
#' Plots of posterior Bclim climate histories
#' Create plots of climate histories from a Bclim run. For examples why not see the wonderful Bclim vignette (available at https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Bclim/index.html) and the author's personal webpage (https://maths.ucd.ie/parnell)?
#' @param x The output of a Bclim run from \code{\link{climate_histories}}
#' @param dim The chosen climate dimension. This could be GDD5 (dim=1), MTCO (dim=2) or AET/PET (dim=3)
#' @param slice_clouds Whether to ploy the individual layer clouds (default TRUE)
#' @param chron A chronology file (see \code{\link{climate_histories}} for details). Only required if layer_clouds=TRUE
#' @param climate_ribbon Whether to plot the climate ribbon, i.e. the time slices quantiles (default=TRUE)
#' @param most_representative The number of representative climate histories to plot. See Details section below. Can be set to zero if none are required
#' @param conf The confidence levels of the layer clouds and the climate histories. Default is 95\%, 75\% and 50\% shading
#' @param col_clouds The colour of the climate clouds. Default is blue with 20\% transparency
#' @param col_ribbon The colour of the climate ribbon. Default is red with 40\% transparency
#' @param col_representative The colour of the representative climate histories. Default is green
#' @param present_left Whether the present (i.e. 0 years before present) should be on the left or the right of the plot. Default is to put it on the left
#' @param ... Other arguments to the plot function, such as axis labels, titles etc
#' @details This function creates the default Bclim plots of climate histories and layer clouds from a Bclim run. Users can turn on or off the layer clouds and summaries of the the climate histories (the `climate ribbon'), and change the confidence level shown on the plots. The function also allows for a number of `representative histories' to be plotted. These are considered to be the climate histories that are the median distance away from the point-wise medians.
#' @seealso The main Bclim functions are \code{\link{slice_clouds}} and \code{\link{climate_histories}}.
#' @return No output, just a plot
#' @export
plot.climate_histories = function(x,dim=1,slice_clouds=TRUE,chron=NULL,climate_ribbon=TRUE,most_representative=1,conf=c(0.95,0.75,0.5), col_clouds = grDevices::rgb(0,0,1,0.2), col_ribbon=grDevices::rgb(1,0,0,0.4),col_representative=grDevices::rgb(0,1,0),present_left=TRUE,...) {

# Get extra arguments if provided
ex = list(...)

clim_names = dimnames(x$slice_clouds$slice_clouds)[[3]]
if(is.null(ex$xlab)) ex$xlab = 'Age (k cal years BP)'
if(is.null(ex$ylab)) ex$ylab = clim_names[dim]

# First create base plot
x_range = range(x$time_grid)
if(!present_left) x_range = rev(x_range)
y_range = range(x$slice_clouds$slice_clouds[,,dim])

if(is.null(ex$xlim)) ex$xlim = x_range
if(is.null(ex$ylim)) ex$ylim = y_range
ex$xaxt = 'n'
ex$yaxt = 'n'
ex$x = ex$y = 1
ex$type = 'n'
if(is.null(ex$las)) ex$las = 1

args = utils::modifyList(ex, list(...))
do.call("plot", args)

graphics::axis(side=2,at=pretty(x$slice_clouds$slice_clouds[,,dim],n=10), las = ex$las)

# Get some objects to make coding neater
n_slices = x$slice_clouds$n_slices
n_samples = x$slice_clouds$n_samples

# Second add in slice clouds if required
if(slice_clouds) {
  if(is.null(chron)) stop("A chronology is required for plotting slice clouds")
  for(i in 1:n_slices) {
    # Get current MDPs and a suitable number of chronologies to match
    curr_MDP = x$slice_clouds$slice_clouds[,i,dim]
    if(n_samples>nrow(chron)) {
      curr_chron = sample(chron[,i],size=n_samples,replace=TRUE)
    } else {
      curr_chron = chron[1:n_samples,i]
    if(stats::var(curr_chron)>0) {
      dens = MASS::kde2d(curr_chron,curr_MDP)
      # Standardise and find 95% limit
      dens$z = dens$z/sum(dens$z)
      # Turn dens into a vector and find the highest values
      de = as.vector(dens$z)
      do = order(de)
      cu = cumsum(de[do])
      for(k in 1:length(conf)) {
        # Find which ones are above the threshold
        good_cu = which(cu>1-conf[k])
        good_clim_vec = sort((1:length(de))[do][good_cu])
        good_clim = 1*matrix((1:length(de)) %in% good_clim_vec, 
        curr_dens = dens
        curr_dens$z = good_clim
        cont = grDevices::contourLines(curr_dens, nlevels = 1)
      limits_diff = (max(dens$z)-min(dens$z))/100

      # Loop through confidence levels to plot
      for(k in 1:length(conf)) {
        limits = min(dens$z)
        prop = 1
        while(prop>conf[k]) {
          limits = limits+limits_diff
          prop = sum(dens$z[dens$z>limits])
    # End of if statement for variance of chronology
    } else {
      # If there's no variance so it's a vertical stripe
      for(k in 1:length(conf)) {
    # End of if statement for stripe line
  # End of loop through slices
# End of slice_clouds if statement

# Third add in climate ribbon if required
if(climate_ribbon) {
  for(k in 1:length(conf)) {
    curr_hists = x$histories[,,dim]
    clim_quantile = apply(curr_hists,2,stats::quantile,probs=c((1-conf[k])/2,conf[k]+(1-conf[k])/2))

# Finally add most representative plots if required
if(most_representative>0) {
  if(most_representative%%2==0) stop("For legal reasons number of most representative lines must be odd")
  # Function to create the most representative line
  rep_line = function(z,num_lines) {
    med = apply(z,2,stats::median)
    diffs = rowSums(sweep(z,2,med,'-')^2)
    middle_val = round(length(diffs)/2,0)
    choose_vals = middle_val:(middle_val+num_lines-1)-(num_lines-1)/2
  plot_lines = matrix(rep_line(x$histories[,,dim],num_lines=most_representative),nrow=most_representative)
  for(i in 1:most_representative) {

andrewcparnell/Bclim documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:38 a.m.