
#' Scaffold a new workflow based on a template
#' @export
#' @param name name
#' @param outDir output directory
#' @param template template
#' @param edit open file for editing
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to extractRcode
#' @family scaffold
scaffoldWorkflow <- function(name = 'mymacro', outDir  = ".", 
    template =  aTemplate('predictive_template.yxmc'), edit = TRUE, ...){
  if (!file.exists(outDir)){
  tFile = template
  oFile = file.path(outDir, paste0(name, ".", tools::file_ext(template)))
  file.copy(tFile, oFile)
  extractRcode(oFile, ...)
  rFiles = list.files(outDir, pattern = '\\.R$', full.names = TRUE)
  rFiles2 = grep(name, rFiles, value = TRUE)
  if (edit){
    invisible(lapply(rFiles2, file.edit))
    message("Switching to directory ", outDir)

#' Scaffold a new plugin with a predictive macro
#' @export
#' @param pluginName name of the plugin
#' @param ... extra arguments to pass on to createPluginFromMacro
#' @family scaffold
scaffoldPlugin <- function(pluginName, ...){
  if (!dir.exists(pluginName)){
    from <- system.file('pluginTemplate', package = 'jeeves')
    copy_dir(from, pluginName)
      file.path(pluginName, 'template.txt'), 
      file.path(pluginName, paste0(pluginName, '.Rproj'))
      file.path(pluginName, 'gitignore'), 
      file.path(pluginName, '.gitignore')
    readmes <- list.files(
      pluginName, pattern = 'README', recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE
    for (readme in readmes){
      updateReadme(readme, pluginName)
  cwd = getwd(); on.exit(setwd(cwd)); setwd(pluginName)
  dirs <- dirNames()
  scaffoldWorkflow(pluginName, outDir = dirs$macros, edit = F)
  yxmc <- file.path(dirNames()$macros, sprintf('%s.yxmc', pluginName))
  updateReadme(yxmc, pluginName)
  if (!dir.exists(dirs$extras)){
  if (!file.exists('app.min.js')){
    app = system.file('templates', 'app.min.js', package = 'jeeves')
    file.copy(app, ".")
  if (!file.exists('app.css')){
  createPluginFromMacro(".", ...)
  # message("Initializing a git repository...")
  # r <- git2r::init(".")
  # paths <- unlist(git2r::status(r))
  # git2r::add(r, paths)
  # git2r::commit(r, 'Initial Commit')

#' Scaffold a plugin based on an existing predictive macro.
#' @export
#' @param macro name of the predictive macro
#' @param rVersion version of R
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass on to createPluginFromMacro
#' @family scaffold
scaffoldPluginFromMacro <- function(macro, rVersion = getRversion(), ...){
  dirs <- dirNames()
  pluginDir <- basename(macro)
  macroFileName <- paste0(macro, '.yxmc')
  if (file.exists(macroFileName)){
    macroFileName <- normalizePath(macroFileName)
  if (file.exists(macroFileName)){
    file.copy(macroFileName, dirs$macros, overwrite = TRUE)
  } else {
    copyPredictiveAndHelperMacros(basename(macroFileName), rVersion = rVersion)
    file.path(dirs$macros, basename(macroFileName)), 
    extractInput = 'config'
  createPluginFromMacro(".", ...)
alteryx/jeeves documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:40 a.m.