
Defines functions plausible.value.imputation

## File Name: plausible.value.imputation.R
## File Version: 0.174

plausible.value.imputation <- function( data, X, Z=NULL, beta0=rep(0,ncol(X)), sig0=1,
            b=b,  a=rep(1, length(b) ), c=rep(0, length(b) ),
            theta.list=seq(-5,5,len=50), cluster=NULL,
            iter, burnin, nplausible=1, printprogress=TRUE )
    # indexes for PV estimation
    dfrout <- data.frame( item=colnames(data), b=b, a=a, c=c )
    cat('\nIRT Plausible Value Imputation 3 PL with item parameters\n')
    pv.indexes <- sort( unique( round( sort( seq( iter, burnin +1, len=nplausible ) ) )))
    coefs <- matrix( 0, nrow=iter, ncol=ncol(X) + ( ! is.null(cluster) ) )
    pvdraws <- matrix( 0, nrow=length(pv.indexes), ncol=nrow(data) )
    # matrices
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    if ( is.null(Z) ){
        Z <- matrix( 1, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=1)

    for (ii in 1L:iter){
        # draw plausible values
        if ( ii==1 ){ X1 <- X }
        pv1 <- plausible.value.draw( data=data, X=X1, beta0=beta0, sig0=sig0,
                b=b, a=a, c=c, theta.list=theta.list, pvdraw=1 )
        # calculate adjusted group mean in case of clustering
        if ( !  is.null( cluster ) ){
            X2 <- adj_groupmean( variable=pv1$plausible.value[,1], cluster=cluster)
            X1 <- cbind( X, X2)
        } else {
            X1 <- X
        # sample latent regression model / draw regression parameters
        s2 <- latent_regression_em_sampling( pv=pv1$plausible.value[,1],
                                    X=X1, Z=as.matrix(Z) )
        beta0 <- s2$samp.beta   # sampling of regression coefficients
        sig0 <- s2$fitted.sigma
        coefs[ii,] <- beta0
        if( ii %in% pv.indexes  ){
            pvdraws[ which( pv.indexes==ii), ] <- pv1$plausible.value[,1]
        if ( printprogress ){
            if (ii==1){ cat('\n Iteration ') }
            cat(paste(ii, '.',sep=''))
            if ( ( ii %% 10==0 ) | ( ii==iter ) ){ cat('\n     ') }
    coefs <- coefs[ seq( burnin+1, iter ), ]
    res <- list( coefs=coefs, pvdraws=t(pvdraws), pv.indexes=pv.indexes )
alexanderrobitzsch/miceadds documentation built on June 2, 2024, 10:10 a.m.