
Defines functions read_fctable

# harpIO internal function to read data from FCTABLE sqlite files. Called by
# read_point_forecast.

read_fctable <- function(
  lead_time           = NULL,
  stations            = NULL,
  members             = NULL,
  param               = NULL, # Passed as a parsed harp parameter
  get_latlon          = FALSE,
  force_param_name    = FALSE,
  use_dttm            = TRUE
) {

  level_col <- NULL
  if (!is.na(param$level_type) && is_temp(param) && !force_param_name) {
    level_col <- switch(
      "pressure" = "p",
      "model"    = "ml",
      "height"   = "z"

  fcst_out   <- list()
  list_count <- 0

  for (db_file in db_files) {

    message("Reading: ", db_file)

    fcst_db   <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), db_file, flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO, synchronous = NULL)

    fcst_cols <- DBI::dbListFields(fcst_db, "FC")
    meta_cols <- intersect(
      c("SID", "fcdate", "fcst_dttm", "leadtime", "lead_time", "validdate", "valid_dttm"),
    if (is.element("parameter", fcst_cols)) {
      meta_cols <- c(meta_cols, "parameter")
    if (is.element("units", fcst_cols)) {
      meta_cols <- c(meta_cols, "units")
    if (is.element("lat", fcst_cols)) {
      meta_cols <- c(meta_cols, "lat")
    if (is.element("lon", fcst_cols)) {
      meta_cols <- c(meta_cols, "lon")
    if (is.element("model_elevation", fcst_cols)) {
      meta_cols <- c(meta_cols, "model_elevation")

    if (!is.null(level_col)) {
      if (is.element(level_col, fcst_cols)) {
        meta_cols <- c(meta_cols, level_col)
    data_cols <- setdiff(fcst_cols, meta_cols)
    fcst_lead <- intersect(c("lead_time", "leadtime"), fcst_cols)
    fcst_dttm <- intersect(c("fcst_dttm", "fcdate"), fcst_cols)

    list_count <- list_count + 1

    if (use_dttm) {
      fcst <- dplyr::tbl(fcst_db, "FC") %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data[[fcst_dttm]] %in% dttm)
    } else {
      start_dttm <- min(dttm)
      end_dttm <- max(dttm)
      fcst <- dplyr::tbl(fcst_db, "FC") %>%
        dplyr::filter(dplyr::between(.data[[fcst_dttm]], start_dttm, end_dttm))

    if (!is.null(lead_time)) {
      lt <- lead_time
      fcst <- dplyr::filter(fcst, .data[[fcst_lead]] %in% lt)

    if (!is.null(stations)) {
      fcst <- dplyr::filter(fcst, .data[["SID"]] %in% stations)

    if (!is.null(level_col) && param$level != -999) {
      vertical_level <- param$level
      fcst           <- dplyr::filter(fcst, .data[[level_col]] == vertical_level)

    if (!is.null(members)) {

      if (is.list(members)) {
        col_members <- purrr::map2(
          ~ paste(.x, formatC(.y, width = 3, flag = "0"), sep = "_mbr")
        ) %>%
      } else {
        col_members <- paste0("mbr", formatC(members, width = 3, flag = "0"))
        col_members <- fcst_cols[grep(paste(col_members, collapse = "|"), fcst_cols)]

      col_names <- rlang::syms(c(meta_cols, col_members))
      fcst      <- dplyr::select(fcst, !!! col_names)
      data_cols <- col_members


    if (!get_latlon) {
      wanted_cols <- colnames(fcst)[!colnames(fcst) %in% c("lat", "lon")]
      fcst        <- dplyr::select_at(fcst, wanted_cols)
      meta_cols   <- setdiff(meta_cols, c("lat", "lon"))

    fcst_out[[list_count]] <- dplyr::collect(fcst, n = Inf)


    if (!is.element("units", meta_cols)) {
      fcst_out[[list_count]] <- fcst_out[[list_count]] %>%
        dplyr::mutate(units = guess_units(fcst_out[[list_count]], param))
      meta_cols              <- c(meta_cols, "units")
      fcst_out[[list_count]] <- fcst_out[[list_count]][c(meta_cols, data_cols)]


  fcst_out <- dplyr::bind_rows(fcst_out)
  if (nrow(fcst_out) > 0) {
    fcst_out <- dplyr::mutate(
      fcst_cycle = substr(harpCore::as_YMDh(.data[[fcst_dttm]]), 9, 10)

  # Make the forecast data the last columns
  fcst_cols <- union(
    grep("[[:graph:]]+_mbr[[:digit:]]+$", colnames(fcst_out), value = TRUE),
    grep("[[:graph:]]+_det$", colnames(fcst_out), value = TRUE)
  other_cols <- sort(
      grep("[[:graph:]]+_mbr[[:digit:]]+$", colnames(fcst_out), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE),
      grep("[[:graph:]]+_det$", colnames(fcst_out), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)

  fcst_out[c(other_cols, fcst_cols)]

andrew-MET/harpIO documentation built on March 7, 2024, 7:48 p.m.