#' @title Lineup Optimizer
#' @description optimizes DFS lineup
#' @param dat DFS datatable
#' @param budget_in budget price
#' @param qb_fixed QB to optimize around
#' @param rb_fixed RB to optimize around
#' @param wr_fixed WR to optimize around
#' @param te_fixed TE to optimize around
#' @param dst_fixed DST to optimize around
#' @return datatable
#' @examples optimize_lineup(dat, budget_in, qb_fixed, rb_fixed, wr_fixed, te_fixed, dst_fixed)
#' @export
optimize_lineup <- function(dat, budget_in, qb_fixed, rb_fixed, wr_fixed, te_fixed, dst_fixed){
names_to_check <- c("position", "player", "cost", "projected_points", "keep")
missing_names <- setdiff(names_to_check, names(dat))
if(length(missing_names)> 0){
stop(paste0("You're' missing these columns in the input dataframe: " ,
paste(missing_names, collapse = ', ')))
dat <- dat %>% filter(keep == 1) %>% mutate(proj_pts = projected_points, pos = position)
pos_count <- list(QB=1,RB=2,WR=3,TE=1,DST=1)
pos_count_max <- list(QB=1,RB=3,WR=4,TE=2,DST=1)
constr_str <- list(QB='==',RB='==',WR='==',TE='==',DST='==')
if(length(rb_fixed) == 0){
rb_fixed <- NA
if(length(wr_fixed) == 0){
wr_fixed <- NA
fixed_players <- list(
#QB = 'Andrew Luck',
QB = ifelse(qb_fixed == "", NA, qb_fixed),
RB = rb_fixed,
WR = wr_fixed,
TE = ifelse(te_fixed == "", NA, te_fixed),
DST = ifelse(dst_fixed == "", NA, dst_fixed)
fixed_player_dat <- NULL
fixed_player_cost <- 0
for(i in names(fixed_players)){
if(sum(is.na(fixed_players[[i]])) == 0){
fixed_player_cost <- fixed_player_cost + sum(dat$cost[dat$player %in% fixed_players[[i]]])
fixed_player_dat <- rbind(dat[dat$player %in% fixed_players[[i]], ],fixed_player_dat)
dat <-dat[dat$player %nin% fixed_players[[i]], ]
if(pos_count_max[[i]] == 1){
dat <- dat[dat$pos %nin% i, ]
pos_count[[i]] <- pos_count[[i]] - length(fixed_players[[i]])
budget <- budget_in - fixed_player_cost
obj_fun <- matrix(dat$proj_pts , ncol = nrow(dat))
constr <- matrix(dat$cost, ncol = nrow(dat))
for(i in names(pos_count)){
if(pos_count[[i]] > 0){
constr <- rbind(constr, matrix(dat$pos == i, ncol = nrow(dat)))
constr_str[[i]] <- NULL
models <- list()
for(i in c('RB', 'WR', 'TE')){
constr_val <- c(budget)
for(j in names(constr_str)){
if(i == j){
constr_val <- c(constr_val, pos_count[[j]]+1)
constr_val <- c(constr_val, pos_count[[j]])
constr_dir <- c('<=', unlist(constr_str))
prod.sol <- lp("max", obj_fun, constr, constr_dir, constr_val, all.bin = TRUE)
models[[i]] <- prod.sol
res <- list()
max_val <- 0
max_model <- 'No max, fam'
for(i in names(models)){
if(sum(!is.na(unlist(fixed_players))) > 0 ){
res[[i]] <- rbind(dat[models[[i]][['solution']] > 0,],fixed_player_dat)
if(max_val < sum(res[[i]]$proj_pts)){
max_val <- sum(res[[i]]$proj_pts)
max_model <- i
res[[i]] <- dat[models[[i]][['solution']] > 0,]
if(max_val < sum(res[[i]]$proj_pts)){
max_val <- sum(res[[i]]$proj_pts)
max_model <- i
res <- res[[max_model]] %>% arrange(pos) %>% select(-keep, -proj_pts, -pos)
total_res <- res %>% select(cost, projected_points) %>% summarize_all(.funs = sum) %>%
as.data.frame(.) %>% mutate(position = '',player = 'Total')
res <- res %>% bind_rows(total_res)
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