
Defines functions multidiv maxx

Documented in maxx multidiv

#' Calculate the mean of top X values
#' created by Eric Allan
#' @param x a vector?
#' @param n Specifies the number of values which are chosen for mean calculation.
#' @return The maximum based on several values (e.g. mean of top 5).
#' @examples
#' blabla TODO
#' @export
maxx <- function(x, n, ...){     
  return(mean(rev(sort(x))[1:n], ...))}

#' Calculate multifunctionality
#' created by Eric Allan
#' @param x Input data frame or matrix. Rows are different diversities/ functions for multifun/div calculation. Columns are
#' replicates, e.g. plots.
#' @param threshold can be a proportion of the maximum e.g. 0.5 or can be the median or mean. It can also 
#' be a vector of the same length as the number of diversities to allow different thresholds for different diversities.
#' threshold = FALSE calculates the mean of the scaled diversities or functions
#' @param sc scaling can be by any function specified in "sc", i.e. max, mean, sd etc., max is the default. If the maximum 
#' should be a mean of the top n values specify sc = "maxx", mx = n
#' @param mx only if sc = "maxx", when the maximum should be a mean of the top n values, mx = n. 
#' @param cent centering by the mean is possible with cent = TRUE, to take z-scores of the diversities/processes, use sc="sd" and cent = TRUE
#' @param by specifies a vector of the same length as nrow(x) to be used to split the data and use different thresholds for the groups in "by"
#' @param weights allows different weightings for the different diversities/functions and should be a vector of the same length 
#' as the number of diversities/functions (shorter vectors will be recycled) to weight a diversity as 0 and drop it from the calculation, 
#' code the weight as "NA" 
#' the default is weights = 1: all diversities weighted the same
#' @return matrix with 2 columns, the first column is the multidiversity/ -functionality of each plot, the second being the 
#' number of measured (non NA) functions per plot.
#' @examples
#' # create fantasy dataset with 3 functions f1, f2 and f3 and 30 plots.
#' set.seed(2)
#' fundataset <- data.table::data.table(f1 = runif(30, min=0, max=100), f2 = runif(30, min=0, max=1), f3 = runif(30, min=0, max=10))
#' # calculate multifunctionality of this dataset, being the proportion of functions per plot which exceed the threshold of 0.5
#' # of the mean of maximum 5 functions.
#' multidiv(fundataset, threshold = 0.5, sc = "maxx", mx = 5, cent=FALSE, weights = 1)
#' @export
multidiv <- function(x, threshold=FALSE, sc = "max", mx = 1, cent = FALSE, by =FALSE, weights = 1){
  result <- matrix(nrow=nrow(x), ncol=2)
  weights <- rep_len(weights, length.out=ncol(x))   ### expand weights
  ### split the data on "by"
    xs <- split(x, by)
    xst <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(unique(by))){
      if(mx > 1){
        xst[[i]] <- scale(xs[[i]], scale = apply(xs[[i]], 2, maxx, mx, na.rm=T), center = cent)}
        xst[[i]] <- scale(xs[[i]], scale = apply(xs[[i]], 2, match.fun(sc), na.rm=T), center = cent) 
    x.stand <- do.call("rbind", xst)
  ### otherwise standardise globally
    if(mx > 1){
      x.stand <- scale(x, scale = apply(x, 2, maxx, mx, na.rm=T), center = cent)}
      x.stand <- scale(x, scale = apply(x, 2, match.fun(sc), na.rm=T), center = cent)
  #### sum diversities measured on each plot
  #### NA weighted diversities are dropped from the calculation
  x2 <- sweep(x, 2, weights, "*")  ## remove diversities with NA threshold from calc. of how many measured
  gm <- apply(x2, 1, function(x)(sum(complete.cases(x))))
  ### no threshold: average standardised values
  if(FALSE %in% threshold){  ### prevent error message if threshold is vector
    x.stand2 <- sweep(x.stand, 2, weights, "*")
    m <- apply(x.stand2, 1, mean, na.rm=T)
    if (any(c("median","mean") %in% threshold)){  ### mean or median threshold
      tf <- match.fun(threshold)
      x.thresh <- apply(x.stand, 2, function(x)(1*(x > tf(x, na.rm=T))))
      weights2 <- matrix(rep(weights, nrow(x.thresh)), nrow=nrow(x.thresh), byrow=TRUE)
      x.thresh <- x.thresh*weights2   ### multiply by weights
      gg <- apply(x.thresh, 1, sum, na.rm=T)
      m <- gg/gm
      x.thresh <- 1*sweep(x.stand, 2, threshold, ">")  ### does each variable pass threshold?
      weights2 <- matrix(rep(weights, nrow(x.thresh)), nrow=nrow(x.thresh), byrow=TRUE)
      x.thresh <- x.thresh*weights2   ### multiply by weights
      gg <- apply(x.thresh, 1, sum,na.rm=T)
      m <- gg/gm
  result[, 1] <- m
  result[, 2] <- gm
  colnames(result)<-c("m", "groups measured")
allanecology/multiFunBetadivLuiGDM documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:16 a.m.