
Defines functions tamaan

Documented in tamaan

## File Name: tamaan.R
## File Version: 9.219

#--- tamaan function
tamaan <- function( tammodel, resp, tam.method=NULL,
                control=list(), doparse=TRUE, ... )
    #*** process syntax with tamaanify
    cl <- match.call()
    cl1 <- paste(cl)
    incr.fac <- FALSE
    if ( length( grep("increment.factor", cl1 ) ) > 0 ){
        incr.fac <- TRUE

    s0 <- Sys.time()
    res0 <- tamaanify( tammodel=tammodel, resp=resp, tam.method=tam.method,
                doparse=doparse )
    anal.list <- res0$ANALYSIS.list
    type <- anal.list$type
    resp <- res0$resp

    #---- attach control elements
    e1 <- environment()
    con <- list( nodes=seq(-6,6,len=21), snodes=0, QMC=TRUE,
                    convD=.001,conv=.0001, convM=.0001, Msteps=4,
                    maxiter=1000, max.increment=1,
                    min.variance=.001, progress=TRUE, ridge=0,
                    seed=NULL, xsi.start0=FALSE, increment.factor=1, fac.oldxsi=0)
    if ( anal.list$type %in% c("LCA","OLCA") ){
        con$increment.factor <- 1.01
    if ( anal.list$type %in% c("TRAIT") ){
        con$increment.factor <- 1.01
    if ( anal.list$type %in% c("MIXTURE") ){
        con$increment.factor <- 1.04
    if ( anal.list$type %in% c("LOCLCA") ){
        con$increment.factor <- 1.01
    if ( incr.fac ){
        con$increment.factor <- control$increment.factor

    con[ names(control) ] <- control
    Lcon <- length(con)
    con1a <- con1 <- con
    names(con1) <- NULL
    for (cc in 1:Lcon ){
        assign( names(con)[cc], con1[[cc]], envir=e1 )

    #--- tam.mml
    if ( res0$method=="tam.mml" ){
        res <- tam.mml( resp=res0$resp, A=res0$A, xsi.fixed=res0$xsi.fixed,
                    Q=res0$Q, variance.fixed=res0$variance.fixed,
                    control=con, ... )
        res$tamaan.method <- "tam.mml"

    #--- tam.mml.2pl
    if ( res0$method=="tam.mml.2pl" ){
        res <- tam.mml.2pl( resp=res0$resp, A=res0$A, xsi.fixed=res0$xsi.fixed,
                    Q=res0$Q, variance.fixed=res0$variance.fixed,
                    B.fixed=res0$B.fixed, est.variance=res0$est.variance,
                    control=con, ... )
        res$tamaan.method <- "tam.mml.2pl"

    #--- 3PL: latent class analysis
    if ( ( res0$method=="tam.mml.3pl" ) & ( anal.list$type=="LCA" ) ){
        res <- tamaan.3pl.lca( res0=res0, anal.list=anal.list, con=con, ... )

    #--- 3PL: ordered latent class analysis
    if ( ( res0$method=="tam.mml.3pl" ) & ( anal.list$type=="OLCA" ) ){
        res <- tamaan.3pl.olca( res0=res0, anal.list=anal.list, con=con, ... )

    #--- 3PL: trait model
    if ( ( res0$method=="tam.mml.3pl" ) & ( anal.list$type=="TRAIT" ) ){
        res <- tamaan.3pl.trait( res0=res0, anal.list=anal.list, con=con, ... )

    #--- 3PL: located latent class analysis
    if ( ( res0$method=="tam.mml.3pl" ) & ( anal.list$type=="LOCLCA" ) ){
        res <- tamaan.3pl.loclca( res0=res0, anal.list=anal.list, con=con, ... )

    #--- 3PL: mixture distribution models
    if ( ( res0$method=="tam.mml.3pl" ) & ( anal.list$type=="MIXTURE" ) ){
        res <- tamaan.3pl.mixture( res0=res0, anal.list=anal.list, con=con, ... )

    s1 <- Sys.time()
    time1 <- c( s0, s1)
    res$time <- time1

    # add tamaanify object to output
    res0$resp <- NULL
    res$tamaanify <- res0
    res$type <- type
    res$anal.list <- anal.list
    class(res) <- "tamaan"
    res$CALL <- cl
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.