
Defines functions evaluate_fim_map

Documented in evaluate_fim_map

#' Compute the Bayesian Fisher information matrix 
#' Computation of the Bayesian Fisher information matrix for 
#' individual parameters of a population model based on 
#' Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation of the empirical Bayes estimates (EBEs) in a population model 
#' @param poped.db A PopED database
#' @param num_sim_ids If \code{use_mc=TRUE}, how many individuals should be
#'   simulated to make the computations.
#' @param use_mc Should the calculation be based on monte-carlo simulations. If
#'   not then then a first order approximation is used
#' @param use_purrr If \code{use_mc=TRUE} then should the method use the package
#'   purrr in calculations?  This may speed up computations (potentially).
#' @param shrink_mat Should the shrinkage matrix be returned.  Calculated as the
#' inverse of the  Bayesian Fisher information matrix times the inverse of the 
#' omega matrix (variance matrix of the between-subject variability).
#' @return The Bayesian Fisher information matrix for each design group 
#' @export
#' @example tests/testthat/examples_fcn_doc/warfarin_basic.R
#' @example tests/testthat/examples_fcn_doc/examples_shrinkage.R
#' @references \enumerate{ 
#'   \item Combes, F. P., Retout, S.,
#'   Frey, N., & Mentre, F. (2013). Prediction of shrinkage of individual
#'   parameters using the Bayesian information matrix in non-linear mixed effect
#'   models with evaluation in pharmacokinetics. Pharmaceutical Research, 30(9),
#'   2355-67. \doi{10.1007/s11095-013-1079-3}. 
#'   \item Hennig, S., Nyberg, J., Fanta, S., Backman, J.
#'   T., Hoppu, K., Hooker, A. C., & Karlsson, M. O. (2012). Application of the
#'   optimal design approach to improve a pretransplant drug dose finding design
#'   for ciclosporin. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 52(3), 347-360.
#'   \doi{10.1177/0091270010397731}. 
#'   }

evaluate_fim_map <- function(poped.db,
                      use_mc = FALSE,
                      num_sim_ids = 1000,
                      use_purrr = FALSE,
  # if (poped.db$design$m > 1) {
  #   warning("Shrinkage should only be computed for a single arm, please adjust your script accordingly.")
  # }
  group <- type <- NULL
  # tranform random effects to fixed effects 
  tmp_fg <- poped.db$model$fg_pointer
  if(is.character(tmp_fg)) tmp_fg <- eval(parse(text=tmp_fg))
  largest_bpop <- find.largest.index(tmp_fg,lab = "bpop")
  largest_b <- find.largest.index(tmp_fg,lab = "b")
  largest_eps <- find.largest.index(poped.db$model$ferror_pointer,lab = "epsi",mat=T,mat.row = F)
  replace_fun <- function(txt){
    #extract number
    num <- stringr::str_extract(txt,"\\d+") %>% as.numeric() %>% "+"(.,largest_bpop)
  txt <- capture.output(body(tmp_fg))
  txt <- stringr::str_replace_all(txt,"b\\[(\\d+)",replace_fun)
  txt <- stringr::str_replace_all(txt,"b\\[","bpop\\[")
  env <- environment()
  body(tmp_fg,envir=env) <- parse(text=txt)
  #environment(sfg_tmp) <- env
  # fix population parameters
  # add IIV and IOV as fixed effects
  # change to one individual
  # TODO: need to add iov
  extra_bpop <- matrix(0,nrow = largest_b,ncol = 3)
  bpop_tmp <-rbind(poped.db$parameters$bpop,extra_bpop)
  notfixed_d <- poped.db$parameters$notfixed_d
  non_zero_d <- poped.db$parameters$d[,2]!=0
  notfixed_d_new <- notfixed_d | non_zero_d
  notfixed_bpop_tmp <- c(rep(0,largest_bpop),notfixed_d_new)
  poped.db_sh <- create.poped.database(poped.db,
                                       notfixed_bpop = notfixed_bpop_tmp,
                                       d=matrix(nrow = 0,ncol = 3),
                                       notfixed_d = matrix(nrow = 0,ncol = 3),
                                       NumRanEff = 0,
                                       notfixed_sigma = c(rep(0,largest_eps)),
                                       mingroupsize = 1,
                                       mintotgroupsize = 1)
  # Compute FIM_map 
  fulld = getfulld(poped.db$parameters$d[notfixed_d_new,2,drop=F],poped.db$parameters$covd)
  # get just groupwise values as well
  db_list <- list()
  #db_list[["all"]] <- poped.db_sh
  num_groups <- poped.db_sh$design$m
  for(i in 1:num_groups){
    tmp_design <- poped.db_sh$design
    tmp_design$m <- 1
    for(nam in names(tmp_design)[names(tmp_design)!="m"]){
      tmp_design[[nam]] <- tmp_design[[nam]][i,,drop=F]
    tmp_db <- poped.db_sh
    tmp_db$design <- tmp_design
    db_list[[paste0("grp_",i)]] <- tmp_db
  #out_list <- list()
  out_df <- c()
  #for(i in 1:1){
  for(i in 1:length(db_list)){
    poped.db_sh <- db_list[[i]]
      # create list of eta values from pop model 
        b_sim_matrix = zeros(num_sim_ids,0)
      } else {
        b_sim_matrix = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(num_sim_ids,sigma=fulld)            
      # create list of occasion eta values from pop model 
      if(NumOcc!=0) warning("Shrinkage not computed for occasions\n")
      fulldocc = getfulld(poped.db$parameters$docc[,2,drop=F],poped.db$parameters$covdocc)
      bocc_sim_matrix = zeros(num_sim_ids*NumOcc,length(poped.db$parameters$docc[,2,drop=F]))
      if(nrow(fulldocc)!=0) bocc_sim_matrix = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(num_sim_ids*NumOcc,sigma=fulldocc)
      #now use these values to compute FIMmap
        fim_mean <- b_sim_matrix %>% t() %>% data.frame() %>% as.list() %>% 
            x_tmp <- matrix(0,nrow = largest_b,ncol = 3)
            x_tmp[,2] <- t(x)
            bpop_tmp <-rbind(poped.db$parameters$bpop,x_tmp)
            poped.db_sh_tmp <- create.poped.database(poped.db_sh, bpop=bpop_tmp)
          }) %>% simplify2array() %>% apply(1:2, mean)
      } else {
        fim_tmp <- 0
        for(i in 1:num_sim_ids){
          x_tmp <- matrix(0,nrow = largest_b,ncol = 3)
          x_tmp[,2] <- t(b_sim_matrix[i,])
          bpop_tmp <-rbind(poped.db$parameters$bpop,x_tmp)
          poped.db_sh_tmp <- create.poped.database(poped.db_sh, bpop=bpop_tmp)
          fim_tmp <- fim_tmp+evaluate.fim(poped.db_sh_tmp)
        fim_mean <- fim_tmp/num_sim_ids
      fim_map <- fim_mean + inv(fulld)
    } else {
      fim_map <- evaluate.fim(poped.db_sh) + inv(fulld)
    poped_db_tmp <- poped.db
    poped_db_tmp$parameters$notfixed_d <- notfixed_d_new
    parnam <- get_parnam(poped_db_tmp)
    rownames(fim_map) <- parnam[grepl("^(D\\[|d\\_)",parnam)]
    colnames(fim_map) <- parnam[grepl("^(D\\[|d\\_)",parnam)]
    out_df_tmp <- tibble::tibble(group=names(db_list[i]),fim_map=list(fim_map))
      shrink_m <- inv(fim_map)%*%inv(fulld)
      dimnames(shrink_m) <- dimnames(fim_map)
      out_df_tmp$shrink_mat <- list(shrink_m)
    out_df <- rbind(out_df,out_df_tmp)
    #out_list[[names(db_list[i])]] <- list(shrinkage_var=shrink,shrinkage_sd=shrink_sd, rse=rse)
andrewhooker/PopED documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 1:37 a.m.