

## Y axes ===================

# needed set up
fakedata <-
    date = seq.Date(
      from = as.Date("2000-01-01"),
      by = "year",
      length = 10
    "a" = 1:10,
    "b" = 1:10,
    "c" = 1:10,
    "d" = 1:10

# Basic axis guessing
test_that("Basic axis guessing", {
  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, agg_aes(x = date, y = a)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-basic-ylim-guess"))

# manually set y axis
test_that("Manually set y axis", {
  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, agg_aes(x = date, y = a)) + agg_line() +
    agg_ylim(1, 2, 5)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-manual-ylim"))

  # apply to all axes on mutlipanel
  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, agg_aes(x = date, y = a),
                layout = "4b2",
                dropxlabel = TRUE) +
    agg_line() + agg_ylim(1, 2, 5)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-manual-ylim-multipanel-all"))

  # manually set LHS/RHS
  p <- arphitgg(fakedata) +
    agg_line(agg_aes(x = date, y = a), panel = "1") +
    agg_ylim(1, 2, 5, panel = "1") +
    agg_line(agg_aes(x = date, y = b), panel = "2") +
    agg_ylim(0, 12, 5, panel = "2")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-manual-ylim-lhs-rhs"))

  # Test for passing in a single ylim to apply to all axes in qplot
  sublist <- list(min = 0, max = 1, nsteps = 5)
  expect_that(apply_ylim_to_panels(sublist), equals(
      "1" = sublist,
      "2" = sublist,
      "3" = sublist,
      "4" = sublist,
      "5" = sublist,
      "6" = sublist,
      "7" = sublist,
      "8" = sublist

# Matching other side axis on horizontal layouts
test_that("Match axes on horizontal layouts", {
  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, layout = "2h") +
    agg_line(agg_aes(x = date, y = a), panel = "4") +
    agg_ylim(-10, 10, 3, panel = "4")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-match-axes-2h-right"))

  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, layout = "2h") +
    agg_line(agg_aes(x = date, y = a), panel = "3") +
    agg_ylim(-10, 10, 3, panel = "3")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-match-axes-2h-left"))

  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, layout = "3b2") +
    agg_line(agg_aes(x = date, y = a), panel = "3") +
    agg_ylim(-10, 10, 3, panel = "3")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-match-axes-3b2"))

# Check that sanity checks fail if pass in bad values
test_that("Sanity checks", {
  expect_error(agg_qplot(fakedata, x = "date",
                         ylim = list("min" = 1, "nsteps" = 3)),
               "You did not supply a max ylimit.")
  expect_error(agg_qplot(fakedata, x = "date",
                         ylim = list("max" = 1, "nsteps" = 3)),
               "You did not supply a min ylimit.")

  expect_error(print(arphitgg() + agg_ylim(0, 5, 1)),
               "The y-limit you supplied has fewer than 2 points.",
               fixed = TRUE)

    agg_qplot(fakedata, x = "date", ylim = list("min" = 1, "max" = 3)),
    "The y-limit you supplied has fewer than 2 points (or you forgot to supply nsteps).", #nolint
    fixed = TRUE

  expect_error(agg_qplot(data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10),
                         ylim = c(0, 10, 5), x = "x"),
               "ylim should be a list")

# Ensure y-scale creator works even if NAs in data (#39)
test_that("Y-scale creator", {
  data <- data.frame(x = rnorm(10), y = 100 * rnorm(10))
  data[4, "y"] <- NA
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-y-scale-with-NAs"))

  ## Automatic y-limits based only on visible data (#210)
  data_scatter <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10),
                             y = c(1000, 1000, 1000, 4, 4, 4))
  data_categorical <- data.frame(x = letters[1:6],
                                 y = c(1000, 1000, 1000, 4, 4, 4))
  data_time <- data.frame(x = seq.Date(as.Date("2000-06-01"),
                                       by = "quarter",
                                       length.out = 6),
                          y = c(1000, 1000, 1000, 4, 4, 4))
  p <- arphitgg(data_scatter, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_point() +
    agg_xlim(5, 11)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-restrict-x-y-guess-scatter"))

  p <- arphitgg(data_categorical, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    agg_point() + agg_xlim(4, 7)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-restrict-x-y-guess-categorical"))

  p <- arphitgg(data_time, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_point() +
    agg_xlim(2001, 2002)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-restrict-x-y-guess-ts"))

  # Correct placement of y labels when ticks lead to more decimal places (#44)
  expect_equal(createscale(0.15, 0.25, 5), c(0.15, 0.175, 0.2, 0.225, 0.25))

  # Incorrect rounding of labels (#81)
  foo <- createscale(-0.2, 0.4, 4)
  expect_true(foo[2] == 0)

## Default scale ==============

# Test that scale create the right thing
test_that("Default scale", {
  expect_equal(createscale(0, 3, 4), 0:3)
  expect_equal(createscale(0, 4, 3), c(0, 2, 4))

  # Test that default scales are sensible for line series
  for (i in 1:100) {
    # Just do this 100 times to get lots of different scales and check they are
    # all fine
    data <- data.frame(y = rnorm(10))
    scale <- defaultscale(max(data), min(data))
    expect_true(scale$min <= min(data))
    expect_true(scale$max >= max(data))
    expect_true(scale$nsteps <= max(PERMITTEDSTEPS))
    expect_true(scale$nsteps >= min(PERMITTEDSTEPS))

  # Check that default scales are sensible for stacked _bar_ series (#147)
  # With line series
  data <- data.frame(x = rep(1:5), y = 1:5, z = 6:10)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = x)) +
    agg_col(agg_aes(y = y)) +
    agg_col(agg_aes(y = z), stacked = TRUE)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-stacked-bar"))

  p <- p + agg_line(agg_aes(y = z))
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-stacked-w-line"))

## X-axes scale ================

# Check x lim for time series charts
test_that("Basic x axis", {
  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, agg_aes(x = date, y = a)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-axis-ts"))

  # Check x lim conforming for categorical data
  catdata <- data.frame(x = letters[1:5], y = 1:5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  p <- arphitgg(catdata, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-categorical-x-axes"))

  # Check x lim conforming for numerical categorical data
  catdata1 <- data.frame(x = 2001:2005, y = 1:5)
  catdata2 <- data.frame(x = c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10), y = 1:5)
  p <- arphitgg(catdata1, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-categorical-x-numeric-1"))

  p <- arphitgg(catdata2, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-categorical-x-numeric-2"))

  # X lim conforming for scatter graph data
  scatter <- data.frame(x = runif(100), y = runif(100))
  p <- arphitgg(scatter, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_point()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-scatter"))

  # Labels respecting x limits for scatter graphs (#273)
  foo <- data.frame(x = rnorm(10), y = rnorm(10))
  p <- arphitgg(foo, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    agg_point() + agg_xlim(-0.9, 1)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-scatter-xlimits"))

test_that("Warning for different limits", {
  p <- arphitgg(fakedata, agg_aes(x = date, y = a)) +
    agg_line(panel = "1") + agg_point(panel = "2") +
    agg_xlim(2000, 2009, panel = "1") + agg_xlim(2001, 2010, panel = "2")
    "Panels 1 and 2 have differing x limits. This may lead to confusing graphs."

test_that("Label steps", {
  # Tests for restrictlabels and labelstep
  start <- 1990
  for (end in 1991:2050) {
    ticks <- start:end
    expect_true(length(restrictlabels(ticks, 1)) <= 8)
    expect_true(length(restrictlabels(ticks, 1 / 2)) <= 4)
    expect_true(length(restrictlabels(ticks, 1 / 3)) <= 3)

  # Tests for much longer label steps
  start <- 1500
  for (end in 1991:2050) {
    ticks <- start:end
    expect_true(length(restrictlabels(ticks, 1)) <= 8)
    expect_true(length(restrictlabels(ticks, 1 / 2)) <= 4)
    expect_true(length(restrictlabels(ticks, 1 / 3)) <= 3)

# Restricting x labels for categorical graphs
test_that("Restricted x axis", {
  catdata1 <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
  catdata2 <- data.frame(x = letters[1:10], y = 1:10, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  p <- arphitgg(catdata1, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), showallxlabels = TRUE) +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-categorical-x-numeric-showall"))

  p <- arphitgg(catdata1, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), showallxlabels = FALSE) +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-categorical-x-numeric-dontshowall"))

  p <- arphitgg(catdata2, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), showallxlabels = TRUE) +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-categorical-x-nonnumeric-showall"))

  p <- arphitgg(catdata2, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), showallxlabels = FALSE) +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-categorical-x-nonnumeric-dontshowall"))

# Insufficient x label steps available (#145)
test_that("Miscellaneous x axis tests", {
  dates <- c("1911-06-01", "1925-06-01", "1936-06-01", "1947-06-01",
             "1958-06-01", "1969-08-01", "1980-02-01", "1991-02-01",
             "2002-02-01", "2013-02-01")

  data <- data.frame(date = as.Date(dates),
                     Males = 1:length(dates),
                     Females = 1:length(dates))
  data <- mutate(data, age_group = "15-24") %>%
    bind_rows(mutate(data, age_group = "25-54")) %>%
    bind_rows(mutate(data, age_group = "55+")) %>%
    gather(key = sex, value = PR, Males, Females)

  p <- data %>%
    arphitgg(agg_aes(x = date, y = PR, group = sex, facet = age_group),
             layout = "3v") +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-insufficient-x-steps-145"))

# incorrect rounding for months with hourly data (#381)
test_that("months with hourly data", {
  data <- tibble(
    date = seq(lubridate::parse_date_time('2014-02-01 00:00', 'Ymd HM'),
               by = '1 hour',
               length.out = 1000),
    value = cumsum(rnorm(1000))
  p <- data %>%
    arphitgg(agg_aes(x=date, y=value)) +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-month-hourly-data-381"))

# Incorrect placement of year label with partial years and monthly or quarterly axes
test_that("Placement of year label", {
  data <- tibble(
    date = seq(lubridate::parse_date_time('2014-02-01 00:00', 'Ymd HM'),
               by = '1 day',
               length.out = 100),
    value = cumsum(rnorm(100))
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(date, value)) +
    agg_line() + agg_xaxisfreq("month")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-year-placement-month"))

  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(date, value)) +
    agg_line() + agg_xaxisfreq("quarter")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-year-placement-quarter"))

## Unit handling ===============
test_that("Units", {
  p <- arphitgg() + agg_units("foo")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-y-units-set-all"))

  p <- arphitgg() + agg_units("foo", "1") + agg_units("bar", "2")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-y-units-set-specific"))

  p <- arphitgg() + agg_units("foo", panel = "1")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-y-units-set-1"))

## x axis units =================

test_that("X axis units", {
  scatter <- data.frame(x = runif(100), y = runif(100))
  p <- arphitgg(scatter, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_point() +
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-units"))

  p <- arphitgg(scatter, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), layout = "2b2") +
    agg_point(panel = c("1", "2", "3", "4")) + agg_xunits("index")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-units-2b2"))

## Axis labels ===============

test_that("Axis labels", {
  p <- arphitgg() + agg_xaxislabel("foo") + agg_yaxislabel("bar")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-axislabels"))
  p <- arphitgg(layout = "2v") + agg_xaxislabel("foo", "1") +
    agg_yaxislabel("bar", "1")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-axislabels-2v"))

## Axis duplication ====================

test_that("Axis duplication", {
  data <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), layout = "4b2") +
    agg_line(panel = "1") +
    agg_line(panel = "3") +
    agg_line(panel = "5") +
    agg_line(panel = "7")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-duplicate-left-to-right"))
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), layout = "4b2") +
    agg_line(panel = "2") +
    agg_line(panel = "4") +
    agg_line(panel = "6") +
    agg_line(panel = "8")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-duplicate-right-to-left"))
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), layout = "3v") +
    agg_line(panel = "1")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-duplicate-3v-left"))
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), layout = "3v") +
    agg_line(panel = "2")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-duplicate-3v-center"))
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = x, y = y), layout = "3v") +
    agg_line(panel = "3")
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-duplicate-3v-right"))

## Non-year frequency x axis =================

test_that("Non-year frequency x axes", {
  # Decades
  data <- data.frame(dates = seq.Date(as.Date("1960-03-01"),
                                      by = "quarter",
                                      length.out = 100),
                     y = 1:100)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = dates, y = y)) + agg_line() +
    agg_xlim(1956, 2020)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-decades"))

  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = dates, y = y), layout = "2v") + agg_line() +
    agg_xlim(1951, NA)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-decades-2v"))

  # Quarters
  data <- data.frame(dates = seq.Date(as.Date("2000-03-01"),
                                      by = "quarter",
                                      length.out = 8),
                     y = 1:8)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = dates, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-quarters"))

  # Months
  data <- data.frame(dates = seq.Date(as.Date("2000-06-01"),
                                      by = "month",
                                      length.out = 10),
                     y = 1:10)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = dates, y = y)) + agg_line() +
    agg_xlim(2000.333333, 2001.25)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-x-months"))

## Last year padding ====================

test_that("Last year padding", {
  data <- data.frame(date = seq.Date(as.Date("2000-03-01"),
                                     by = "quarter",
                                     to = as.Date("2004-12-01")),
                     y = 1:20)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = date, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-lastyearpadding-basic"))

  # Disable last year padding by setting manual x limits
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = date, y = y)) + agg_line() +
    agg_xlim(NA, 2005)
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-lastyearpadding-disable"))

  # Don't add padding for short time series graphs
  data <- data.frame(date = seq.Date(as.Date("2000-01-01"),
                                     by = "month",
                                     to = as.Date("2001-12-01")),
                     y = 1:24)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = date, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-lastyearpadding-shortts"))

  # Decades
  data <- data.frame(date = seq.Date(as.Date("2000-01-01"),
                                     by = "year",
                                     to = as.Date("2050-01-01")),
                     y = 1:51)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = date, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-lastyearpadding-decade"))

  # test that adding lots of padding doesn't throw off x labels
  foo <- data.frame(x = seq.Date(from = as.Date("1980-01-01"),
                                 by = "year",
                                 length.out = 29),
                    y = 1:29)
  p <- arphitgg(foo, agg_aes(x = x, y = y)) + agg_line()
  expect_true(check_graph(p, "axes-lastyearpadding-no-labels"))

  # Ensure padding is calculated based on manual x limits
  data <- data.frame(date = seq.Date(as.Date("1870-01-01"),
                                     by = "year",
                                     length.out = 130),
                     y = 1:130)
  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = date, y = y)) + agg_line() +
    agg_xlim(1996, NA)

  p <- arphitgg(data, agg_aes(x = date, y = y)) + agg_line() +
    agg_xlim(1970, NA)
angusmoore/arphit documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 9:40 a.m.