
# Construct second differences Tykohonov Regularization matrix
computeTykohonov <- function(selected, coordinates) {
  coordinates <- coordinates[selected, , drop = FALSE]
  if(nrow(coordinates) == 1) return(matrix(0))

  distances <- as.matrix(dist(coordinates), method = "euclidean")
  diag(distances) <- Inf

  dims <- ncol(coordinates)
  p <- sum(selected)

  firstDiff <- matrix(0, nrow = p * 3 * 2, ncol = 3)
  secondDiff <- matrix(0, nrow = p * 3 * 3, ncol = 3)
  fsparseRow <- 1
  frow <- 1
  ssparseRow <- 1
  srow <- 1
  for(i in 1:nrow(coordinates)) {
    candidates <- distances[i, ] == 1
    scandidates <- distances[i, ] == 2
    for(j in 1:dims) {
      neighbor <- (1:nrow(coordinates))[candidates][which(coordinates[i, j] - coordinates[candidates, j] == - 1)]
      if(length(neighbor) == 0) {
      firstDiff[fsparseRow, ] <- c(frow, neighbor, -1)
      fsparseRow <- fsparseRow + 1
      firstDiff[fsparseRow, ] <- c(frow, i, 1)
      fsparseRow <- fsparseRow + 1
      frow <- frow + 1

      if(length(scandidates) == 0) next
      sneighbor <- (1:nrow(coordinates))[scandidates][which(coordinates[i, j] - coordinates[scandidates, j] == - 2)]
      if(length(sneighbor) == 0) {

      secondDiff[ssparseRow, ] <- c(srow, sneighbor, 1)
      ssparseRow <- ssparseRow + 1
      secondDiff[ssparseRow, ] <- c(srow, neighbor, -2)
      ssparseRow <- ssparseRow + 1
      secondDiff[ssparseRow, ] <- c(srow, i, 1)
      ssparseRow <- ssparseRow + 1
      srow <- srow + 1

  firstDiff <- firstDiff[firstDiff[, 1] != 0, ]
  firstDiff <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = firstDiff[, 1], j = firstDiff[, 2], x = firstDiff[, 3],
                                    dims = c(nrow(firstDiff), sum(selected)))
  secondDiff <- secondDiff[secondDiff[, 2] != 0, ]
  if(length(secondDiff) == 0) {
    secondDiff <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = p, j = p, x = 0)
  } else {
    if(max(secondDiff[, 1]) < p | max(secondDiff[, 2] < p)) {
      secondDiff <- rbind(secondDiff, c(p, p, 0))
    secondDiff <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = secondDiff[, 1], j = secondDiff[, 2], x = secondDiff[, 3])
  return(list(firstDiff = firstDiff, secondDiff = secondDiff))

adjustTykohonov <- function(obsDiff, obsmean, mu, selected,
                            firstDiff, secondDiff,
                            tykohonvSlack, tykohonovParam) {
  mu <- mu[selected]
  meanmu <- mean(mu)
  for(i in 1:2) {
    if(tykohonovParam[i] == 0) next

    if(i == 1) {
      muDiff <- crossprod(mu, crossprod(firstDiff, mu))
    } else {
      muDiff <- crossprod(mu, crossprod(secondDiff, mu))

    # if(i == 1 & any(sign(mu[1]) != sign(mu)) & mean(mu) > 0.5) {
    #   tykohonovParam[i] <- tykohonovParam[i] * 1.1
    #   next
    # }

    ratio <- muDiff / (obsDiff[i] * (tykohonvSlack))
    #if(i == 2) print(c(ratio, muDiff, obsDiff[i]))
    if(is.nan(ratio)) {
      tykohonovParam[i] <- Inf
    } else if(ratio > 2) {
      tykohonovParam[i] <- tykohonovParam[i] * 1.3
    } else if(ratio > 1) {
      tykohonovParam[i] <- tykohonovParam[i] * 1.05
    } else if(ratio < 0.5) {
      tykohonovParam[i] <- tykohonovParam[i] * 0.7
    } else if(ratio < 1) {
      tykohonovParam[i] * 0.95
    tykohonovParam[i] <- min(max(tykohonovParam[i], 10^-6), 10^5)


# y = vector of observations
# cov = covariance estimate
# threshold = a single threshold for all observations, selection event is y > threshold | y < threshold.
# projected = Should the mean be constrained to a value, if projected is a scalar then
#             the mle is estimated constrained to \bar{mu} == projected.
# quadraticSlack = For projected gradient, the mean vector is constrained to a ball.
#                  This determines the size of the ball.
# barrierCoef = For non-constrained MLE the MLE is estimated with a barrier function preventing
#               the coordinates of mu from changing signs, this coefficient is related to the barrier function.
# stepSizeCoef = Scaling for stochastic gradient.
# stepRate = Stochastic gradient is scaled by iteration^{-stepRate}
# trimSample = How many Gibbs cycles to go through between samples.
# lambdaStart = For projected gradient method, what should the initial value for lambda
#               be. Should be set to a high value if mean is constrained to a small ball.
# maxiter = Number of stochastic gradient steps. 1000 is usually more than enough. For some projected
#           problems a large number of steps is required to properly tune lambda.

# Outputs:
# sample - a matrix of samples
# estimates - the optimization path
# conditional - the conditional estimate
# coordinateCI - confidence intervals for the coordinates
# meanCI - CI for the mean
optimizeSelected <- function(y, cov, threshold,
                             coordinates = NULL,
                             selected = NULL,
                             projected = NULL,
                             tykohonovParam = NULL,
                             tykohonovSlack = 1,
                             barrierCoef = 0.1,
                             stepSizeCoef = 0.25,
                             stepRate = 0.65,
                             trimSample = 40,
                             delay = 100,
                             maxiter = 4000,
                             assumeConvergence = 2000,
                             CIalpha = 0.05,
                             init = NULL,
                             probMethod = c("all", "selected", "onesided"),
                             imputeBoundary = c("none", "mean", "neighbors")) {
  maxiter <- max(maxiter, assumeConvergence + length(y) + 1)
  # Basic checks and preliminaries ---------
  if(length(probMethod) > 1) probMethod <- probMethod[1]

  if (is.null(selected)){
    selected <- abs(y) > threshold
  nselected <- sum(selected)
  p <- length(y)
  s <- sum(selected)
  if(!all(sign(y[selected]) == sign(y[selected][1]))) stop("Signs of active set must be identical")

  # Setting up boundary imputation ----------
  if(length(imputeBoundary) > 1) imputeBoundary <- imputeBoundary[1]
  if(imputeBoundary == "neighbors") {
    if(is.null(coordinates)) {
      imputeBoundary <- "mean"
    } else {
      unselected <- which(!selected)
      distances <- as.matrix(dist(coordinates))
      diag(distances) <- Inf
      neighbors <- cbind(unselected, apply(distances[unselected, ], 1, function(x) which(selected)[which.min(x[selected])[1]]))

  # Setting-up Tykohonov regularization --------------
  if(is.infinite(tykohonovSlack) | sum(selected) <= 1) {
    tykohonovParam <- rep(0, 2)
  } else if(is.null(tykohonovParam)) {
    tykohonovParam <- rep(1, 2)
  } else if(any(tykohonovParam < 0)) {
    tykohonovParam <- c(1, 2)
  } else if(is.null(coordinates)) {
    tykohonovSlack <- Inf
    tykohonovParam <- rep(0, 2)
  } else if(length(tykohonovParam) == 1) {
      tykohonovParam <- rep(tykohonovParam, 2)
  } else {
    tykohonovParam <- tykohonovParam[1:2]

  if(any(tykohonovParam > 0)) {
    tykMat <- computeTykohonov(selected, coordinates)
    firstDiff <- tykMat$firstDiff
    firstDiff <- as.matrix(Matrix::t(firstDiff) %*% firstDiff)
    secondDiff <- tykMat$secondDiff
    secondDiff <- as.matrix(Matrix::t(secondDiff) %*% secondDiff)
    if(all(secondDiff == 0)) tykohonovParam[2] <- 0

  vars <- diag(cov)
  cov <- cov2cor(cov)
  y <- y / sqrt(vars)
  if(!is.null(init)) {
    if(length(init) != length(y)) stop("If init is not NULL, then its length must match the length of y.")
    mu <- init
  } else {
    mu <- y
    mu[!selected] <- 0
  threshold <- threshold / sqrt(vars)

  sds <- sqrt(diag(cov))
  invcov <- solve(cov)
  condSigma <- 1 / diag(invcov)
  suffStat <- as.numeric(invcov %*% y)
  a <- -threshold
  b <- threshold
  signs <- sign(y)
  obsmean <- mean(y[selected])

  # Setting up projection -----------------
  # If a projected gradient method is used then initalization must be from
  # a parameter which satisfies the constraint. Also, in such a case we
  # use a quadratic barrier function. ball is the size radius in which mu
  # is allowed to be
  if(!is.null(projected)) {
    mu <- mu * sqrt(vars)
    mu[selected] <- rep(projected, sum(selected))
    mu <- mu / sqrt(vars)

  estimates <- matrix(nrow = maxiter, ncol = p)
  sampleMat <- matrix(nrow = maxiter - 1, ncol = length(y))
  #gradSamp <- matrix(nrow = maxiter - 1, ncol = sum(selected))
  estimates[1, ] <- mu
  # initial values for positive/negative Gibbs samplers
  posSamp <- abs(y)
  negSamp <- -abs(y)

  # Initializing Tykohonov Penalization Parameters
  if(any(tykohonovParam > 0)) {
    yselected <- y[selected]
    obsDiff <- rep(NA, 2)
    obsDiff[1] <- as.numeric(crossprod(yselected, crossprod(firstDiff, yselected)))
    obsDiff[2] <- as.numeric(crossprod(yselected, crossprod(secondDiff, yselected)))

  restarts <- 0
  if(!is.null(projected)) {
    slackAdjusted <- FALSE
  } else {
    tykohonovSlack <- tykohonovSlack * mean(mu[selected]) / obsmean
    slackAdjusted <- TRUE
  tykohonovParam <- pmax(tykohonovParam, 10^-3)

  for(i in 2:maxiter) {
    if(i - 1 > nrow(sampleMat)) {
      maxiter <- maxiter - 1
      break # Fix for odd bug
    # Every now and then recompute probability to be positive/negative
    if((i == 2 | i < (100 + delay) & (i %% 4 == 0)) | (i %% 50 == 0 & i <= assumeConvergence)) {
      a[selected] <- threshold[selected]
      b[selected] <- Inf
      a[!selected] <- -Inf
      b[!selected] <- threshold[!selected]
      if(probMethod == "selected") {
        posProb <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(a[selected], b[selected],
                                    mean = mu[selected],
                                    sigma = cov[selected, selected])[[1]]
      } else if(probMethod == "all") {
        posProb <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(a, b, mu, sigma = cov)[[1]]
      } else if(probMethod == "onesided") {
        posProb <- as.numeric(sign(y[selected][1]) == 1)
      a[selected] <- -Inf
      b[selected] <- -threshold[selected]
      a[!selected] <- -threshold[!selected]
      b[!selected] <- Inf
      if(probMethod == "selected") {
        negProb <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(a[selected], b[selected],
                                    mean = mu[selected],
                                    sigma = cov[selected, selected])[[1]]
      } else  if(probMethod == "all") {
        negProb <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(a, b, mean = mu, sigma = cov)[[1]]
      } else if(probMethod == "onesided") {
        negProb <- as.numeric(sign(y[selected][1]) == -1)
      posProb <- posProb / (posProb + negProb)
      if(is.nan(posProb)) {
        if(sign(y[selected][1]) == 1) {
          posProb <- 1
        } else {
          posProb <- 0

    # Sampling sign followed by sampling truncated normal rv
    # we used pass by reference to modify posSamp/negSamp in place.
    sampSign <- - 1 + 2 * rbinom(1, 1, posProb)
    barrierGrad <- rep(0, length(y))
    if(sampSign == 1) {
      a[selected] <- threshold[selected]
      b[selected] <- Inf
      a[!selected] <- -Inf
      b[!selected] <- threshold[!selected]
      newsamp <- sampleTruncNorm(posSamp, a, b, mu, invcov, trimSample)
      attempts <- 0
      while(any(is.nan(newsamp))) {
        restarts <- restarts + 1
        attempts <- attempts + 1
        newsamp <- sampleTruncNorm(y, a, b, mu, invcov, 200)
        if(attempts > 100) stop("Can't sample truncated normal samples!")
      posSamp <- newsamp
      samp <- newsamp
    } else {
      a[selected] <- -Inf
      b[selected] <- -threshold[selected]
      a[!selected] <- -threshold[!selected]
      b[!selected] <- Inf
      newsamp <- sampleTruncNorm(negSamp, a, b, mu, invcov, trimSample)
      attempts <- 0
      while(any(is.nan(newsamp))) {
        attempts <- attempts + 1
        restarts <- restarts + 1
        newsamp <- sampleTruncNorm(y, a, b, mu, invcov, 200)
        if(attempts > 100) stop("Can't sample truncated normal samples!")
      negSamp <- newsamp
      samp <- newsamp

    sampleMat[i - 1, ] <- samp

    # Computing gradient ---------------
    if(i == assumeConvergence) {
      stepSizeCoef <- 0
    condExp <- as.numeric(invcov %*% samp)
    if(tykohonovParam[1] > 0 & sum(selected) > 1) {
      firstGrad <- - as.numeric(firstDiff %*% mu[selected]) * tykohonovParam[1]
    } else {
      firstGrad <- 0
    if(tykohonovParam[2] > 0 & sum(selected) > 1) {
      secondGrad <- - as.numeric(secondDiff %*% mu[selected]) * tykohonovParam[2]
    } else {
      secondGrad <- 0
    barrierGrad[selected] <- firstGrad + secondGrad

    # Computing gradient and projecting if necessary
    # The projection of the gradient is simply setting its mean to zero
    rawGradient <- (suffStat - condExp + barrierGrad)
    #gradSamp[i - 1, ] <- rawGradient[selected] # no longer used
    gradient <-  rawGradient / max(i - delay, 1) * stepSizeCoef
    gradient[!selected] <- 0
    gradsign <- sign(gradient)
    gradient <- pmin(abs(gradient), 0.1) * gradsign
    if(!is.null(projected)) {
      gradient <- gradient * sqrt(vars)
      gradMean <- mean(gradient[selected])
      gradient[selected] <- gradient[selected] - gradMean
      gradient <- gradient / sqrt(vars)

    # Updating estimate. The error thing is to make sure we didn't accidently
    # cross the barrier. There might be a better way to do this.
    mu <- mu + gradient

    #### EXPERIMENTAL #######
    if(imputeBoundary != "none") {
      if(imputeBoundary == "mean") {
        mu[!selected] <- mean(mu[selected])
      } else if(imputeBoundary == "neighbors") {
        mu[neighbors[, 1]] <- mu[neighbors[, 2]] * (y[neighbors[, 1]] / y[neighbors[, 2]])

    if(is.null(projected)) {
      mu <- pmin(abs(mu), abs(y)) * sign(y)

    # Updating Tykohonov Params
    if(i > assumeConvergence / 3 & !slackAdjusted &
       is.null(projected) &
       sum(selected) > 1) {
      tykohonovSlack <- pmax(tykohonovSlack * mean(mu[selected]) / obsmean, 10^-3)
      slackAdjusted <- TRUE

    if(any(tykohonovParam > 0) & sum(selected) > 1) {
      tykohonovParam <- adjustTykohonov(obsDiff, obsmean, mu, selected,
                                        firstDiff, secondDiff,
                                        tykohonovSlack, tykohonovParam)
    estimates[i, ] <- mu

    # progress...
    # if((i %% 100) == 0) {
    #   cat(i, " ")
    #   cat(i, " ", round(mean(mu[selected]), 3), " ")
    #   print(c(tyk = tykohonovParam))
    #   print(mu[selected])
    # }

  if(restarts > 0) {
    warning(paste("Chain restarted", restarts, "times!"))

  # Unnormalizing estimates and samples --------------------------
  for(i in 1:ncol(sampleMat)) {
    sampleMat[, i] <- sampleMat[, i] * sqrt(vars[i])
    estimates[, i] <- estimates[, i] * sqrt(vars[i])
  conditional <- colMeans(estimates[floor(maxiter * 0.8):maxiter, ])

  return(list(sample = sampleMat,
              estimates = estimates,
              conditional = conditional))

# # Computations for confidence intervals
# forQuants <- gradSamp[(assumeConvergence + 1):(maxiter - 1), , drop = FALSE]
# if(sum(selected) > 1) {
#   forQuants <- apply(forQuants, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))
#   gradcov <- var(forQuants)
#   invcov <- MASS::ginv(gradcov)
#   forQuants <- forQuants %*% invcov
#   for(i in 1:ncol(forQuants)) {
#     forQuants[, i] <- forQuants[, i] * sqrt(vars[selected][i])
#   }
#   meanquantiles <- quantile(rowMeans(forQuants), c(1 - CIalpha / 2, CIalpha / 2))
#   ciQuantiles <- apply(forQuants, 2, function(x) quantile(x, c(1 - CIalpha / 2, CIalpha / 2)))
# } else {
#   forQuants <- forQuants - mean(forQuants)
#   gradcov <- var(forQuants)
#   forQuants <- forQuants * 1 / as.numeric(gradcov)
#   forQuants <- forQuants * sqrt(vars[selected])
#   meanquantiles <- quantile(forQuants, c(1 - CIalpha / 2, CIalpha / 2))
#   ciQuantiles <- meanquantiles
# }

# # Computing estimate and CIs -----------------------------
# conditional <- colMeans(estimates[floor(maxiter * 0.8):maxiter, ])
# meanCI <- mean(conditional[selected]) - meanquantiles
# ciQuantiles <- apply(forQuants, 2, function(x) quantile(x, c(1 - CIalpha / 2, CIalpha / 2)))
# CI <- matrix(nrow = sum(selected), ncol = 2)
# for(i in 1:ncol(ciQuantiles)) {
#   CI[i, ] <- conditional[selected][i] - ciQuantiles[, i]
# }
ammeir2/selective-fmri documentation built on May 10, 2019, 10:28 a.m.