
Defines functions datalist2mids

Documented in datalist2mids

## File Name: datalist2mids.R
## File Version: 0.434

datalist2mids <- function( dat.list, progress=FALSE )
    CALL <- match.call()
    #--- preliminary check whether dat.list of type imputationList
    if ( inherits(dat.list, "imputationList" ) ){
        dat.list <- dat.list$imputations

    M <- length(dat.list)
    if (M==1){
        dat0 <- dat.list[[1]]
        dat0[,'__dummy'] <- 1
        dat0[1,'__dummy'] <- NA
        dat.list <- list( dat0, dat0 )
        M <- 2
    datl1 <- dat.list[[1]]
    datl1 <- as.data.frame(datl1)
    datl2 <- matrix( NA, nrow=nrow(datl1), ncol=ncol(datl1) )
    colnames(datl2) <- colnames(datl1)
    VV <- ncol(datl1)
    for ( vv in 1L:VV){
        datl2[, vv] <- as.vector( datl1[,vv] )
    datl1 <- as.data.frame(datl2)
    cM <- colMeans( is.na( datl1)  )
    # extract cells with original missing entries
    impvars <- which( cM==0 )
    r1 <- 1 * is.na( datl1 )

    # more than one dataset=> typical imputation
    if (M > 1){
        if (progress){
            cat('Analyze missing pattern\n-')
        for (ii in 2:M){
            datl2 <- dat.list[[ii]]
            r1[, impvars] <- r1[,impvars] + 1*( datl2[,impvars] !=datl1[,impvars ] )
            datl1 <- datl2
            if (progress){
    if (progress){
    r1[ r1>0 ] <- 1
    dat0 <- datl1
    dat0[ r1==1 ] <- NA
    imp0 <- mice::mice( dat0, maxit=0, allow.na=TRUE)
    iM <- imp0$method
    elimvars <- names(cM)[ cM > 0 ]
    pM <- imp0$predictorMatrix
    if ( length(elimvars) > 0 ){
        iM[ elimvars ] <- ''
        pM[  elimvars, ] <- 0
        pM[, elimvars ] <- 0
    #- init mice output object
    imp1 <- mice::mice( dat0, maxit=0, method=iM, predictorMatrix=pM,
                    m=M, allow.na=TRUE)
    # fill in missing in mids object
    IMP <- imp1$imp
    if (progress){
        cat('Create mids object\n')
    for (ii in 1L:M){
        dat.ii <- dat.list[[ii]]
        for ( vv1 in seq( 1, length(impvars) ) ){
            vv <- names(impvars)[vv1]
            l1 <- dat.ii[r1[,vv]==1,vv]
            if ( length(l1) > 0 ){
                IMP[[vv]][ii] <- l1
        if (progress){
    if (progress){
    imp1$imp <- IMP
    iM[ imp1$nmis==0 ] <- ''
    iM[ imp1$nmis > 0 ] <- 'imputed'
    imp1$method <- iM
    if ( is.numeric(imp1$visitSequence)){
        imp1$visitSequence <- -99 + 0*imp1$visitSequence
    } else {
        imp1$visitSequence <- rep('', length(imp1$visitSequence) )
    # predictor matrix
    imp1$predictorMatrix <- -99 + 0*imp1$predictorMatrix
    imp1$predictorMatrix[ iM=='', ] <- 0
    imp1$call <- CALL

datlist2mids <- datalist2mids
alexanderrobitzsch/miceadds documentation built on June 2, 2024, 10:10 a.m.