Defines functions MTAssembleHITHTML

Documented in MTAssembleHITHTML

#' Assemble HIT HTML
#' Function to assemble HIT HTML into a single file, ready to upload to MTurk.
#' @param inputLoc Location where input files are. Default is \code{"input"}, which simply points to a
#' subdirectory of the working directory called 'input'.
#' @param content Content to be parsed into the HTML. The columns of Content will be matched to parameterized
#' \code{${parameter}} in the input files. Input can be named matrix/data.frame, or a tab-delimited file. If \code{"import"},
#' the function will look for a file called "content.tab" in the \code{inputLoc} file location. A different file can be specified
#' by passing \code{file(filename)} into the function.
#' @param innerHTML.html The HTML that is common to HITs, honey pots, and examples. Typically includes content placeholders
#' and questions. If \code{"import"}, the function will look for a file called "innerHTML.html" in the \code{inputLoc} file location.
#' Other files can be specified as above.
#' @param innerScript.js JavaScript that should be included with every HIT, Example, or Honey Pot. If \code{"import"},
#' the function will look for a file called 'innerScript.js'. Other files can be specified as above.
#' @param hitShell.html If \code{"import"}, function will look for a file called hitShell.html in the \code{inputLoc} file.
#' Other files can be specified as above.
#' @param button Specifies which submit button configuration to use: "hit", "honey", or "example".
#' @param skipPattern A matrix or list of matrices containing two columns: the input name from the HTML, and the condition value.
#' The first row represents the condition that will trigger the skipPattern, and the subsequent rows provide the values to be
#' applied to the skipped inputs.
#' @param write.to String. If \code{"console"}, output will print in console or be available to be assigned to an object.
#' Otherwise, the function will assume it is a file name.
#' @param quiet Logical. If \code{TRUE}, additional warnings will be silenced.
#' @param sandbox Logical. Defines whether the HTML should be prepared for sandbox or live.
MTAssembleHITHTML <- function(inputLoc="input",
                              content = "import",
                              innerHTML.html = "import",
                              innerScript.js = "import",
                              hitShell.html = "import",
                              button = "hit",
                              skipPattern = NULL,

  #Makes a single HIT
  #Can be used to iterate through a content set
  ##or to make a template to replace parms outside of this function
  files <- c("innerHTML.html",

  for(f in files)
    #See if the files should be defaults, different files, or taken as literal strings
    if(length(get(f)) == 1){
      if(get(f) != "import" & !any(class(get(f)) == "file")) next
      if(get(f) == "import") assign(f,f)
    } else {
      stop("js and html inputs must be of class 'file', the word 'import', or a character string specifying the content.")

  if(length(content) == 1){
    if(content == "import") tryCatch(content <- read.delim(paste0(inputLoc,"/","content.tab"),
                                     error = function(e) stop(paste0("Error importing content.tab. Check that the file exists, and that inputLoc is correctly defined.")))
  if(any(class(content) == "file")) tryCatch(content <- read.delim(content,
                                             error = function(e) stop(paste0("Error importing ,",
                                                                             ". Check that the file exists.")))

  if(class(content) != "character"){
    if(nrow(content)>1) warning("Content contains more than one row; only the first is used")
    content <- content[1,]
    content[] <- lapply(content,as.character)

  parms <- unlist(sapply(2:length(files),function(x) extractParms(get(files[x]))))

  if(!quiet) message(paste("Parameters found in files:",
                           paste0("${",unique(parms),"}",collapse="; ")))
  if(!quiet) message(paste("Column names found in content:",
                           paste0("${",colnames(content),"}",collapse="; ")))

  if(sandbox == TRUE) site <- "https://workersandbox.mturk.com/mturk/externalSubmit"
  if(sandbox == FALSE) site <- "https://www.mturk.com/mturk/externalSubmit"

    skipPattern <- MTSkipPattern(skipPattern)

  script <- paste(MTRead("hitScript.js"),
                  'var honey = false;',

  inner <- HTMLWithParms(HTMLStringP = innerHTML.html,
                         content = content[1,],
                         parmNames = colnames(content))

  if(button == "hit") button <- MTRead("hitButton.html")
  if(button == "honey") button <- MTRead("honeyButton.html")
  if(button == "example") button <- MTRead("exampleButton.html")

  #Assemble the html output
  out <- HTMLWithParms(HTMLStringP = hitShell.html,
                       content = c(inner, script, button, site, content[1,]),
                       parmNames = c("innerHTML", "script", "button", "externalSubmit", colnames(content)))

  extra <- extractParms(out)
  if(length(extra) > 0) warning(paste("Unfilled parameters exist in output:",
                                      paste0("${",extra,"}",collapse="; ")))

    if(write.to == "console"){
    } else {
      write(out,file = write.to)
andrewbrownphd/MetaTurkR documentation built on Nov. 23, 2019, 4:17 p.m.