  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette will walk through a typical choros analysis to format pre-processed ribosome-protected fragments (RPFs, or "footprints"), estimate sequence-based biases, and output bias-corrected footprint counts.

This test dataset contains 5 highly-translated transcripts from Tunney et al. (2018). Whole-genome analyses can be found in the accompanying choros paper repository.


0. Input files and parameters

A. Input files

choros takes the following input files:

# transcriptome-specific files
transcript_fa_fname <- system.file("extdata", "scer.transcripts.20cds20.fa", 
                                   package = "choros")
transcript_length_fname <- system.file("extdata", "scer.transcripts.20cds20.lengths.txt",
                                       package = "choros")
transcript_lengths <- load_lengths(transcript_length_fname)
paralogs_fname <- system.file("extdata", "",
                              package = "choros")

# experiment-specific files
offsets_fname <- system.file("extdata", "Asite_rules.txt", package = "choros")
bam_alignment_fname <- system.file("extdata", "tunney_footprints_top5genes.bam",
                                   package = "choros")

B. choros parameters

Parameters for choosing genes for training/test sets:

Parameters for training choros model:

# parameters for choosing training/test sets
num_genes <- 250
min_coverage <- 5
min_nonzero <- 100
min_prop <- 0.9

# parameters for choros model
f5_length <- 3
f3_length <- 3
regression_model <- formula(count ~ transcript + A + P + E + d5*f5 + d3*f3 + gc)

1. Preparing for model fitting

A. Diagnostic plot

A choros diagnostic plot is used to determine A-site offset rules (i.e. the position of the A site within the footprint sequence, per footprint length and 5' framing).

plot_diagnostic(bam_alignment_fname, transcript_length_fname)

B. Load footprint alignment .bam file

load_bam() reads in a .bam alignment file, reports useful statistics (ex. number of footprints with allowed lengths), and returns a data frame with each row representing an observed footprint and its count.

tunney_bam <- load_bam(bam_alignment_fname, transcript_fa_fname,
                       transcript_length_fname, offsets_fname,
                       f5_length=f5_length, f3_length=f3_length,

C. Compute size/frame subsets to be used for modeling

count_d5_d3() computes the proportion of footprints observed per footprint length and frame as defined allowed by A-site offset rules.

choose_subsets() chooses the footprint lengths/frames with the most footprints that would encompass min_prop% of footprint counts.

tunney_d5_d3 <- count_d5_d3(tunney_bam)

tunney_subsets <- choose_subsets(tunney_d5_d3, min_prop = min_prop)
tunney_subsets <- tunney_subsets[, c("d5", "d3")]

D. Choosing genes for training

Mean footprint density (read count per codon position) and number of codon positions with non-zero read counts are used to determine which genes to use for model training nad testing.

# per transcript: calculate mean codon coverage and number nonzero codon positions
transcript_coverage <- calculate_transcript_density(tunney_bam,
transcript_num_nonzero <- count_nonzero_codons(tunney_bam)

# check if number good transcripts sufficient for training
good_transcripts <- data.frame(transcript=names(transcript_coverage),
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
good_transcripts <- subset(good_transcripts,
                           coverage > min_coverage & num_nonzero > min_nonzero)

If lists of paralogs are provided, then only one gene per paralog group will be chosen.

# identify paralogs
paralogs <- readLines(paralogs_fname)
paralogs <- strsplit(paralogs, split="\t")
paralogs <- subset(paralogs, lengths(paralogs) > 1)
paralogs <- data.frame(transcript=unlist(paralogs),
                       group=unlist(mapply(rep, seq(length(paralogs)), times=lengths(paralogs))))
good_transcripts$paralog_group <- paralogs$group[match(good_transcripts$transcript,

# take top transcript by read coverage per paralog group
paralog_groups <- split(good_transcripts, good_transcripts$paralog_group)
paralog_groups <- lapply(paralog_groups,
                         function(x) {
                           if(nrow(x) == 1) { 
                           } else {
                             x <- x[order(x$coverage, decreasing=T),]
                             return(x[1, ])
paralog_groups <-, paralog_groups)
good_transcripts <- rbind(subset(good_transcripts, 

Since this test data only contains 5 genes, we will use all 5 for training the regression model and omit a training/testing split. Otherwise, the top (2 * num_genes) genes are randomly split into training and test sets.

training_set <- good_transcripts$transcript

E. Initialize data for regression model fitting

A separate dataset that accounts for unobserved footprints is generated for model fitting. Observed footprint counts from the alignment .bam file are then filled in.

tunney_training <- init_data(transcript_fa_fname, transcript_length_fname,
                             f5_length=f5_length, f3_length=f3_length,
                             which_transcripts=training_set, num_cores = 1)
tunney_training$count <- count_footprints(tunney_bam, tunney_training, "count")

2. Model fitting

A negative binomial regression is fit to the training data, from which regression coefficients are extracted.

We have found that fitting the regression model on insufficient number of genes can lead to spuriously extreme regression coefficients. For the purposes of this test data, we will shrink those coefficients to 0 to generate usable bias correction factors.

tunney_fit <- glm.nb(regression_model, tunney_training)

tunney_coef <- parse_coefs(tunney_fit)
tunney_coef$estimate[abs(tunney_coef$estimate) >10] <- 0

3. Correct sequence biases

Bias-correction factors are computed from regression coefficients and then applied to the observed footprint alignments, maintaining total footprint count.

The data frame containing all observed footprints with their corresponding bias-corrected counts (i.e. tunney_bam in this vignette) can be saved for downstream analyses.

tunney_bam$correct_5 <- correct_bias(tunney_bam, tunney_coef)
tunney_training$correct_5 <- count_footprints(tunney_bam, tunney_training, "correct_5")


4. Bias evaluation

A. Before bias correction

Codon- and nucleotide-importance plots are generated to evaluate whether choros bias correction decreases the importance of positions at the ribosome boundary.

codon_before <- evaluate_bias(tunney_training, which_column = "count",
                              transcript_fa_fname, transcript_length_fname, 
                              type = "codon")
nt_before <- evaluate_bias(tunney_training, which_column = "count",
                           transcript_fa_fname, transcript_length_fname,
                           type = "nt")

(plot_bias(codon_before, type = "codon") + theme_classic() + 
    xlab("codon position") + ggtitle("Before bias correction") + 
    theme(legend.position = "none")) / 
  (plot_bias(nt_before, type = "nt") + theme_classic() + 
     xlab("nucleotide position") + 
     theme(legend.position = "none",
           axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5)))
codon_after <- evaluate_bias(tunney_training, which_column = "correct_5",
                              transcript_fa_fname, transcript_length_fname, 
                              type = "codon")
nt_after <- evaluate_bias(tunney_training, which_column = "correct_5",
                           transcript_fa_fname, transcript_length_fname,
                           type = "nt")

(plot_bias(codon_after, type = "codon") + theme_classic() + 
    xlab("codon position") + ggtitle("after bias correction") + 
    theme(legend.position = "none")) / 
  (plot_bias(nt_after, type = "nt") + theme_classic() + 
     xlab("nucleotide position") + 
     theme(legend.position = "none",
           axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5)))

amandamok/choros documentation built on March 15, 2023, 7:57 p.m.