

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
  app_values <- reactiveValues(models = NULL)
  selected <- reactiveValues(model = NULL, param_sample = NULL, density = NULL)
  commands <- reactiveValues(Rcode = NULL)
    models <- names(app_values$models)
    updateSelectInput(session, "Model", choices = models,
                      selected = tail(models,1))
  observeEvent(input$Model, {
    selected$model <- app_values$models[[input$Model]]
  # update axes ui components
  output$AxisRanges <- renderUI({
    if ( is.null(selected$model) )
      return( NULL )
    is_bivariate <- grepl("bivariate",selected$model$dim)
      dens_axis <- c("y1","y2")
    } else {
      dens_axis <- c("y1")
    lapply(dens_axis, function(axs){
      id_min <- paste0("AxisMin",axs)
      id_max <- paste0("AxisMax",axs)
      list(numericInput(id_min, label = paste0(axs, " Min"), value = NULL),
           numericInput(id_max, label = paste0(axs, " Max"), value = NULL))
  output$Slider <- renderUI({
    if ( is.null(selected$model) )
      return( NULL )
    variables <- selected$model$varyingCovariates
    lapply(variables, function(v) { # index slider
      numericInput(v, v, NULL)
  output$CovariatesToFix <- renderUI({
    variablesToFix <- setdiff(Variables, input$CovaritesAsVarying)
    lapply(variablesToFix, function(v){
      numericInput(paste0(v,"fixed"), v, NULL)
  observeEvent(selected$model$variables, {
    updateSelectizeInput(session, 'CovariateVarying', 
                         choices = selected$model$variables)
  volumes <- c(root = "~")
  shinyDirChoose(input, 'Folder', roots = volumes, session = session)
  shinyFileChoose(input, 'Program', roots = volumes, session = session)
  Path <- NULL
  Output <- NULL
  Variables <- NULL
  Dimension <- NULL
  observeEvent(input$Folder, {
      withProgress(message = "BayesX fitting", value = 0, {
        Path <<- parseDirPath(volumes, input$Folder)
        Output <<- BayesXShinyApp:::bayesXOutput.character(Path)
        Dimension <<- BayesXShinyApp:::distribution.bayesXOutput(Output)$class
        Variables <<- BayesXShinyApp:::variables(Output)
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "CovaritesAsVarying", choices = Variables)
        # choose which variables should varying and which should be fixed
        toggleModal(session, "SpecifyCovariates", "open")
    warning = function(w) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Warning", content = w$message)
    error = function(e) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Error", content = e$message)
  observeEvent(input$Program, {
      withProgress(message = "BayesX fitting", value = 0, {
        Path <<- parseFilePaths(volumes, input$Program)
        result <- BayesXShinyApp:::bayesX( as.character(Path$datapath) )
        Output <<- BayesXShinyApp:::bayesXOutput.bayesXResult(result)
        Dimension <<- BayesXShinyApp:::distribution.bayesXOutput(Output)$class
        Variables <<- BayesXShinyApp:::variables(Output)
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "CovaritesAsVarying", choices = Variables)
        # choose which variables should varying and which should be fixed
        toggleModal(session, "SpecifyCovariates", "open")
    warning = function(w) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Warning", content = w$message)
    error = function(e) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Error", content = e$message)
  observeEvent(input$SaveModel, {
    fixedGrid <- as.list(unlist(lapply(names(input),function(name) {
      if(grepl("fixed",name) & ![[name]][1]))
        structure(input[[name]],names = gsub("fixed","",name))
    fixedCovariates <- names(fixedGrid)
    app_values$models <- append(app_values$models,
                                  output = Output,
                                  variables = Variables,
                                  fixedCovariates = fixedCovariates,
                                  varyingCovariates = setdiff(Variables,fixedCovariates),
                                  fixedGrid = fixedGrid,
                                  dim = Dimension
                                names = as.character(Path[[1]])))
    toggleModal(session, "SpecifyCovariates", "close")
    if( is.null(selected$model) )
      return( NULL )
    vCovariates <- selected$model$varyingCovariates
    vGrid <- sapply(vCovariates, function(v) input[[v]])
    if ( any(sapply(vGrid,is.null)) || any(sapply(vGrid, )
      return( NULL )
    grid <- append(selected$model$fixedGrid, as.list(vGrid))
    withProgress(message = "calculating parameters", value = 0, {
      selected$param_sample <<- BayesXShinyApp:::parameters.bayesXOutput(selected$model$output,grid)
    # save command to commands$Rcode
    rcode <- list()
    rcode$grid <- sprintf("grid = list(%s)", paste(names(grid), grid, collapse = ",", sep = "="))
    rcode$param <- "param = BayesXShinyApp:::parameters.bayesXOutput(output, grid)"
    isolate(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]] <- append(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]], 
    if(is.null(selected$param_sample) || any($param_sample,"X"))))
    AxisInputs <- names(input)[grepl("Axis",names(input))]
    ranges <- structure(lapply(AxisInputs, function(axs) input[[axs]]),
                        names = AxisInputs)
    variable <- gsub(pattern = ".{7}(y\\d)", "\\1", AxisInputs)
    sequences <- tapply(AxisInputs, variable, function(axisRange){
      max <- grepl("Max", axisRange)
      seq.default(from = ranges[[axisRange[!max]]], 
                  to = ranges[[axisRange[max]]],
                  length.out = 100)
    if(length(sequences) == 1){
      grid <- unlist(sequences)
    } else {
      grid <- expand.grid(sequences)
      withProgress(message = "calculating density", value = 0, {
        selected$density <<- BayesXShinyApp:::density.parameters(selected$param_sample, 
                                                                 x = grid)
      # save command to commands$Rcode
      y <- unique(variable)
      seq_r_code <- sprintf("%s = c(%s)", y, paste(grid, collapse = ","))
      if(length(y) == 1){
        grid_r_code <- sprintf("grid = %s", y) 
      } else {
        grid_r_code <- sprintf("grid = expand.grid(%s)", paste(y, collapse = ",")) 
      dens_r_code <- "dens = BayesXShinyApp:::density.parameters(param, x = grid)"
      plot_r_code <- "plot(dens)"
      r_code <- paste(seq_r_code, grid_r_code, dens_r_code, plot_r_code, sep = "\n")
      isolate(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]] <- append(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]], 
    warning = function(w) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Warning", content = w$message)
    error = function(e) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Error", content = e$message)
  output$Density <- renderPlot({
    if( is.null(selected$density) )
      return( NULL )
  output$Densities <- renderPlot({
    # make dependency on Matplot Button
    dens <- isolate(selected$density)
    if( is.null(dens) )
      return( NULL )
      # save commands if successfull
      r_code <- "matplot(dens)"
      isolate(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]] <- append(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]], 
    warning = function(w) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Warning", content = w$message)
    error = function(e) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Error", content = e$message)
  output$MomentPlot <- renderPlot({
    input$Plot # make dependency on 'Plot' Button
    if( input$Plot == 0 )
      return( NULL )
        moment_fun <- input$Moment
        varying <- input$CovariateVarying
        range <- eval(parse(text = input$Range))
        fixed <- setdiff(selected$model$varyingCovariates,varying)
        fixed_value <- as.list(sapply(fixed,function(v) input[[v]]))
        covariates <- append(fixed_value,
                             structure(list(range), names = varying))
        # extend grid if there are model based fixed Covariates!
        if(length(selected$model$fixedGrid) > 0)
          covariates <- append(covariates, selected$model$fixedGrid)
        # remove duplicates because 'varying covariate' in moment can be any
        # covariate, so by appending above, the grid may contain duplicates in
        # grid, one specified by varying moment, and one as fixed Covariate in 
        # model. Remove those, so we have clean grid
        grid <- expand.grid(covariates[!duplicated(names(covariates))])
        withProgress(message = "calculating parameters", value = 0, {
          params <- BayesXShinyApp:::parameters.bayesXOutput(selected$model$output,grid)
        lines_r_code <- sprintf("lines(%s(params))", moment_fun)
        eval(parse(text = lines_r_code))
        # save command to commands$Rcode
        if( dim(grid)[2] == 1 ){
          grid_r_code <- sprintf("grid = c(%s)", paste(grid, collapse = ","))
        } else {
          grid_r_code <- sprintf("grid = list(%s)", paste(names(grid), grid,
                                                          sep = "=", collapse = ","))
        param_r_code <- "params = BayesXShinyApp:::parameters.bayesXOutput(output, grid)"
        r_code <- paste(grid_r_code, param_r_code, lines_r_code, sep = "\n")
        commands$Rcode[[input$Model]] <- append(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]],
    warning = function(w) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Warning", content = w$message)
    error = function(e) {
      createAlert(session, "Dialog", title = "Error", content = e$message)
  output$GetRCode <- downloadHandler(
    # This function returns a string which tells the client
    # browser what name to use when saving the file.
    filename = function() {
      sprintf("%s_%s.R", Sys.Date(), input$Model)
    # This function should write data to a file given to it by
    # the argument 'file'.
    content = function(file) {
      # Write script to a file specified by the 'file' argument
      script <- create_RScript(Rcode = paste(commands$Rcode[[input$Model]], 
                                             collapse = "\n"), 
                               prg_path = input$Model)
      writeLines(script, file)
aleksandar-spasojevic/BayesXShinyApp documentation built on May 11, 2019, 11:24 p.m.