
Defines functions handleaxislabels collapse_in_padding xlimconform add_lastyear_padding defaultxscale is.scatter warnifxdiff handlexlabels xlabels xlabels_scatter xlabels_categorical xlabels_ts xlabels_ts_month xlabels_ts_quarter xlabels_ts_year xlabels_ts_decade getlayoutfactor restrictlabels findlabelstep handleticks ylimconform apply_ylim_to_panels handlexunits handleunits conformscale duplicateaxes_vertical apply_nonempty duplicateaxes createscale defaultscale get_data_max_min waterfall_highest_lowest get_series_max_min get_stacked_max_min testscaleoptions

testscaleoptions <- function(significand, minval, maxval, permittedsteps) {
  # Now we try the different combinations of and see which works best
  jointdeviation <- matrix(NA, length(PERMITTEDLABELS), length(permittedsteps))

  for (i in 1:length(PERMITTEDLABELS)) {
    step <- PERMITTEDLABELS[i] * 10 ^ significand
    minscale <- floor(minval / step) * step

    # This bit could be better.
    # There's surely an algebraic way I can determine the best option here
    for (j in 1:length(permittedsteps)) {
      maxscale <- ((permittedsteps[j] - 1) * step + minscale)
      if (maxscale > maxval) {
        jointdeviation[i, j] <- (minval - minscale) + (maxscale - maxval)
      } else {
        jointdeviation[i, j] <- NA

get_stacked_max_min <- function(data, xlim) {
  bardata <- data.frame(x = data$x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  for (i in seq_along(data$series)) {
    s <- data$series[[i]]
    if (s$geomtype == "bar") {
      series_data <- data.frame(x = series_x_values(data, i),
                                y = series_values(data, i),
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(series_data) <- c("x", i)
      bardata <- dplyr::left_join(bardata, series_data, by = "x")
  x <- get_x_plot_locations(bardata$x, data)
  x_restriction <- x >= xlim[1] & x <= xlim[2]
  bardata <- bardata[names(bardata) != "x"]
  bardata <- bardata[x_restriction, , drop = FALSE]
  if (ncol(bardata) > 0) {
    bardata[is.na(bardata)] <- 0
    bardata_p <- bardata
    bardata_n <- bardata
    bardata_p[bardata < 0] <- 0
    bardata_n[bardata >= 0] <- 0
    list(max = max(apply(bardata_p, 1, sum), na.rm = TRUE),
         min = min(apply(bardata_n, 1, sum), na.rm = TRUE))
  } else {
    list(min = Inf, max = -Inf)

get_series_max_min <- function(series, data, xlim) {
  x <- get_x_plot_locations(series$x, data)
  x_restriction <- !is.na(x) & x >= xlim[1] & x <= xlim[2]
  if (!any(x_restriction)) {
    # if no visible x, use all the data as a fallback
    x_restriction <- TRUE
  list(max = max(series$y[x_restriction], na.rm = TRUE),
       min = min(series$y[x_restriction], na.rm = TRUE))

waterfall_highest_lowest <- function(data) {
  maxval <- 0
  minval <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
    if (i > 1 && i < nrow(data)) {
      y_offset <- sum(data[1:(i - 1), ], na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      y_offset <- 0
    thistick <- data[i, ]
    maxval <- max(maxval, sum(thistick[thistick > 0], na.rm = TRUE) + y_offset,
                  na.rm = TRUE)
    minval <- min(minval, sum(thistick[thistick < 0], na.rm = TRUE) + y_offset,
                  na.rm = TRUE)
  list(min = minval, max = maxval)

get_data_max_min <- function(data, xlim, stacked) {
  if (any(sapply(data$series, function(x) x$geomtype == "bar"))) {
    # bound by zero if we have bars, since we want them to start there
    minval <- 0
    maxval <- 0
  } else {
    minval <- Inf
    maxval <- -Inf

  # Find smallest and largest series value
  for (s in data$series) {
    if ((s$geomtype != "bar" || !stacked) && s$geomtype != "waterfall") {
      out <- get_series_max_min(s, data, xlim)
      minval <- min(minval, out$min, na.rm = TRUE)
      maxval <- max(maxval, out$max, na.rm = TRUE)

  # handle stacked bar graphs
  if (stacked) {
    out <- get_stacked_max_min(data, xlim)
    minval <- min(minval, out$min, na.rm = TRUE)
    maxval <- max(maxval, out$max, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Max and min for waterfall graphs
  data$bars <- NULL
  bars <- extract_bar_data(data, "waterfall")$bars
  if (ncol(bars$bardata) > 0 && nrow(bars$bardata) > 0) {
    out <- waterfall_highest_lowest(bars$bardata)
    minval <- min(minval, out$min, na.rm = TRUE)
    maxval <- max(maxval, out$max, na.rm = TRUE)

  list(min = minval, max = maxval)

defaultscale <- function(maxval, minval, permittedsteps = PERMITTEDSTEPS) {
  span <- maxval - minval

  significand <- floor(log10(span / min(permittedsteps)))
  if (is.na(significand) || significand == Inf || significand == -Inf) {
    # Happens if span is zero, possibly other cases
    significand <- 0

  jointdeviation <- testscaleoptions(significand,
  # Check here if none are feasible
  if (all(is.na(jointdeviation))) {
    # Try a larger significand
    significand <- significand + 1
    jointdeviation <- testscaleoptions(significand,
    if (all(is.na(jointdeviation))) {
      message("No feasible scale found, defaulting to something bad.")
      return(list("min" = minval, "max" = maxval, "nsteps" = 5))

  ideal <- which(jointdeviation == min(jointdeviation, na.rm = TRUE),
                 arr.ind = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(nrow(ideal))) {
    ideal <- ideal[1, ] # Just take the first match
  step <- PERMITTEDLABELS[ideal[1]] * 10 ^ significand
  nsteps <- permittedsteps[ideal[2]]
  minscale <- floor(minval / step) * step
  maxscale <- minscale + (nsteps - 1) * step

  list("min" = minscale, "max" = maxscale, "nsteps" = nsteps)

createscale <- function(minscale, maxscale, nsteps) {
  stepsize <- (maxscale - minscale) / (nsteps - 1)
  # Get the significand of the minscale
  significand <- -floor(log10(abs(minscale)))
  # Assume the rounding to the level of significance on the minscale + 4 will
  # be _more_ than enough to wipe out small innaccuracies
  scale <- round(seq(from = minscale,
                     by = stepsize,
                     length.out = nsteps),
                 significand + 4)

duplicateaxes <- function(toduplicate, data, layout) {
  if (is_empty(data[["1"]])  && !is_empty(data[["2"]])) {
    toduplicate[["1"]] <- toduplicate[["2"]]
  if (is_empty(data[["2"]]) && !is_empty(data[["1"]])) {
    toduplicate[["2"]] <- toduplicate[["1"]]
  if (layout == "2b2" || layout == "2h" || layout == "3h" || layout == "3b2" ||
      layout == "4h" || layout == "4b2") {
    if (is_empty(data[["3"]]) && !is_empty(data[["4"]])) {
      toduplicate[["3"]] <- toduplicate[["4"]]
    if (is_empty(data[["4"]]) && !is_empty(data[["3"]])) {
      toduplicate[["4"]] <- toduplicate[["3"]]
  if (layout == "3h" || layout == "3b2" || layout == "4h" || layout == "4b2") {
    if (is_empty(data[["5"]]) && !is_empty(data[["6"]])) {
      toduplicate[["5"]] <- toduplicate[["6"]]
    if (is_empty(data[["6"]]) && !is_empty(data[["5"]])) {
      toduplicate[["6"]] <- toduplicate[["5"]]
  if (layout == "4h" || layout == "4b2") {
    if (is_empty(data[["7"]]) && !is_empty(data[["8"]])) {
      toduplicate[["7"]] <- toduplicate[["8"]]
    if (is_empty(data[["8"]]) && !is_empty(data[["7"]])) {
      toduplicate[["8"]] <- toduplicate[["7"]]
  if (layout == "3v") {
    if (is_empty(data[["2"]]) && !is_empty(data[["1"]])) {
      toduplicate[["2"]] <- toduplicate[["1"]]
    if (is_empty(data[["2"]]) && !is_empty(data[["3"]])) {
      toduplicate[["2"]] <- toduplicate[["3"]]

apply_nonempty <- function(toduplicate, data, nonempty) {
  for (p in names(data)) {
    if (is_empty(data[[p]])) {
      toduplicate[[p]] <- nonempty

duplicateaxes_vertical <- function(toduplicate, data, layout) {
  if (!layout %in% c("1h", "2v", "3v")) {
    rhs <- names(data)[seq(from = 2, to = length(data), by = 2)]
    lhs <- names(data)[seq(from = 1, to = length(data), by = 2)]
    rhs_nonempty <- names(data[rhs])[!sapply(data[rhs], is_empty)]
    lhs_nonempty <- names(data[lhs])[!sapply(data[lhs], is_empty)]
    if (length(rhs_nonempty) > 0) {
      rhs_nonempty <- rhs_nonempty[[1]]
    } else {
      rhs_nonempty <- lhs_nonempty[[1]]

    if (length(lhs_nonempty) > 0) {
      lhs_nonempty <- lhs_nonempty[[1]]
    } else {
      lhs_nonempty <- rhs_nonempty[[1]]

    toduplicate <- apply_nonempty(toduplicate,
    toduplicate <- apply_nonempty(toduplicate,
  } else {
    nonempty <- names(data)[!sapply(data, is_empty)][[1]]
    toduplicate <- apply_nonempty(toduplicate, data, toduplicate[[nonempty]])

conformscale <- function(panels, scaleunits) {
  if (is.null(scaleunits)) {
    scaleunits <- DEFAULTSCALEUNITS

  out <- list()
  if (!is.list(scaleunits)) {
    for (p in panels) {
      out[[p]] <- scaleunits
  } else {
    for (p in panels) {
      if (p %in% names(scaleunits)) {
        out[[p]] <- scaleunits[[p]]
      } else {
        out[[p]] <- DEFAULTSCALEUNITS

handleunits <- function(data, scaleunits, layout) {
  out <- conformscale(names(data), scaleunits)
  out <- duplicateaxes(out, data, layout)

handlexunits <- function(panels, xunits) {
  conformscale(panels, xunits)

apply_ylim_to_panels <- function(ylim) {
  if ("min" %in% names(ylim) || "max" %in% names(ylim) ||
      "nsteps" %in% names(ylim)) {
    ylim_list <- list()
    # have supplied a single list to apply to all
    for (p in as.character(1:8)) {
      ylim_list[[p]] <- ylim

  } else {

ylimconform <- function(ylim, data, layout, stacked, xlim) {
  ylim <- apply_ylim_to_panels(ylim)
  for (p in names(data)) {
    if (!p %in% names(ylim)) {
      # create a default scale for this panel
      if (!is_empty(data[[p]])) {
        out <- get_data_max_min(data[[p]], xlim[[p]], stacked)
        ylim[[p]] <- defaultscale(out$max, out$min)
      } else {
        ylim[[p]] <- EMPTYSCALE
  ylim <- duplicateaxes(ylim, data, layout)


handleticks <- function(data, ylim) {
  ticks <- list()
  for (p in names(ylim)) {
    if (!is.null(ylim[[p]])) {
      ticks[[p]] <- createscale(ylim[[p]]$min, ylim[[p]]$max, ylim[[p]]$nsteps)

findlabelstep <- function(start, end, layout_factor, exponent = 1) {
  for (i in c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)) {
    if (ceiling((end - start) / (i * exponent)) <
        round(MAXXLABELS * layout_factor)) {
      return(i  * exponent)
  # haven't found one, increase exponent (with recursion to keep increasing it)
  findlabelstep(start, end, layout_factor, exponent * 10)

restrictlabels <- function(ticks, layout_factor, partial_end_year = FALSE) {
  step <- findlabelstep(1, length(ticks), layout_factor)
  n <- floor((length(ticks) - 1) / step) + 1
  if (!partial_end_year) {
    to <- length(ticks)
  } else {
    to <- length(ticks) - 1

  seq(to = to, length.out = n, by = step)

getlayoutfactor <- function(layout) {
  if (layout == "2v" || layout == "2b2" || layout == "3b2" || layout == "4b2") {
    1 / 2
  } else if (layout == "3v") {
    1 / 3
  } else {

xlabels_ts_decade <- function(xlim, layout_factor) {
  startyear <- ceiling(xlim[1] / 10) * 10 # So that it is inside x limits
  endyear <- floor(xlim[2] / 10) * 10
  ticks <- seq(from = startyear, to = endyear, by = 10)
  # Only keep every 3rd or whatever label
  keep <- restrictlabels(ticks,
                         xlim[2] < endyear && xlim[2] - xlim[1] > 3)
  labels <- ticks[keep]
  at <- labels
  # drop any labels that are outside the x limits
  keep <- at >= xlim[1] & at <= xlim[2]

  list(at = at[keep], labels = labels[keep], ticks = ticks)

xlabels_ts_year <- function(xlim, layout) {
  layout_factor <- getlayoutfactor(layout)
  startyear <- floor(xlim[1])
  endyear <- ceiling(xlim[2])
  # Create the sequence and offset the labels by half a year so that the labels
  # are centered
  labels <- seq(from = startyear, to = (endyear - 1), by = 1)
  # Only keep every 3rd or whatever label
  keep <- restrictlabels(labels,
                         xlim[2] < endyear && xlim[2] - xlim[1] > 3)
  labels <- labels[keep]
  at <- labels + 0.5
  # drop any labels that are outside the x limits
  keep <- at > xlim[1] & at < xlim[2]
  ticks <- seq(from = startyear, to = endyear, by = 1)

  list(at = at[keep], labels = labels[keep], ticks = ticks)

xlabels_ts_quarter <- function(xlim) {
  startquarter <- floor(xlim[1] * 4) / 4
  endquarter <- ceiling(xlim[2] * 4) / 4
  ticks <- seq(from = startquarter, to = (endquarter - 0.25), by = 0.25)

  # convert the labels to quarter names
  qtrs <- 1 + 4 * (ticks - floor(ticks))
  labels <- substr(month.abb[round(qtrs * 3)], 1, 1)
  at <- ticks + 0.5 * 0.25

  # add years
  startyear <- floor(xlim[1])
  endyear <- floor(xlim[2])
  labels <- c(labels,
              paste0("\n", seq(from = startyear, to = endyear, by = 1)))

  # Manually adjust the years to adjust for partial first and last years
  year_at <- seq(from = startyear + 0.5, to = endyear + 0.5, by = 1)
  year_at[1] <- (xlim[1] + min(startyear + 1, xlim[2])) / 2
  year_at[length(year_at)] <- (xlim[2] + max(endyear, xlim[1])) / 2
  at <- c(at, year_at)

  # drop any labels that are outside the x limits
  keep <- at > xlim[1] & at < xlim[2]
  return(list(at = at[keep], labels = labels[keep], ticks = ticks))

xlabels_ts_month <- function(xlim) {
  startmonth <- floor(xlim[1] * 12) / 12
  endmonth <- ceiling(xlim[2] * 12) / 12
  ticks <- seq(from = startmonth, to = (endmonth - 1 / 12), by = 1 / 12)

  # convert the labels to month letters
  months <- seq(from = 1 + (startmonth - floor(startmonth)) * 12,
                length.out = length(ticks))
  labels <- substr(month.abb[round(1 + (months - 1) %% 12)], 1, 1)
  at <- ticks + 0.5 * 1 / 12

  # add years
  startyear <- floor(xlim[1])
  endyear <- floor(xlim[2])
  labels <- c(labels, paste0("\n", seq(from = startyear, to = endyear, by = 1)))

  # Manually adjust the years to adjust for partial first and last years
  year_at <- seq(from = startyear + 0.5, to = endyear + 0.5, by = 1)
  year_at[1] <- (xlim[1] + min(startyear + 1, xlim[2])) / 2
  year_at[length(year_at)] <- (xlim[2] + max(endyear, xlim[1])) / 2
  at <- c(at, year_at)

  # drop any labels that are outside the x limits
  keep <- at > xlim[1] & at < xlim[2]
  return(list(at = at[keep], labels = labels[keep], ticks = ticks))

xlabels_ts <- function(xlim, layout, xfreq) {
  layout_factor <- getlayoutfactor(layout)
  if (!is.null(xfreq)) {
    if (xfreq == "decade") {
      xlabels_ts_decade(xlim, layout_factor)
    } else if (xfreq == "year") {
      xlabels_ts_year(xlim, layout)
    } else if (xfreq == "quarter") {
    } else if (xfreq == "month") {
  } else {
    if (xlim[2] - xlim[1] >= 50 * layout_factor) {
      xlabels_ts_decade(xlim, layout_factor)
    } else if (xlim[2] - xlim[1] >= 3) {
      xlabels_ts_year(xlim, layout)
    } else if (xlim[2] - xlim[1] >= 1) {
    } else {

xlabels_categorical <- function(xlim, xvar, layout, showall) {
  start <- 1
  end <- length(xvar)
  at <- seq(from = start, to = end, by = 1) + 0.5
  labels <- xvar
  if (!showall) {
    layout_factor <- getlayoutfactor(layout)
    keep <- restrictlabels(labels, layout_factor)
    at <- at[keep]
    labels <- labels[keep]

  # drop any labels that are outside the x limits
  keep <- at >= xlim[1] & at <= xlim[2]
  labels <- labels[keep]
  at <- at[keep]

  ticks <- seq(from = start, to = end, by = 1)
  keep <- ticks >= xlim[1] & ticks <= xlim[2]
  ticks <- ticks[keep]

  list(at = at, labels = labels, ticks = ticks)

xlabels_scatter <- function(xlim, xvalues) {
  scale <- defaultscale(xlim[2] - (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 10000, xlim[1])
  scale <- createscale(scale$min, scale$max, scale$nsteps)
  # drop any labels that are outside the x limits
  keep <- scale >= xlim[1] & scale <= xlim[2]
  list(at = scale[keep], labels = scale[keep], ticks = scale[keep])

xlabels <- function(xlim, xvar, xfreq, ists, layout, showall) {
  if (ists) {
    xlabels_ts(xlim, layout, xfreq)
  } else if (is.scatter(xvar)) {
    xlabels_scatter(xlim, xvar)
  } else {
    xlabels_categorical(xlim, xvar, layout, showall)

handlexlabels <- function(data, xlim, xfreq, layout, showall) {
  out <- list()
  for (p in names(data)) {
    if (!is_empty(data[[p]])) {
      out[[p]] <- xlabels(xlim[[p]], data[[p]]$x, xfreq[[p]],
                          data[[p]]$ts, layout, showall)
  if (length(out) == 0) {
    # empty graph
    for (p in names(data)) {
      out[[p]] <-  xlabels(xlim[[p]], NULL, NULL, TRUE, layout, showall)
  } else {
    # This duplicates horizontal
    out <- duplicateaxes(out, data, layout)
    # Now duplicate vertical
    out <- duplicateaxes_vertical(out, data, layout)


warnifxdiff <- function(xlim) {
  for (p in names(xlim)) {
    for (q in names(xlim)) {
      if (all(xlim[[p]] != xlim[[q]])) {
            "Panels ",
            " and ",
            " have differing x limits. This may lead to confusing graphs.",
            sep = "",
            call. = FALSE

is.scatter <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x) && is.numeric(x)) {
    if (any(is.na(x))) {
      TRUE # Assume is a scatter if NA in x value
    } else {
      length(x) != 1 && (!all(diff(x) == max(diff(x))))
  } else {

defaultxscale <- function(xvars, ists, layout) {
  if (is.numeric(xvars) && ists) {
    start <- min(xvars, na.rm = TRUE)
    end <- max(xvars, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (end - start >= 3) {
      c(floor(start), ceiling(end))
    } else if (end - start >= 1) {
      c(floor(start * 4) / 4, ceiling(end * 4) / 4)
    } else if (end - start > 0) {
      c(floor(start * 12) / 12, ceiling(end * 12) / 12)
    } else {
      # Singleton observation, use years, not obvious what to do here?
      if (start %% 1 == 0) {
        # Right on a year, give half a year either side?
        c(start - 0.5, end + 0.5)
      } else {
        # Otherwise just give the whole year that the singleton appears in
        c(floor(start), ceiling(end))
  } else if (is.scatter(xvars)) {
    scale <- defaultscale(max(xvars, na.rm = TRUE), min(xvars, na.rm = TRUE))
    c(scale$min, scale$max)
  } else {
    # Categorical
    c(1, length(xvars) + 1)

add_lastyear_padding <- function(xvars, xlim, layout) {
  end <- max(xvars, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (getlayoutfactor(layout) < 1 ||
      (xlim[2] - end) / (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) < LASTYEARPADDING) {
    padding <- LASTYEARPADDING * (xlim[2] - xlim[1])
    c(xlim, ceiling(padding * 4) / 4)
  } else {

xlimconform <- function(xlim, data, layout) {
  panels <- names(data)
  if (!is.list(xlim) && length(xlim) > 0) {
    xlim <- as.list(rep(list(xlim), length(panels)))
    names(xlim) <- panels

  out <- list()
  for (p in panels) {
    if (!is_empty(data[[p]])) {
      out[[p]] <- defaultxscale(data[[p]]$x, data[[p]]$ts, layout)

      if (is.null(xlim[[p]])) {
        if (data[[p]]$ts && (out[[p]][2] - out[[p]][1]) > 3) {
          out[[p]] <- add_lastyear_padding(data[[p]]$x, out[[p]], layout)
      } else {
        if (is.finite(xlim[[p]][1])) {
          out[[p]][1] <- xlim[[p]][1]
        if (is.finite(xlim[[p]][2])) {
          out[[p]][2] <- xlim[[p]][2]
        } else {
          # Only try to add padding if we haven't set an upper bound
          if (data[[p]]$ts && (out[[p]][2] - out[[p]][1]) > 3) {
            out[[p]] <- add_lastyear_padding(data[[p]]$x, out[[p]], layout)

  if (length(out) == 0) {
    # empty graph
    for (p in names(data)) {
      out[[p]] <-  EMPTYXSCALE
  } else {
    out <- duplicateaxes(out, data, layout)
    out <- duplicateaxes_vertical(out, data, layout)

  # have a check for non-matching xlimits

collapse_in_padding <- function(xlim) {
  lapply(xlim, function(x)
    if (length(x) == 3) {
      return(c(x[1], x[2] + x[3]))
    } else {

handleaxislabels <- function(labels, panels) {
  if (is.list(labels)) {
  } else {
    out <- list()
    for (p in panels) {
      out[[p]] <- labels
angusmoore/arphit documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 9:40 a.m.