
#This file contains visualization of output in a non-sorted manner
#output was created as it was required for analysis and the presentation / documentation
#therefore, expect a bit of chaos
#Output analysis of CMAES with only default stopping criteria
#creates all the output images
#' @title Output Analysis of CMAES
#' @description 
#' \code{createOutputImages} creates all relevant analysis results in form of images.
#' @details 
#' \code{createOutputImages} will only work, if every necessary file is present in the working directory.
#' @param outputPath
#' The user has to define the desired path \code{outputPath}. A folder will be created and filled with analysis results.
#' @return 
#' \code{outputPath} creates a folder on harddrive that contains every image or result of the benchmarking experiments conducted to 
#' compare the default stopping criterion of CMAES with OCD as a criterion.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import BBmisc
# no export as it is not recommended to use this function separately.
createOutputImages = function(outputPath) {
  dir.create(outputPath, showWarnings = FALSE)
  if (!"parallel" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) install.packages("parallel")
  if (!"BBMisc" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) install.packages("BBMisc")
  if (!"snow" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) install.packages("snow")
  #source necessary functions
  #get results for the first default run
  CMAES_only_default_results = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./CMAES_only_default", 
                           algorithmName = "CMAES")
  #aggregate results
  CMAES_only_default_aggResult = aggregateResults(CMAES_only_default_results)
  #get data for cumulative distribution
  CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution1 = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_only_default_aggResult, fitnessGap = 100)
  CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution2 = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_only_default_aggResult, fitnessGap = 1)
  CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution3 = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_only_default_aggResult, fitnessGap = 1e-04)
  CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution4 = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_only_default_aggResult, fitnessGap = 1e-08)
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_only_expectedFE.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution1, col = "red", type = "l", xlab = "Function evaluations", 
       ylab = "% of functions solved", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.5))
  axis(1, cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), cex.axis = 4)
  lines(CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution2, col = "blue", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution3, col = "green", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(CMAES_only_default_cumulativeDistribution4, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("100", "1", "1e-04", "1e-08"), col = c("red", "blue", "green", "black"), lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #analyze average convergence behavior
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_default_only.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_only_default_aggResult$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1], log(CMAES_only_default_aggResult$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,2]+1), 
       col = "black", type = "l", xlab = "Function evaluations", 
       ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5)
  #analyze convergence behavior on different functions
  aggregatedConvergenceFunctions = getAggregatedConvergenceFunctions(CMAES_only_default_aggResult, 
                                                                     nFunctions = 24, nDimensions = 4)
  pdf(paste(outputPath, "default_setting_convergence_by_functions.pdf", sep = "/"))
  for (i in 1:24) {
    plot(aggregatedConvergenceFunctions[,1], log(aggregatedConvergenceFunctions[,i+1]+1), type = "l")
  #identify worst stagnation example
  #which(CMAES_only_default_aggResult$aggregatedAllStagnation == 
  #       max(CMAES_only_default_aggResult$aggregatedAllStagnation))
  #file number 28
  file = "./CMAES_only_default/CMAES_output_7_20.txt"
  worstStagnation = readOutput(file)
  #get instance with worst stagnation behavior
  worstStagnationIndex = which(worstStagnation$allStagnations == max(worstStagnation$allStagnations)) + 1
  feMultiplier = worstStagnation$allRunsEval[worstStagnationIndex] / 
  worstStagnationData = worstStagnation$allConvergence[,c(1,worstStagnationIndex)]
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_worst_stagnation.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
       log(worstStagnationData[,2]+1),type = "l", lwd = 4, cex = 5, cex.lab = 4, cex.axis = 4,
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(best value + 1)")
  #draw red lines where stagnation takes place
  lines(worstStagnationData[worstStagnationData[,2] == min(worstStagnationData[,2]),1], 
        log(worstStagnationData[worstStagnationData[,2] == min(worstStagnationData[,2]),2]+1), col = "red", lwd = 4)
  #plot stagnation time
  #multiply by eval/iter ratio
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_stagnation.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
          * (CMAES_only_default_aggResult$aggregatedAllRunsEval / CMAES_only_default_aggResult$aggregatedAllRuns),
          ylab = "Stagnation length", cex.lab = 4, cex = 5, cex.axis = 4, pch = 16)
  #plots to show that multiple restarts might result in better solutions
  file1 = "./CMAES_restart_test/cmaes1_output_12_20.txt"
  file2 = "./CMAES_restart_test/cmaes2_output_12_20.txt"
  file3 = "./CMAES_restart_test/cmaes3_output_12_20.txt"
  file4 = "./CMAES_restart_test/cmaes4_output_12_20.txt"
  file5 = "./CMAES_restart_test/cmaes5_output_12_20.txt"
  file6 = "./CMAES_restart_test/cmaes6_output_12_20.txt"
  restart_test1 = readOutput(file1)
  restart_test2 = readOutput(file2)
  restart_test3 = readOutput(file3)
  restart_test4 = readOutput(file4)
  restart_test5 = readOutput(file5)
  restart_test6 = readOutput(file6)
  #order descending
  restart_test1$allBest #3
  restart_test2$allBest #1
  restart_test3$allBest #5
  restart_test4$allBest #2
  restart_test5$allBest #4
  #concatenate all results to show the current best results over all restarts
  cumulated = c(restart_test2$avgConvergence[,2], 
  cumulatedTicks = c(restart_test2$avgConvergence[,1], 
  #get the current best result (red line in the plot)
  bestLine = numeric()
  for (i in 1:length(cumulated)) {
    bestLine = c(bestLine, min(cumulated[1:i]))
  #assume all restarts are equally long
  png(paste(outputPath, "restart_demo.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 2000)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
       log(restart_test2$avgConvergence[,2]+1), type = "l", 
       xlim = c(0, (restart_test4$longestRunEval * 5)), ylim = c(0,30), xlab = "Function evaluations",
       ylab = "log(best value + 1)", cex = 5, lwd = 4, cex.lab = 4, cex.axis = 4)
  lines(restart_test4$avgConvergence[,1] + 50000, 
        log(restart_test4$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
  lines(restart_test1$avgConvergence[,1] + 100000, 
        log(restart_test1$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
  lines(restart_test5$avgConvergence[,1] + 150000, 
        log(restart_test5$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
  lines(restart_test3$avgConvergence[,1] + 200000, 
        log(restart_test3$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
  #nudge by 0.1 so the original line is still visible
  lines(cumulatedTicks, log(bestLine+1)+0.1, col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("Independent restarts", "Current best"), col = c("black", "red"), lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #in comparison the normal run
  png(paste(outputPath, "restart_demo2.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 2000)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
       log(restart_test2$avgConvergence[,2]+1), type = "l", 
       xlim = c(0, (restart_test4$longestRunEval * 5)), ylim = c(0,30), xlab = "Function evaluations",
       ylab = "log(best value + 1)", cex = 5, lwd = 4, cex.lab = 4, cex.axis = 4)
  lines(restart_test4$avgConvergence[,1] + 50000, 
        log(restart_test4$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
  lines(restart_test1$avgConvergence[,1] + 100000, 
        log(restart_test1$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
  lines(restart_test5$avgConvergence[,1] + 150000, 
        log(restart_test5$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
  lines(restart_test3$avgConvergence[,1] + 200000, 
        log(restart_test3$avgConvergence[,2]+1), lwd = 4)
        log(restart_test6$avgConvergence[,2]+1), type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  #nudge by 0.1 so the original line is still visible
  lines(cumulatedTicks, log(bestLine+1)+0.1, col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("Independent restarts", "Current best", "Default run without restarts"), 
         col = c("black", "red", "green"), lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #load data for 100k function evaluations from random search, CMAES and GA to compare
  #this will probably take up to 10 minutes
  CMAES_default_restart_results = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./CMAES_default_with_restart",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES")
  RS_results = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./Random_Search_100000",
                           algorithmName = "random search")
  GA_results = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./GA_default",
                           algorithmName = "GA")
  #aggregate results
  CMAES_default_restart_results_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_default_restart_results)
  RS_results_agg = aggregateResults(RS_results)
  GA_results_agg = aggregateResults(GA_results)
  #plot averaged convergence ggplot style
  png(paste(outputPath, "test.png", sep = "/"), height = 800, width = 800)
         aes(x = allConvergenceTicks, y = log(aggregatedAvgConvergence + 1))) + 
    geom_line() +
    xlab("Function evaluations") +
    ylab("log(averaged convergence + 1)")
  #we cannot see any advantage of using ggplot for now, so stick to normal plot
  #also ggplot looks horrible in RStudio when using a 4k-monitor
  #plot normal style
  png(paste(outputPath, "allConvergence_noOCD.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), type = "l", ylim = c(5, 20),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4)
  points(GA_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(GA_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2])+1, type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  points(RS_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(RS_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2])+1, type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot number of function solved for gap = 1
  CMAES_default_restart_cumulativeDistribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_default_restart_results_agg, fitnessGap = 1)
  GA_cumulativeDistribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_results_agg, fitnessGap = 1)
  RS_cumulativeDistribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    RS_results_agg, fitnessGap = 1)
  #limit to only entries below 100000 FEs
  cumulativeDistCMAES = CMAES_default_restart_cumulativeDistribution[CMAES_default_restart_cumulativeDistribution[,1] < 100000,]
  cumulativeDistGA = GA_cumulativeDistribution[GA_cumulativeDistribution[,1] < 100000,]
  cumulativeDistRS = RS_cumulativeDistribution[RS_cumulativeDistribution[,1] < 100000,]
  #add a point at at 100000 FEs so that graph extends to that point
  cumulativeDistCMAES = rbind(cumulativeDistCMAES, c(100000, cumulativeDistCMAES[nrow(cumulativeDistCMAES),2]))
  cumulativeDistGA = rbind(cumulativeDistGA, c(100000, cumulativeDistGA[nrow(cumulativeDistGA),2]))
  cumulativeDistRS = rbind(cumulativeDistRS, c(100000, cumulativeDistRS[nrow(cumulativeDistRS),2]))
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_gap_1.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
       col = "black", type = "l",
       xlim = c(0, 100000), 
       ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "% of functions", 
       cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4)
  lines(cumulativeDistGA, col = "red", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(cumulativeDistRS, col = "green", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot the same for a gap of 0.01
  CMAES_default_restart_cumulativeDistribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_default_restart_results_agg, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  GA_cumulativeDistribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_results_agg, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  RS_cumulativeDistribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    RS_results_agg, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  #limit to only entries below 100000 FEs
  cumulativeDistCMAES = CMAES_default_restart_cumulativeDistribution[CMAES_default_restart_cumulativeDistribution[,1] < 100000,]
  cumulativeDistGA = GA_cumulativeDistribution[GA_cumulativeDistribution[,1] < 100000,]
  cumulativeDistRS = RS_cumulativeDistribution[RS_cumulativeDistribution[,1] < 100000,]
  #add a point at at 100000 FEs so that graph extends to that point
  cumulativeDistCMAES = rbind(cumulativeDistCMAES, c(100000, cumulativeDistCMAES[nrow(cumulativeDistCMAES),2]))
  cumulativeDistGA = rbind(cumulativeDistGA, c(100000, cumulativeDistGA[nrow(cumulativeDistGA),2]))
  cumulativeDistRS = rbind(cumulativeDistRS, c(100000, cumulativeDistRS[nrow(cumulativeDistRS),2]))
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_gap_001.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
       col = "black", type = "l",
       xlim = c(0, 100000), 
       ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "% of functions", 
       cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4)
  lines(cumulativeDistGA, col = "red", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(cumulativeDistRS, col = "green", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #apparently CMAES just has horrible results for certain functions
  #find out these functions
  avgBestPerFunction_CMAES = getAvgBestPerFunction(results = CMAES_default_restart_results_agg, nFunctions = 24, 
                                                   nDimensions = 4)
  avgBestPerFunction_GA = getAvgBestPerFunction(results = GA_results_agg, nFunctions = 24, 
                                                nDimensions = 4)
  avgBestPerFunction_RS = getAvgBestPerFunction(results = RS_results_agg, nFunctions = 24, 
                                                nDimensions = 4)
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_best_per_function.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(log(avgBestPerFunction_CMAES+1), pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 20), axes = FALSE, 
       ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", xlab = "Function",
       cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5)
  axis(1, at = 1:24, cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, cex.axis = 4)
  points(log(avgBestPerFunction_GA+1), col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  points(log(avgBestPerFunction_RS+1), col = "green", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), pch = 16, cex = 4)
  #without the logarithm, the result is even more drastic
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_best_per_function_non_log.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(avgBestPerFunction_CMAES, pch = 16, axes = FALSE, 
       ylab = "Average best value", xlab = "Function",
       cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5)
  axis(1, at = 1:24, cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, cex.axis = 4)
  points(avgBestPerFunction_GA, col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  points(avgBestPerFunction_RS, col = "green", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), pch = 16, cex = 4)
  #apparently function 12 is a major outlier
  #plot convergence without function 12
  avgConvergence_CMAES = averageConvergence(allConvergence = CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                            includedFunctions = c(1:7, 9:24), includedDimensions = (1:4), 
                                            nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_GA = averageConvergence(allConvergence = GA_results_agg$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                         includedFunctions = c(1:7, 9:24), includedDimensions = (1:4), 
                                         nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_RS = averageConvergence(allConvergence = RS_results_agg$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                         includedFunctions = c(1:7, 9:24), includedDimensions = (1:4), 
                                         nDimensions = 4)
  png(paste(outputPath, "allConvergence_noOCD_noFunction8.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  #limit to entries below 100.000
  #due to massively increasing populations, FEs might exceed 100.000 (it is only checked every iteration)
  plot(avgConvergence_CMAES[avgConvergence_CMAES[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(avgConvergence_CMAES[avgConvergence_CMAES[,1] < 100000,2]+1), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 20), xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(best value + 1)",
       cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5)
  points(avgConvergence_GA[avgConvergence_GA[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_GA[avgConvergence_GA[,1] < 100000,2]+1), type = "l", col = "red",  lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,2]+1), type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #now, CMAES already is much better than random search
  #do the same analysis per dimensions
  avgBestPerDimension_CMAES = getAvgBestPerDimension(results = CMAES_default_restart_results_agg, nFunctions = 24, 
                                                     nDimensions = 4)
  avgBestPerDimension_GA = getAvgBestPerDimension(results = GA_results_agg, nFunctions = 24, 
                                                  nDimensions = 4)
  avgBestPerDimension_RS = getAvgBestPerDimension(results = RS_results_agg, nFunctions = 24, 
                                                  nDimensions = 4)
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_best_per_dimension.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(log(avgBestPerDimension_CMAES+1), pch = 16, ylim = c(0, 20), axes = FALSE, xlab = "Dimension", 
       ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex = 5, cex.lab = 5)
  axis(1, at = 1:4, labels = c("2", "5", "10", "20"), cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, cex.axis = 4)
  points(log(avgBestPerDimension_GA+1), col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  points(log(avgBestPerDimension_RS+1), col = "green", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #without the logarithm, the result is even more drastic
  png(paste(outputPath, "default_best_per_dimension_non_log.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(avgBestPerDimension_CMAES, pch = 16, axes = FALSE, xlab = "Dimension", 
       ylab = "Average best value", cex = 5, cex.lab = 5, ylim = c(0, max(avgBestPerDimension_CMAES) + 
  axis(1, at = 1:4, labels = c("2", "5", "10", "20"), cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, cex.axis = 4)
  points(avgBestPerDimension_GA, col = "red", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  points(avgBestPerDimension_RS, col = "green", pch = 16, cex = 5)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot the convergence without dimension 20 and without function 12
  avgConvergence_CMAES = averageConvergence(allConvergence = CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                            includedFunctions = c(1:7, 9:24), includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                            nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_GA = averageConvergence(allConvergence = GA_results_agg$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                         includedFunctions = c(1:7, 9:24), includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                         nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_RS = averageConvergence(allConvergence = RS_results_agg$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                         includedFunctions = c(1:7, 9:24), includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                         nDimensions = 4)
  png(paste(outputPath, "allConvergence_noOCD_noFunction8_noDim20.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(avgConvergence_CMAES[avgConvergence_CMAES[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(avgConvergence_CMAES[avgConvergence_CMAES[,1] < 100000,2]+1), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 20), xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(best value + 1)",
       cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5)
  points(avgConvergence_GA[avgConvergence_GA[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_GA[avgConvergence_GA[,1] < 100000,2]+1), type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,2]+1), type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES", "GA", "RS"), col = c("black", "red", "green"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #compare different settings for ocd
  #load all configuration results
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.01_10",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.01_10",
                   algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.01_100",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.01_1000",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.001_10",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.001_100",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.001_1000",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.0001_10",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.0001_100",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.0001_1000",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD10 = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.00001_10",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD11 = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.00001_100",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD12 = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_parametrization/OCD_RUN_0.00001_1000",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  #aggregate results
  CMAES_OCD1_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD1)
  CMAES_OCD2_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD2)
  CMAES_OCD3_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD3)
  CMAES_OCD4_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD4)
  CMAES_OCD5_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD5)
  CMAES_OCD6_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD6)
  CMAES_OCD7_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD7)
  CMAES_OCD8_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD8)
  CMAES_OCD9_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD9)
  CMAES_OCD10_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD10)
  CMAES_OCD11_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD11)
  CMAES_OCD12_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD12)
  #plot the average best results WITH default configuration
  allAverageBest = c(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgBest, 
  allAverageRestarts = c(mean(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAllRestarts),
  png(paste(outputPath, "OCD_Parametrization.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  par(las = 3)
  plot(allAverageBest, axes = FALSE, pch = 16, 
       xlab = "", ylab = "Average best value", cex = 5, cex.lab = 4, 
       type = "h", lwd = 4)
  axis(1, at = 1:12, labels = c("0.01; 10", 
                               "0.01; 100",
                               "0.01; 1000",
                               "0.001; 10",
                               "0.001; 100",
                               "0.001; 1000",
                               "0.0001; 10",
                               "0.0001; 100",
                               "0.0001; 1000", 
                               "0.00001; 10",
                               "0.00001; 100",
                               "0.00001; 1000"), cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, cex.axis = 4)
  #add the average best of default run
  lines(c(0,17), c(CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAvgBest, CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAvgBest), 
        col = "red", lwd = 4)
  #apparently varLimit = 0.0001 and nPreGen = 100 yields the best results
  #this is number 8
  #determine boundaries for the plot
  lower = min(c(log(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                log(CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                log(CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                log(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                log(CMAES_OCD10_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD10_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                log(CMAES_OCD11_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD11_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                log(CMAES_OCD12_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD12_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)))
  upper = range(c(log(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                  log(CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                  log(CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                  log(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                  log(CMAES_OCD10_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD10_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                  log(CMAES_OCD11_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD11_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                  log(CMAES_OCD12_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD12_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)),
                finite = TRUE)[2]
  #add margin for the legend
  upper = upper + upper/3
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_parametrization.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
       log(CMAES_default_restart_results_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,2]+1), type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "red")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "orange", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD10_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD10_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD11_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD11_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD12_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD12_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("Other OCD", "Default CMA-ES", "0.0001; 100"), 
         col = c("black", "red", "orange"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot above plots WITHOUT default and without varLimit 0.00001 as this gets much worse results and distorts the plot
  #it is not as nice to read for the presentation
  allAverageBest = c(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgBest, 
  allAverageRestarts = c(mean(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAllRestarts),
  #also add a second axis in this plot which shows the average number of restarts
  png(paste(outputPath, "OCD_Parametrization_withoutDefault_without000001.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  par(las = 3)
  plot(allAverageBest, axes = FALSE, pch = 16, 
       xlab = "", ylab = "Average best value", cex = 5, cex.lab = 4, 
       type = "h", lwd = 4)
  axis(1, at = 1:9, labels = c("0.01; 10", 
                                "0.01; 100",
                                "0.01; 1000",
                                "0.001; 10",
                                "0.001; 100",
                                "0.001; 1000",
                                "0.0001; 10",
                                "0.0001; 100",
                                "0.0001; 1000"), cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, at = c(200000, 700000, 1200000), labels = c("2e05", "7e05", "1.2e06"), cex.axis = 4)
  par(new = TRUE)
  plot(allAverageRestarts, pch = 16, axes = FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, cex = 5)
  axis(side = 4, cex.axis = 4)
  mtext(side = 4, line = 5, "Average restarts", cex = 4)
  #apparently varLimit = 0.0001 and nPreGen = 100 yields the best results
  #this is number 8
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_parametrization_withoutDefault_without000001.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD1_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
       type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "black")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD3_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD4_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD5_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD6_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD7_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD8_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "orange", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD9_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("Other OCD", "0.0001; 1000", "0.0001; 100"), 
         col = c("black", "red", "orange"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #compare different performance indicators of OCD
  CMAES_OCD_disp = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_disp",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_disp_fit = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_disp_fit",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_evo = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_evo",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_evo_disp = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_evo_disp",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_evo_disp_fit",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_fit = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_fit",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_evo_fit = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_evo_fit",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_disp_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_disp)
  CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_disp_fit)
  CMAES_OCD_evo_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_evo)
  CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp)
  CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit)
  CMAES_OCD_fit_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_fit)
  CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_evo_fit)
  #plot the average best results
  allAverageBestPI = c(CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgBest, 
  allAverageRestartsPI = c(mean(CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAllRestarts),
  #plot average best values
  png(paste(outputPath, "OCD_performance_indicators.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  par(las = 3)
  plot(allAverageBestPI, axes = FALSE, pch = 16, 
       xlab = "", ylab = "Average best value", cex = 5, cex.lab = 4, 
       type = "h", lwd = 4)
  axis(1, at = 1:7, labels = c("F", 
                               "F,D,E"), cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, at = c(200000, 1200000, 2200000, 3200000), labels = c("2e05", "1.2e06", "2.2e06", "3.2e06"), cex.axis = 4)
  par(new = TRUE)
  plot(allAverageRestartsPI, pch = 16, axes = FALSE, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, cex = 5)
  axis(side = 4, cex.axis = 4)
  mtext(side = 4, line = 5, "Average restarts", cex = 4)
  par(las = 1)
  #plot the convergence
  #determine boundaries for the plot
  lower = min(c(log(CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                log(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)))
  upper = range(c(log(CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1),
                  log(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)), 
                finite = TRUE)[2]
  #add margin for the legend
  upper = upper + upper/4
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_performance_indicators.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
       type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "black")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "grey", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "purple", lwd = 4)
  points(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_fit_agg$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "cyan", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("F", "D", "E", "F,D", "E,D", "F,E", "F,D,E"), 
         col = c("black", "grey", "green", "red", "blue", "purple", "cyan"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #compare ocd and non-ocd results
  #load results again
  #could be optimized since results might already be loaded
  CMAES_OCD_single = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_evo_disp",
                                              algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_single)
  CMAES_default_single = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./CMAES_default_with_restart",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES")
  CMAES_default_agg = aggregateResults(CMAES_default_single)
  CMAES_Default = CMAES_default_agg
  RS_single = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./Random_Search_100000",
                                      algorithmName = "random search")
  RS_results_agg = aggregateResults(RS_single)
  RS = RS_results_agg
  GA_OCD_single = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./GA_OCD",
                                  algorithmName = "GA")
  GA_OCD = aggregateResults(GA_OCD_single)
  GA_single = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./GA_default",
                                          algorithmName = "GA")
  GA_results_agg = aggregateResults(GA_single)
  GA_Default = GA_results_agg
  #plot convergence
  #plot the convergence
  #determine boundaries for the plot
  lower = min(c(log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)))
  upper = range(c(log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)), 
                finite = TRUE)[2]
  #add margin for the legend
  upper = upper + upper/4
  #undo automatic determination of boundaries (for more consistent pngs for the presentation)
  lower = 5
  upper = 20
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_vs_Default.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
       type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "orange")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  points(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 4)
  points(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot the same for boundaries 0, 20 for better comparability to plots without dimension20/10 later on 
  #purely for presentation showcasing purposes
  #undo automatic determination of boundaries (for more consistent pngs for the presentation)
  lower = 0
  upper = 20
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_vs_Default_showcase.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
       type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "orange")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  points(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 4)
  points(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot expected FE to reach a certain optimality gap
  #get data for cumulative distribution
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_OCD, fitnessGap = 1)
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_Default, fitnessGap = 1)
  RS_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    RS, fitnessGap = 1)
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_OCD, fitnessGap = 1)
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_Default, fitnessGap = 1)
  #limit to only entries below 100000 FEs
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
    RS_cumulative_distribution[RS_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  #add a point at at 100000 FEs so that graph extends to that point
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, RS_cumulative_distribution[nrow(RS_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  png(paste(outputPath, "gap1_comparison.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "orange", type = "l", xlab = "Function evaluations", 
       ylab = "% of functions solved", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.5))
  axis(1, cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), cex.axis = 4)
  lines(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(RS_cumulative_distribution, col = "green", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "blue", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "red", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #repeat for a gap of 0.01
  #plot expected FE to reach a certain optimality gap
  #get data for cumulative distribution
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_OCD, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_Default, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  RS_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    RS, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_OCD, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_Default, fitnessGap = 0.01)
  #limit to only entries below 100000 FEs
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
    RS_cumulative_distribution[RS_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  #add a point at at 100000 FEs so that graph extends to that point
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, RS_cumulative_distribution[nrow(RS_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  png(paste(outputPath, "gap001_comparison.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "orange", type = "l", xlab = "Function evaluations", 
       ylab = "% of functions solved", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.5))
  axis(1, cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), cex.axis = 4)
  lines(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(RS_cumulative_distribution, col = "green", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "blue", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "red", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot the expected FE without dimension 20 for a gap of 1
  #plot expected FE to reach a certain optimality gap
  #get data for cumulative distribution
  #reduce existing data by the excluded dimenions
  reduceVector = seq(4, 96, by = 4)
  reduceVector = reduceVector + 1 #add one for the first ticks column in aggavgconvergence
  CMAES_OCD_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  CMAES_Default_reduced = CMAES_Default
  CMAES_Default_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = CMAES_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  RS_reduced = RS
  RS_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = RS$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  GA_OCD_reduced = GA_OCD
  GA_OCD_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = GA_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  GA_Default_reduced = GA_Default
  GA_Default_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = GA_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_OCD_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_Default_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  RS_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    RS_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_OCD_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_Default_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  #limit to only entries below 100000 FEs
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
    RS_cumulative_distribution[RS_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  #add a point at at 100000 FEs so that graph extends to that point
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, RS_cumulative_distribution[nrow(RS_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  png(paste(outputPath, "gap001_comparison_withoutdim20.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "orange", type = "l", xlab = "Function evaluations", 
       ylab = "% of functions solved", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.5))
  axis(1, cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), cex.axis = 4)
  lines(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(RS_cumulative_distribution, col = "green", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "blue", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "red", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #do the same without dim 20 and without dim 10
  reduceVector = seq(4, 96, by = 4)
  reduceVector2 = seq(3, 95, by = 4)
  reduceVector = c(reduceVector, reduceVector2)
  reduceVector = reduceVector + 1 #add one for the first ticks column in aggavgconvergence
  CMAES_OCD_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  CMAES_Default_reduced = CMAES_Default
  CMAES_Default_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = CMAES_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  RS_reduced = RS
  RS_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = RS$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  GA_OCD_reduced = GA_OCD
  GA_OCD_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = GA_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  GA_Default_reduced = GA_Default
  GA_Default_reduced$aggregatedAllConvergence = GA_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence[,-reduceVector]
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_OCD_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    CMAES_Default_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  RS_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    RS_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_OCD_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = extractECDFofFunctions(
    GA_Default_reduced, fitnessGap = 1)
  #limit to only entries below 100000 FEs
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
    RS_cumulative_distribution[RS_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
    GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[,1] < 100000,]
  #add a point at at 100000 FEs so that graph extends to that point
  CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  RS_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, RS_cumulative_distribution[nrow(RS_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  GA_Default_cumulative_distribution = 
          c(100000, GA_Default_cumulative_distribution[nrow(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution),2]))
  png(paste(outputPath, "gap001_comparison_withoutdim20and10.png", sep = "/"), width = 1200, height = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "orange", type = "l", xlab = "Function evaluations", 
       ylab = "% of functions solved", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, cex = 5, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.5))
  axis(1, cex.axis = 4)
  axis(2, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), cex.axis = 4)
  lines(CMAES_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "black", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(RS_cumulative_distribution, col = "green", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_OCD_cumulative_distribution, col = "blue", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  lines(GA_Default_cumulative_distribution, col = "red", type = "l", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #compare results without dimension 20
  avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD = averageConvergence(allConvergence = CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                                includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                                nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_CMAES_Default = averageConvergence(allConvergence = CMAES_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                                    includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                                    nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_GA_OCD = averageConvergence(allConvergence = RS$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                             includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                             nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_GA_Default = averageConvergence(allConvergence = GA_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                                 includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                                 nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_RS = averageConvergence(allConvergence = GA_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                         includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:3), 
                                         nDimensions = 4)
  #plot convergence
  #plot the convergence
  #determine boundaries for the plot
  lower = min(c(log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)))
  upper = range(c(log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)), 
                finite = TRUE)[2]
  #add margin for the legend
  upper = upper + upper/4
  #undo automatic determination of boundaries (for more consistent pngs for the presentation)
  lower = 0
  upper = 20
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_vs_Default_NoDim20.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
       type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "orange")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_GA_OCD[avgConvergence_GA_OCD[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_GA_OCD[avgConvergence_GA_OCD[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_GA_Default[avgConvergence_GA_Default[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_GA_Default[avgConvergence_GA_Default[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #compare results without dimension 20 and 10
  avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD = averageConvergence(allConvergence = CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                                includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:2), 
                                                nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_CMAES_Default = averageConvergence(allConvergence = CMAES_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                                    includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:2), 
                                                    nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_GA_OCD = averageConvergence(allConvergence = RS$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                             includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:2), 
                                             nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_GA_Default = averageConvergence(allConvergence = GA_OCD$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                                 includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:2), 
                                                 nDimensions = 4)
  avgConvergence_RS = averageConvergence(allConvergence = GA_Default$aggregatedAllConvergence,
                                         includedFunctions = 1:24, includedDimensions = (1:2), 
                                         nDimensions = 4)
  #plot convergence
  #plot the convergence
  #determine boundaries for the plot
  lower = min(c(log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)))
  upper = range(c(log(CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)), 
                finite = TRUE)[2]
  #add margin for the legend
  upper = upper + upper/4
  #undo automatic determination of boundaries (for more consistent pngs for the presentation)
  lower = 0
  upper = 20
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_vs_Default_NoDim20_10.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[avgConvergence_CMAES_OCD[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
       type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "orange")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[avgConvergence_CMAES_Default[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_RS[avgConvergence_RS[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_GA_OCD[avgConvergence_GA_OCD[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_GA_OCD[avgConvergence_GA_OCD[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 4)
  points(avgConvergence_GA_Default[avgConvergence_GA_Default[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(avgConvergence_GA_Default[avgConvergence_GA_Default[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #compare the different approaches per function
  #analyze convergence behavior on different functions
  conv_CMAES_OCD = getAggregatedConvergenceFunctions(CMAES_OCD,nFunctions = 24, nDimensions = 4)
  conv_CMAES_Default = getAggregatedConvergenceFunctions(CMAES_Default,nFunctions = 24, nDimensions = 4)
  conv_RS = getAggregatedConvergenceFunctions(RS,nFunctions = 24, nDimensions = 4)
  conv_GA_OCD = getAggregatedConvergenceFunctions(GA_OCD,nFunctions = 24, nDimensions = 4)
  conv_GA_Default = getAggregatedConvergenceFunctions(GA_Default,nFunctions = 24, nDimensions = 4)
  pdf(paste(outputPath, "convergence_by_functions_comparison.pdf", sep = "/"))
  for (i in 1:24) {
    plot(conv_CMAES_OCD[,1], log(conv_CMAES_OCD[,(i+1)]+1), type = "l", col = "orange",
         ylim = c(0, 20), main = paste("Function:", i), ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", xlab = "Function evaluations")
    lines(conv_CMAES_Default[,1], log(conv_CMAES_Default[,(i+1)]+1), col = "black")
    lines(conv_RS[,1], log(conv_RS[,(i+1)]+1), col = "green")
    lines(conv_GA_OCD[,1], log(conv_GA_OCD[,(i+1)]+1), col = "blue")
    lines(conv_GA_Default[,1], log(conv_GA_Default[,(i+1)]+1), col = "red")
    legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
           col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1)
  #compare the different approaches per function and dimension
  pdf(paste(outputPath, "convergence_by_functions_and_dimension_comparison.pdf", sep = "/"))
  counter = 1
  for (i in 1:24) {
    for (j in 1:4) {
      plot(CMAES_OCD_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,1], log(CMAES_OCD_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,2]+1), type = "l", col = "orange",
           ylim = c(0, 20), xlim = c(0, 100000),
           main = paste("Function:", i, ",dimension:", j), ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", xlab = "Function evaluations")
      lines(CMAES_default_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,1], log(CMAES_default_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,2]+1), col = "black")
      lines(RS_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,1], log(RS_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,2]+1), col = "green")
      lines(GA_OCD_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,1], log(GA_OCD_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,2]+1), col = "blue")
      lines(GA_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,1], log(GA_single[[counter]]$avgConvergence[,2]+1), col = "red")
      legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
             col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1)
      counter = counter + 1 
  #compare OCD without restarts to default without restarts
  CMAES_only_default_results = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), 
                                                        path = "./CMAES_only_default", algorithmName = "CMAES")
  CMAES_only_default_results = aggregateResults(CMAES_only_default_results)
  CMAES_default_no_restarts = CMAES_only_default_results
  CMAES_OCD_no_restarts = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), 
                                                 path = "./CMAES_OCD_no_restarts", algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_no_restarts = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_no_restarts)
  #define boundaries
  lower = min(c(log(CMAES_default_no_restarts$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,2]+1), 
  upper = range(c(log(CMAES_default_no_restarts$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,2]+1), 
                finite = TRUE)[2]
  #add margin for the legend
  upper = upper + upper/4
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_vs_Default_no_restarts.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
       type = "l", 
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "black")
         type = "l", col = "orange", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES default", "CMA-ES OCD"), 
         col = c("black", "orange"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot active functions
  activeFunctionsDefault = getActiveFunctions(results = CMAES_default_no_restarts)
  activeFunctionsOCD = getActiveFunctions(results = CMAES_OCD_no_restarts)
  png(paste(outputPath, "active_functions_no_restarts.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot((1:length(activeFunctionsDefault)*100), activeFunctionsDefault, 
       type = "l", 
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "#of active functions", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "black")
  points((1:length(activeFunctionsOCD)*100), activeFunctionsOCD, 
         type = "l", col = "orange", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES default", "CMA-ES OCD"), 
         col = c("black", "orange"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
  #plot convergence for another second run
  #load results
  CMAES_OCD_evo_disp2 = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./OCD_evo_disp2",
                                               algorithmName = "CMAES_OCD")
  CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg2 = aggregateResults(CMAES_OCD_evo_disp2)
  CMAES_OCD2 = CMAES_OCD_evo_disp_agg2
  CMAES_default_restart_results2 = 
    loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./CMAES_default_with_restart2",
                           algorithmName = "CMAES")
  CMAES_default_restart_results_agg2 = aggregateResults(CMAES_default_restart_results2)
  CMAES_Default2 = CMAES_default_restart_results_agg2
  if(!exists("RS_results_agg")) {
    RS_results = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./Random_Search_100000",
                                        algorithmName = "random search")
    RS_results_agg = aggregateResults(RS_results)
  RS = RS_results_agg
  GA_OCD2 = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./GA_OCD2",
                                   algorithmName = "GA")
  GA_OCD2 = aggregateResults(GA_OCD2)
  GA_results_agg2 = loadAllResultsParallel(usedFunctions = 1:24, usedDimensions = c(2,5,10,20), path = "./GA_default2",
                                           algorithmName = "GA")
  GA_results_agg2 = aggregateResults(GA_results_agg2)
  GA_Default2 = GA_results_agg2
  #plot the convergence
  #determine boundaries for the plot
  lower = min(c(log(CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                log(GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)))
  upper = range(c(log(CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
                  log(GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1)), 
                finite = TRUE)[2]
  #add margin for the legend
  upper = upper + upper/4
  #undo automatic determination of boundaries (for more consistent pngs for the presentation)
  lower = 5
  upper = 20
  #plot the convergence
  png(paste(outputPath, "convergence_OCD_vs_Default2.png", sep = "/"), height = 1200, width = 1200)
  par(mgp = c(6,2,0))
  plot(CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
       log(CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
       type = "l", ylim = c(lower, upper),
       xlab = "Function evaluations", ylab = "log(average best value + 1)", cex.axis = 4, cex.lab = 4, lwd = 4, col = "orange")
  #due to large population sizes, 100k FEs can be surpassed
  #limit plot to 100k FEs
  points(CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[CMAES_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "black", lwd = 4)
  points(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[RS$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "green", lwd = 4)
  points(GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_OCD2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 4)
  points(GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,1],
         log(GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[GA_Default2$aggregatedAvgConvergence[,1] < 100000,2]+1), 
         type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 4)
  legend("topright", legend = c("CMA-ES OCD", "CMA-ES default", "RandomSearch", "GA OCD", "GA default"), 
         col = c("orange", "black", "green", "blue", "red"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, cex = 4)
andreas-he/cmaesbenchmarking documentation built on May 10, 2019, 10:30 a.m.