## Export: inla.pc.cormat.dim2p inla.pc.cormat.p2dim inla.pc.cormat.theta2R
## Export: inla.pc.cormat.R2theta inla.pc.cormat.r2R inla.pc.cormat.R2r
## Export: inla.pc.cormat.r2theta inla.pc.cormat.theta2r inla.pc.cormat.permute
## Export: inla.pc.cormat.rtheta inla.pc.cormat.dtheta
##! \name{pc.cormat}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.dim2p}
##! \alias{cormat.dim2p}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.p2dim}
##! \alias{cormat.p2dim}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.theta2R}
##! \alias{cormat.theta2R}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.R2theta}
##! \alias{cormat.R2theta}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.r2R}
##! \alias{cormat.r2R}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.R2r}
##! \alias{cormat.R2r}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.r2theta}
##! \alias{cormat.r2theta}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.theta2r}
##! \alias{cormat.theta2r}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.permute}
##! \alias{cormat.permute}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.rtheta}
##! \alias{cormat.rtheta}
##! \alias{inla.pc.cormat.dtheta}
##! \alias{cormat.dtheta}
##! \title{Utility functions for the PC prior for a correlation matrix}
##! \description{Functions to evaluate and sample from the
##! PC prior for a correlation matrix.}
##! \usage{
##! inla.pc.cormat.dim2p(dim)
##! inla.pc.cormat.p2dim(p)
##! inla.pc.cormat.theta2R(theta)
##! inla.pc.cormat.R2theta(R)
##! inla.pc.cormat.r2R(r)
##! inla.pc.cormat.R2r(R)
##! inla.pc.cormat.r2theta(r)
##! inla.pc.cormat.theta2r(theta)
##! inla.pc.cormat.permute(R)
##! inla.pc.cormat.rtheta(n=1, p, lambda = 1)
##! inla.pc.cormat.dtheta(theta, lambda = 1, log = FALSE)
##! }
##! \arguments{
##! \item{dim}{The dimension of \code{theta}, the parameterisatin of the correlation matrix}
##! \item{p}{The dimension the correlation matrix}
##! \item{theta}{A vector of parameters for the correlation matrix}
##! \item{r}{The off diagonal elements of a correlation matrix}
##! \item{R}{A correlation matrix}
##! \item{n}{Number of observations}
##! \item{lambda}{The rate parameter in the prior}
##! \item{log}{Logical. Return the density in natural or log-scale.}
##! }
##! \details{
##! The parameterisation of a correlation matrix of dimension \code{p} has \code{dim}
##! parameters: \code{theta} which are in the interval -pi to pi.
##! The alternative parameterisation is through the off-diagonal elements \code{r} of the
##! correlation matrix \code{R}. The functions \code{inla.pc.cormat.<A>2<B>} convert between
##! parameterisations \code{<A>} to parameterisations \code{<B>}, where both
##! \code{<A>} and \code{<B>} are one of \code{theta}, \code{r} and \code{R},
##! and \code{p} and \code{dim}.
##! }
##! \value{%%
##! \code{inla.pc.cormat.rtheta} generate samples from the prior, returning a matrix
##! where each row is a sample of \code{theta}.
##! \code{inla.pc.cormat.dtheta} evaluates the density of \code{theta}.
##! \code{inla.pc.cormat.permute} randomly permutes a correlation matrix,
##! which is useful if an exchangable sample of a correlation matrix is required.
##! }
##! \author{Havard Rue \email{hrue@math.ntnu.no}}
##! \examples{
##! p = 4
##! print(paste("theta has length", inla.pc.cormat.p2dim(p)))
##! theta = inla.pc.cormat.rtheta(n=1, p=4, lambda = 1)
##! print("sample theta:")
##! print(theta)
##! print(paste("log.dens", inla.pc.cormat.dtheta(theta, log=TRUE)))
##! print("r:")
##! r = inla.pc.cormat.theta2r(theta)
##! print(r)
##! print("A sample from the non-exchangable prior, R:")
##! R = inla.pc.cormat.r2R(r)
##! print(R)
##! print("A sample from the exchangable prior, R:")
##! R = inla.pc.cormat.permute(R)
##! print(R)
##! }
inla.pc.cormat.dim2p = function(dim)
p = round(1/2 + 1/2 * sqrt(1+4L*dim*2L))
stopifnot(abs(dim - inla.pc.cormat.p2dim(p)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
return (p)
inla.pc.cormat.p2dim = function(p)
return (p*(p-1L)/2L)
inla.pc.cormat.theta2R = function(theta)
p = inla.pc.cormat.dim2p(length(theta))
theta.m = matrix(NA, p, p)
theta.m[lower.tri(theta.m)] = theta
B = matrix(0, p, p)
B[1, 1] = 1.0
for(i in 2L:p) {
for(j in 1L:i) {
if (j == 1) {
B[i, j] = cos(theta.m[i, j])
} else if (j >= 2L && j <= i-1) {
B[i, j] = cos(theta.m[i, j])*prod(sin(theta.m[i, 1:(j-1)]))
} else if (j == i) {
B[i, j] = prod(sin(theta.m[i, 1:(j-1)]))
} else {
stop("This should not happen.")
R = B %*% t(B)
diag(R) = 1.0 ## so that its exactly 1, not just numerically 1
inla.pc.cormat.R2theta = function(R)
L = t(chol(R))
p = dim(R)[1]
## overwrite L with theta
for(i in 2:p) {
if (i == 2) {
L[2, 1] = acos(L[2, 1])
} else {
for(j in 1:(i-1)) {
if (j == 1) {
L[i, j] = acos(L[i, j])
} else {
L[i, j] = acos(L[i, j]/prod(sin(L[i, 1:(j-1)])))
theta = L[lower.tri(L)]
return (theta)
inla.pc.cormat.r2R = function(r)
p = inla.pc.cormat.dim2p(length(r))
R = matrix(1, p, p)
R[lower.tri(R)] = r
R = t(R)
R[lower.tri(R)] = r
diag(R) = 1.0
return (R)
inla.pc.cormat.R2r = function(R)
return (R[lower.tri(R)])
inla.pc.cormat.r2theta = function(r)
R = inla.pc.cormat.r2R(r)
theta = inla.pc.cormat.R2theta(R)
inla.pc.cormat.theta2r = function(theta)
R = inla.pc.cormat.theta2R(theta)
r = inla.pc.cormat.R2r(R)
return (r)
inla.pc.cormat.permute = function(R)
r = inla.pc.cormat.R2r(R)
r = r[order(runif(length(r)))]
R = inla.pc.cormat.r2R(r)
return (R)
inla.pc.cormat.rtheta = function(n=1, p, lambda = 1)
stopifnot(!missing(p) && p > 1)
stopifnot(lambda > 0)
stopifnot(n >= 1)
rcormat = function(n, p, lambda)
q = inla.pc.cormat.p2dim(p)
## sample a point on the simplex
r = rexp(1, rate = lambda)
gamma = rexp(q)
gamma = (gamma/sum(gamma)) * r^2/2
theta = asin(exp(-gamma))
## sample branch by random
branch = sample(c(0, 1), size = q, replace=TRUE)
theta = branch * theta + (1-branch) * (pi - theta)
return (theta)
x = unlist(lapply(rep(1, n), rcormat, p=p, lambda = lambda))
x = matrix(x, n, inla.pc.cormat.p2dim(p), byrow=TRUE)
return (x)
inla.pc.cormat.dtheta = function(theta, lambda = 1, log = FALSE)
## reimplementation using the simplex function
p = length(theta)
gamma = -log(sin(theta))
ldens = (inla.pc.multvar.simplex.d(gamma, lambda = lambda, log = TRUE, b = rep(1, p))
+ sum(log(abs(1/tan(theta)))) - p*log(2))
return (if (log) ldens else exp(ldens))
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