
# The texreg package was written by Philip Leifeld.
# Please use the forum at http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/texreg/ 
# for bug reports, help or feature requests.

# function which reformats a coefficient with two decimal places
coeftostring <- function(x, lead.zero = FALSE, digits = 2) {
  if (!is.finite(x)) {
  if (digits < 0) {
    stop("The number of digits must be 0 or higher.")
  y <- format(round(x, digits), nsmall = digits, scientific = FALSE)
  #if (grepl("\\.0+$", y) == TRUE) {  # very small number
  #  y <- format(x, nsmall = digits, scientific = TRUE)
  #} else 
  if (lead.zero == FALSE && (grepl("^0", y) == TRUE ||  # leading zero
      grepl("^-0", y) == TRUE)) {
    y <- gsub("0\\.", "\\.", y)

# function which conflates a matrix with duplicate row names
rearrangeMatrix <- function(m) {
  # The following code block rearranges a matrix with duplicate row names such 
  # that these rows are conflated where possible. First, an empty matrix q with
  # the same width is created. The rows will be copied iteratively into this 
  # matrix. Second, we go through the unique row names, and for each row name 
  # we create a small virtual matrix in which the values will be nicely 
  # rearranged. After rearranging the values, this small matrix is rbinded to 
  # the q matrix. Rearranging works in the following way (the inner loop): for 
  # every column, we create a vector of all values corresponding to the specific
  # row name (as specified by the outer loop). We retain only non-NA values 
  # because irrelevant information should be removed from the coefficients 
  # table. Then we put the first non-NA value in the first vertical slot of the 
  # virtual matrix, the second non-NA value of the same row name in the second 
  # slot, etc., and we create additional rows in the virtual matrix as needed.
  # By doing this, we ensure that no space in the matrix is wasted with NA 
  # values. When going to the next column, we place the non-NA values in the 
  # correct slot again, and we only create new rows if needed. The virtual rows 
  # are finally rbinded to the large replacement matrix q.
  unique.names <- unique(rownames(m))              #unique row names in m
  num.unique <- length(unique.names)               #count these unique names
  orig.width <- length(m[1, ])                     #number of columns in m
  q <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = orig.width)         #new matrix with same width
  for (i in 1:num.unique) {                        #go through unique row names
    rows <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = orig.width)#create matrix where re-
                                                   #arranged rows will be stored
    for (j in 1:orig.width) {                      #go through columns in m
      current.name <- unique.names[i]              #save row name
      nonNa <- m[rownames(m) == current.name, j]   #create a vector of values
                                                   #with same rowname in the col
      nonNa <- nonNa[!is.na(nonNa)]                #retain only non-NA values
      for (k in 1:length(nonNa)) {                 #go through non-NA values
        if (k > dim(rows)[1]) {                    #add an NA-only row in which
          rows <- rbind(rows, rep(NA, orig.width)) #the values are stored
          rownames(rows)[k] <- unique.names[i]     #also add the row name
        rows[k, j] <- nonNa[k]                     #actually store the value
    q <- rbind(q, rows)                            #add the new row(s) to q

# function which wraps models in a list and extracts texreg objects from them
get.data <- function(l, ...) {

  # if a single model is handed over, put model inside a list
  if (!"list" %in% class(l)) {
    l <- list(l)

  # extract data from the models
  models <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(l)) {
    model <- l[[i]]#extract(l[[i]], ...)
    if (class(model) == "list") {       #nested list of models (e.g. systemfit)
      models <- append(models, model)
    } else {                            #normal case; one model
      models <- append(models, list(model))

# function which extracts names of the goodness-of-fit statistics
get.gof <- function(models) {
  gof.names <- character()  #names of all models in one vector
  for (i in 1:length(models)) {
    gn <- models[[i]]@gof.names
    if (!is.null(gn) && length(gn) > 0) {
      for (j in 1:length(gn)) {
        if (!gn[j] %in% gof.names) {
          gof.names <- append(gof.names, gn[j])

# function which replaces coefs, SEs and p values by custom values if provided
override <- function(models, override.coef, override.se, override.pval) {
  for (i in 1:length(models)) {
    # coefficients
    if (class(override.coef) != "list" && length(override.coef) == 1 && 
        override.coef == 0) {
      cf <- models[[i]]@coef
    } else if (class(override.coef) == "numeric" && length(models) == 1 && 
        length(override.coef) == length(models[[i]]@coef)) {
      cf <- override.coef
    } else if (class(override.coef) != "list") {
      warning("Coefficients must be provided as a list. Using default values.")
      cf <- models[[i]]@coef
    } else if (length(override.coef) != length(models)) {
      warning(paste("Number of coefficients provided does not match number of", 
          "models. Using default values."))
      cf <- models[[i]]@coef
    } else if (length(models[[i]]@coef) != length(override.coef[[i]])) {
      warning(paste("Number of coefficients provided does not match number of ",
          "terms in model ", i, ". Using default values.", sep=""))
      cf <- models[[i]]@coef
    } else if (class(override.coef[[i]]) != "numeric") {
      warning(paste("Coefficients provided for model", i, 
          "are not numeric. Using default values."))
      cf <- models[[i]]@coef
    } else {
      cf <- override.coef[[i]]
    models[[i]]@coef <- cf
    # standard errors
    if (class(override.se) != "list" && length(override.se) == 1 && 
        override.se == 0) {
      se <- models[[i]]@se
    } else if (class(override.se) == "numeric" && length(models) == 1 && 
        length(override.se) == length(models[[i]]@se)) {
      se <- override.se
    } else if (class(override.se) != "list") {
      warning("SEs must be provided as a list. Using default SEs.")
      se <- models[[i]]@se
    } else if (length(override.se) != length(models)) {
      warning(paste("Number of SEs provided does not match number of models.", 
          "Using default SEs."))
      se <- models[[i]]@se
    } else if (length(models[[i]]@se) != length(override.se[[i]])) {
      warning(paste("Number of SEs provided does not match number of ", 
          "coefficients in model ", i, ". Using default SEs.", sep = ""))
      se <- models[[i]]@se
    } else if (class(override.se[[i]]) != "numeric") {
      warning(paste("SEs provided for model", i, 
          "are not numeric. Using default SEs."))
      se <- models[[i]]@se
    } else {
      se <- override.se[[i]]
    models[[i]]@se <- se
    # p values
    if (class(override.pval) != "list" && length(override.pval) == 1 && 
        override.pval == 0) {
      pval <- models[[i]]@pvalues
    } else if (class(override.pval) == "numeric" && length(models) == 1 && 
        length(override.pval) == length(models[[i]]@pvalues)) {
      pval <- override.pval
    } else if (class(override.pval) != "list") {
      warning("p values must be provided as a list. Using default p values.")
      pval <- models[[i]]@pvalues
    } else if (length(override.pval) != length(models)) {
      warning(paste("Number of p values provided does not match number of", 
          "models. Using default p values."))
      pval <- models[[i]]@pvalues
    } else if (length(models[[i]]@se) != length(override.pval[[i]])) {
      # previous line: comparison with se because pvalues can be empty
      warning(paste("Number of p values provided does not match number of ", 
          "coefficients in model ", i, ". Using default p values.", sep = ""))
      pval <- models[[i]]@pvalues
    } else if (class(override.pval[[i]]) != "numeric") {
      warning(paste("p values provided for model", i, 
          "are not numeric. Using default p values."))
      pval <- models[[i]]@pvalues
    } else {
      pval <- override.pval[[i]]
    models[[i]]@pvalues <- pval

# function which converts LaTeX code in GOF names to HTML oder text/screen code
tex.replace <- function(models, type = "html", style = "") {
  for (i in 1:length(models)) {
    if (type == "html") {
      r <- paste0("<sup", style, ">2</sup>")
    } else if (type == "screen") {
      r <- "^2"
    models[[i]]@gof.names <- sub("\\$\\^2\\$", r, models[[i]]@gof.names)
    models[[i]]@gof.names <- sub("\\\\ ", " ", models[[i]]@gof.names)
    models[[i]]@gof.names <- sub("\\ ", " ", models[[i]]@gof.names)

# put models and GOFs into a common matrix
aggregate.matrix <- function(models, gof.names, custom.gof.names, digits, 
    returnobject = "m") {

  # aggregate GOF statistics in a matrix and create list of coef blocks
  gofs <- matrix(nrow = length(gof.names), ncol = length(models))
  row.names(gofs) <- gof.names
  coefs <- list()
  decimal.matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(gof.names), ncol = length(models))
  for (i in 1:length(models)) {
    cf <- models[[i]]@coef
    se <- models[[i]]@se
    pv <- models[[i]]@pvalues
    cil <- models[[i]]@ci.low
    ciu <- models[[i]]@ci.up
    if (length(se) == 0) {
      coef <- cbind(cf, cil, ciu)
    } else {
      if (length(pv) > 0) {
        coef <- cbind(cf, se, pv)
      } else { #p-values not provided -> use p-values of 0.99
        coef <- cbind(cf, se, rep(0.99, length(cf)))
    rownames(coef) <- models[[i]]@coef.names
    coefs[[i]] <- coef
    if (length(models[[i]]@gof) > 0) {
      for (j in 1:length(models[[i]]@gof)) {
        rn <- models[[i]]@gof.names[j]
        val <- models[[i]]@gof[j]
        col <- i
        if (is.na(models[[i]]@gof.decimal[j])) {
          dec <- digits
        } else if (models[[i]]@gof.decimal[j] == FALSE) {
          dec <- 0
        } else {
          dec <- digits
        row <- which(row.names(gofs) == rn)
        gofs[row, col] <- val
        decimal.matrix[row, col] <- dec
  # figure out correct order of the coefficients
  coef.order <- character()
  for (i in 1:length(coefs)) {
    for (j in 1:length(rownames(coefs[[i]]))) {
      if (!rownames(coefs[[i]])[j] %in% coef.order) {
        coef.order <- append(coef.order, rownames(coefs[[i]])[j])
  # merge the coefficient tables
  if (length(coefs) == 1) {
    m <- coefs[[1]]
  } else if (length(coefs) > 1) {
    m <- coefs[[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(coefs)) {
      m <- merge(m, coefs[[i]], by = 0, all = TRUE)
      rownames(m) <- m[, 1]
      m <- m[, colnames(m) != "Row.names"]
      colnames(m) <- NULL
  colnames(m) <- rep(colnames(coefs[[1]]), length(coefs))
  # reorder merged coefficient table
  m.temp <- matrix(nrow = nrow(m), ncol = ncol(m))
  for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
    new.row <- which(coef.order == rownames(m)[i])
    for (j in 1:length(m[i,])) {
      m.temp[new.row, j] <- m[i, j]
  rownames(m.temp) <- coef.order
  colnames(m.temp) <- colnames(m)
  m <- m.temp
  if (returnobject == "m") {
  } else if (returnobject == "gofs") {
    #replace GOF names by custom names
    if (is.null(custom.gof.names)) {
      #do nothing
    } else if (class(custom.gof.names) != "character") {
      stop("Custom GOF names must be provided as a vector of strings.")
    } else if (length(custom.gof.names) != length(gof.names)) {
      stop(paste("There are", length(gof.names), 
          "GOF statistics, but you provided", length(custom.gof.names), 
          "custom names for them."))
    } else {
      custom.gof.names[is.na(custom.gof.names)] <- 
      rownames(gofs) <- custom.gof.names
  } else if (returnobject == "decimal.matrix") {

# use custom coefficient names if provided
customnames <- function(m, custom.names) {
  if (is.null(custom.names)) {
  } else if (length(custom.names) > 1) {
    if (!class(custom.names) == "character") {
      stop("Custom coefficient names must be provided as a vector of strings!")
    } else if (length(custom.names) != length(rownames(m))) {
      stop(paste("There are", length(rownames(m)), 
          "coefficients, but you provided", length(custom.names), 
          "custom names for them."))
    } else {
      custom.names[is.na(custom.names)] <- rownames(m)[is.na(custom.names)]
      rownames(m) <- custom.names
  } else if (!is.na(custom.names) & class(custom.names) != "character") {
    stop("Custom coefficient names must be provided as a vector of strings.")
  } else if (length(custom.names) == 1 & class(custom.names) == "character"
      & is.na(custom.names)) {
    rownames(m) <- custom.names

# remove coefficient rows that match the omit.coef regular expression
omitcoef <- function(m, omit.coef) {
  if (!is.na(omit.coef)) {
    if (!is.character(omit.coef)) {
      stop("omit.coef must be a character string!")
    remove.rows <- grep(omit.coef, rownames(m))
    if (length(remove.rows) == 0) {
    } else if (length(remove.rows) == nrow(m)) {
      stop("You were trying to remove all coefficients using omit.coef.")
    } else {
      m <- m[-remove.rows, ]

# decide if default or custom model names should be used and return them
modelnames <- function(models, model.names) {
  if (is.null(model.names)) {
    return(paste("Model", 1:length(models)))
  } else if (length(model.names) > 1) {
    if (class(model.names) != "character") {
      stop("Model names must be specified as a vector of strings.")
    } else if (length(model.names) != length(models)) {
      stop(paste("There are", length(models), "models, but you provided", 
          length(model.names), "names for them."))
    } else {
  } else if (!is.na(model.names) & class(model.names) != "character") {
    stop("Model names must be specified as a vector of strings.")
  } else if (class(model.names) == "character" & 
      length(model.names) != length(models)) {
    stop(paste("A single model name was specified. But there are in fact", 
        length(models), "models."))
  } else if (class(model.names) == "character") {
  } else {
    return(paste("Model", 1:length(models)))

# check if stars argument is OK
check.stars <- function(stars) {
  if (is.null(stars)) {
    s <- numeric(0)
  } else if (class(stars) != "numeric") {
    stop("The stars argument must be a numeric vector.")
  } else if (any(is.na(stars))) {
    stop("NA value are not allowed in the stars argument.")
  } else {
    s <- stars

# create stars string
stars.string <- function(pval, stars, star.char, star.prefix, star.suffix, 
    symbol) {
  st <- sort(stars)
  if (length(unique(st)) != length(st)) {
    stop("Duplicate elements are not allowed in the stars argument.")
  if (length(st) > 4) {
    stop("A maximum of four values is allowed in the stars argument.")
  } else if (length(st) > 2 && pval < st[1]) {  # three stars
    p <- paste0(star.prefix, star.char, star.char, star.char, star.suffix)
  } else if (  # two stars
      (length(st) > 2 && pval < st[2]) || 
      (length(st) == 2 && pval < st[1]) ) {
    p <- paste0(star.prefix, star.char, star.char, star.suffix)
  } else if (  # one star
      (length(st) > 2 && pval < st[3]) || 
      (length(st) == 2 && pval < st[2]) || 
      (length(st) == 1 && pval < st) ) {
    p <- paste0(star.prefix, star.char, star.suffix)
  } else if (length(st) == 4 && pval < st[4]) {  # symbol
    p <- paste0(star.prefix, symbol, star.suffix)
  } else {  # not significant
    p <- ""

# return the output matrix with coefficients, SEs and significance stars
outputmatrix <- function(m, single.row, neginfstring, leading.zero, digits, 
    se.prefix, se.suffix, star.prefix, star.suffix, star.char = "*", 
    stars, dcolumn = TRUE, symbol, bold, bold.prefix, bold.suffix, 
    ci = rep(FALSE, length(m) / 3), semicolon = "; ", ci.test = 0) {
  # write coefficient rows
  if (single.row == TRUE) {
    output.matrix <- matrix(ncol = (length(m) / 3) + 1, nrow = length(m[, 1]))
    # row labels
    for (i in 1:length(rownames(m))) {
      output.matrix[i, 1] <- rownames(m)[i]
    # coefficients and standard errors
    for (i in 1:length(m[, 1])) { #go through rows
      j <- 1 #column in the original, merged coef table
      k <- 2 #second column of output.matrix, i.e., coefficients
      while (j <= length(m)) {
        if (is.na(m[i, j])) {
          output.matrix[i, k] <- ""
        } else if (m[i, j] == -Inf) {
          output.matrix[i, k] <- neginfstring
        } else {
          # in case of CIs, replace brackets by square brackets
          se.prefix.current <- se.prefix
          se.suffix.current <- se.suffix
          if (ci[k - 1] == TRUE) {
            se.prefix.current <- gsub("\\(", "[", se.prefix.current)
            se.suffix.current <- gsub("\\)", "]", se.suffix.current)
          if (ci[k - 1] == FALSE) {
            std <- paste(se.prefix.current, coeftostring(m[i, j + 1], 
                leading.zero, digits = digits), se.suffix.current, sep = "")
          } else {
            std <- paste(se.prefix.current, coeftostring(m[i, j + 1], 
                leading.zero, digits = digits), semicolon, 
                coeftostring(m[i, j + 2], leading.zero, digits = digits), 
                se.suffix.current, sep = "")
          if (ci[k - 1] == FALSE) {
            p <- stars.string(m[i, j + 2], stars, star.char, star.prefix, 
              star.suffix, symbol)
          } else { # significance from confidence interval
            if (is.numeric(ci.test) && !is.na(ci.test) && 
                (m[i, j + 1] > ci.test || m[i, j + 2] < ci.test)) {
              p <- paste0(star.prefix, star.char, star.suffix)
            } else {
              p <- ""
          if (dcolumn == TRUE) {
            dollar <- ""
          } else {
            dollar <- "$"
          if (ci[k - 1] == FALSE && m[i, j + 2] < bold) { #significant pvalue
            bold.pref <- bold.prefix
            bold.suff <- bold.suffix
          } else if (ci[k - 1] == TRUE && bold > 0 &&  # significant CI
              (m[i, j + 1] > 0 || m[i, j + 2] < 0)) {
            bold.pref <- bold.prefix
            bold.suff <- bold.suffix
          } else {
            bold.pref <- ""
            bold.suff <- ""
          entry <- paste(dollar, bold.pref, coeftostring(m[i, j], leading.zero, 
              digits = digits), bold.suff, std, p, dollar, sep = "")
          output.matrix[i, k] <- entry
        k <- k + 1
        j <- j + 3
  } else {
    output.matrix <- matrix(ncol = (length(m) / 3) + 1, 
        nrow = 2 * length(m[, 1]))
    # row labels
    for (i in 1:length(rownames(m))) {
      output.matrix[(i * 2) - 1, 1] <- rownames(m)[i]
      output.matrix[(i * 2), 1] <- ""
    # coefficients and standard deviations
    for (i in 1:length(m[, 1])) {  # i = row
      j <- 1  # j = column within model (from 1 to 3)
      k <- 2  # k = column in output matrix (= model number + 1)
      while (j <= length(m)) {
        if (is.na(m[i, j]) || is.nan(m[i, j])) {
          output.matrix[(i * 2) - 1, k] <- ""  #upper coefficient row
          output.matrix[(i * 2), k] <- ""  #lower std row
        } else if (m[i, j] == -Inf) {
          output.matrix[(i * 2) - 1, k] <- neginfstring  #upper row
          output.matrix[(i * 2), k] <- ""  #lower std row
        } else {
          # in case of CIs, replace brackets by square brackets
          se.prefix.current <- "("
          se.suffix.current <- ")"
          if (ci[k - 1] == TRUE) {
            se.prefix.current <- "["
            se.suffix.current <- "]"
          if (ci[k - 1] == FALSE) {
            p <- stars.string(m[i, j + 2], stars, star.char, star.prefix, 
              star.suffix, symbol)
          } else { # significance from confidence interval
            if (is.numeric(ci.test) && !is.na(ci.test) && 
                (m[i, j + 1] > ci.test || m[i, j + 2] < ci.test)) {
              p <- paste0(star.prefix, star.char, star.suffix)
            } else {
              p <- ""
          if (dcolumn == TRUE) {
            dollar <- ""
          } else {
            dollar <- "$"
          if (ci[k - 1] == FALSE && m[i, j + 2] < bold) { #significant pvalue
            bold.pref <- bold.prefix
            bold.suff <- bold.suffix
          } else if (ci[k - 1] == TRUE && bold > 0 &&  # significant CI
              (m[i, j + 1] > 0 || m[i, j + 2] < 0)) {
            bold.pref <- bold.prefix
            bold.suff <- bold.suffix
          } else {
            bold.pref <- ""
            bold.suff <- ""
          output.matrix[(i * 2) - 1, k] <- paste(dollar, bold.pref, 
              coeftostring(m[i, j], leading.zero, digits = digits), bold.suff, 
              p, dollar, sep = "")
          if (ci[k - 1] == FALSE) {
            output.matrix[(i * 2), k] <- paste(dollar, se.prefix.current, 
                coeftostring(m[i, j + 1], leading.zero, digits = digits), 
                se.suffix.current, dollar, sep = "")
          } else {
            output.matrix[(i * 2), k] <- paste(dollar, se.prefix.current, 
                coeftostring(m[i, j + 1], leading.zero, digits = digits), 
                semicolon, coeftostring(m[i, j + 2], leading.zero, 
                digits = digits), se.suffix.current, dollar, sep = "")
        k <- k + 1
        j <- j + 3

# Format a column (given as vector) of the output matrix nicely by adding spaces
format.column <- function(x, single.row = FALSE, digits = 2) {
  #max length before first dot and max length of parentheses
  dots <- gregexpr("\\.", x)
  parentheses <- regexpr("\\(.+\\)", x)
  first.length <- 0
  paren.length <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    first.dot <- dots[[i]][1]
    paren <- attributes(parentheses)$match.length[i]
    if (x[i] == "-Inf") {
      first.dot <- nchar(x[i]) - digits
    } else if (first.dot == -1) {
      temp <- nchar(x[i]) + 1
      if (temp > first.length) {
        first.length <- temp
    } else if (first.dot > first.length) {
      first.length <- first.dot
    if (paren > paren.length) {
      paren.length <- paren
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    #fill with spaces at the beginning
    first.dot <- dots[[i]][1]
    if (x[i] == "-Inf") {
      first.dot <- nchar(x[i]) - digits
    } else if (first.dot == -1) {
      first.dot <- nchar(x[i]) + 1
    if (nchar(x[i]) == 0) {
      difference <- 0
    } else {
      difference <- first.length - first.dot
    spaces <- paste(rep(" ", difference), collapse="")
    x[i] <- paste(spaces, x[i], sep="")
    #adjust indentation for SEs
    if (single.row == TRUE) {
      paren <- attributes(parentheses)$match.length[i]
      if (paren < 0) {
        paren <- 0
      difference <- paren.length - paren + 1  #+1 because strsplit takes 1 away
      spaces <- paste(rep(" ", difference), collapse = "")
      components <- strsplit(x[i], " \\(")[[1]]
      if (length(components) == 2) {
        x[i] <- paste(components[1], spaces, "(", components[2], sep = "")
  #make all CIs have equal length
  ci.lower.length <- 0
  ci.upper.length <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    if (grepl("\\[.+\\]", x[i])) {
      first <- sub(".*\\[(.+?); (.+?)\\].*", "\\1", x[i])
      first <- nchar(first)
      if (first > ci.lower.length) {
        ci.lower.length <- first
      last <- sub(".*\\[(.+?); (.+?)\\].*", "\\2", x[i])
      last <- nchar(last)
      if (last > ci.upper.length) {
        ci.upper.length <- last
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    if (grepl("\\[.+\\]", x[i])) {
      whitespace1 <- sub("(.*?)\\[(.+?); (.+?)\\](.*?)$", "\\1", x[i])
      whitespace1 <- sub("\\s+$", "", whitespace1)
      if (nchar(whitespace1) > 0) {
        whitespace1 <- paste0(whitespace1, " ")
      whitespace2 <- sub("(.*?)\\[(.+?); (.+?)\\](.*?)$", "\\4", x[i])
      first <- sub("(.*?)\\[(.+?); (.+?)\\](.*?)$", "\\2", x[i])
      difference <- ci.lower.length - nchar(first)
      zeros <- paste(rep(" ", difference), collapse = "")
      first <- paste0(zeros, first)
      last <- sub("(.*?)\\[(.+?); (.+?)\\](.*?)$", "\\3", x[i])
      difference <- ci.upper.length - nchar(last)
      zeros <- rep(" ", difference, collapse = "")
      last <- paste0(zeros, last)
      #x[i] <- paste0(whitespace1, "[", first, "; ", last, "]", whitespace2)
      x[i] <- paste0(whitespace1, "[", first, "; ", last, "]", whitespace2)
  #fill with spaces at the end to make them all equally long
  max.x <- max(nchar(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    difference <- max.x - nchar(x[i])
    spaces <- paste(rep(" ", difference), collapse = "")
    x[i] <- paste(x[i], spaces, sep = "")


# fill a column/vector with spaces at the end
fill.spaces <- function(x) {
  nc <- nchar(x)
  width <- max(nc)
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    spaces <- paste(rep(" ", width - nc[i]), collapse = "")
    x[i] <- paste(x[i], spaces, sep = "")

# Return the goodness-of-fit matrix (i.e., the lower block of the final matrix)
gofmatrix <- function(gofs, decimal.matrix, dcolumn = TRUE, leading.zero, 
    digits) {
  if (dcolumn == TRUE) {
    dollar <- ""
  } else {
    dollar <- "$"
  gof.matrix <- matrix(nrow = nrow(gofs), ncol = ncol(gofs) + 1)  #incl. labels
  if (length(gof.matrix) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(gofs[, 1])) {
      gof.matrix[i, 1] <- rownames(gofs)[i]
      for (j in 1:length(gofs[1, ])) {
        strg <- coeftostring(gofs[i, j], leading.zero, 
            digits = decimal.matrix[i, j])
        gof.matrix[i, j + 1] <- paste0(dollar, strg, dollar)

# reorder a matrix according to a vector of new positions
reorder <- function(mat, new.order) {
  if (is.null(new.order)) {
  } else if (nrow(mat) != length(new.order)) {
    stop(paste("Error when reordering matrix: there are", nrow(mat), 
        "rows, but you provided", length(new.order), "numbers."))
  } else if (class(new.order) == "list") {
    stop("Arguments reorder.coef and reorder.gof must be provided as a vector.")
  } else if (any(is.na(new.order))) {
    stop("reorder.coef and reorder.gof arguments must not contain NA values.")
  } else if (length(new.order) != length(unique(new.order))) {
    stop(paste("There are two identical values in the reorder.coef or", 
        "reorder.gof argument. Ties are not allowed."))
  } else if (max(new.order) != nrow(mat)) {
    stop(paste("Table cannot be reordered because you provided a number that",
        "exceeds the number of rows of the relevant part of the table."))
  new.sorted <- sort(new.order)
  for (i in 2:length(new.sorted)) {
    if (new.sorted[i] - 1 != new.sorted[i - 1]) {
      stop(paste("Table cannot be reordered because there are non-adjacent", 
          "values in the reorder.coef or reorder.gof vector you provided."))
  new.mat <- mat[new.order, ]

# compute column width left and right of the decimal separator
compute.width <- function(v, left = TRUE, single.row = FALSE, bracket = ")") {
  if (single.row == FALSE) {
    v[which(!grepl("\\.", v))] <- paste0(v[which(!grepl("\\.", v))], ".")
    ssp <- strsplit(v, "\\.")
    left.side <- character()
    right.side <- character()
    for (i in 1:length(ssp)) {
      if (length(ssp[[i]]) == 1) {
        ssp[[i]][2] <- ""
      } else if (length(ssp[[i]]) == 3) {
        ssp[[i]] <- c(ssp[[i]][1], paste0(ssp[[i]][2], ".", ssp[[i]][3]))
      left.side[i] <- ssp[[i]][1]
      right.side[i] <- ssp[[i]][2]
  } else {
    ssp <- strsplit(v, paste0("\\", bracket))
    left.side <- character()
    right.side <- character()
    for (i in 1:length(ssp)) {
      if (length(ssp[[i]]) == 0) {
        # do nothing because empty cell
      } else {
        left.side <- append(left.side, ssp[[i]][1])
        right.side <- append(right.side, ssp[[i]][2])
  if (left == TRUE) {
    left.side <- sub("\\\\; ", "", left.side)
    v.length <- max(nchar(left.side), na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    right.side <- sub("\\^\\{", "", right.side)
    right.side <- sub("\\}", "", right.side)
    v.length <- max(nchar(right.side), na.rm = TRUE)

# convert SEs and p values to confidence intervals
ciforce <- function(models, ci.force = rep(FALSE, length(models)), 
    ci.level = 0.95) {
  if (class(ci.force) == "logical" && length(ci.force) == 1) {
    ci.force <- rep(ci.force, length(models))
  if (class(ci.force) != "logical") {
    stop("The 'ci.force' argument must be a vector of logical values.")
  if (length(ci.force) != length(models)) {
    stop(paste("There are", length(models), "models and", length(ci.force), 
        "ci.force values."))
  for (i in 1:length(models)) {
    if (ci.force[i] == TRUE && length(models[[i]]@se) > 0) {
      z <- qnorm(1 - ((1 - ci.level) / 2))
      upper <- models[[i]]@coef + (z * models[[i]]@se)
      lower <- models[[i]]@coef - (z * models[[i]]@se)
      models[[i]]@ci.low <- lower
      models[[i]]@ci.up <- upper
      models[[i]]@se <- numeric(0)
      models[[i]]@pvalues <- numeric(0)
alku86/SensMixed documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:21 a.m.