
#' ForceAtlas2 layout
#' @param graph An igraph network or a data frame of three columns: source, target, and weights.
#' @param directed Logical. TRUE if the network is directed. Ignored if graph is an igraph object.
#' @param iterations Number of iterations to be performed.
#' @param linlog Logical. If TRUE the algorithm uses logarithmic attraction force `F <- log (1+F)`
#' @param pos A data frame or matrix (NumberOfNodes x dimension) of the initial locations of points. If NULL the initial positions are random.
#' @param nohubs Logical. If TRUE nodes with high indegree have more central position than nodes with outdegree (for directed graphs).
#' @param k Is the repel constant: the greater the constant k the stronger the repulsion force between points.
#' @param gravity Gravity constant: indicates how strongly the nodes should be attracted to the center of gravity.
#' @param ks Speed constant: the greater the value of `ks` the more movement the nodes make under the acting forces.
#' @param ksmax Limits the speed from above.
#' @param delta Modify attraction force, the weights are raised to the power of `delta`
#' @param center Center of gravity.
#' @param tolerance Tolerance to swinging constant.
#' @param dim Dimension of the positions.
#' @param plotstep is the frequency of plotting intermediate iterations.
#' @param plotlabels Logical. If TRUE the labels should be included in the intermediate interations plot
#' @return When graph is an igraph object, the function returns a matrix with the positions. If graph is a data frame, this is a data frame with the names of the nodes and the positions.
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' g <- graph.ring(50)
#' layout <- layout.forceatlas2(g, iterations=3000, plotstep=100)
#' plot(g, layout=layout)

layout.forceatlas2 <- function(graph, directed=TRUE, iterations = 100, linlog = FALSE, pos = NULL, nohubs = FALSE,
                               k = 400, gravity=1, ks=0.1, ksmax=10, delta = 1, center=NULL,
                               tolerance = 0.1, dim = 2, plotstep=10, plotlabels=TRUE){

    g <- graph
  } else{
    g <- igraph::graph.data.frame(graph, directed=directed)
    attr_g <- NULL
  } else {
    attr_g <- names(igraph::edge.attributes(g))
  A <- igraph::get.adjacency(g, type="both",
                             attr=attr_g, edges=FALSE, names=TRUE,

  #### center of gravity is by default set to the origin
  if(is.null(center)) center <- rep(0,dim)

  nnodes <- nrow(A)
  #### Binary will be a matrix of simple incidence (0-not connected, 1-connected)
  Binary <- A
  Binary[Binary!=0] <- 1
  #### Deg will be a vector of the degrees of vertices
  Deg <- rowSums(Binary)
  #### Forces1 will be a table containing all the sums of forces acting on points at a step
  Forces1 <- matrix(0, nrow = dim, ncol = nnodes)

  #### If there are no initial coordinates of points,
  #### they are chosen at random from 1000^dim square
  if (is.null(pos))  {
    difference <- 2000/(nnodes*dim)
    position <- matrix(sample(seq(-1000,1000,difference),nnodes*dim),nnodes,dim)
  }  else  {
    position <- pos

  #### None of the nodes should be exactly at the center of gravity###
  temp <- which(position[,1] == center[1])
  for( index in 2:ncol(position)){
    temp <- intersect(temp,which(position[,index] == center[index]))
  position[temp,] <- center + 0.01

  #### displacement will be a matrix of points' movement at the current iteration
  displacement <- matrix(rep(0,dim*nnodes),dim,nnodes)

  m <- nrow(position)

  for (iteration in 1:iterations)
    displacement <- displacement * 0
    #### Forces2 is the table of the forces from previous step
    #### Forces1 is the table of the forces from current step
    Forces2 <- Forces1
    Forces1 <- matrix(, nrow = dim, ncol = 0)

    #### Calculate the Forces for each node
    ### Distance matrix between all nodes
    distances <- as.matrix(dist(position))
    distances[which(distances < 0.01)] <- 0.01 #We impose a minimum distance
    ### Each element of the list contains a matrix with the j = 1,2,..., dim dimension of the unitary vector 1
    mylist <- vector("list",dim)
    for (j in 1:dim){
      mylist[[j]] <- (tcrossprod(position[,j],rep(1,m))-tcrossprod(rep(1,m),position[,j]))/distances
    ### Calculate the repulsion Force
    Fr <- k*((tcrossprod(rep(1,m),Deg)+1)*(tcrossprod(Deg,rep(1,m))+1))/distances

    #The classical attraction force is just based on distance
    Fa <- distances
    #The linlog mode calculates the attraction force as log(1+d(n1,n2))
      Fa <- log(1+Fa)
    #Edge weights. The edges are weighted based on parameter delta. delta=0 implies no weight
    Fa <- (A^delta)*Fa

    #Dissuade Hubs. This mode is meant to grant authorities (nodes with high indegree)
    #a more central position than hubs (nodes with high outdegree)
      Fa <- Fa/(tcrossprod(Deg,rep(1,m))+1)

    ### Function to calculate the Attraction and Repulsion forces
    Farfunction <- function(x) rowSums(x*(Fr-Fa),na.rm=T)
    ### And we aggregate it over all dimensions
    Far <- do.call(rbind,lapply(mylist,Farfunction))
    ### Unitary Vector 2, the directions between each point and the center
    uv2 <- apply(matrix(rep(center,m),nrow=m,byrow=T)-position,1,function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x^2)))
    ### The gravity force
    #Fg <- uv2*matrix(rep(gravity*(rowSums(A)+1),dim),nrow=dim,byrow=T)
    Fg <- uv2*matrix(rep(gravity*(Deg+1),dim),nrow=dim,byrow=T)
    ### Forces 1 is the sum between all forces: Far (Fa + Fr) and Fg
    Forces1 <- Far+Fg
    Forces1 <- round(Forces1,2) #Use the first two decimals for the Forces.

    #### Swing is the vector of the swingings of all points
    swing <- abs(colSums((Forces1-Forces2)^2)^(1/2))
    Global_swing <- sum((Deg + 1)*swing)

    #If the swing of all nodes is zero, then convergence is reached and we break.
        plot(position, main=paste0("iteration: ",iteration), xlab="", ylab="")
        if(plotlabels) text(position, labels=igraph::V(g)$name, cex= 0.7, pos=3)
      print(paste0("Convergence reached at step ", iteration))

    #### tra is the vector of the traction of all points
    tra <- abs(colSums((Forces1+Forces2)^2)^(1/2))/2
    Global_tra <- sum((Deg+1)*tra)

    #### Global speed calculation
    Global_speed <- tolerance * Global_tra/Global_swing
    #### speed is the vector of individual speeds of points
    speed <- ks * Global_speed /  (1 + Global_speed * (swing)^(1/2))

    #### Imposing constrains on speed
    speed_constrain <- ksmax/abs(colSums((Forces1^2))^(1/2))
    speed <- ifelse(speed>=speed_constrain,speed_constrain,speed)

    #### calculating displacement and final position of points after iteration
    displacement <- Forces1 * t(matrix(rep(speed,dim),nnodes,dim))
    position <- position + t(displacement)

    #### Iteration plot. This is simply to see the evolution of the positions over iterations
    #### Is much faster to visualize directly using R base plots instead of igraph plots

      if(iteration%%plotstep==0)  {
        plot(position, main=paste0("iteration: ",iteration), xlab="", ylab="")
        if(plotlabels) text(position, labels=igraph::V(g)$name, cex= 0.7, pos=3)

    return (position)
  }  else {
    position <- cbind(data.frame(name=igraph::V(g)$name), as.data.frame(position))
analyxcompany/ForceAtlas2 documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:40 a.m.