
#' Solve model
#' @param x x, fron constructModel, ROI OP object
#' @param solver solver
#' @param ... additional arguments. currently not used.
#' @import ROI ROI.plugin.glpk ROI.plugin.quadprog quadprog
solveModel <- function(x, solver, ...){

solveModel.default <- function(x, solver = 'glpk', lp_attr){
  requireNamespace('ROI', quietly = TRUE)
  sol <- ROI::ROI_solve(x, solver = solver)
  row_optimals <- as.vector(slam::matprod_simple_triplet_matrix(x$constraints$L, sol$solution))
  row_slacks   <- x$constraints$rhs - row_optimals
  row_activity <- list(optimals = row_optimals, slacks = row_slacks)

    solution = sol$solution,
    objval = sol$objval,
    status = sol$status,
    row_activity = row_activity,
    lp_attr = lp_attr,
    OP = x

# solveModel.glpkAPI <- function(x, solver = 'glpkAPI', lp_attr){
#   solve_glpkAPI(x, lp_attr)
# }

solveModel.gurobi <- function(x, solver = 'gurobi', lp_attr){
  if (requireNamespace('gurobi')){
    solve_gurobi(x, lp_attr)

# solve_glpkAPI <- function(lp, attr) {
#   library(glpkAPI)
#   prob <- initProbGLPK()
#   setProbNameGLPK(prob, attr$objective_name)
#   modelsense <- if (lp$maximum) GLP_MAX else GLP_MIN
#   setObjDirGLPK(prob, modelsense)
#   addRowsGLPK(prob, attr$n_constraints)
#   addColsGLPK(prob, attr$n_objective_vars)
#   setRowsNamesGLPK(prob, 1:attr$n_constraints, attr$constraint_names)
#   setColsNamesGLPK(prob, 1:attr$n_objective_vars, attr$objective_vars_names)
#   # TODO: this following setup doesn't support double-sided inequalities.
#   lb <- lp$constraints$rhs
#   ub <- lb
#   type <- as.character(lp$constraints$dir)
#   type[type == "<="] <- GLP_UP
#   type[type == ">="] <- GLP_LO
#   type[type == "=="] <- GLP_FX
#   type <- as.numeric(type)
#   setRowsBndsGLPK(prob, 1:attr$n_constraints, lb, ub, type)
#   # Set the type and bounds of columns and the objective function using a function which
#   # has the ability to work with vectors.
#   bounds <- getBounds_glpkAPI(lp, attr$n_objective_vars)
#   obj <- as.vector(terms(objective(lp))$L)
#   setColsBndsObjCoefsGLPK(
#     prob, 1:attr$n_objective_vars, bounds$lb, bounds$ub, obj, bounds$type
#   )
#   # Load the constraint matrix.
#   mm <- constraints(lp)$L
#   ia <- mm$i
#   ja <- mm$j
#   ar <- mm$v
#   loadMatrixGLPK(prob, attr$n_nonzeros, ia, ja, ar)
#   #Solve the problem using the simplex algorithm.
#   invisible(solveSimplexGLPK(prob))
#   tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt"); on.exit(unlink(tf))
#   printRangesGLPK(lp = prob, fname = tf)
#   df_sen <- getSensitivity(tf)
#   # Get solutions:
#   solution <- getColsPrimGLPK(prob)
#   # Get optimal value:
#   objval <- getObjValGLPK(prob)
#   # Get row(constraint) optimal:
#   row_optimals <- getRowsPrimGLPK(prob)
#   row_slacks   <- lp$constraints$rhs - row_optimals
#   row_activity <- list(optimals = row_optimals, slacks = row_slacks)
#   list(
#     solution = solution,
#     objval = objval,
#     status = NULL,
#     row_activity = row_activity,
#     lp_attr = attr,
#     OP = lp,
#     sensitivity = df_sen
#   )
# }

#' Solve model using Gurobi -----
#' @keywords internal
solve_gurobi <- function(lp, lp_attr) {
  requireNamespace('gurobi', quietly = TRUE)
  bounds <- getBounds_gurobi(lp)
  Q_ <- terms(objective(lp))$Q
  model <- list(
    modelsense = if (lp$maximum) "max" else "min",
    obj = as.vector(terms(objective(lp))$L),
    Q = if (is.null(Q_)) NULL else Q_/2,
    A = as.matrix(constraints(lp)$L),
    rhs = constraints(lp)$rhs,
    sense = constraints(lp)$dir,
    vtype = types(lp),
    lb = bounds$lb,
    ub = bounds$ub
  soln <- gurobi::gurobi(model)

  row_optimals <- as.vector(model$A %*% soln$x)
  row_slacks   <- model$rhs - row_optimals
  row_activity <- list(optimals = row_optimals, slacks = row_slacks)

    solution = soln$x,
    objval = soln$objval,
    status = NULL,
    row_activity = row_activity,
    lp_attr = lp_attr,
    OP = lp

#' Solve Optimization Problem
#' @param x list containing config and inputData
#' @export
AlteryxSolve <- function(x){
  class(x) <- c(class(x), paste0(x$config$inputMode, "_mode"))
  d2 <- constructModel(x)

  if (exists('returnSensitivity', x$config) && x$config$returnSensitivity) {
    # Use glpkAPI as the solver, if sensitivity analysis is required.
    class(d2$OP) <- c(class(d2$OP), 'glpkAPI')
    invisible(solveModel(d2$OP, solver = 'glpkAPI', d2$OPAttributes))
  } else {
    class(d2$OP) <- c(class(d2$OP), x$config$solver)
    invisible(solveModel(d2$OP, solver = x$config$solver, d2$OPAttributes))
alteryx/AlteryxPrescriptive documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:37 a.m.