
#' @export
Wrangler <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = 'Wrangler',
  public = list(
    acct_store = NULL,
    write_fail_csv = TRUE,
    initialize = function(
      acct_store = NULL,
      write_fail_csv = TRUE,
      init_wrangle = TRUE) {

      if (is.null(acct_store)) {
        acct_store <- AcctStore$new()
      self$acct_store <- acct_store
      self$write_fail_csv <- write_fail_csv
      if (init_wrangle) {

    addFoMgp = function() {
      # add front office MGP
      balance_sheet <- self$acct_store$balance_sheet
      port_code <- self$acct_store$port_code_dict %>%
        select(`Portfolio Code`, `FO MGP`)
      balance_sheet <- balance_sheet %>%
        left_join(port_code, by = 'Portfolio Code')
      self$acct_store$balance_sheet <- balance_sheet
      if (self$write_fail_csv) {
        port_code_in_dict <- balance_sheet$`Portfolio Code` %in% port_code$`Portfolio Code`
          x = balance_sheet[!port_code_in_dict, ],
          file = paste0(
            format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d-%h-%m-%s'),

    addCmeClass = function() {
      # add front office CME Index, exposure scaler, and asset classification
      balance_sheet <- self$acct_store$balance_sheet
      ticker_dict <- self$acct_store$ticker_dict %>%
        select(Ticker, `CME ID`, `Scale Exposure`)
      balance_sheet <- balance_sheet %>%
        rename(`Advent Asset Class` = `Asset Class`) %>%
        left_join(ticker_dict, by = 'Ticker') %>%
        left_join(self$acct_store$asset_class, by = 'CME ID')
      self$acct_store$balance_sheet <- balance_sheet
      if (self$write_fail_csv) {
        ticker_in_dict <- balance_sheet$Ticker %in% ticker_dict$Ticker
          x = balance_sheet[!ticker_in_dict, ],
          file = paste0(
            format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d-%h-%m-%s'),

    addExposureValue = function() {
      # add exposure value = scale expsoure * market value
      if (!'Scale Exposure' %in% colnames(self$acct_store$balance_sheet)) {
        warning('Scale Expsoure not found. Running addCmeClass.')
      self$acct_store$balance_sheet <-
        self$acct_store$balance_sheet %>%
        tidyr::replace_na(list(`Scale Exposure` = 1)) %>%
        mutate(`Exposure Value` = `Market Value` * `Scale Exposure`)

    admiAdjust = function() {
      # adjusts admi synthetic offset for p/l
      if (!'Exposure Value' %in% colnames(self$acct_store$balance_sheet)) {
        warning('Exposure Value not found. Running addExposureValue.')
      # search for admi accounts in Portfolio Name 3 by 'ADMI'
      admi <- self$acct_store$balance_sheet %>%
        slice(grep('ADMI', `Portfolio Name 3`, ignore.case = TRUE))
      print('ADMI Accounts Found:')
      print(admi[, 'Portfolio Name 3'] %>% unique())
      acct_vec <- admi$`Portfolio Name 3` %>% unique()
      # loop through each admi account and adjust leverage for p/l
      for (i_acct in 1:length(acct_vec)) {
        i_admi <- admi %>% filter(`Portfolio Name 3` == acct_vec[i_acct])
        i_admi_cash <- i_admi %>% filter(`CME ID` == 'CASH / (MARGIN)') %>%
          .$`Market Value` %>%
          sum(na.rm = TRUE)
        # find synthetic offset, use value in p/l calc and replace
        # exposure value with market value adjusted for p/l
        is_synth <- i_admi$`CME ID` == 'SYNTHETIC OFFSET'
        is_synth[is.na(is_synth)] <- FALSE
        synth <- i_admi$`Market Value`[is_synth] %>%
          sum(na.rm = TRUE)
        # find currency hedge, use value in p/l calc and replace exposure
        # value to 0
        is_ch <- i_admi$`CME ID` == 'CURRENCY HEDGE'
        is_ch[is.na(is_ch)] <- FALSE
        ch <- i_admi$`Market Value`[is_ch] %>%
          sum(na.rm = TRUE)
        i_admi[is_ch, 'Exposure Value'] <- 0
        i_pnl <- i_admi$`Market Value` %>% sum(na.rm = TRUE) - i_admi_cash
        admi_lev <- i_pnl + synth + ch
        i_admi[is_synth, 'Exposure Value'] <- admi_lev
        # put adjusted admi values back into balance_sheet
        replace_admi <- self$acct_store$balance_sheet$`Unique ID` %in%
          i_admi$`Unique ID`
        self$acct_store$balance_sheet[replace_admi, ] <- i_admi

    getFrontier = function(mgp_name) {
      # return frontier for given mgp_name
      front_name <- self$acct_store$mgp_dict %>%
        filter(MGP == mgp_name) %>%
        .$`Frontier File`
      if (length(front_name) == 0) {
        stop(paste0(mgp_name, ' not found in mgp to frontier dictionary'))
      if (length(front_name) > 1) {
        stop(paste0('multiple matches of ', mgp_name, ' found in mgp to
                    frontier dictionary'))
      if (!file.exists(front_name)) {
        stop(paste0(front_name, ' not found'))
      front <- readxl::read_excel(front_name) %>%
        mutate(`CME ID` = standardCmeId(`CME ID`))
      colnames(front) <- tolower(colnames(front))

    getClient = function(mgp_name, calc_weight = TRUE) {
      # get balance sheet for given mgp_name
      # calc_weight = boolean to calculate capital weight based on given
      # subset
      client <- self$acct_store$balance_sheet %>%
        filter(`FO MGP` == mgp_name)
      if (calc_weight) {
        client <- client %>%
          mutate(`Exposure Weight` = `Exposure Value` /
                   sum(`Exposure Value`, na.rm = TRUE))

    mergeClientFrontier = function(mgp_name, vol_target) {
      # merge client cme index weights and frontier
      # vol_target = d4, d3, d2, d1, mgp, u1, u2, u3, or u4
      vol_target <- self$checkVolTarget(vol_target)
      client <- self$getClient(mgp_name)
      front <- self$getFrontier(mgp_name) %>%
        select(`cme id`, !! vol_target, mgp)
      colnames(front) <- c('CME ID', 'Tactical', 'MGP')
      client <- client %>%
        group_by(`CME ID`) %>%
        summarize_at(c('Exposure Value', 'Exposure Weight'), sum) %>%
        full_join(front, by = 'CME ID') %>%
        left_join(self$acct_store$asset_class, by = 'CME ID') %>%
        arrange(`Sub-Asset Class`)
      client <- self$handleSynth(client)
      # format data frame and add a total row
      total_row <- tibble(
        `Asset Class` = '',
        `Sub-Asset Class` = 'Total',
        `Exposure Value` = formatC(
          sum(client$`Exposure Value`, na.rm = TRUE),
          digits = 0,
          big.mark = ',',
          format = 'f'
        `Exposure Weight` = fPercent(
          sum(client$`Exposure Weight`, na.rm = TRUE)
        Tactical = fPercent(sum(client$Tactical, na.rm = TRUE)),
        MGP = fPercent(sum(client$`MGP`, na.rm = TRUE))
      client_fmt <- client %>%
        replace(is.na(.), 0) %>%
          `Exposure Value` = formatC(
            `Exposure Value`,
            digits = 0,
            big.mark = ',',
            format = 'f'
          `Exposure Weight` = fPercent(`Exposure Weight`),
          `Tactical` = fPercent(`Tactical`),
          MGP = fPercent(MGP)
        ) %>%
        select(`Asset Class`, `Sub-Asset Class`,
               `Exposure Value`, `Exposure Weight`, Tactical, MGP) %>%
      # return numeric and formated data frames
      res <- list()
      res$client <- client
      res$client_fmt <- client_fmt

    handleSynth = function(client) {
      is_synth <- client$`CME ID` == 'SYNTHETIC OFFSET'
      is_synth[is.na(is_synth)] <- FALSE
      if (sum(is_synth) == 0) {
      is_cash <- client$`CME ID` == 'CASH / (MARGIN)'
      is_cash[is.na(is_cash)] <- FALSE
      key_col <- c(
        'Exposure Value',
        'Exposure Weight',
      for(i_col in 1:length(key_col)) {
        client[is.na(client[, key_col[i_col]]), key_col[i_col]] <- 0
      client[is_cash, key_col] <- client[is_cash, key_col] +
        client[is_synth, key_col]
      client <- client[!is_synth, ]

    checkVolTarget = function(vol_target) {
      vol_target <- tolower(vol_target)
      if (!vol_target %in% c(paste0('d', 1:4), paste0('u', 1:4), 'mgp')) {
        stop('vol_target not properly specified, must be one of: d4, d3, d2, d1,
             mgp, u1, u2, u3, or u4.')

alejandro-sotolongo/InvTools documentation built on Nov. 1, 2019, 9:08 p.m.