
Defines functions sigmaone psihat sigmatwo pihatt qhatt sigmathree betavarest leadpart Dhatt YGint szeroint Yint Ehatt EThetaEpart Ghatt qprimehatt qprimepihatt hazardpredvarest

Documented in betavarest Dhatt Ehatt EThetaEpart Ghatt hazardpredvarest leadpart pihatt psihat qhatt qprimehatt qprimepihatt sigmaone sigmathree sigmatwo szeroint YGint Yint

#' sigmaone function
#' This gives the sigmaone part in the variance estiamte
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return the sigma_one in the paper
sigmaone <- function(fit)
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  score_process <- fit$byprod$score_process
  #sum of squares of score_process
  sigma_one <- t(score_process) %*% score_process
  sigma_one <- sigma_one / N
  fit$byprod$sigma_one <- sigma_one

#' psihat function
#' This gives the psihat part in the sigmatwo estiamte
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return psi_hat in the paper
#' @importFrom stats fitted
psihat <- function(fit)
  comp <- fit$byprod$comp
  binary <- fit$byprod$binary
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  X <- fit$byprod$X
  firstfit <- fit$byprod$firstfit
  Z <- fit$byprod$Z
  survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
  Z_int <- fit$byprod$Z_int
  coef_est <- fit$coef
  #there are differences whether using binary, the derivative part
  if(binary) sum_part <- (X * (exp(-fitted(firstfit)) / (1 + exp(-fitted(firstfit))) ** 2))
  else sum_part <- X
  #a big difference between whether competing or not
  if(!comp) integral_part <- Z * survtime - Z_int
    cause <- fit$byprod$cause
    censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
    G_int <- fit$byprod$G_int
    GZ_int <- fit$byprod$GZ_int
    integral_part <- Z * survtime - Z_int + (cause >= 2) / censorsurv * (Z * G_int - GZ_int)
  psi_hat <- matrix(rowSums(sapply(1:N, function(i) outer(integral_part[i, ], sum_part[i, ]))), ncol = ncol(sum_part)) * coef_est[2]
  psi_hat <- psi_hat / N

#' sigmatwo function
#' This gives the sigmatwo part in the variance estiamte
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return the sigma_two in the paper
#' @importFrom stats vcov
sigmatwo <- function(fit)
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  psi_hat <- psihat(fit)
  firstfit <- fit$byprod$firstfit
  sigma_two <- N * psi_hat %*% vcov(firstfit) %*% t(psi_hat)

#' pihatt function
#' This gives the pihatt part in the sigmathree estiamte
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return pi_hatt part in sigma_three, only appears in competing risks setting, in the paper
pihatt <- function(fit)
  survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
  pi_hatt <- seq(length(survtime), 1)

#' qhatt function
#' This gives the qhatt part in the sigmathree estiamte
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return q_hatt part in sigma_three, only appears in competing risks setting, in the paper
qhatt <- function(fit)
  comp <- fit$byprod$comp
  if(!comp) q_hatt <- 0
    #the following functions are a decompostion of q_hatt
    #the main motivation of the following functions can be checked in the help file
    #please contact the author for help file
    leadingfirstpart <- function(cause, Z)
      leadingfirst_part <- 0
    leadingsecondpart <- function(cause, Z_bar)
      leadingsecond_part <- 0
    firstpart <- function(s_zero, Z, cause, censorsurv)
      sum_part <- apply(Z * (cause >= 2) / censorsurv, 2, cumsum)
      sum_part <- rbind(rep(0, ncol(sum_part)), sum_part[1:(nrow(sum_part) - 1), ])
      integral_part <- rev(cumsum(rev(censorsurv * (cause == 1) / s_zero)))
      first_part <- sum_part * integral_part
    secondpart <- function(s_zero, Z_bar, cause, censorsurv)
      sum_part <- cumsum((cause >= 2) / censorsurv)
      sum_part <- c(0, sum_part[1:(length(sum_part) - 1)])
      integral_part <- apply(apply(apply(Z_bar * censorsurv * (cause == 1) / s_zero, 2, rev), 2, cumsum), 2, rev)
      second_part <- sum_part * integral_part
    thirdpart <- function(survtime, coef_est, Z, cause, censorsurv)
      sum_part <- apply(Z * as.numeric(Z %*% coef_est) * (cause >= 2) / censorsurv, 2, cumsum)
      sum_part <- rbind(rep(0, ncol(sum_part)), sum_part[1:(nrow(sum_part) - 1), ])
      integral_part <- Gint(survtime, censorsurv)
      third_part <- sum_part * integral_part
    fourthpart <- function(survtime, coef_est, Z, Z_bar, cause, censorsurv)
      sum_part <- apply(Z * (cause >= 2) / censorsurv, 2, cumsum)
      sum_part <- rbind(rep(0, ncol(sum_part)), sum_part[1:(nrow(sum_part) - 1), ])
      timediff <- c(survtime[1], diff(survtime))
      integral_part <- cumsum(rev(censorsurv * as.numeric(Z_bar %*% coef_est) * timediff))
      integral_part <- rev(c(0, integral_part[1:(length(integral_part) - 1)]))
      fourth_part <- sum_part * integral_part
    fifthpart <- function(survtime, coef_est, Z_bar, cause, censorsurv)
      sum_part <- cumsum((cause >= 2) / censorsurv)
      sum_part <- c(0, sum_part[1:(length(sum_part) - 1)])
      timediff <- c(survtime[1], diff(survtime))
      integral_part <- apply(apply(censorsurv * Z_bar * as.numeric(Z_bar %*% coef_est) * timediff, 2, rev), 2, cumsum)
      integral_part <- rbind(rep(0, ncol(integral_part)), integral_part[1:(nrow(integral_part) - 1), ])
      integral_part <- apply(integral_part, 2, rev)
      fifth_part <- sum_part * integral_part
    cause <- fit$byprod$cause
    Z <- fit$byprod$Z
    Z_bar <- fit$byprod$Z_bar
    s_zero <- fit$byprod$s_zero
    censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
    survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
    coef_est <- fit$coef
    leadingfirst_part <- leadingfirstpart(cause, Z)
    leadingsecond_part <- leadingsecondpart(cause, Z_bar)
    first_part <- firstpart(s_zero, Z, cause, censorsurv)
    second_part <- secondpart(s_zero, Z_bar, cause, censorsurv)
    third_part <- thirdpart(survtime, coef_est, Z, cause, censorsurv)
    fourth_part <- fourthpart(survtime, coef_est, Z, Z_bar, cause, censorsurv)
    fifth_part <- fifthpart(survtime, coef_est, Z_bar, cause, censorsurv)
    q_hatt <- leadingfirst_part - leadingsecond_part - (first_part - second_part + third_part - 2 * fourth_part + fifth_part)

#' sigmathree function
#' This gives the sigmathree part in the variance estiamte
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return the sigma_three in the paper
sigmathree <- function(fit)
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  pZ <- fit$byprod$pZ
  cause <- fit$byprod$cause
  sigma_three <- qhatt(fit) / pihatt(fit)
  sigma_three <- matrix(rowSums(apply(sigma_three, 1, function(x) outer(x, x)) * (cause == 0)), ncol = pZ)
  sigma_three <- sigma_three / N

#' betavarest function
#' This gives the variance estiamte for heta
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return the variance matrix of finite dimensional parameter part
betavarest <- function(fit)
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  useIV <- fit$byprod$useIV
  comp <- fit$byprod$comp
  omega_inv <- fit$byprod$omega_inv
  if(!useIV && !comp){
    sigma_one <- sigmaone(fit)
    sigma_two <- 0
    sigma_three <- 0
  else if(useIV && !comp){
    sigma_one <- sigmaone(fit)
    sigma_two <- sigmatwo(fit)
    sigma_three <- 0
  else if(!useIV && comp){
    sigma_one <- sigmaone(fit)
    sigma_two <- 0
    sigma_three <- sigmathree(fit)
    sigma_one <- sigmaone(fit)
    sigma_two <- sigmatwo(fit)
    sigma_three <- sigmathree(fit)
  pararesult <- list(sigma_one = sigma_one,
                     sigma_two = sigma_two,
                     sigma_three = sigma_three)
  fit$byprod <- append(fit$byprod, pararesult)
  fit$vcov <- omega_inv %*% (sigma_one + sigma_two + sigma_three) %*% omega_inv / N

#' leadpart function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return the leading part in our variance estimate
leadpart <- function(fit)
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
  cause <- fit$byprod$cause
  s_zero <- fit$byprod$s_zero
  lead_part = N * cumsum((cause == 1) / s_zero ^ 2)

#' Dhatt function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return D_hat part in the paper
Dhatt <- function(fit)
  Z <- fit$byprod$Z
  Z_bar <- fit$byprod$Z_bar
  cause <- fit$byprod$cause
  s_zero <- fit$byprod$s_zero
  D_hatt <- apply((Z - Z_bar) * (cause == 1) / s_zero, 2, cumsum)

#' YGint function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return YG_int part in the paper
YGint <- function(fit)
  #compute the integration of G(t) over s_zero
  comp <- fit$byprod$comp
    survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
    censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
    s_zero <- fit$byprod$s_zero
    timediff <- c(survtime[1], diff(survtime))
    temp <- cumsum(rev(timediff * censorsurv / s_zero))
    temp <- c(0, temp[1:(length(temp) - 1)])
    YG_int <- rev(temp)
  else YG_int <- 0

#' szeroint function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return szero_int part in the paper
szeroint <- function(fit)
  survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
  s_zero <- fit$byprod$s_zero
  timediff <- c(survtime[1], diff(survtime))
  szero_int <- cumsum(timediff / s_zero)

#' Yint function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return Y_int part in the paper
Yint <- function(fit)
  #compute the integration of reciprocal of s_zero
  szero_int <- szeroint(fit)
  YG_int <- YGint(fit)
  Y_int <- szeroint + YG_int

#' Ehatt function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @param i the ith round of our data
#' @return an integrated function with speed O(n) by recording each time result
Ehatt <- function(fit, i)
  coef_est <- fit$coef
  firstfit <- fit$byprod$firstfit
  X <- fit$byprod$X
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  binary <- fit$byprod$binary
  censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
  cause <- fit$byprod$cause
  if(binary) A <- (X * (exp(-fitted(firstfit)) / (1 + exp(-fitted(firstfit))) ** 2))
  else A <- X
  #the following functions are mainly motivated by the help file
  #you may contact the author for the help file
  szero_int <- szeroint(fit)
  YG_int <- YGint(fit)
  firstpart <- function(fit, i){
      sum_part <- coef_est[2] * A
      integral_part <- szero_int
      integral_part_diff <- c(integral_part[1], diff(integral_part))
      first_part <- colSums(sum_part * integral_part)
      fit$byprod$Ehattfirst <- list(sum_part = sum_part,
                                    integral_part_diff = integral_part_diff,
                                    first_part = first_part)
      sum_part <- fit$byprod$Ehattfirst$sum_part
      temp <- c(rep(0, i), rep(1, N - i))
      sum_part <- sum_part * temp
      integral_part_diff <- fit$byprod$Ehattfirst$integral_part_diff
      first_part <- fit$byprod$Ehattfirst$first_part
      first_part <- first_part - colSums(sum_part * integral_part_diff[i + 1])
      fit$byprod$Ehattfirst$first_part <- first_part
  secondpart <- function(fit, i){
    comp <- fit$byprod$comp
        sum_part <- coef_est[2] * A * (cause >= 2) / censorsurv
        integral_part <- YG_int
        integral_part_diff <- c(rev(diff(rev(integral_part))), integral_part[N])
        second_part <- colSums(sum_part * integral_part)
        fit$byprod$Ehattsecond <- list(sum_part = sum_part,
                                       integral_part_diff = integral_part_diff,
                                       second_part = second_part)
        fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$sum_part[i:N] <- 0
        sum_part <- fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$sum_part
        integral_part_diff <- fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$integral_part_diff
        second_part <- fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$second_part
        second_part <- second_part - colSums(sum_part * integral_part_diff[i])
        fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$second_part <- second_part
    else fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$second_part <- 0
  fit <- firstpart(fit, i)
  fit <- secondpart(fit, i)
  first_part <- fit$byprod$Ehattfirst$first_part
  second_part <- fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$second_part
  fit$byprod$E_hatt <- first_part + second_part

#' EThetaEpart function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return E_Theta_E part in the paper
#' @importFrom stats vcov
EThetaEpart <- function(fit)
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  useIV <- fit$byprod$useIV
  comp <- fit$byprod$comp
  if(!useIV) EThetaE_part <- 0
      firstfit <- fit$byprod$firstfit
      firstvcov <- vcov(firstfit)
      EThetaE_part <- c()
      for(i in N:1){
          first <- !fit$byprod$Ehattfirst$integral_part_diff[i + 1]
          if(comp) second <- !fit$byprod$Ehattsecond$integral_part_diff[i]
          else second <- TRUE
          if(first & second){
            EThetaE_part <- c(EThetaE_part, temp)
        fit <- Ehatt(fit, i)
        E_hatt <- fit$byprod$E_hatt
        temp <- t(E_hatt) %*% firstvcov %*% E_hatt
        EThetaE_part <- c(EThetaE_part, temp)
      EThetaE_part <- rev(EThetaE_part)
      fit$byprod$EThetaE_part <- EThetaE_part
    else EThetaE_part <- fit$byprod$EThetaE_part
  fit <<- fit

#' Ghatt function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @param newobsz the new obtained Z value
#' @return G_hat in the paper, the only part that changes with newobsz
Ghatt <- function(fit, newobsz)
  survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
  Z_int <- fit$byprod$Z_int
  G_hatt <- survtime %*% t(newobsz) - Z_int

#' qprimehatt function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @param i the i-th round
#' @return update the fit, add qprime_hatt
qprimehatt <- function(fit, i)
  #this is the q_t(u) function in the paper for estimating the variance of hazard function
  #i is the index of event time
  #the following functions are mainly motivated by the help file
  #you may contact the author for the help file
  #the first part is automatically zero
  secondpart <- function(fit, i)
    N <- fit$byprod$N
    cause <- fit$byprod$cause
    s_zero <- fit$byprod$s_zero
    censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
    #return a vector of v, the time t is fixed and decreasing each time it is called
      sum_part <- cumsum((cause >= 2) / censorsurv)
      sum_part <- c(0, sum_part[1:(length(sum_part) - 1)])
      integral_part <- rev(cumsum(rev(censorsurv * (cause == 1) / s_zero ^ 2)))
      integral_part_diff <- censorsurv * (cause == 1) / s_zero ^ 2
      second_part <- sum_part * integral_part
      fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond <- list(sum_part = sum_part,
                                          integral_part_diff = integral_part_diff,
                                          second_part = second_part)
      if(i < N){
        if(i < N - 1){
          fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$sum_part[(i + 2):N] <- 0
        sum_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$sum_part
        integral_part_diff <- fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$integral_part_diff
        second_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$second_part
        second_part <- second_part - sum_part * integral_part_diff[i + 1]
        fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$sum_part[i + 1] <- 0
        fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$second_part <- second_part
    fit <<- fit
  thirdpart <- function(fit, i)
    N <- fit$byprod$N
    coef_est <- fit$coef
    cause <- fit$byprod$cause
    Z <- fit$byprod$Z
    YG_int <- YGint(fit)
    censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
      sum_part <- cumsum(Z %*% coef_est * (cause == 2) / censorsurv)
      sum_part <- c(0, sum_part[1:(length(sum_part) - 1)])
      integral_part <- YG_int
      integral_part_diff <- c(rev(diff(rev(integral_part))), YG_int[N])
      third_part <- sum_part * integral_part
      fit$byprod$qprimehattthird <- list(sum_part = sum_part,
                                         integral_part_diff = integral_part_diff,
                                         third_part = third_part)
      if(i < N){
        fit$byprod$qprimehattthird$sum_part[(i + 1):N] <- 0
        sum_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattthird$sum_part
        integral_part_diff <- fit$byprod$qprimehattthird$integral_part_diff
        third_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattthird$third_part
        third_part <- third_part - sum_part * integral_part_diff[i + 1]
        fit$byprod$qprimehattthird$third_part <- third_part
    fit <<- fit
  YGZbetaint <- function(fit)
    survtime <- fit$byprod$survtime
    censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
    s_zero <- fit$byprod$s_zero
    timediff <- c(survtime[1], diff(survtime))
    coef_est <- fit$coef
    Z_bar <- fit$byprod$Z_bar
    temp <- cumsum(rev(timediff * Z_bar %*% coef_est * censorsurv / s_zero))
    temp <- c(0, temp[1:(length(temp) - 1)])
    YGZbeta_int <- rev(temp)
  fourthpart <- function(fit, i)
    N <- fit$byprod$N
    cause <- fit$byprod$cause
    censorsurv <- fit$byprod$censorsurv
      sum_part <- cumsum((cause >= 2) / censorsurv)
      sum_part <- c(0, sum_part[1:(length(sum_part) - 1)])
      integral_part <- YGZbetaint(fit)
      integral_part_diff <- c(rev(diff(rev(integral_part))), integral_part[N])
      fourth_part <- sum_part * integral_part
      fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth <- list(sum_part = sum_part,
                                          integral_part_diff = integral_part_diff,
                                          fourth_part = fourth_part)
      if(i < N){
        fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth$sum_part[(i + 1):N] <- 0
        sum_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth$sum_part
        integral_part_diff <- fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth$integral_part_diff
        fourth_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth$fourth_part
        fourth_part <- fourth_part - sum_part * integral_part_diff[i + 1]
        fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth$fourth_part <- fourth_part
    fit <<- fit
  secondpart(fit, i)
  thirdpart(fit, i)
  fourthpart(fit, i)
  second_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$second_part
  third_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattthird$third_part
  fourth_part <- fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth$fourth_part
  qprime_hatt <- 0 - second_part - third_part + fourth_part
  fit$byprod$qprime_hatt <- qprime_hatt
  fit <<- fit

#' qprimepihatt function
#' This prepares for the variance estiamte of baseline hazards function
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return the integration of squares of q_t(u) over pi(u) in the paper, introduced by competing risks
qprimepihatt <- function(fit)
  #compute the q_t(u) part in the paper
    comp = fit$byprod$comp
      N <- fit$byprod$N
      cause <- fit$byprod$cause
      pi_hatt <- pihatt(fit)
      qprimepi_hatt <- c()
      for(i in N:1){
          second <- !fit$byprod$qprimehattsecond$integral_part_diff[i + 1]
          third <- !fit$byprod$qprimehattthird$integral_part_diff[i + 1]
          fourth <- !fit$byprod$qprimehattfourth$integral_part_diff[i + 1]
          if(second&third&fourth) {
            qprimepi_hatt <- c(qprimepi_hatt, temp)
        fit <- qprimehatt(fit, i)
        temp <- fit$byprod$qprime_hatt / pi_hatt
        temp <- temp ^ 2
        temp <- sum(temp * (cause == 0))
        qprimepi_hatt <- c(qprimepi_hatt, temp)
      qprimepi_hatt <- rev(qprimepi_hatt)
      qprimepi_hatt <- N * qprimepi_hatt
    else qprimepi_hatt <- 0
    fit$byprod$qprimepi_hatt <- qprimepi_hatt
  else qprimepi_hatt <- fit$byprod$qprimepi_hatt
  fit <<- fit

#' hazardpredvarest function
#' This gives the variance estimate for our prediction of the hazard function
#' @param newobsz the new obtained Z value
#' @param fit the fitting object after fitting our model
#' @return the variance of hazard function at each time point
hazardpredvarest <- function(newobsz, fit = NULL)
  N <- fit$byprod$N
  omega_inv <- fit$byprod$omega_inv
  qprimepi_hatt <- qprimepihatt(fit)
  betavar_est <- fit$vcov
  lead_part <- leadpart(fit)
  D_hatt <- Dhatt(fit)
  EThetaE_part <- EThetaEpart(fit)
  G_hatt <- Ghatt(fit, newobsz)
  hazard_aux <- list(lead_part = lead_part,
                     qprimepi_hatt = qprimepi_hatt,
                     D_hatt = D_hatt,
                     EThetaE_part = EThetaE_part,
                     G_hatt = G_hatt)
  fit$byprod <- append(fit$byprod, hazard_aux)
  #the variance estimate at each point for the hazard function
  hazardpredvar_est <- (lead_part + qprimepi_hatt + N * rowSums(G_hatt %*% betavar_est * G_hatt)
                        + EThetaE_part + 2 * rowSums(G_hatt %*% omega_inv * D_hatt)) / N
  fit$hazardpredvar_est <- hazardpredvar_est
andrewyyp/tsriadditive documentation built on May 25, 2019, 9:23 a.m.