, labels = c('Agoseris', 'Euphorbia', 'Hemizonia', 'Lasthenia', 'Lotus', 'Navarretia', 'Plantago' , 'Salvia'))

df <- 
  df %>% 
  spread( tissue, weight ) %>% 
  mutate( f = ifelse(, 0, f ),
          s = ifelse(, 0, s), 
          r = ifelse(, 0, r), 
          `tap root` = ifelse(`tap root`), 0, `tap root`), 
          `small root` = ifelse(`small root`), 0, `small root`),           
          r = ifelse( r == 0, `tap root` + `small root`,  r), 
          total_mass = f + l + s + r, 
          AGB = f + l + s, 
          f_frac = f/total_mass, 
          l_frac = l/total_mass, 
          r_frac = r/total_mass, 
          s_frac = s/total_mass, 
          AGBfrac = AGB/total_mass) %>% 
  filter( l_frac > 0 , r_frac > 0 ) 

df1 <- 
  df %>% 
  gather( tissue, fraction, l_frac, r_frac, s_frac, f_frac) %>% 
  mutate( fraction = ifelse(fraction == 0, NA, fraction))

df1$tissue <- factor( df1$tissue , labels = c('flower/fruit', 'leaf', 'root', 'stem'))

p1 <- ggplot( df1, aes( x = total_mass, y = fraction, shape = sample_date, color = tissue, group = tissue) ) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = F,formula =  y ~ log(x)) + 
  facet_wrap(~species) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = my_cols) + 
  ylab('fraction of total biomass')  + 
  theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p2 <- ggplot( df1, aes( x = log(total_mass), y = fraction, shape = sample_date, color = tissue, group = tissue) ) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = F) + 
  ylab('fraction of total biomass') + 
  facet_wrap(~species) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = my_cols) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

df2 <- 
  df %>% 
  mutate( `leaf to root ratio` = l/r)

p3 <- ggplot( df2, aes( x = log(total_mass), y = `leaf to root ratio`, color = sample_date, group = sample_date) ) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = F) + 
  facet_wrap(~species) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = my_cols) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

models <- df1 %>% group_by(species, round) %>% do( slope = coefficients(lm(data = . , formula = AGB ~ - 1 + total_mass)))
names( models$slope) <- paste(models$species, models$round)

cbind( models$slope )

m1 <- lm(data = df1, AGB ~ - 1 + total_mass)


ggplot(df1, aes( x = total_mass, y = AGB, group = round, color = factor(round))) + 
  geom_point() + 
  facet_wrap(~species, scales = 'free') + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + 
  geom_smooth(se = F, formula = 'y ~ - 1 +   x ', method = 'lm') + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = 2) 


df %>% head
pca1 <- princomp( df[ , c('r_frac', 's_frac', 'l_frac', 'f_frac')])

s_model <- lm( s_frac ~ log(total_mass)*species, df  )

f_model <- lm( f_frac ~ log(total_mass)*species, df  )

l_model <- lm( l_frac ~ log(total_mass)*species, df  )

AGBfrac_model <- lm(AGBfrac ~ log(total_mass)*species, df )

# round 1 pca 
x <- df %>% filter(round == 1) %>% select(species,  r_frac, l_frac, s_frac, f_frac) 
pca1 <- princomp( x[, 2:4])
biplot(pca1, xlabs = x$species)

pca <- data.frame( pca1$scores[, 1:2], species = x$species)
pca <- pca %>% group_by( species) %>% mutate( center1 = mean(Comp.1), center2 = mean(Comp.2))

loadings <- pca1$loadings , nrow = 4, ncol = 4)) %>%
  mutate(frac = c('r_frac', 'l_frac', 's_frac', 'f_frac')  ) %>% 
  mutate( origin = 0 ) %>% 
  select( frac, V1, V2, origin)  %>% 
  mutate( V1 = V1*pca1$sdev[1], V2 = V2*pca1$sdev[2])

g1 <- ggplot( pca , aes( x = Comp.1, y = Comp.2, label = str_sub( species, 1,2))) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_label(data = pca %>% distinct(species, center1, center2), aes( x = center1, y = center2), color ='red') + 
  geom_segment( data = loadings, aes(x = origin, y = origin, xend = V1, yend = V2, label = frac), arrow = ) + 
  geom_text(data = loadings, aes(x = V1, y = V2, label = frac ))

# round 2 pca 
x <- df %>% filter(round == 2) %>% select(species,  r_frac, l_frac, s_frac, f_frac) 
pca1 <- princomp( x[, 2:5])
biplot(pca1, xlabs = x$species)

pca <- data.frame( pca1$scores[, 1:2], species = x$species)
pca <- pca %>% group_by( species) %>% mutate( center1 = mean(Comp.1), center2 = mean(Comp.2))

loadings <- pca1$loadings , nrow = 4, ncol = 4)) %>%
  mutate(frac = c('r_frac', 'l_frac', 's_frac', 'f_frac')  ) %>% 
  mutate( origin = 0 ) %>% 
  select( frac, V1, V2, origin)  %>% 
  mutate( V1 = V1*pca1$sdev[1], V2 = V2*pca1$sdev[2])

g2 <- ggplot( pca , aes( x = Comp.1, y = Comp.2, label = str_sub( species, 1,2))) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_label(data = pca %>% distinct(species, center1, center2), aes( x = center1, y = center2), color ='red') + 
  geom_segment( data = loadings, aes(x = origin, y = origin, xend = V1, yend = V2, label = frac), arrow = ) + 
  geom_text(data = loadings, aes(x = V1, y = V2, label = frac ))

# round 3 pca 
x <- df %>% filter(round == 3) %>% select(species,  r_frac, l_frac, s_frac, f_frac) 
pca1 <- princomp( x[, 2:5])
biplot(pca1, xlabs = x$species)

pca <- data.frame( pca1$scores[, 1:2], species = x$species)
pca <- pca %>% group_by( species) %>% mutate( center1 = mean(Comp.1), center2 = mean(Comp.2))

loadings <- pca1$loadings , nrow = 4, ncol = 4)) %>%
  mutate(frac = c('r_frac', 'l_frac', 's_frac', 'f_frac')  ) %>% 
  mutate( origin = 0 ) %>% 
  select( frac, V1, V2, origin)  %>% 
  mutate( V1 = V1*pca1$sdev[1], V2 = V2*pca1$sdev[2])

g3 <- ggplot( pca , aes( x = Comp.1, y = Comp.2, label = str_sub( species, 1,2))) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_label(data = pca %>% distinct(species, center1, center2), aes( x = center1, y = center2), color ='red') + 
  geom_segment( data = loadings, aes(x = origin, y = origin, xend = V1, yend = V2, label = frac), arrow = ) + 
  geom_text(data = loadings, aes(x = V1, y = V2, label = frac ))

ggsave(g1, filename = '~/Desktop/allocation_pca1.png')
ggsave(g2, filename = '~/Desktop/allocation_pca2.png')
ggsave(g3, filename = '~/Desktop/allocation_pca3.png')

print( pca )
pdf( file = '~/Desktop/allocation.pdf' )
akleinhesselink/sedgwicktraits documentation built on July 1, 2020, 4:47 p.m.