
Defines functions Xy

Documented in Xy

#' Xy
#' The Xy function invokes a framework to simulate supervised learning tasks. With this function
#' you can specify the learning task (regression or classification) and you can
#' adjust specifics such as link functions and cutoff values (e.g. for classification).
#' The outcoming object serves as a mere simulation recipe and has to be enhanced
#' by functions which add effects to the simulation (see [`add_effects`]). Once
#' you have specified the recipe, you can cook the recipe with the [simulate()]
#' method.
#' @param task a character specifying the supervised learning task (e.g. "regression" or "classification").
#' @param link a link function to be used to transform the target.
#' @param cutoff a cutoff function. This function is applied after the link function.
#' @exportClass xy_recipe
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom purrr set_names
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @author Andre Bleier (\email{andre.bleier@@statworx.com})
#' @return Returns an object of class [`xy_recipe`][Xy()]. It is a simulation recipe.
#'         which has to be cooked with [simulate()] to render a simulation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create a recipe
#' recipe <- Xy() %>%
#'   add_linear(p = 5, family = xy_normal())
Xy <- function(task = "regression",
               link = NULL,
               cutoff = NULL) {
  task_def <- list()
  if (!is.null(link)) {
    if (!is.function(link)) {
      rlang::abort(paste0(sQuote("link"), " has to be a function."))

    # Test userspecified link function
    test_vec <- rnorm(100, 0, 1)
    res <- link(test_vec)
    if (!is.vector(res)) {
        "Reconsider your link function.",
        "Your function did not return a vector."
    if (length(res) != length(test_vec)) {
        "Reconsider your link function.",
        "I've tested your function and got an vector of reduced/increased size."

    task_def$link <- link
  if (!is.null(cutoff)) {
    if (!is.function(link)) rlang::abort(paste0(sQuote("cutoff"), " has to be a function."))
    task_def$cutoff <- cutoff
    test_vec <- rnorm(100, 0, 1)
    res <- cutoff(test_vec)
    if (!is.vector(res)) {
        "Reconsider your cutoff function.",
        "Your function did not return a vector."
    if (length(res) != length(test_vec)) {
        "Reconsider your cutoff function.",
        "I've tested your function and got an vector of reduced/increased size."

    regression = {
      task_def$type <- "regression"
      # use link
      if (is.null(link)) {
        task_def$link <- function(x) x
      # use cutoff
      if (is.null(cutoff)) {
        task_def$cutoff <- function(x) x
    classification = {
      task_def$type <- "classification"
      # use link
      if (is.null(link)) {
        task_def$link <- function(x) {
          return(exp(x) / (1 + exp(x)))
      # use cutoff
      if (is.null(cutoff)) {
        task_def$cutoff <- function(x) {
          return(ifelse(x >= 0.5, 1, 0))
      task_def$name <- name
      null_check <- sapply(list(cutoff, link), is.null)
      if (any(null_check)) {
          "You have to specify a ",
          paste0(c("cutoff", "link")[null_check], collapse = " and a "),
          " function for your custom task ",
          "If you do not want to use this specify: ",
          sQuote(paste0(paste0(c("cutoff", "link")[null_check], collapse = " = "), " = function(x) x"))

  # create output
  out <- list()

  # safe simulation task
  out$task <- task_def

  # define empty simulation book
  out$book <- tibble::tibble(
    type = character(),
    name = character(),
    nlfun = list(),
    collinearity = logical(),
    params = list(NULL) %>% purrr::set_names(""),
    family = character()

  # define interactions (defaults to no interaction)
  out$interactions <- FALSE

  # define intercept (defaults to no intercept)
  out$intercept <- FALSE

  class(out) <- "xy_recipe"
andrebleier/Xy documentation built on March 29, 2023, 12:41 p.m.