
Defines functions fit_models

Documented in fit_models

##' @title Fit EDM (Simplex), multiview embedding, Larkin, and Ricker models
##' @description Fits EDM, multiview embedding, Larkin, and Ricker models to simulated data using
##'   parallel processing
##' @param sim Tibble of simulated data generated from salmon_sim()
##' @param res_realisations Empty data frame with correct headers for outputs
##'   of estimation
##' @param R_switch either `R_prime_t` or `R_t` to specify which one
##'   the calculations are based on, and what should be the response variable
##'   for multiview embedding.
##' @param T number of time points being used to forecast `R_switch` at `T+1`
##' @param pbsEDM_args List of arguments to pass onto `pbsEDM::pbsEDM()`. Note
##'   that `lags` has no default, so needs to be specified here. First one
##'   must be called `R_switch` to then get automatically changed to what is
##'   specified by the `R_switch` parameter
##' @param mve_args List of arguments to pass onto
##'   `pbsEDM::multiview_embedding()`, here we will add `R_switch` as the
##'   response variable
##' @param larkin_args List of arguments to pass onto `larkin::....()`.
##' @param ricker_args List of arguments to pass onto `larkin::....()`.
##' @param mvs_fit Is the multivariate simplex fit? (TRUE/FALSE).
##' @param larkin_fit Is the Larkin model fit? (TRUE/FALSE).
##' @param ricker_fit Is the Ricker model fit? (TRUE/FALSE).
##' @return List object call output with components:
##'  - `single_realisation` forecasts from all models in last year
##'  - `fit_edm_single` predictions for each year from EDM, with realisation
##'   number appended to start
##'  - `fit_mve_single` predictions for each year from multiview embedding, with realisation
##'   number appended to start
##'  - `fit_lar_single` predictions for each year from larkin, with realisation
##'   number appended to start
##'  - `fit_ric_single` predictions for each year from ricker, with realisation
##'   number appended to start
##' @export
##' @author Carrie Holt and Andrew Edwards
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' # See Issue #17, kind of. Have copied into #18 (and Andy's READpbs) to paste
##'   into R console. Need to get this working; currently get error because m
##'   not defined.
##' set.seed(42)
##' R_switch_manual <- "R_t"
##' simulated_5 <- EDMsimulate::salmon_sim()
##' ##' edm_args_manual <- list(lags = list(R_switch = 0, S_t = 0:3),
##'                                first_difference = TRUE,
##'                                centre_and_scale = TRUE)
##' mve_args_manual <- list(lags = list(R_t = 0:1, S_t = 0:3))
##' larkin_args_manual = list(run_stan = FALSE,
##'                           prior_mean_alpha = 2,
##'                           prior_mean_beta = -rep(1,4),
##'                           prior_mean_sigma = 0.5,
##'                           prior_sd_alpha = 0.5,
##'                           prior_sd_beta = rep(0.25,4),
##'                           prior_sd_sigma = 0.25)
##' ricker_args_manual = list(run_stan = FALSE,
##'                           prior_mean_alpha = 2,
##'                           prior_mean_beta = -1,
##'                           prior_mean_sigma = 0.5,
##'                           prior_sd_alpha = 0.5,
##'                           prior_sd_beta = 0.25,
##'                           prior_sd_sigma = 0.25)
##' res_fit_models_5 <- fit_models(simulated_5,
##'                                R_switch = R_switch_manual,
##'                                T = nrow(simulated_5),
##'                                mve_args = mve_args_manual),
##'                                pbsEDM_args = edm_args_manual
##'                                larkin_args = larkin_args_manual,
##'                                ricker_args = ricker_args_manual)
##' # This next one doesn't quite work.
##' set.seed(42)
##' h_simulated <- 0.1095 + sample(1:180) * 0.001 # has mean of 0.2
##' simulated_4 <- EDMsimulate::salmon_sim(h = h_simulated)
##' res_fit_models <- fit_models(simulated_4,
##'                              R_switch = "R_t",
##'                              T = 80,
##'                              pbsEDM_args = list(
##'                                  lags = list(R_switch = 0,
##                                               S_t = 0:3),
##'                                  first_difference = TRUE,
##'                                  centre_and_scale = TRUE),
##'                              mve_args = list(
##'                                     lags = list(R_t = 0:4,
##'                                                   S_t = 0:8)),
##'                                     larkin_args = list(
##'                                       run_stan = FALSE,
##'                                       prior_mean_alpha = 2,
##'                                       prior_mean_beta = -rep(1,4),
##'                                       prior_mean_sigma = 0.5,
##'                                     prior_sd_alpha = 0.5,
##'                                       prior_sd_beta = rep(0.25,4),
##'                                       prior_sd_sigma = 0.25),
##'                                  ricker_args = list(
##'                                       run_stan = FALSE,
##'                                    prior_mean_alpha = 2,
##'                                       prior_mean_beta = -1,
##'                                       prior_mean_sigma = 0.5,
##'                                       prior_sd_alpha = 0.5,
##'                                       prior_sd_beta = 0.25,
##'                                       prior_sd_sigma = 0.25))
##' }
fit_models <- function(sim,

  names(pbsEDM_args$lags)[names(pbsEDM_args$lags) == "R_switch"]  <- R_switch

  fit_edm <- do.call(pbsEDM::pbsEDM,
                     c(list(N = sim),

  testthat::expect_equal(dplyr::pull(sim, R_switch),
                         fit_edm$N_observed[-(T+1)])  # Extra check

  # TO DO AE: Check that the time-series is aligned correctly
  # CH Changed to a single vector and revised the call to m from the all_sims
  # input
  realisation <- dplyr::pull(sim[1,], "m")

  fit_edm_single  <- t(c(realisation,
  # Note the realisation number added to the front (to keep track of in parallel calculations).
  # And had to take off the last value, as pbsEDM adds on an extra time step. So, for T
  # = 80, we will have simulated 81, and so length(fit_edm_single) = 82 because of
  # the realisation number added to the front.

  # TO DO AE: Check that this call below to T=80 is correct, as the time-
  # series fit_edm$N_forecast is 81 years long, and when predictions are
  # aligned 1:81 (or 2:82 in fit_edm_full_series[m, ]) then it aligns well
  # with sims 1:80 (see plots below). AE fixed has fixed T+1 defintion,
  # hopefully this then makes plots agree.

  # CH changed to single vector, and changed 'm' to 'realisation'

  single_realisation <- res_realisations[realisation,]
  single_realisation[ "R_switch_T_plus_1_edm_fit"] <-  fit_edm$N_forecast[T+1]
  # TODO double check what to do when pbsedm
  # arguments change
  single_realisation["E"] <-  fit_edm$results$E  # Though will need specific
  # lags also kept track of or specified
  single_realisation["N_rho"] <-  fit_edm$results$N_rho
  single_realisation["N_rmse"] <-  fit_edm$results$N_rmse
  single_realisation["X_rho"] <-  fit_edm$results$X_rho
  single_realisation["X_rmse"] <-  fit_edm$results$X_rmse

  # Multiview embedding

# Commenting out to debug:
  fit_mve <- do.call(pbsEDM::multiview_embedding,
                     c(list(data = sim[-nrow(sim), ],   # Take out
                                        # final row, not sure why not for other methods.
                            response = R_switch),

  single_realisation["R_switch_T_plus_1_mve_fit"] <- fit_mve$response_predicted_from_mve[T+1]

  single_realisation["mve_response_rho"] <- fit_mve$rho_prediction_from_mve
# TODO HERE HERE this had one extra value, think may be to do with the all_sims call
#  above, which was confusing me before. So tied in with Issue #18, #17. Not sure
                                        #if other functions are taking the last
                                        #value off?
  fit_mve_single <- t(c(realisation, fit_mve$response_predicted_from_mve))
                             # Need realisation first to keep track of
  	fit_mvs <- do.call(pbsEDM::multivariate_simplex,
  										 c(list(data = sim[-nrow(sim), ],   # Take out
  										 			 # final row, not sure why not for other methods.
  										 			 response = R_switch),
  	single_realisation["R_switch_T_plus_1_mvs_fit"] <- fit_mvs$response_predicted_from_multivariate_simplex[T+1]
  	single_realisation["mvs_response_rho"] <- fit_mvs$rho_prediction_from_multivariate_simplex
  	fit_mvs_single <- t(c(realisation, fit_mvs$response_predicted_from_multivariate_simplex))	
  if(!mvs_fit)	{
  	fit_mvs_single  <- c(realisation, rep(NA, length(fit_edm$predR_prime_t) ) )
  # Larkin fit

  	fit_lar <- do.call(larkin::forecast,
  										 c(list(data = sim,
  										 			 recruits = "R_prime_t",
  										 			 # This is simply the label for recruitment, and
  										 			 # does not specify the type of forecasts.
  										 			 spawners = "S_t"),
  	# Give the full time-series of predicted values:
  	# For the stan version, all MCMC draws are provided for both R_prime_t
  	# and R_t from larkin::forecast. First, the median of posteriors is
  	# calculated for either R_prime_t or R_t
  		if (R_switch == "R_prime_t"){
  			predR_med <- apply(fit_lar$predR_prime_t, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
  		if (R_switch == "R_t"){
  			predR_med <- apply(fit_lar$predR_t, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
  		#CH changed 'm' to 'realisation'
  		fit_lar_single  <- t( c(realisation, rep(NA, length(
  			larkin_args$prior_mean_beta ) - 1), predR_med) )
  		# Note,the first 3 years are NAs, since the Larkin model cannot be
  		# calculated until year 4 of time-series as it requires lagged spawner
  		# abundances at t=-1, t=-2 and =-3 years.
  	# For MLE version, the best estimates are provided for R_prime_t
  	# and R_t from larkin::forecast.
  		if (R_switch == "R_prime_t"){
  			#CH changed 'm' to 'realisation'
  			fit_lar_single  <- t( c(realisation, rep(NA, length(
  				larkin_args$prior_mean_beta)  - 1),	fit_lar$predR_prime_t))
  		if (R_switch == "R_t"){
  			#CH changed 'm' to 'realisation'
  			fit_lar_single  <- t( c(realisation, rep(NA, length(
  				larkin_args$prior_mean_beta ) - 1),	fit_lar$predR_t) )
  	names(fit_lar)[names(fit_lar) == paste0("forecasts_", R_switch)] <-
  	single_realisation["R_switch_T_plus_1_lar_fit"] <-
  	single_realisation["lar_5"]  <- fit_lar$forecasts$q5
  	single_realisation["lar_95"] <- fit_lar$forecasts$q95
  	single_realisation["lar_sd"] <- fit_lar$forecasts$sd
  	single_realisation["lar_rhat"] <-  fit_lar$forecasts$max_rhat
  	# AE: Note max_rhat TODO check with Carrie
  if(!larkin_fit)	{
  	fit_lar_single  <- c(realisation, rep(NA, length(fit_edm$predR_prime_t) ) )
  # Ricker fit

  	fit_ric <- do.call(larkin::forecast,
  										 c(list(data = sim,
  										 			 recruits = "R_prime_t",
  										 			 spawners = "S_t"),
  	# Give the full time-series of predicted values:
  	# For the stan version, all MCMC draws are provided for both R_prime_t
  	# and R_t from larkin::forecast. First, the median of posterior is
  	# calculated.
  		if (R_switch == "R_prime_t"){
  			predR_med <- apply(fit_ric$predR_prime_t, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
  		if (R_switch == "R_t"){
  			predR_med <- apply(fit_ric$predR_t, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
  		#CH changed 'm' to 'realisation'
  		fit_ric_single  <- t( c(realisation, predR_med) )
  	# For MLE version, the best estimates are provided for R_prime_t
  	# and R_t from larkin::forecast.
  		if (R_switch == "R_prime_t"){
  			#CH changed 'm' to 'realisation'
  			fit_ric_single  <- t( c(realisation, fit_ric$predR_prime_t) )
  		if (R_switch == "R_t"){
  			#CH changed 'm' to 'realisation'
  			fit_ric_single  <- t( c(realisation,	fit_ric$predR_t) )
  	names(fit_ric)[names(fit_ric) == paste0("forecasts_", R_switch)] <-
  	single_realisation["R_switch_T_plus_1_ric_fit"] <-
  	single_realisation["ric_5"]  <-  fit_ric$forecasts$q5
  	single_realisation["ric_95"] <-  fit_ric$forecasts$q95
  	single_realisation["ric_sd"] <-  fit_ric$forecasts$sd
  	single_realisation["ric_rhat"] <- fit_ric$forecasts$max_rhat
	if(!ricker_fit)	{
		fit_ric_single  <- c(realisation, rep(NA, length(fit_edm$predR_prime_t) ) )
  return(list(fit_edm_single = fit_edm_single,
              fit_mve_single = fit_mve_single,
  						fit_mvs_single = fit_mvs_single,
  						fit_lar_single = fit_lar_single,
              fit_ric_single = fit_ric_single,
              single_realisation = single_realisation))
andrew-edwards/EDMsimulate documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 2:43 p.m.