#' Model segment validation
#' \code{segment.vld} performs model segment validation based on residuals.
#' The main goal of this procedure is to identify segments where model in use overestimates or
#' underestimates the observed default rate. The procedure consists of a few steps. The first step is to
#' calculate the model residuals (observed default indicator minus estimated probability).
#' Then, on obtained residuals, the regression tree is fitted for segment identification.
#' Finally, one proportion test is applied in order to test overestimation or underestimation
#' of the observed default rate within these segments. Results of this validation can indicate
#' omission of some important risk factor(s) or some specific sub-portfolio for which model performs
#' worse than for the rest of the portfolio.
#'@param model Model in use, an object of class inheriting from \code{"glm"}
#'@param db Modeling data with risk factors and target variable. Risk factors used for \code{model} development
#' have to be of the same type (if WoE coding is used it has to be numeric with WoE values).
#' Additionally, the rest of the risk factors (these that are supplied in \code{db}, but not used
#' for \code{model} development) will be used for segment validation.
#'@param min.leaf Minimum percentage of observations per leaf. Default is 0.03.
#'@param alpha Significance level of p-value for one proportion test. Default is 0.05.
#'@return The command \code{segment.vld} returns a list of three objects.\cr
#' The first object (\code{segment.model}), returns regression tree results (\code{rpart} object).\cr
#' The second object (\code{segment.testing}), is the data frame with segment overview and testing results.\cr
#' The third object (\code{segment.rules}), is the data frame with average residual
#' rate and rules for segment identification. This elements is returned, only if the segments are
#' identified, otherwise it is\code{NULL}.
#'#run stepMIV
#'res <- stepFWD(start.model = Creditability ~ 1,
#' p.value = 0.05,
#' coding = "WoE",
#' db = loans)
#'#check output elements
#'#extract the final model
#'final.model <- res$model
#'#print coefficients
#'#run segment validation procedure
#'seg.analysis <- segment.vld(model = final.model,
#' db = res$dev.db,
#' min.leaf = 0.03,
#' alpha = 0.05)
#'#check output elements
#'#print segment model - regression tree
#'#print segment summary and statistical testing
#'#print segment identification rules
#'@import rpart
#'@importFrom stats prop.test
segment.vld <- function(model, db, min.leaf = 0.03, alpha = 0.05) {
model.vars <- names(model$model)
if (length(names(db)[!names(db)%in%model.vars]) == 0) {
stop("No additional risk factors for analysis.")
if (!is.numeric(min.leaf) | length(min.leaf) > 1) {
stop("min.leaf has to be numeric vector of length one.")
target <- model.vars[1]
rf.model <- model.vars[-1]
db$mpred <- unname(predict(model, type = "response", newdata = db))
db$error <- db[, target] - db$mpred
tree.vars <- names(db)[!names(db)%in%c(target, "mpred", rf.model)]
min.leaf <- round(min.leaf * nrow(db))
min.leaf <- ifelse(min.leaf < 30, 30, min.leaf)
reg.tree <- rpart(error ~ ., method = "anova", data = db[, tree.vars, drop = FALSE],
control = rpart.control(minsplit = min.leaf,
minbucket = min.leaf))
tree.rules <- extract.rules(model = reg.tree)
if (is.null(tree.rules)) {
info <- "No significant split of residuals."
seg.overview <- data.frame(info = info)
} else {
db$segment <- unname(reg.tree$where)
seg.overview <- db %>%
group_by(segment) %>%
summarise(no = n(),
ng.obs = sum(1 - !!sym(target)),
ng.mod = sum(1 - mpred),
nb.obs = sum(!!sym(target)),
nb.mod = sum(mpred)) %>%
mutate(dr.obs = nb.obs / no,
dr.mod = nb.mod / no,
dr.diff = dr.mod - dr.obs)
seg.overview$dr.obs <- ifelse(round(seg.overview$dr.obs, 5) == 0, 0.00001,
ifelse(round(seg.overview$dr.obs, 5) == 1, 0.99999,
stat.test <- apply(seg.overview, 1, function(x) {
p.val = prop.test(x = x["nb.mod"],
n = x["no"],
p = x["dr.obs"],
alternative = ifelse(x["nb.mod"] <= x["nb.obs"],
"less", "greater"),
correct = FALSE)$p.val})
seg.overview <- cbind.data.frame(seg.overview, p.val = stat.test, alpha = alpha)
seg.overview$test.res <- ifelse(seg.overview$p.val < alpha,
ifelse(seg.overview$nb.mod > seg.overview$nb.obs,
"overestimate", "underestimate"), "equal")
seg.overview <- data.frame(seg.overview)
res <- list(segment.model = reg.tree,
segment.testing = seg.overview,
segment.rules = tree.rules)
extract.rules <- function(model = reg.tree) {
mod.frm <- model$frame
mod.frm <- mod.frm[mod.frm[, 1]%in%"<leaf>", ]
leaf.num <- row.names(mod.frm)
nr <- nrow(mod.frm)
if (nr == 1) {
rules <- vector("list", nr)
avgs <- rep(NA, nr)
for (i in 1:nr) {
avgs[i] <- mod.frm[i, "yval"]
rules[[i]] <- path.rpart(model, nodes = as.numeric(leaf.num[i]), print.it = FALSE)
rules <- lapply(rules, function(x) {
a <- unname(paste0(x[[1]][-1], collapse = " & "))
df.r <- cbind.data.frame(rule = a)
rules <- cbind.data.frame(avg = avgs, bind_rows(rules))
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