
Defines functions tri_to_full scaled_lower_tri SCS.dims_to_solver_dict MOSEK.parse_dual_vars MOSEK.recover_dual_variables psd_coeff_offset vectorized_lower_tri_to_mat MOSEK GUROBI_CONIC GLPK_MI GLPK ECOS.dims_to_solver_dict ECOS_BB CVXOPT CPLEX_CONIC CBC_CONIC SCS.extract_dual_value SCS ECOS reshape_sparse_mat_by_row ConicSolver.get_spacing_matrix ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset ConeDims is_stuffed_cone_objective is_stuffed_cone_constraint

Documented in CBC_CONIC ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset ConicSolver.get_spacing_matrix CPLEX_CONIC ECOS ECOS_BB ECOS.dims_to_solver_dict GLPK GLPK_MI GUROBI_CONIC is_stuffed_cone_constraint is_stuffed_cone_objective MOSEK MOSEK.parse_dual_vars MOSEK.recover_dual_variables psd_coeff_offset scaled_lower_tri SCS SCS.dims_to_solver_dict SCS.extract_dual_value tri_to_full vectorized_lower_tri_to_mat

#' Is the constraint a stuffed cone constraint?
#' @param constraint A \linkS4class{Constraint} object.
#' @return Is the constraint a stuffed-cone constraint?
is_stuffed_cone_constraint <- function(constraint) {
  # Conic solvers require constraints to be stuffed in the following way.
  if(length(variables(constraint)) != 1)
  for(arg in constraint@args) {
    if(inherits(arg, "Reshape"))
      arg <- arg@args[[1]]
    if(inherits(arg, "AddExpression")) {
      if(!inherits(arg@args[[1]], c("MulExpression", "Multiply")))
      if(!inherits(arg@args[[1]]@args[[1]], "Constant"))
      if(!inherits(arg@args[[2]], "Constant"))
    } else if(inherits(arg, c("MulExpression", "Multiply"))) {
      if(!inherits(arg@args[[1]], "Constant"))
    } else

#' Is the objective a stuffed cone objective?
#' @param objective An \linkS4class{Objective} object.
#' @return Is the objective a stuffed-cone objective?
is_stuffed_cone_objective <- function(objective) {
  # Conic solvers require objectives to be stuffed in the following way.
  expr <- expr(objective)
  return(is_affine(expr) && length(variables(expr)) == 1 && inherits(expr, "AddExpression") && length(expr@args) == 2
                         && inherits(expr@args[[1]], c("MulExpression", "Multiply")) && inherits(expr@args[[2]], "Constant"))

#' Summary of cone dimensions present in constraints.
#'    Constraints must be formatted as dictionary that maps from
#'    constraint type to a list of constraints of that type.
#'    Attributes
#'    ----------
#'    zero : int
#'        The dimension of the zero cone.
#'    nonpos : int
#'        The dimension of the non-positive cone.
#'    exp : int
#'        The dimension of the exponential cone.
#'    soc : list of int
#'        A list of the second-order cone dimensions.
#'    psd : list of int
#'        A list of the positive semidefinite cone dimensions, where the
#'        dimension of the PSD cone of k by k matrices is k.
.ConeDims <- setClass("ConeDims", representation(constr_map = "list", zero = "numeric", nonpos = "numeric", exp = "numeric", soc = "list", psd = "list"),
                                  prototype(zero = NA_real_, nonpos = NA_real_, exp = NA_real_, soc = list(), psd = list()))

ConeDims <- function(constr_map) { .ConeDims(constr_map = constr_map) }

setMethod("initialize", "ConeDims", function(.Object, constr_map, zero = NA_real_, nonpos = NA_real_, exp = NA_real_, soc = list(), psd = list()) {
  .Object@zero <- ifelse(is.null(constr_map$ZeroConstraint), 0, sum(sapply(constr_map$ZeroConstraint, function(c) { size(c) })))
  .Object@nonpos <- ifelse(is.null(constr_map$NonPosConstraint), 0, sum(sapply(constr_map$NonPosConstraint, function(c) { size(c) })))
  .Object@exp <- ifelse(is.null(constr_map$ExpCone), 0, sum(sapply(constr_map$ExpCone, function(c) { num_cones(c) })))
  .Object@soc <- as.list(Reduce(c, lapply(constr_map$SOC, function(c) { cone_sizes(c) })))
  .Object@psd <- lapply(constr_map$PSDConstraint, function(c) { dim(c)[1] })

#' The ConicSolver class.
#' Conic solver class with reduction semantics.
#' @rdname ConicSolver-class
ConicSolver <- setClass("ConicSolver", representation(dims = "character"),   # The key that maps to ConeDims in the data returned by perform().
                                       prototype(dims = "dims"), contains = "ReductionSolver")

# Every conic solver must support Zero and NonPos constraints.
setMethod("supported_constraints", "ConicSolver", function(solver) { c("ZeroConstraint", "NonPosConstraint") })

# Some solvers cannot solve problems that do not have constraints.
# For such solvers, requires_constr should return TRUE.
setMethod("requires_constr", "ConicSolver", function(solver) { FALSE })

#' @param object A \linkS4class{ConicSolver} object.
#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn ConicSolver Can the problem be solved with a conic solver?
setMethod("accepts", signature(object = "ConicSolver", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  return(inherits(problem@objective, "Minimize") && (mip_capable(object) || !is_mixed_integer(problem)) && is_stuffed_cone_objective(problem@objective)
    && length(convex_attributes(variables(problem))) == 0 && (length(problem@constraints) > 0 || !requires_constr(object))
    && all(sapply(problem@constraints, inherits, what = supported_constraints(object) ))
    && all(sapply(problem@constraints, is_stuffed_cone_constraint)))

#' Return the coefficient and offset in \eqn{Ax + b}.
#' @param expr An \linkS4class{Expression} object.
#' @return The coefficient and offset in \eqn{Ax + b}.
ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset <- function(expr) {
  if(inherits(expr, "Reshape"))   # May be a Reshape as root.
    expr <- expr@args[[1]]
  if(length(expr@args[[1]]@args) == 0) {   # Convert data to float64.
    # expr is t(c) %*% x
    offset <- 0
    coeff <- value(expr@args[[1]])
  } else {
    # expr is t(c) %*% x + d
    offset <- matrix(t(value(expr@args[[2]])), ncol = 1)
    coeff <- value(expr@args[[1]]@args[[1]])
  # Convert scalars to sparse matrices.
  if(is.atomic(coeff) && length(coeff) == 1)
    coeff <- Matrix(coeff, sparse = TRUE)
  return(list(coeff, offset))

#' Returns a sparse matrix that spaces out an expression.
#' @param dim A vector outlining the dimensions of the matrix.
#' @param spacing An int of the number of rows between the start of each non-zero block.
#' @param offset An int of the number of zeros at the beginning of the matrix.
#' @return A sparse matrix that spaces out an expression
ConicSolver.get_spacing_matrix <- function(dim, spacing, offset) {
    ncol  <- dim[2L]
    i  <- seq.int(from = 1 + offset, by = spacing, length.out = ncol)
    if (i[ncol] > dim[1L]) stop("Dimension mismatch")
    j  <- seq_len(ncol)
    Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = i[j], j = j, x = rep(1, ncol), dims = dim)
## ConicSolver.get_spacing_matrix <- function(dim, spacing, offset) {
##   val_arr <- c()
##   row_arr <- c()
##   col_arr <- c()

##   # Selects from each column.
##   for(var_row in 1:dim[2]) {
##     val_arr <- c(val_arr, 1.0)
##     row_arr <- c(row_arr, spacing*(var_row - 1) + offset + 1)
##     col_arr <- c(col_arr, var_row)
##   }

##   # Pad out number of rows with zeroes.
##   mat <- sparseMatrix(i = row_arr, j = col_arr, x = val_arr)
##   if(dim[1] > nrow(mat)) {
##     pad <- sparseMatrix(i = c(), j = c(), dims = c(dim[1] - nrow(mat), ncol(mat)))
##     mat <- rbind(mat, pad)
##   }
##   if(!all(dim(mat) == dim))
##     stop("Dimension mismatch")
##   return(mat)
## }

reshape_sparse_mat_by_row <- function(M, new_dim) {
  ## Note, no check on new_dim for efficiency
  m <- t(M)
  dim(m) <- rev(new_dim)

#' @param constr A \linkS4class{Constraint} to format.
#' @param exp_cone_order A list indicating how the exponential cone arguments are ordered.
#' @describeIn ConicSolver Return a list representing a cone program whose problem data tensors
#' will yield the coefficient "A" and offset "b" for the respective constraints:
#' Linear Equations: \eqn{A x = b},
#' Linear inequalities: \eqn{A x \leq b},
#' Second order cone: \eqn{A x \leq_{SOC} b},
#' Exponential cone: \eqn{A x \leq_{EXP} b},
#' Semidefinite cone: \eqn{A x \leq_{SOP} b}.
setMethod("reduction_format_constr", "ConicSolver", function(object, problem, constr, exp_cone_order) {
  coeffs <- list()
  offsets <- list()
  for(arg in constr@args) {
    res <- ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset(arg)
    coeffs <- c(coeffs, list(res[[1]]))
    offsets <- c(offsets, list(res[[2]]))
  height <- ifelse(length(coeffs) == 0, 0, sum(sapply(coeffs, function(c) { dim(c)[1] })))

  if(inherits(constr, c("NonPosConstraint", "ZeroConstraint")))
    # Both of these constraints have but a single argument.
    # t(c) %*% x + b (<)= 0 if and only if t(c) %*% x (<)= b.
    return(list(Matrix(coeffs[[1]], sparse = TRUE), -offsets[[1]]))
  else if(inherits(constr, "SOC")) {
    # Group each t row with appropriate X rows.
    if(constr@axis != 2)
      stop("SOC must be applied with axis == 2")

    # Interleave the rows of coeffs[[1]] and coeffs[[2]]:
    #   coeffs[[1]][1,]
    #   coeffs[[2]][1:(gap-1),]
    #   coeffs[[1]][2,]
    #   coeffs[[2]][gap:(2*(gap-1)),]
    # TODO: Keep X_coeff sparse while reshaping!
    X_coeff <- coeffs[[2]]
    ## reshaped <- matrix(t(X_coeff), nrow = nrow(coeffs[[1]]), byrow = TRUE)
    cfs1 <- coeffs[[1]]
    new_r <- nrow(cfs1)
    new_c <- prod(dim(X_coeff)) / new_r
    reshaped <- reshape_sparse_mat_by_row(X_coeff, new_dim = c(new_r, new_c))
    stacked <- -cbind(cfs1, reshaped)
    ## stacked <- matrix(t(stacked), nrow = nrow(coeffs[[1]]) + nrow(X_coeff), ncol = ncol(coeffs[[1]]), byrow = TRUE)
    stacked <- reshape_sparse_mat_by_row(
      new_dim = c(new_r + nrow(X_coeff), ncol(cfs1))

    offset <- cbind(offsets[[1]],
                    matrix(t(offsets[[2]]), nrow = nrow(offsets[[1]]), byrow = TRUE))
    offset <- matrix(t(offset), ncol = 1)
    return(list(Matrix(stacked, sparse = TRUE), as.vector(offset)))
  } else if(inherits(constr, "ExpCone")) {
    for(i in 1:length(coeffs)) {
      mat <- ConicSolver.get_spacing_matrix(c(height, nrow(coeffs[[i]])), length(exp_cone_order), exp_cone_order[i])
      offsets[[i]] <- mat %*% offsets[[i]]
      coeffs[[i]] <- -mat %*% coeffs[[i]]
    # return(list(sum(coeffs), sum(offsets)))
    coeff_sum <- Reduce("+", coeffs)
    offset_sum <- Reduce("+", offsets)
    return(list(coeff_sum, as.vector(offset_sum)))
  } else if(inherits(constr, "PSDConstraint")) {
    ## Sign flipped relative fo NonPos, Zero.
    return(list(-coeffs[[1L]], offsets[[1L]]))
  } else
    # subclasses must handle PSD constraints.
    stop("Unsupported constraint type.")

#' @param constraints A list of \linkS4class{Constraint} objects.
#' @describeIn ConicSolver Combine the constraints into a single matrix, offset.
setMethod("group_coeff_offset", "ConicSolver", function(object, problem, constraints, exp_cone_order) {
  # Combine the constraints into a single matrix, offset.
  if(is.null(constraints) || length(constraints) == 0 || any(is.na(constraints)))
    return(list(Matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0), numeric(0)))

  matrices <- list()
  offset <- c()
  for(cons in constraints) {
    res <- reduction_format_constr(object, problem, cons, exp_cone_order)
    matrices <- c(matrices, list(res[[1]]))
    offset <- c(offset, res[[2]])
  coeff <- Matrix(do.call(rbind, matrices), sparse = TRUE)
  return(list(coeff, offset))

#' @param solution A \linkS4class{Solution} object to invert.
#' @param inverse_data A \linkS4class{InverseData} object containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn ConicSolver Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "ConicSolver", solution = "Solution", inverse_data = "InverseData"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  # Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
  status <- solution$status

  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    opt_val <- solution$value
    primal_vars <- list()
    primal_vars[[inverse_data[[object@var_id]]]] <- solution$primal
    eq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$eq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[object@eq_constr])
    leq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$ineq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[object@neq_constr])
    eq_dual <- utils::modifyList(eq_dual, leq_dual)
    dual_vars <- eq_dual
  } else {
    primal_vars <- list()
    primal_vars[[inverse_data[[object@var_id]]]] <- NA_real_
    dual_vars <- NA

    if(status == INFEASIBLE)
      opt_val <- Inf
    else if(status == UNBOUNDED)
      opt_val <- -Inf
      opt_val <- NA_real_
  return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, list()))

#' An interface for the ECOS solver
#' @name ECOS-class
#' @aliases ECOS
#' @rdname ECOS-class
#' @export
setClass("ECOS", representation(exp_cone_order = "numeric"),   # Order of exponential cone arguments for solver. Internal only!
                 prototype(exp_cone_order = c(0, 2, 1)), contains = "ConicSolver")

#' @rdname ECOS-class
#' @export
ECOS <- function() { new("ECOS") }

# Solver capabilities.
#' @describeIn ECOS Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "ECOS", function(solver) { FALSE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "ECOS", function(solver) { c(supported_constraints(ConicSolver()), "SOC", "ExpCone") })

# ECOS_OPTIMAL  (0)   Problem solved to optimality
# ECOS_PINF     (1)   Found certificate of primal infeasibility
# ECOS_DINF     (2)   Found certificate of dual infeasibility
# ECOS_INACC_OFFSET (10)  Offset exitflag at inaccurate results
# ECOS_MAXIT    (-1)  Maximum number of iterations reached
# ECOS_NUMERICS (-2)  Search direction unreliable
# ECOS_OUTCONE  (-3)  s or z got outside the cone, numerics?
# ECOS_SIGINT   (-4)  solver interrupted by a signal/ctrl-c
# ECOS_FATAL    (-7)  Unknown problem in solver

# Map of ECOS status to CVXR status.
#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{ECOS} object.
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn ECOS Converts status returned by the ECOS solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "ECOS", function(solver, status) {
  if(status == 0)
  else if(status == 1)
  else if(status == 2)
  else if(status == 10)
  else if(status == 11)
  else if(status == 12)
  else if(status %in% c(-1, -2, -3, -4, -7))
    stop("ECOS status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn ECOS Imports the solver
##setMethod("import_solver", "ECOS", function(solver) { requireNamespace("ECOSolveR", quietly = TRUE) })
## Since ECOS is required, this is always TRUE
setMethod("import_solver", "ECOS", function(solver) { TRUE })

#' @describeIn ECOS Returns the name of the solver
setMethod("name", "ECOS", function(x) { ECOS_NAME })

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn ECOS Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "ECOS", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  data <- list()
  inv_data <- list()
  inv_data[[object@var_id]] <- id(variables(problem)[[1]])
  offsets <- ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset(problem@objective@args[[1]])
  data[[C_KEY]] <- as.vector(offsets[[1]])
  data[[OFFSET]] <- offsets[[2]]
  inv_data[[OFFSET]] <- data[[OFFSET]][1]

  constr_map <- group_constraints(problem@constraints)
  data[[ConicSolver()@dims]] <- ConeDims(constr_map)

  inv_data[[object@eq_constr]] <- constr_map$ZeroConstraint
  offsets <- group_coeff_offset(object, problem, constr_map$ZeroConstraint, ECOS()@exp_cone_order)
  data[[A_KEY]] <- offsets[[1]]
  data[[B_KEY]] <- offsets[[2]]

  # Order and group nonlinear constraints.
  neq_constr <- c(constr_map$NonPosConstraint, constr_map$SOC, constr_map$ExpCone)
  inv_data[[object@neq_constr]] <- neq_constr
  offsets <- group_coeff_offset(object, problem, neq_constr, ECOS()@exp_cone_order)
  data[[G_KEY]] <- offsets[[1]]
  data[[H_KEY]] <- offsets[[2]]

  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn ECOS Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "ECOS", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  status <- status_map(object, solution$retcodes[["exitFlag"]])

  # Timing data.
  attr <- list()
  attr[[SOLVE_TIME]] <- solution$timing[["tsolve"]]
  attr[[SETUP_TIME]] <- solution$timing[["tsetup"]]
  attr[[NUM_ITERS]] <- solution$retcodes[["iter"]]

  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    primal_val <- solution$summary[["pcost"]]
    opt_val <- primal_val + inverse_data[[OFFSET]]
    primal_vars <- list()
    var_id <- inverse_data[[object@var_id]]
    primal_vars[[as.character(var_id)]] <- as.matrix(solution$x)

    eq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$y, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@eq_constr]])
    leq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$z, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]])
    eq_dual <- utils::modifyList(eq_dual, leq_dual)
    dual_vars <- eq_dual

    return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, attr))
  } else

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose An integer number indicating level of solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance on the primal and dual residual.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn ReductionSolver Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "ECOS", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose,
                                             solver_opts, solver_cache) {

  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

  cones <- ECOS.dims_to_solver_dict(data[[ConicSolver()@dims]])

  if(is.null(feastol)) {
      feastol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS$feastol
  if(is.null(reltol)) {
      reltol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS$reltol
  if(is.null(abstol)) {
      abstol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS$abstol
  if(is.null(num_iter)) {
      num_iter <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS$maxit

  ecos_opts <- ECOSolveR::ecos.control(maxit = as.integer(num_iter), feastol = feastol, reltol = reltol, abstol = abstol, verbose = as.integer(verbose))
  ecos_opts[names(solver_opts)] <- solver_opts
  solution <- ECOSolveR::ECOS_csolve(c = data[[C_KEY]], G = data[[G_KEY]], h = data[[H_KEY]], dims = cones, A = data[[A_KEY]], b = data[[B_KEY]], control = ecos_opts)

#' An interface for the SCS solver
#' @name SCS-class
#' @aliases SCS
#' @rdname SCS-class
#' @export
setClass("SCS", representation(exp_cone_order = "numeric"),   # Order of exponential cone arguments for solver. Internal only!
                prototype(exp_cone_order = c(0, 1, 2)), contains = "ConicSolver")

#' @rdname SCS-class
#' @export
SCS <- function() { new("SCS") }

# Solver capabilities.
#' @describeIn SCS Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "SCS", function(solver) { FALSE })
setMethod("requires_constr", "SCS", function(solver) { TRUE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "SCS", function(solver) { c(supported_constraints(ConicSolver()), "SOC", "ExpCone", "PSDConstraint") })

# Map of SCS status to CVXR status.
#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{SCS} object.
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn SCS Converts status returned by SCS solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "SCS", function(solver, status) {
  if(status == "solved")
  else if(grepl("solved.*inaccurate", status))
  else if(status == "unbounded")
  else if(grepl("unbounded.*inaccurate", status))
  else if(status == "infeasible")
  else if(grepl("infeasible.*inaccurate", status))
  else if(status %in% c("failure", "indeterminate", "interrupted"))
    stop("SCS status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn SCS Returns the name of the solver
setMethod("name", "SCS", function(x) { SCS_NAME })

#' @describeIn SCS Imports the solver
##setMethod("import_solver", "SCS", function(solver) { requireNamespace("scs", quietly = TRUE) })
## Since scs is required, this is always TRUE
setMethod("import_solver", "SCS", function(solver) { TRUE })

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @param constr A \linkS4class{Constraint} to format.
#' @param exp_cone_order A list indicating how the exponential cone arguments are ordered.
#' @describeIn SCS Return a linear operator to multiply by PSD constraint coefficients.
setMethod("reduction_format_constr", "SCS", function(object, problem, constr, exp_cone_order) {
  # Extract coefficient and offset vector from constraint.
  # Special cases PSD constraints, as SCS expects constraints to be
  # imposed on solely the lower triangular part of the variable matrix.
  # Moreover, it requires the off-diagonal coefficients to be scaled by
  # sqrt(2).
  if(is(constr, "PSDConstraint")) {
    expr <- expr(constr)
    triangularized_expr <- scaled_lower_tri(expr + t(expr))/2
    extractor <- CoeffExtractor(InverseData(problem))
    Ab <- affine(extractor, triangularized_expr)
    A_prime <- Ab[[1]]
    b_prime <- Ab[[2]]

    # SCS requests constraints to be formatted as Ax + s = b,
    # where s is constrained to reside in some cone. Here, however,
    # we are formatting the constraint as A"x + b" = -Ax + b; h ence,
    # A = -A", b = b".
    return(list(-1*A_prime, b_prime))
  } else
    callNextMethod(object, problem, constr, exp_cone_order)

#' @describeIn SCS Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "SCS", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  # Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
  data <- list()
  inv_data <- list()
  inv_data[[object@var_id]] <- id(variables(problem)[[1]])

  # Parse the coefficient vector from the objective.
  offsets <- ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset(problem@objective@args[[1]])
  data[[C_KEY]] <- offsets[[1]]
  data[[OFFSET]] <- offsets[[2]]
  data[[C_KEY]] <- as.vector(data[[C_KEY]])
  inv_data[[OFFSET]] <- data[[OFFSET]][1]

  # Order and group nonlinear constraints.
  constr_map <- group_constraints(problem@constraints)
  data[[ConicSolver()@dims]] <- ConeDims(constr_map)
  inv_data[[ConicSolver()@dims]] <- data[[ConicSolver()@dims]]

  # SCS requires constraints to be specified in the following order:
  # 1) Zero cone.
  # 2) Non-negative orthant.
  # 3) SOC.
  # 4) PSD.
  # 5) Exponential.
  zero_constr <- constr_map$ZeroConstraint
  neq_constr <- c(constr_map$NonPosConstraint, constr_map$SOC, constr_map$PSDConstraint, constr_map$ExpCone)
  inv_data[[object@eq_constr]] <- zero_constr
  inv_data[[object@neq_constr]] <- neq_constr

  # Obtain A, b such that Ax + s = b, s \in cones.
  # Note that SCS mandates that the cones MUST be ordered with
  # zero cones first, then non-negative orthant, then SOC, then
  # PSD, then exponential.
  offsets <- group_coeff_offset(object, problem, c(zero_constr, neq_constr), object@exp_cone_order)
  data[[A_KEY]] <- offsets[[1]]
  data[[B_KEY]] <- offsets[[2]]
  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' Extracts the dual value for constraint starting at offset.
#' Special cases PSD constraints, as per the SCS specification.
#' @param result_vec The vector to extract dual values from.
#' @param offset The starting point of the vector to extract from.
#' @param constraint A \linkS4class{Constraint} object.
#' @return The dual values for the corresponding PSD constraints
SCS.extract_dual_value <- function(result_vec, offset, constraint) {
  if(is(constraint, "PSDConstraint")) {
    dim <- nrow(constraint)
    lower_tri_dim <- floor(dim*(dim+1)/2)
    new_offset <- offset + lower_tri_dim
    lower_tri <- result_vec[(offset + 1):new_offset]
    full <- tri_to_full(lower_tri, dim)
    return(list(full, new_offset))
  } else
    return(extract_dual_value(result_vec, offset, constraint))

#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn SCS Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "SCS", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  # Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
  status <- status_map(object, solution$info$status)

  attr <- list()
  attr[[SOLVE_TIME]] <- solution$info$solveTime
  attr[[SETUP_TIME]] <- solution$info$setupTime
  attr[[NUM_ITERS]] <- solution$info$iter

  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    primal_val <- solution$info$pobj
    opt_val <- primal_val + inverse_data[[OFFSET]]
    primal_vars <- list()
    var_id <- inverse_data[[object@var_id]]
    primal_vars[[as.character(var_id)]] <- as.matrix(solution$x)

    num_zero <- inverse_data[[ConicSolver()@dims]]@zero
    eq_idx <- seq_len(num_zero)
    ineq_idx <- seq(num_zero + 1, length.out = length(solution$y) - num_zero)
    eq_dual_vars <- get_dual_values(solution$y[eq_idx], SCS.extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@eq_constr]])
    ineq_dual_vars <- get_dual_values(solution$y[ineq_idx], SCS.extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]])

    dual_vars <- list()
    dual_vars <- utils::modifyList(dual_vars, eq_dual_vars)
    dual_vars <- utils::modifyList(dual_vars, ineq_dual_vars)
    return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, attr))
  } else

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance on the primal and dual residual.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn SCS Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "SCS", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol,
                                            num_iter, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  # TODO: Cast A to dense because scs R package rejects sparse matrices?
  ## Fix until scs::scs can handle sparse symmetric matrices
  A  <- data[[A_KEY]]
  ## Fix for Matrix version 1.3
  ## if (inherits(A, "dsCMatrix")) A <- as(A, "dgCMatrix")
  ## if (!inherits(A, "dgCMatrix")) A  <- as(as(A, "CsparseMatrix"), "dgCMatrix")
  ## Matrix 1.5 change!
  if (!inherits(A, "dgCMatrix")) A  <- as(as(A, "CsparseMatrix"), "generalMatrix")

  args <- list(A = A, b = data[[B_KEY]], c = data[[C_KEY]])
  if(warm_start && !is.null(solver_cache) && length(solver_cache) > 0 && name(object) %in% names(solver_cache)) {
    args$x <- solver_cache[[name(object)]]$x
    args$y <- solver_cache[[name(object)]]$y
    args$s <- solver_cache[[name(object)]]$s
  cones <- SCS.dims_to_solver_dict(data[[ConicSolver()@dims]])

  ## if(!all(c(is.null(feastol), is.null(reltol), is.null(abstol)))) {
  ##   warning("Ignoring inapplicable parameter feastol/reltol/abstol for SCS.")
  ## }
  solver_defaults  <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$SCS

  if(is.null(num_iter)) {
    num_iter <- solver_defaults$max_iters
  if (is.null(reltol)) {
    reltol <- solver_defaults$eps_rel
  if (is.null(abstol)) {
    abstol  <- solver_defaults$eps_abs
  if (is.null(feastol)) {
    feastol  <- solver_defaults$eps_infeas

  control =  scs::scs_control(max_iters = num_iter, verbose = verbose, eps_rel = reltol, eps_abs = abstol, eps_infeas = feastol)

  #Fill in parameter values
  control[names(solver_opts)] <- solver_opts

  # Returns the result of the call to the solver.
  results <- scs::scs(A = args$A, b = args$b, obj = args$c, cone = cones, control = control)
  if(!is.null(solver_cache) && length(solver_cache) > 0)
    solver_cache[[name(object)]] <- results

#' An interface to the CBC solver
#' @name CBC_CONIC-class
#' @aliases CBC_CONIC
#' @rdname CBC_CONIC-class
#' @export
setClass("CBC_CONIC", contains = "SCS")

#' @rdname CBC_CONIC-class
#' @export
CBC_CONIC <- function() { new("CBC_CONIC") }

# Solver capabilities.
#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "CBC_CONIC", function(solver) { TRUE })

#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{CBC_CONIC} object.
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Converts status returned by the CBC solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "CBC_CONIC", function(solver, status) {
  else if(status$is_proven_dual_infeasible || status$is_proven_infeasible)
    SOLVER_ERROR # probably need to check this the most

# Map of CBC_CONIC MIP/LP status to CVXR status.
#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Converts status returned by the CBC solver to its respective CVXPY status for mixed integer problems.
setMethod("status_map_mip", "CBC_CONIC", function(solver, status) {
  if(status == "solution")
  else if(status == "relaxation_infeasible")
  else if(status == "stopped_on_user_event")
    stop("CBC_CONIC MIP status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Converts status returned by the CBC solver to its respective CVXPY status for linear problems.
setMethod("status_map_lp", "CBC_CONIC", function(solver, status) {
  if(status == "optimal")
  else if(status == "primal_infeasible")
  else if(status == "stopped_due_to_errors" || status == "stopped_by_event_handler")
    stop("CBC_CONIC LP status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Returns the name of the solver
setMethod("name", "CBC_CONIC", function(x) { CBC_NAME })

#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Imports the solver
setMethod("import_solver", "CBC_CONIC", function(solver) {
    requireNamespace("rcbc", quietly = TRUE)

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Can CBC_CONIC solve the problem?
setMethod("accepts", signature(object = "CBC_CONIC", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  # Can CBC_CONIC solve the problem?
  # TODO: Check if the matrix is stuffed.
  for(constr in problem@constraints) {
    if(!inherits(constr, supported_constraints(object)))
    for(arg in constr@args) {

#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "CBC_CONIC", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  tmp <- callNextMethod(object, problem)
  object <- tmp[[1]]
  data <- tmp[[2]]
  inv_data <- tmp[[3]]
  variables <- variables(problem)[[1]]
  data[[BOOL_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@boolean_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
  data[[INT_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@integer_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
  inv_data$is_mip <- length(data[[BOOL_IDX]]) > 0 || length(data[[INT_IDX]]) > 0
  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "CBC_CONIC", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"),  function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  solution <- solution[[1]]
  status <- status_map(object, solution)

  primal_vars <- list()
  dual_vars <- list()
  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    opt_val <- solution$objective_value
    primal_vars[[object@var_id]] <- solution$column_solution
  } else {
    if(status == INFEASIBLE)
      opt_val <- Inf
    else if(status == UNBOUNDED)
      opt_val <- -Inf
      opt_val <- NA_real_

  return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, list()))

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn CBC_CONIC Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "CBC_CONIC", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol, num_iter, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  cvar <- data$c
  b <- data$b
  ## Conversion below forced by changes in Matrix package version 1.3.x
  A <- as(as(data$A, "CsparseMatrix"), "dgTMatrix")
  dims <- SCS.dims_to_solver_dict(data$dims)

    n <- length(cvar) # Should dim be used here?
  } else {
    n <- dim(cvar)[1]

  # Initialize variable constraints
  var_lb <- rep(-Inf, n)
  var_ub <- rep(Inf, n)
  is_integer <- rep.int(FALSE, n)
  row_ub <- rep(Inf, nrow(A))
  row_lb <- rep(-Inf, nrow(A))

  #Setting equality constraints
  if(dims[[EQ_DIM]] > 0){
    row_ub[1:dims[[EQ_DIM]]] <- b[1:dims[[EQ_DIM]]]
    row_lb[1:dims[[EQ_DIM]]] <- b[1:dims[[EQ_DIM]]]

  #Setting inequality constraints
  leq_start <- dims[[EQ_DIM]]
  leq_end <- dims[[EQ_DIM]] + dims[[LEQ_DIM]]
  if(leq_start != leq_end){
    row_ub[(leq_start+1):(leq_end)] <- b[(leq_start+1):(leq_end)]

  # Make boolean constraints
  if(length(data$bool_vars_idx) > 0){
    var_lb[unlist(data$bool_vars_idx)] <- 0
    var_ub[unlist(data$bool_vars_idx)] <- 1
    is_integer[unlist(data$bool_vars_idx)] <- TRUE

  if(length(data$int_vars_idx) > 0) {
    is_integer[unlist(data$int_vars_idx)] <- TRUE

  #Warnigs for including parameters
  if(!all(c(is.null(feastol), is.null(reltol), is.null(abstol), is.null(num_iter)))) {
    warning("Ignoring inapplicable parameter feastol/reltol/abstol for CBC.")

  result <- rcbc::cbc_solve(
    obj = cvar,
    mat = A,
    row_ub = row_ub,
    row_lb = row_lb,
    col_lb = var_lb,
    col_ub = var_ub,
    is_integer = is_integer,
    max = FALSE,
    cbc_args = solver_opts


#' An interface for the CPLEX solver
#' @name CPLEX_CONIC-class
#' @aliases CPLEX_CONIC
#' @rdname CPLEX_CONIC-class
#' @export
CPLEX_CONIC <- setClass("CPLEX_CONIC", contains = "SCS")

#' @rdname CPLEX_CONIC-class
#' @export
CPLEX_CONIC <- function() { new("CPLEX_CONIC") }

#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "CPLEX_CONIC", function(solver) { TRUE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "CPLEX_CONIC", function(solver) { c(supported_constraints(ConicSolver()), "SOC") })

#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{CPLEX_CONIC} object.
#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Returns the name of the solver.
setMethod("name", "CPLEX_CONIC", function(x) { CPLEX_NAME })

#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Imports the solver.
setMethod("import_solver", "CPLEX_CONIC", function(solver) { requireNamespace("Rcplex", quietly = TRUE) })

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Can CPLEX solve the problem?
setMethod("accepts", signature(object = "CPLEX_CONIC", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  # Can CPLEX solve the problem?
  # TODO: Check if the matrix is stuffed.
  for(constr in problem@constraints) {
    if(!inherits(constr, supported_constraints(object)))
    for(arg in constr@args) {

# Map of CPLEX status to CVXR status.
# TODO: Add more!
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Converts status returned by the CPLEX solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "CPLEX_CONIC", function(solver, status) {
  if(status %in% c(1, 101, 102)){
  } else if(status %in% c(3, 22, 4, 103)){
  } else if(status %in% c(2, 21, 118)){
  } else if(status %in% c(10, 107)){
  } else
    stop("CPLEX status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "CPLEX_CONIC", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  #COPIED OVER FROM SCS CONIC, which is what CVXPY does (except they superclass it to a class w the same method)

  # Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
  data <- list()
  inv_data <- list()
  inv_data[[object@var_id]] <- id(variables(problem)[[1]])

  # Parse the coefficient vector from the objective.
  offsets <- ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset(problem@objective@args[[1]])
  data[[C_KEY]] <- offsets[[1]]
  data[[OFFSET]] <- offsets[[2]]
  data[[C_KEY]] <- as.vector(data[[C_KEY]])
  inv_data[[OFFSET]] <- data[[OFFSET]][1]

  # Order and group nonlinear constraints.
  constr_map <- group_constraints(problem@constraints)
  data[[ConicSolver()@dims]] <- ConeDims(constr_map)
  inv_data[[ConicSolver()@dims]] <- data[[ConicSolver()@dims]]

  # SCS requires constraints to be specified in the following order:
  # 1) Zero cone.
  # 2) Non-negative orthant.
  # 3) SOC.
  # 4) PSD.
  # 5) Exponential.
  zero_constr <- constr_map$ZeroConstraint
  neq_constr <- c(constr_map$NonPosConstraint, constr_map$SOC, constr_map$PSDConstraint, constr_map$ExpCone)
  inv_data[[object@eq_constr]] <- zero_constr
  inv_data[[object@neq_constr]] <- neq_constr
  inv_data$is_mip <- length(data[[BOOL_IDX]]) > 0 || length(data[[INT_IDX]]) > 0

  # Obtain A, b such that Ax + s = b, s \in cones.
  # Note that SCS mandates that the cones MUST be ordered with
  # zero cones first, then non-negative orthant, then SOC, then
  # PSD, then exponential.
  offsets <- group_coeff_offset(object, problem, c(zero_constr, neq_constr), object@exp_cone_order)
  data[[A_KEY]] <- offsets[[1]]
  data[[B_KEY]] <- offsets[[2]]

  # Include Boolean and Integer indices
  variables <- variables(problem)[[1]]
  data[[BOOL_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@boolean_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
  data[[INT_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@integer_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
  inv_data$is_mip <- length(data[[BOOL_IDX]]) > 0 || length(data[[INT_IDX]]) > 0

  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "CPLEX_CONIC", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  # Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
  model <- solution$model

  status <- status_map(object, model$status)
  primal_vars <- list()
  dual_vars <- list()

  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    #Get objective value
    opt_val <- model$obj + inverse_data[[OFFSET]]

    #Get solution
    primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[object@var_id]])]] <- model$xopt

    #Only add duals if not a MIP
    if(!inverse_data[["is_mip"]]) {
      #eq and leq constraints all returned at once by CPLEX
      eq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$eq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@eq_constr]])
      leq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$ineq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]])
      eq_dual <- utils::modifyList(eq_dual, leq_dual)
      #dual_vars <- get_dual_values(solution$y, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]])
      dual_vars <- eq_dual

  } else {
    primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[object@var_id]])]] <- NA_real_
    if(!inverse_data[["is_mip"]]) {
      dual_var_ids <- sapply(c(inverse_data[[object@eq_constr]], inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]]), function(constr) { constr@id })
      dual_vars <- as.list(rep(NA_real_, length(dual_var_ids)))
      names(dual_vars) <- dual_var_ids

    if(status == INFEASIBLE)
      opt_val <- Inf
    else if(status == UNBOUNDED)
      opt_val <- -Inf
      opt_val <- NA_real_


  return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, list()))

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance on the primal and dual residual.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn CPLEX_CONIC Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "CPLEX_CONIC", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol,
                                                    solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  cvar <- data[[C_KEY]]
  bvec <- data[[B_KEY]]
  Amat <- data[[A_KEY]]
  dims <- data[[DIMS]]

  total_soc <- sum(unlist(dims@soc))
  n_var <- length(cvar)
  cvar <- c(cvar, rep(0, total_soc))

  #Initializing variable types
  vtype <- rep("C", n_var + total_soc)

  #Setting Boolean variable types
  for(i in seq_along(data[BOOL_IDX]$bool_vars_idx)){
    vtype[data[BOOL_IDX]$bool_vars_idx[[i]]] <- "B"
  #Setting Integer variable types
  for(i in seq_along(data[INT_IDX]$int_vars_idx)){
    vtype[data[BOOL_IDX]$int_vars_idx[[i]]] <- "I"

  #Setting sense of the A matrix
  sense_vec <- rep("E", nrow(Amat))

  #Add inequalities
  leq_start <- dims@zero
  leq_end <- dims@zero + dims@nonpos

  for(j in leq_start:leq_end){
    sense_vec[j + 1] <- "L"

  #Setting Lower bounds of variables
  lb <- rep(-Inf, n_var + total_soc)

  qc <- list()

  soc_start <- leq_start + dims@nonpos
  current_var <- n_var

  for(i in seq_along(dims@soc)){
    for(j in 1:dims@soc[[i]]){
      sense_vec[soc_start + dims@soc[[i]][j]] <- "E"
      if(j == 1){
        lb[current_var + j] <- 0 #The first variable of every SOC has a 0 lower bound

    #Add SOC vars to linear constraints
    n_soc <- dims@soc[[i]]
    Asub <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Amat), ncol = n_soc)
    Asub[(soc_start+1):(soc_start + n_soc),] <- diag(rep(1, n_soc))
    Amat <- cbind(Amat, Asub)

    #Add quadratic constraints
    qc_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = n_var + total_soc, ncol = n_var + total_soc)
    qc_mat[current_var + 1, current_var + 1] <- -1
    for(k in 1:(n_soc-1)){
      qc_mat[current_var + 1 + k, current_var + 1 + k] <- 1
    qc[[i]] <- qc_mat

    soc_start <- soc_start + n_soc
    current_var <- current_var + n_soc

  QC <- list(QC = list(Q = qc), dir = rep("L", length(dims@soc)) , b = rep(0.0, length(dims@soc)))

  ## Throw parameter warnings
  if(!all(c(is.null(feastol), is.null(reltol), is.null(abstol)))) {
    warning("Ignoring inapplicable parameter feastol/reltol/abstol for CPLEX.")

  if(is.null(num_iter)) {
      num_iter <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$CPLEX$itlim

  #Setting verbosity off
  control <- list(trace = verbose, itlim = num_iter)

  #Setting rest of the parameters
  control[names(solver_opts)] <- solver_opts

  # Solve problem.
  results_dict <- list()

    # Define CPLEX problem and solve
    model <- Rcplex::Rcplex_solve_QCP(cvec=cvar, Amat=Amat, bvec=bvec, QC=QC, lb=lb, ub=Inf,
                                      sense=sense_vec, objsense="min", vtype=vtype, control=control)
  }, error = function(e) {
    results_dict$status <- SOLVER_ERROR

  #Changing dualvar to include SOC
  y <- model$extra$lambda
  soc_start <- leq_start + dims@nonpos
  for(i in seq_along(dims@soc)){
    y <- append(y, 0, soc_start)
    soc_start <- soc_start + dims@soc[[i]] + 1
  results_dict$y <- -y
  results_dict$model <- model
  results_dict$eq_dual <- results_dict$y[1:dims@zero]
  results_dict$ineq_dual <- results_dict$y[-(1:dims@zero)]



#' An interface for the CVXOPT solver.
setClass("CVXOPT", contains = "ECOS")

CVXOPT <- function() { new("CVXOPT") }

# Solver capabilities.
#' @describeIn CVXOPT Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "CVXOPT", function(solver) { FALSE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "CVXOPT", function(solver) { c(supported_constraints(ConicSolver()), "SOC", "PSDConstraint") })

# Map of CVXOPT status to CVXR status.
#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{CVXOPT} object.
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn CVXOPT Converts status returned by the CVXOPT solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "CVXOPT", function(solver, status) {
  if(status == "optimal")
  else if(status %in% c("infeasible", "primal infeasible",
                        "LP relaxation is primal infeasible"))
  else if(status %in% c("unbounded", "LP relaxation is dual infeasible",
                        "dual infeasible"))
  else if(status %in% c("solver_error", "unknown", "undefined"))
    stop("CVXOPT status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn CVXOPT Returns the name of the solver.
setMethod("name", "CVXOPT", function(x) { CVXOPT_NAME })

#' @describeIn CVXOPT Imports the solver.

## CVXOPT is not implemented as there is no R package equivalent to cccopt. We should check out cccp, though
setMethod("import_solver", "CVXOPT", function(solver) { requireNamespace("cccp", quietly = TRUE) })

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn CVXOPT Can CVXOPT solve the problem?
setMethod("accepts", signature(object = "CVXOPT", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  # Can CVXOPT solver the problem?
  # TODO: Check if the matrix is stuffed.
  for(constr in problem@constraints) {
    if(!inherits(constr, supported_constraints(object)))
    for(arg in constr@args) {

#' @describeIn CVXOPT Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "CVXOPT", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  data <- list()
  inv_data <- list()
  inv_data[[object@var_id]] <- id(variables(problem)[[1]])
  tmp <- ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset(problem@objective@args[[1]])
  data[[C_KEY]] <- as.vector(tmp[[1]])
  data[[OFFSET]] <- tmp[[2]]
  inv_data[[OFFSET]] <- data[[OFFSET]][1]

  constr_map <- group_constraints(problem@constraints)
  data[[ConicSolver()@dims]] <- ConeDims(constr_map)

  inv_data[[object@eq_constr]] <- constr_map$ZeroConstraint
  tmp <- group_coeff_offset(object, problem, constr_map$ZeroConstraint, ECOS()@exp_cone_order)
  data[[A_KEY]] <- tmp[[1]]
  data[[B_KEY]] <- tmp[[2]]

  # Order and group nonlinear constraints.
  neq_constr <- c(constr_map$NonPosConstraint, constr_map$SOC, constr_map$PSDConstraint)
  inv_data[[object@neq_constr]] <- neq_constr
  tmp <- group_coeff_offset(object, problem, neq_constr, ECOS()@exp_cone_order)
  data[[G_KEY]] <- tmp[[1]]
  data[[H_KEY]] <- tmp[[2]]

  var <- variables(problem)[[1]]
  data[[BOOL_IDX]] <- as.integer(var@boolean_idx[,1])
  data[[INT_IDX]] <- as.integer(var@integer_idx[,1])

  #Add information about
  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn CVXOPT Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "CVXOPT", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  status <- solution$status
  primal_vars <- list()
  dual_vars <- list()
  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT){
    opt_val <- solution$value + inverse_data[[OFFSET]]
    primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[object@var_id]])]] <- solution$primal
    eq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$eq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@eq_constr]])
    leq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$ineq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]])
    eq_dual <- utils::modifyList(eq_dual, leq_dual)
    dual_vars <- eq_dual
    return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, list()))
  } else {

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance on the primal and dual residual.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance on the duality gap.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn CVXOPT Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "CVXOPT", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol,
                                               num_iter, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  #Tweak parameters
  if(is.null(feastol)) {
    feastol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$CVXOPT$feastol
  if(is.null(reltol)) {
    reltol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$CVXOPT$reltol
  if(is.null(abstol)) {
    abstol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$CVXOPT$abstol
  if(is.null(num_iter)) {
    num_iter <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$CVXOPT$max_iters
  param <- cccp::ctrl(maxiters=as.integer(num_iter), abstol=abstol, reltol=reltol,
                      feastol=feastol, trace=as.logical(verbose))
  param$params[names(solver_opts)] <- solver_opts

  G <- as.matrix(data[[G_KEY]])
  h <- as.matrix(data[[H_KEY]])
  nvar <- dim(G)[2]
  dims <- data[[DIMS]]
  zero_dims <- dims@zero
  nonpos_dims <- dims@nonpos
  soc_dims <- dims@soc
  psd_dims <- dims@psd
  clistLength <- (nonpos_dims > 0) + length(soc_dims) + length(psd_dims)

  # For all the constraints except the zero constraint
  clist <- vector(mode="list", length = clistLength)
  clistCounter <- 0
  ghCounter <- 0

  # Deal with non positive constraints
    if(nonpos_dims > 0){
        clistCounter <- clistCounter + 1
        indices  <- seq.int(from = ghCounter + 1, length.out = nonpos_dims)
        clist[[clistCounter]] <- cccp::nnoc(G = G[indices, , drop = FALSE],
                                            h = h[indices, , drop = FALSE])
        ghCounter <- ghCounter + nonpos_dims

  # Deal with SOC constraints
    for(i in soc_dims){
        clistCounter <- clistCounter + 1
        indices  <- seq.int(from = ghCounter + 2, length.out = i - 1)
        clist[[clistCounter]] <- cccp::socc(F = -G[indices, , drop = FALSE],
                                            g = h[indices, , drop = FALSE],
                                            d = -G[ghCounter + 1, , drop = FALSE],
                                            f = h[ghCounter + 1, , drop = FALSE])
        ghCounter <- ghCounter + i

  # Deal with PSD constraints
  for(i in psd_dims){
      Flist <- vector(mode="list", length = nvar+1)
      indices  <- seq.int(from = ghCounter + 1, length.out = i^2)
      currG <- G[indices, , drop = FALSE]
      currh <- h[indices, , drop = FALSE]
      Flist[[1]] <- matrix(currh, nrow = i)
      for(j in seq_len(nvar)){
          Flist[[j+1]] <- matrix(currG[, j, drop = FALSE], nrow = i)
      clistCounter <- clistCounter + 1
      clist[[clistCounter]] <- cccp::psdc(Flist = Flist[-1], F0 = Flist[[1]])
      ghCounter <- ghCounter + i

  if(zero_dims > 0){
    results <- cccp::cccp(q=data[[C_KEY]],
  } else {
    results <- cccp::cccp(q=data[[C_KEY]],
  solution <- list()
  solution$status <- status_map(object, results$status)
  solution$value <- (results$state[1] + data[[OFFSET]])[[1]]
  solution$primal <- cccp::getx(results)
  solution$eq_dual <- cccp::gety(results)
  solution$ineq_dual <- unlist(cccp::getz(results))
  #solution$ineq_dual <- as.matrix(c(temp[[1]], temp[[2]], temp[[3]], temp[[4]][abs(temp[[4]]) > 1e-8])[1:nrow(G)])


#' An interface for the ECOS BB solver.
#' @name ECOS_BB-class
#' @aliases ECOS_BB
#' @rdname ECOS_BB-class
#' @export
setClass("ECOS_BB", contains = "ECOS")

#' @rdname ECOS_BB-class
#' @export
ECOS_BB <- function() { new("ECOS_BB") }

#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{ECOS_BB} object.
#' @describeIn ECOS_BB Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "ECOS_BB", function(solver) { TRUE })

#' @describeIn ECOS_BB Returns the name of the solver.
setMethod("name", "ECOS_BB", function(x) { ECOS_BB_NAME })

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn ECOS_BB Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "ECOS_BB", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  res <- callNextMethod(object, problem)
  object <- res[[1]]
  data <- res[[2]]
  inv_data <- res[[3]]

  # Because the problem variable is single dimensional, every
  # boolean/integer index has length one.
  var <- variables(problem)[[1]]
  data[[BOOL_IDX]] <- as.integer(var@boolean_idx[,1])
  data[[INT_IDX]] <- as.integer(var@integer_idx[,1])
  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn ECOS_BB Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "ECOS_BB", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose,
                                                solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

  cones <- ECOS.dims_to_solver_dict(data[[ConicSolver()@dims]])

  if(is.null(feastol)) {
      feastol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS_BB$feastol
  if(is.null(reltol)) {
      reltol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS_BB$reltol
  if(is.null(abstol)) {
      abstol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS_BB$abstol
  if(is.null(num_iter)) {
      num_iter <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$ECOS_BB$maxit
  num_iter  <- as.integer(num_iter)
  ecos_opts <- ECOSolveR::ecos.control(maxit = num_iter, feastol = feastol, reltol = reltol, abstol = abstol, verbose = as.integer(verbose), mi_max_iters = num_iter)
  ecos_opts[names(solver_opts)] <- solver_opts
  solution <- ECOSolveR::ECOS_csolve(c = data[[C_KEY]], G = data[[G_KEY]], h = data[[H_KEY]], dims = cones, A = data[[A_KEY]], b = data[[B_KEY]],
                                     bool_vars = data[[BOOL_IDX]], int_vars = data[[INT_IDX]], control = ecos_opts)

#' Utility method for formatting a ConeDims instance into a dictionary
#' that can be supplied to ECOS.
#' @param cone_dims A \linkS4class{ConeDims} instance.
#' @return A dictionary of cone dimensions
#' @export
ECOS.dims_to_solver_dict <- function(cone_dims) {
  cones <- list(l = as.integer(cone_dims@nonpos),
                q = lapply(cone_dims@soc, function(v) { as.integer(v) }),
                e = as.integer(cone_dims@exp))

#' An interface for the GLPK solver.
#' @name GLPK-class
#' @aliases GLPK
#' @rdname GLPK-class
#' @export
setClass("GLPK", contains = "CVXOPT")

#' @rdname GLPK-class
#' @export
GLPK <- function() { new("GLPK") }

#' @describeIn GLPK Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "GLPK", function(solver) { TRUE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "GLPK", function(solver) { supported_constraints(ConicSolver()) })

#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{GLPK} object.
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn GLPK Converts status returned by the GLPK solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "GLPK", function(solver, status) {
  if(status == 5)
  else if(status == 2)
  else if(status == 3 | status == 4)
  else if(status == 1 | status == 6)
    stop("GLPK status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn GLPK Returns the name of the solver.
setMethod("name", "GLPK", function(x) { GLPK_NAME })

#' @describeIn GLPK Imports the solver.
setMethod("import_solver", "GLPK", function(solver) { requireNamespace("Rglpk", quietly = TRUE) })

#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn GLPK Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "GLPK", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  status <- solution$status
  primal_vars <- list()
  dual_vars <- list()
  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    opt_val <- solution$value
    primal_vars <- list()
    primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[as.character(object@var_id)]])]] <- solution$primal
    return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, list()))
  } else

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn GLPK Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "GLPK", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol, num_iter, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    solver_opts$verbose <- verbose
  solver_opts$canonicalize_status <- FALSE

  #Throw warnings if non-default values have been put in
    warning("A value has been set for feastol, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")
    warning("A value has been set for reltol, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")
    warning("A value has been set for abstol, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")
    warning("A value has been set for num_iter, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")

  # Construct problem data.
  c <- data[[C_KEY]]
  dims <- data[[ConicSolver()@dims]]
  nvar <- length(c)
  A <- data[[A_KEY]]
  b <- data[[B_KEY]]
  if(nrow(A) == 0)
    A <- Matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = length(c))

  G <- data[[G_KEY]]
  h <- data[[H_KEY]]
  if(nrow(G) == 0)
    G <- Matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = length(c))

  mat <- rbind(A, G)
  rhs <- c(b, h)

  bounds <- list(lower = list(ind = seq_along(c), val = rep(-Inf, nvar)))
  types <- rep("C", nvar)
  bools <- data[[BOOL_IDX]]
  ints <- data[[INT_IDX]]

  if (length(bools) > 0) {
    types[bools] <- "B"
  if (length(ints) > 0) {
    types[ints] <- "I"

  results_dict <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = c,
                                        mat = slam::as.simple_triplet_matrix(mat),
                                        dir = c(rep("==", dims@zero),
                                                rep("<=", dims@nonpos)),
                                        rhs = rhs,
                                        bounds = bounds,
                                        types = types,
                                        control = solver_opts,
                                        max = FALSE)

  # Convert results to solution format.
  solution <- list()
  solution[[STATUS]] <- status_map(object, results_dict$status)
  if(solution[[STATUS]] %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    ## Get primal variable values
    solution[[PRIMAL]] <- results_dict$solution
    ## Get objective value
    solution[[VALUE]] <- results_dict$optimum
    # solution[[EQ_DUAL]] <- results_dict$auxiliary[[1]]   # TODO: How do we get the dual variables?
    # solution[[INEQ_DUAL]] <- results_dict$auxiliar[[2]]

#' An interface for the GLPK MI solver.
#' @name GLPK_MI-class
#' @aliases GLPK_MI
#' @rdname GLPK_MI-class
#' @export
setClass("GLPK_MI", contains = "GLPK")

#' @rdname GLPK_MI-class
#' @export
GLPK_MI <- function() { new("GLPK_MI") }

#' @describeIn GLPK_MI Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "GLPK_MI", function(solver) { TRUE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "GLPK_MI", function(solver) { supported_constraints(ConicSolver()) })

# Map of GLPK_MI status to CVXR status.
#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{GLPK_MI} object.
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn GLPK_MI Converts status returned by the GLPK_MI solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "GLPK_MI", function(solver, status) {
  if(status == 5)
  else if(status == 2)
    SOLUTION_PRESENT #Not sure if feasible is the same thing as this
  else if(status == 3 | status == 4)
  else if(status == 1 | status == 6)
    stop("GLPK_MI status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @describeIn GLPK_MI Returns the name of the solver.
setMethod("name", "GLPK_MI", function(x) { GLPK_MI_NAME })

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn GLPK_MI Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "GLPK_MI", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol, num_iter, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    solver_opts$verbose <- verbose
  solver_opts$canonicalize_status <- FALSE
    warning("A value has been set for feastol, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")
    warning("A value has been set for reltol, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")
    warning("A value has been set for abstol, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")
    warning("A value has been set for num_iter, but the GLPK solver does not accept this parameter. Solver will run without taking this parameter into consideration.")

  # Construct problem data.
  c <- data[[C_KEY]]
  dims <- data[[ConicSolver()@dims]]
  nvar <- length(c)
  A <- data[[A_KEY]]
  b <- data[[B_KEY]]
  if(nrow(A) == 0)
    A <- Matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = length(c))

  G <- data[[G_KEY]]
  h <- data[[H_KEY]]
  if(nrow(G) == 0)
    G <- Matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = length(c))

  mat <- rbind(A, G)
  rhs <- c(b, h)
  bounds <- list(lower = list(ind = seq_along(c), val = rep(-Inf, nvar)))
  types <- rep("C", nvar)
  bools <- data[[BOOL_IDX]]
  ints <- data[[INT_IDX]]
  if (length(bools) > 0) {
    types[bools] <- "B"
  if (length(ints) > 0) {
    types[ints] <- "I"

  results_dict <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = c,
                                        mat = slam::as.simple_triplet_matrix(mat),
                                        dir = c(rep("==", dims@zero),
                                                rep("<=", dims@nonpos)),
                                        rhs = rhs,
                                        bounds = bounds,
                                        types = types,
                                        control = solver_opts,
                                        max = FALSE)

  # Convert results to solution format.
  solution <- list()

  solution[[STATUS]] <- status_map(object, results_dict$status)
  if(solution[[STATUS]] %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    ## Get primal variable values
    solution[[PRIMAL]] <- results_dict$solution
    ## Get objective value
    solution[[VALUE]] <- results_dict$optimum
    # solution[[EQ_DUAL]] <- results_dict$auxiliary[[1]]   # TODO: How do we get the dual variables?
    # solution[[INEQ_DUAL]] <- results_dict$auxiliar[[2]]
    solution[[EQ_DUAL]] <- list()
    solution[[INEQ_DUAL]] <- list()

#' An interface for the GUROBI conic solver.
#' @name GUROBI_CONIC-class
#' @aliases GUROBI_CONIC
#' @rdname GUROBI_CONIC-class
#' @export
setClass("GUROBI_CONIC", contains = "SCS")

#' @rdname GUROBI_CONIC-class
#' @export
GUROBI_CONIC <- function() { new("GUROBI_CONIC") }

# Solver capabilities.
#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{GUROBI_CONIC} object.
#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "GUROBI_CONIC", function(solver) { TRUE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "GUROBI_CONIC", function(solver) { c(supported_constraints(ConicSolver()), "SOC") })

# Is this one that's used? Should we delete?
# Map of Gurobi status to CVXR status.
# # @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Converts status returned by the GUROBI solver to its respective CVXPY status.
# setMethod("status_map", "GUROBI_CONIC", function(solver, status) {
#   if(status == 2)
#     return(OPTIMAL)
#   else if(status == 3)
#     return(INFEASIBLE)
#   else if(status == 5)
#     return(UNBOUNDED)
#   else if(status %in% c(4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13))
#     return(SOLVER_ERROR)
#   else if(status == 9)   # TODO: Could be anything. Means time expired.
#   else
#     stop("GUROBI status unrecognized: ", status)
# })

#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Returns the name of the solver.
setMethod("name", "GUROBI_CONIC", function(x) { GUROBI_NAME })

#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Imports the solver.
setMethod("import_solver", "GUROBI_CONIC", function(solver) { requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE) })

# Map of GUROBI status to CVXR status.
#' @param status A status code returned by the solver.
#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Converts status returned by the GUROBI solver to its respective CVXPY status.
setMethod("status_map", "GUROBI_CONIC", function(solver, status) {
    if(status == 2 || status == "OPTIMAL")
  else if(status == 3 || status == 6 || status == "INFEASIBLE") #DK: I added the words because the GUROBI solver seems to return the words
  else if(status == 5 || status == "UNBOUNDED")
  else if(status == 4 | status == "INF_OR_UNBD")
  else if(status %in% c(7,8,9,10,11,12))
    SOLVER_ERROR   # TODO: Could be anything
  else if(status == 13)
    OPTIMAL_INACCURATE   # Means time expired.
    stop("GUROBI status unrecognized: ", status)

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Can GUROBI_CONIC solve the problem?
setMethod("accepts", signature(object = "GUROBI_CONIC", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  # TODO: Check if the matrix is stuffed.
  for(constr in problem@constraints) {
    if(!inherits(constr, supported_constraints(object)))
    for(arg in constr@args) {

#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "GUROBI_CONIC", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  tmp <- callNextMethod(object, problem)
  object <- tmp[[1]]
  data <- tmp[[2]]
  inv_data <- tmp[[3]]
  variables <- variables(problem)[[1]]
  data[[BOOL_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@boolean_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
  data[[INT_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@integer_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
  inv_data$is_mip <- length(data[[BOOL_IDX]]) > 0 || length(data[[INT_IDX]]) > 0
  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", signature(object = "GUROBI_CONIC", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {

  status <- solution$status
  dual_vars <- list()

  #CVXPY doesn't include for some reason?
  #attr <- list()
  #attr[[SOLVE_TIME]] <- solution$runtime
  #attr[[NUM_ITERS]] <- solution$baritercount

  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
    opt_val <- solution$value + inverse_data[[OFFSET]]
    primal_vars <- list()
    primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[as.character(object@var_id)]])]] <- solution$primal
    if(!inverse_data[["is_mip"]]) {
      eq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$eq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@eq_constr]])
      leq_dual <- get_dual_values(solution$ineq_dual, extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]])
      eq_dual <- utils::modifyList(eq_dual, leq_dual)
      dual_vars <- eq_dual
  } else {
    primal_vars <- list()
    primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[as.character(object@var_id)]])]] <- NA_real_
    if(!inverse_data[["is_mip"]]) {
      dual_var_ids <- sapply(c(inverse_data[[object@eq_constr]], inverse_data[[object@neq_constr]]), function(constr) { constr@id })
      dual_vars <- as.list(rep(NA_real_, length(dual_var_ids)))
      names(dual_vars) <- dual_var_ids

    if(status == INFEASIBLE)
      opt_val <- Inf
    else if(status == UNBOUNDED)
      opt_val <- -Inf
      opt_val <- NA_real_

  return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, list()))

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn GUROBI_CONIC Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "GUROBI_CONIC", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol,
                                                     num_iter, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  cvar <- data[[C_KEY]]
  b <- data[[B_KEY]]
  A <- data[[A_KEY]]
  dims <- data[[DIMS]]

  n <- length(cvar)

  #Create a new model and add objective term
  model <- list()
  model$obj <- c(cvar, rep(0, sum(unlist(dims@soc))))

  #Add variable types
  vtype <- character(n)
  for(i in seq_along(data[[BOOL_IDX]])){
    vtype[data[[BOOL_IDX]][[i]]] <- 'B' #B for binary
  for(i in seq_along(data[[INT_IDX]])){
    vtype[data[[INT_IDX]][[i]]] <- 'I' #I for integer

  for(i in 1:n) {
    if(vtype[i] == ""){
      vtype[i] <- 'C' #C for continuous
  model$vtype <- vtype #put in variable types
  model$lb <- rep(-Inf, n)
  model$ub <- rep(Inf, n)

  # Add equality constraints: iterate over the rows of A,
  # adding each row into the model.
  model$A <- A
  model$rhs <- b
  model$sense <- c(rep('=', dims@zero), rep('<',  dims@nonpos), rep('=', sum(unlist(dims@soc))))

  total_soc <- sum(unlist(dims@soc))
  current_vars <- n
  current_rows <- dims@zero + dims@nonpos + 1

  # Add SOC variables
  # Sort of strange. A good example of how it works can be seen in
  # https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.1/examples/qcp_r.html#subsubsection:qcp.R
  for(i in seq_along(dims@soc)){
    n_soc <- dims@soc[[i]]

    model$vtype <- c(model$vtype, rep('C', n_soc))
    model$lb <- c(model$lb, 0, rep(-Inf, n_soc - 1))
    model$ub <- c(model$ub, rep(Inf, n_soc))
    Asub <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(A), ncol = n_soc)
    Asub[current_rows:(current_rows + n_soc - 1),] <- diag(rep(1, n_soc))
    model$A <- cbind(model$A, Asub)

    # To create quadratic constraints, first create a 0 square matrix with dimension of
    # the total number of variables (normal + SOC). Then fill the diagonals of the
    # SOC part with the first being negative and the rest being positive
    qc <- list()
    qc$Qc <- matrix(0, nrow = n + total_soc, ncol = n + total_soc)
    qc$Qc[current_vars + 1, current_vars + 1] <- -1
    for(j in 1:(n_soc-1)){
      qc$Qc[current_vars + 1 + j, current_vars + 1 + j] <- 1
    qc$rhs <- 0.0

    model$quadcon[[i]] <- qc

    current_vars <- current_vars + n_soc
    current_rows = current_rows + n_soc

  if(!all(c(is.null(reltol), is.null(abstol)))) {
    warning("Ignoring inapplicable parameter reltol/abstol for GUROBI.")
  if(is.null(num_iter)) {
      num_iter <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$GUROBI$num_iter
  if (is.null(feastol)) {
      feastol <- SOLVER_DEFAULT_PARAM$GUROBI$FeasibilityTol

  params <- list(OutputFlag = as.numeric(verbose),
                 QCPDual = 1, #equivalent to TRUE
                 IterationLimit = num_iter,
                 FeasibilityTol = feastol,
                 OptimalityTol = feastol)

  params[names(solver_opts)] <- solver_opts

  solution <- list()
    result <- gurobi::gurobi(model, params)   # Solve.
    solution[["value"]] <- result$objval
    solution[["primal"]] <- result$x

    #Only add duals if it's not a MIP
    if(sum(unlist(data[[BOOL_IDX]])) + sum(unlist(data[[INT_IDX]])) == 0){
      solution[["y"]] <- -append(result$pi, result$qcpi, dims@zero + dims@nonpos)

      if(dims@zero == 0){
        solution[["eq_dual"]] <- c()
        solution[["ineq_dual"]] <- solution[["y"]]
      } else {
        solution[["eq_dual"]] <- solution[["y"]][1:dims@zero]
        solution[["ineq_dual"]] <- solution[["y"]][-(1:dims@zero)]

  }, error = function(e) {   # Error in the solution.

  solution[[SOLVE_TIME]] <- result$runtime
  solution[["status"]] <- status_map(object, result$status)
  solution[["num_iters"]] <- result$baritercount

  # Is there a better way to check if there is a solution?
  # if(solution[["status"]] == SOLVER_ERROR && !is.na(result$x)){
  #  solution[["status"]] <- OPTIMAL_INACCURATE
  # }



#' An interface for the MOSEK solver.
#' @name MOSEK-class
#' @aliases MOSEK
#' @rdname MOSEK-class
#' @export
setClass("MOSEK", representation(exp_cone_order = "numeric"),   # Order of exponential cone constraints. Internal only!
                  prototype(exp_cone_order = c(2, 1, 0)), contains = "ConicSolver")

#' @rdname MOSEK-class
#' @export
MOSEK <- function() { new("MOSEK") }

#' Turns symmetric 2D array into a lower triangular matrix
#' @param v A list of length (dim * (dim + 1) / 2).
#' @param dim The number of rows (equivalently, columns) in the output array.
#' @return Return the symmetric 2D array defined by taking "v" to specify its
#' lower triangular matrix.
vectorized_lower_tri_to_mat <- function(v, dim) {
  v <- unlist(v)
  rows <- c()
  cols <- c()
  vals <- c()
  running_idx <- 1
  for(j in seq_len(dim)) {
    rows <- c(rows, j + seq_len(dim-j+1) - 1)
    cols <- c(cols, rep(j, dim-j+1))
    vals <- c(vals, v[running_idx:(running_idx + dim - j)])
    running_idx <- running_idx + dim - j + 1
  A <- sparseMatrix(i = rows, j = cols, x = vals, dims = c(dim, dim))
  d <- diag(diag(A))
  A <- A + t(A) - d

#' Given a problem returns a PSD constraint
#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @param c A vector of coefficients.
#' @return Returns an array G and vector h such that the given constraint is
#' equivalent to \eqn{G*z \leq_{PSD} h}.
psd_coeff_offset <- function(problem, c) {
  extractor <- CoeffExtractor(InverseData(problem))
  tmp <- affine(extractor, expr(c))
  A_vec <- tmp[[1]]
  b_vec <- tmp[[2]]
  G <- -A_vec
  h <- b_vec
  dim <- nrow(expr(c))
  return(list(G, h, dim))

#' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{MOSEK} object.
#' @describeIn MOSEK Can the solver handle mixed-integer programs?
setMethod("mip_capable", "MOSEK", function(solver) { TRUE })
setMethod("supported_constraints", "MOSEK", function(solver) { c(supported_constraints(ConicSolver()), "SOC", "PSDConstraint", "ExpCone") })

#' @describeIn MOSEK Imports the solver.
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
setMethod("import_solver", "MOSEK", function(solver) {
    requireNamespace("Rmosek", quietly = TRUE) &&
    ## TODO: Add exponential cone support.

#' @describeIn MOSEK Returns the name of the solver.
setMethod("name", "MOSEK", function(x) { MOSEK_NAME })

#' @param problem A \linkS4class{Problem} object.
#' @describeIn MOSEK Can MOSEK solve the problem?
setMethod("accepts", signature(object = "MOSEK", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  # TODO: Check if the matrix is stuffed.
  for(constr in problem@constraints) {
    if(!inherits(constr, supported_constraints(object)))
    for(arg in constr@args) {

#' @param constraints A list of \linkS4class{Constraint} objects for which coefficient
#' andd offset data ("G", "h" respectively) is needed
#' @param exp_cone_order A parameter that is only used when a \linkS4class{Constraint} object
#' describes membership in the exponential cone.
#' @describeIn MOSEK Returns a large matrix "coeff" and a vector of constants "offset" such
#' that every \linkS4class{Constraint} in "constraints" holds at z in R^n iff
#' "coeff" * z <=_K offset", where K is a product of cones supported by MOSEK
#' and CVXR (zero cone, nonnegative orthant, second order cone, exponential cone). The
#' nature of K is inferred later by accessing the data in "lengths" and "ids".
setMethod("block_format", "MOSEK", function(object, problem, constraints, exp_cone_order = NA) {
  if(length(constraints) == 0 || is.null(constraints) || any(is.na(constraints)))
    return(list(NULL, NULL))
  matrices <- list()
  offsets <- c()
  lengths <- c()
  ids <- c()

  for(con in constraints) {
    coeff_offs <- reduction_format_constr(object, problem, con, exp_cone_order)
    coeff <- coeff_offs[[1]]
    offset <- coeff_offs[[2]]
    matrices <- c(matrices, list(coeff))
    offsets <- c(offsets, offset)
    lengths <- c(lengths, prod(dim(as.matrix(offset))))
    ids <- c(ids, id(con))
  coeff <- Matrix(do.call(rbind, matrices), sparse = TRUE)
  return(list(coeff, offsets, lengths, ids))

#' @describeIn MOSEK Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.
setMethod("perform", signature(object = "MOSEK", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
  data <- list()
  inv_data <- list(suc_slacks = list(), y_slacks = list(), snx_slacks = list(), psd_dims = list())
  inv_data[[object@var_id]] <- id(variables(problem)[[1]])

  # Get integrality constraint information.
  var <- variables(problem)[[1]]
  data[[BOOL_IDX]] <- sapply(var@boolean_idx, function(t) { as.integer(t[1]) })
  data[[INT_IDX]] <- sapply(var@integer_idx, function(t) { as.integer(t[1]) })
  inv_data$integer_variables <- length(data[[BOOL_IDX]]) + length(data[[INT_IDX]]) > 0

  # Parse the coefficient vector from the objective.
  coeff_offs <- ConicSolver.get_coeff_offset(problem@objective@args[[1]])
  c <- coeff_offs[[1]]
  constant <- coeff_offs[[2]]
  #data[[C_KEY]] <- as.vector(c)
  data[[C_KEY]] <- c
  inv_data$n0 <- length(data[[C_KEY]])
  data[[OBJ_OFFSET]] <- constant[1]
  data[[DIMS]] <- list()
  data[[DIMS]][[SOC_DIM]] <- list()
  data[[DIMS]][[EXP_DIM]] <- list()
  data[[DIMS]][[PSD_DIM]] <- list()
  data[[DIMS]][[LEQ_DIM]] <- 0
  data[[DIMS]][[EQ_DIM]] <- 0
  inv_data[[OBJ_OFFSET]] <- constant[1]
  Gs <- list()
  hs <- list()

  if(length(problem@constraints) == 0) {
    ##data[[G_KEY]] <- Matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0, sparse = TRUE)
    ## Ensure G's dimensions match that of c.
    data[[G_KEY]] <- Matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(c), sparse = TRUE)
    data[[H_KEY]] <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
    inv_data$is_LP <- TRUE
    return(list(object, data, inv_data))

  # Linear inequalities.
  leq_constr <- problem@constraints[sapply(problem@constraints, inherits, what = "NonPosConstraint" )]
  if(length(leq_constr) > 0) {
    blform <- block_format(object, problem, leq_constr)   # G, h : G*z <= h.
    G <- blform[[1]]
    h <- blform[[2]]
    lengths <- blform[[3]]
    ids <- blform[[4]]
    inv_data$suc_slacks <- c(inv_data$suc_slacks, lapply(1:length(lengths), function(k) { c(ids[k], lengths[k]) }))
    data[[DIMS]][[LEQ_DIM]] <- sum(lengths)
    Gs <- c(Gs, G)
    hs <- c(hs, h)

  # Linear equations.
  eq_constr <- problem@constraints[sapply(problem@constraints, inherits, what = "ZeroConstraint")]
  if(length(eq_constr) > 0) {
    blform <- block_format(object, problem, eq_constr)   # G, h : G*z == h.
    G <- blform[[1]]
    h <- blform[[2]]
    lengths <- blform[[3]]
    ids <- blform[[4]]
    inv_data$y_slacks <- c(inv_data$y_slacks, lapply(1:length(lengths), function(k) { c(ids[k], lengths[k]) }))
    data[[DIMS]][[EQ_DIM]] <- sum(lengths)
    Gs <- c(Gs, G)
    hs <- c(hs, h)

  # Second order cone.
  soc_constr <- problem@constraints[sapply(problem@constraints, inherits, what = "SOC" )]
  data[[DIMS]][[SOC_DIM]] <- list()
  for(ci in soc_constr)
    data[[DIMS]][[SOC_DIM]] <- c(data[[DIMS]][[SOC_DIM]], cone_sizes(ci))
  if(length(soc_constr) > 0) {
    blform <- block_format(object, problem, soc_constr)   # G*z <=_{soc} h.
    G <- blform[[1]]
    h <- blform[[2]]
    lengths <- blform[[3]]
    ids <- blform[[4]]
    inv_data$snx_slacks <- c(inv_data$snx_slacks, lapply(1:length(lengths), function(k) { c(ids[k], lengths[k]) }))
    Gs <- c(Gs, G)
    hs <- c(hs, h)

  # Exponential cone.
  exp_constr <- problem@constraints[sapply(problem@constraints, inherits, what = "ExpCone" )]
  if(length(exp_constr) > 0) {
    # G*z <=_{EXP} h.
    blform <- block_format(object, problem, exp_constr, object@exp_cone_order)
    G <- blform[[1]]
    h <- blform[[2]]
    lengths <- blform[[3]]
    ids <- blform[[4]]
    data[[DIMS]][[EXP_DIM]] <- lengths
    Gs <- c(Gs, G)
    hs <- c(hs, h)

  # PSD constraints.
  psd_constr <- problem@constraints[sapply(problem@constraints, inherits, what = "PSDConstraint" )]
  if(length(psd_constr) > 0) {
    data[[DIMS]][[PSD_DIM]] <- list()
    for(c in psd_constr) {
      coeff_offs <- psd_coeff_offset(problem, c)
      G_vec <- coeff_offs[[1]]
      h_vec <- coeff_offs[[2]]
      dim <- coeff_offs[[3]]
      inv_data$psd_dims <- c(inv_data$psd_dims, list(list(id(c), dim)))
      data[[DIMS]][[PSD_DIM]] <- c(data[[DIMS]][[PSD_DIM]], list(dim))
      Gs <- c(Gs, G_vec)
      hs <- c(hs, h_vec)

  if(length(Gs) == 0)
    ## data[[G_KEY]] <- Matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0, sparse = TRUE)
    ## G is already sparse
    data[[G_KEY]] <- G
    data[[G_KEY]] <- Matrix(do.call(rbind, Gs), sparse = TRUE)
  if(length(hs) == 0)
    data[[H_KEY]] <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
    data[[H_KEY]] <- Matrix(do.call(cbind, hs), sparse = TRUE)
  inv_data$is_LP <- (length(psd_constr) + length(exp_constr) + length(soc_constr)) == 0
  return(list(object, data, inv_data))

#' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
#' @param warm_start A boolean of whether to warm start the solver.
#' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
#' @param feastol The feasible tolerance.
#' @param reltol The relative tolerance.
#' @param abstol The absolute tolerance.
#' @param num_iter The maximum number of iterations.
#' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
#' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
#' @describeIn MOSEK Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
setMethod("solve_via_data", "MOSEK", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, feastol, reltol, abstol,
                                              solver_opts, solver_cache) {

  if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  ## Check if the CVXR standard form has zero variables. If so,
  ## return a trivial solution. This is necessary because MOSEK
  ## will crash if handed a problem with zero variables.

  c <- data[[C_KEY]]

  if (length(c) == 0) {
      res <- list()
      res[[STATUS]] <- OPTIMAL
      res[[PRIMAL]] <- list()
      res[[VALUE]] <- data[[OFFSET]]
      res[[EQ_DUAL]] <- list()
      res[[INEQ_DUAL]] <- list()
  # The following lines recover problem parameters, and define helper constants.
  #   The problem's objective is "min c.T * z".
  #   The problem's constraint set is "G * z <=_K h."
  #   The rows in (G, h) are formatted in order of
  #       (1) linear inequalities,
  #       (2) linear equations,
  #       (3) soc constraints,
  #       (4) exponential cone constraints,
  #       (5) vectorized linear matrix inequalities.
  #   The parameter "dims" indicates the exact
  #   dimensions of each of these cones.
  #   MOSEK's standard form requires that we replace generalized
  #   inequalities with slack variables and linear equations.
  #   The parameter "n" is the size of the column-vector variable
  #   after adding slacks for SOC and EXP constraints. To be
  #   consistent with MOSEK documentation, subsequent comments
  #   refer to this variable as "x".

  G <- data[[G_KEY]]
  h <- data[[H_KEY]]
  dims <- data[[DIMS]]
  dims_SOC_DIM <- dims[[SOC_DIM]]
  dims_EXP_DIM <- dims[[EXP_DIM]]
  dims_PSD_DIM <- dims[[PSD_DIM]]
  data_BOOL_IDX <- data[[BOOL_IDX]]
  data_INT_IDX <- data[[INT_IDX]]
  num_bool <- length(data_BOOL_IDX)
  num_int <- length(data_INT_IDX)
  length_dims_SOC_DIM <- length(dims_SOC_DIM)
  unlist_dims_EXP_DIM <- unlist(dims_EXP_DIM)
  unlist_dims_SOC_DIM <- unlist(dims_SOC_DIM)
  dims_LEQ_DIM <- dims[[LEQ_DIM]]

  n0 <- length(c)
  n <- n0 + sum(unlist_dims_SOC_DIM, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(unlist_dims_EXP_DIM, na.rm = TRUE) # unlisted dims to make sure sum function works and na.rm to handle empty lists
  psd_total_dims <- sum(unlist(dims_PSD_DIM)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  m <- length(h)

  # Define variables, cone constraints, and integrality constraints.
  #   The variable "x" is a length-n block vector, with
  #       Block 1: "z" from "G * z <=_K h",
  #       Block 2: slacks for SOC constraints, and
  #       Block 3: slacks for EXP cone constraints.
  #   Once we declare x in the MOSEK model, we add the necessary
  #   conic constraints for slack variables (Blocks 2 and 3).
  #   The last step is to add integrality constraints.
  #   Note that the API call for PSD variables contains the word "bar".
  #   MOSEK documentation consistently uses "bar" as a sort of flag,
  #   indicating that a function deals with PSD variables.

  ##env <- Rmosek::Env() remove these as Rmosek doesn't need environments
  ##task <- env.Task(0,0)
  ##instead defines prob
  prob <- list(sense="min")

  ## TODO: Handle logging for verbose.

  ## Parse all user-specified parameters (override default logging
  ## parameters if applicable).
  ## Rmosek expects a list of lists
  ## prob$dparam <- list(...); prob$iparam <- list(...); prob$sparam <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(solver_opts)) {
      prob$dparam  <-  solver_opts$dparam
      prob$iparam  <-  solver_opts$iparam
      prob$sparam  <-  solver_opts$sparam

  if(!all(c(is.null(feastol), is.null(reltol), is.null(abstol), is.null(num_iter)))) {
    warning("Ignoring inapplicable parameter feastol/reltol/abstol/num_iter for MOSEK.")

  #task.appendvars(n), no task for Rmosek, but declares the number of variables in the model. Need to expand prob$c as well to match this dimension
  #task.putvarboundlist(1:n, rep(mosek.boundkey.fr, n), matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1), matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1))
  #kind of confused why x's are all 0's, but that's what's in python code
  #prob$bx <- rbind( blx = rep(0,n),
  #                 bux = rep(0,n))
  prob$bx <- rbind(blx = rep(-Inf, n),
                   bux = rep(Inf, n))

  #Initialize the cone. Not 100% sure about this bit
  NUMCONES <- length_dims_SOC_DIM + floor(sum(unlist_dims_EXP_DIM, na.rm = TRUE)/3)
  prob$cones <- matrix(list(), nrow = 2, ncol = NUMCONES)

  if(psd_total_dims > 0)
    prob$bardim <- unlist(dims_PSD_DIM)
  running_idx <- n0
  for(i in seq_along(unlist_dims_SOC_DIM)) {
    prob$cones[,i] <- list("QUAD", as.numeric((running_idx + 1):(running_idx + unlist_dims_SOC_DIM[[i]]))) # latter term is size_cone
    running_idx <- running_idx + unlist_dims_SOC_DIM[[i]]
  if(floor(sum(unlist_dims_EXP_DIM, na.rm = TRUE)/3) != 0){ # check this, feels sketchy
    for(k in 1:floor(sum(unlist_dims_EXP_DIM, na.rm = TRUE)/3) ) {
      prob$cones[,(length_dims_SOC_DIM+k)] <- list("PEXP", as.numeric((running_idx+1):(running_idx + 3)) )
      running_idx <- running_idx + 3
  if(num_bool + num_int > 0) {
    if(num_bool > 0) {
      unlist_data_BOOL_IDX <- unlist(data_BOOL_IDX)
      prob$intsub <- unlist_data_BOOL_IDX
      #since the variable constraints are already declared, we are resetting them so they can only be 0 or 1
      prob$bx[, unlist_data_BOOL_IDX] <- rbind( rep(0, length(unlist_data_BOOL_IDX)), rep(1, length(unlist_data_BOOL_IDX)) )

    if(num_int > 0)
      prob$intsub <- unlist(data_INT_IDX)

  # Define linear inequality and equality constraints.
  #   Mosek will see a total of m linear expressions, which must
  #   define linear inequalities and equalities. The variable x
  #   contributes to these linear expressions by standard
  #   matrix-vector multiplication; the matrix in question is
  #   referred to as "A" in the mosek documentation. The PSD
  #   variables have a different means of contributing to the
  #   linear expressions. Specifically, a PSD variable Xj contributes
  #   "+tr( \bar{A}_{ij} * Xj )" to the i-th linear expression,
  #   where \bar{A}_{ij} is specified by a call to putbaraij.
  #   The following code has three phases.
  #       (1) Build the matrix A.
  #       (2) Specify the \bar{A}_{ij} for PSD variables.
  #       (3) Specify the RHS of the m linear (in)equalities.
  #   Remark : The parameter G gives every row in the first
  #   n0 columns of A. The remaining columns of A are for SOC
  #   and EXP slack variables. We can actually account for all
  #   of these slack variables at once by specifying a giant
  #   identity matrix in the appropriate position in A.

  # task.appendcons(m) is equivalent to prob$bc

  ##G should already be sparse but Matrix 1.3.x causes problems.
  ## if (!inherits(G, "dgCMatrix")) G  <- as(as(G, "CsparseMatrix"), "dgCMatrix")
  ## Matrix 1.5 change
  if (!inherits(G, "dgCMatrix")) G  <- as(as(G, "CsparseMatrix"), "generalMatrix")

  G_sum <- summary(G)
  nrow_G_sparse <- nrow(G)
  ncol_G_sparse <- ncol(G)

  row <- G_sum$i
  col <- G_sum$j
  vals <- G_sum$x

  total_soc_exp_slacks <- sum(unlist_dims_SOC_DIM, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(unlist_dims_EXP_DIM, na.rm = TRUE)

  # initializing A matrix
  if(ncol_G_sparse == 0 || (ncol_G_sparse + total_soc_exp_slacks) == 0)
    ## prob$A <- sparseMatrix(i = c(), j = c(), dims = c(0, 0))
    ## G is already sparse
    prob$A  <- G
  else {
    # this is a bit hacky, probably should fix later. Filling out part of the A matrix from G
    # Equivalent to task.putaijlist(as.list(row), as.list(col), as.list(vals))
    if(total_soc_exp_slacks > 0) {
      i <- unlist(dims[[LEQ_DIM]]) + unlist(dims[[EQ_DIM]])   # Constraint index in (1, ..., m)
      j <- length(c)   # Index of the first slack variable in the block vector "x".
      rows <- (i:(i + total_soc_exp_slacks-1))+1
      cols <- (j:(j + total_soc_exp_slacks-1))+1

      row <- c(row, rows)
      col <- c(col, cols)
      vals <- c(vals, rep(1, length(rows)))
    prob$A <- sparseMatrix(i = row, j = col, x = vals, dims = c(nrow_G_sparse, ncol_G_sparse + total_soc_exp_slacks))

  # Constraint index: start of LMIs.
  i <- dims_LEQ_DIM + dims[[EQ_DIM]] + total_soc_exp_slacks + 1
  dim_exist_PSD <- length(dims_PSD_DIM) #indicates whether or not we have any LMIs

  if(dim_exist_PSD > 0){
    #A bit hacky here too, specifying the lower triangular part of symmetric coefficient matrix barA
    barAi <- c() #Specifies row index of block matrix
    barAj <- c() #Specifies column index of block matrix
    barAk <- c() #Specifies row index within the block matrix specified above
    barAl <- c() #Specifies column index within the block matrix specified above
    barAv <- c() #Values for all the matrices

    for(j in 1:length(dims_PSD_DIM)) {   #For each PSD matrix
      for(row_idx in 1:dims_PSD_DIM[[j]]) {
        for(col_idx in 1:dims_PSD_DIM[[j]]) {
          val <- ifelse(row_idx == col_idx, 1, 0.5)
          row <- max(row_idx, col_idx)
          col <- min(row_idx, col_idx)
          #mat <- task.appendsparsesymmat(dim, list(row), list(col), list(val))
          #task.putbaraij(i, j, list(mat), list(1.0))

          barAi <- c(barAi, i)
          barAj <- c(barAj, j) #NEED TO CHECK. Multiple PSD_DIM example?
          barAk <- c(barAk, row)
          barAl <- c(barAl, col)
          barAv <- c(barAv, val)

          i <- i + 1 #for each symmetric matrix

    #Attaching. Does mosek automatically check the symmetric matrix dimensions?

    prob$barA$i <- barAi
    prob$barA$j <- barAj
    prob$barA$k <- barAk
    prob$barA$l <- barAl
    prob$barA$v <- barAv

  num_eq <- length(h) - dims_LEQ_DIM

  #CVXPY has the first dims[[LEQ_DIM]] variables as upper bounded
  #type_constraint <- rep(mosek.boundkey.up, dims[[LEQ_DIM]]) + rep(mosek.boundkey.fx, num_eq)
  #task.putconboundlist(1:m, type_constraint, h, h), equivalent to prob$bc
  hl_holder <- as.numeric(h)
  hu_holder <- as.numeric(h)

  #upper constraints for the LEQ_DIM number of variables, so set lower bound to -Inf
  hl_holder[seq_len(dims_LEQ_DIM)] <- rep(-Inf, dims_LEQ_DIM)

  prob$bc <- rbind(blc = hl_holder,
                   buc = hu_holder)

  # Define the objective and optimize the MOSEK task.
  #initialize coefficients of objective with the same number of variables declared (dim of x)
  c_holder <- rep(0, n)
  c_holder[1:length(c)] <- c

  prob$c <- c_holder

  if(is.logical(verbose) && verbose ){
    verbose <- 10
  } else if(!verbose){
    verbose <- 0
  } else if(!is.null(solver_opts$verbose)){
    verbose <- solver_opts$verbose

    solver_opts$soldetail <- 3
  } else {
    warning("Solver might not output correct answer depending on the input of the soldetail variable. Default is 3")

    solver_opts$getinfo <- TRUE
  } else {
    warning("Solver might not output correct answer depending on the input of the getinfo variable. Default is TRUE")

  r <- Rmosek::mosek(prob, list(verbose = verbose, usesol = solver_opts$usesol,
                                useparam = solver_opts$useparam, soldetail = solver_opts$soldetail,
                                getinfo = solver_opts$getinfo, writebefore = solver_opts$writebefore,
                                writeafter = solver_opts$writeafter))


#' @param solution The raw solution returned by the solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list containing data necessary for the inversion.
#' @describeIn MOSEK Returns the solution to the original problem given the inverse_data.
setMethod("invert", "MOSEK", function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
  ## results  <- solution
  ##    has_attr <- !is.null(mosek.solsta$near_optimal)
  ## We ignore MOSEK 8.1 and below.
  status_map <- function(status) {
      status  <- tolower(status)
      if(status %in% c("optimal", "integer_optimal"))
      ##        else if(status %in% c("prim_feas", "near_optimal", "near_integer_optimal"))
      ##            return(OPTIMAL_INACCURATE)
      else if(status == "prim_infeas_cer" || status == "primal_infeasible_cer") { #Documentation says it's this, but docs also say it spits out dual_infeas_cer, which is wrong
        #check later
          if(!is.null(attributes(status))) #check if status has any attributes, hasattr in python
      } else if(status == "dual_infeasible_cer") {
      }  else

  ##env <- results$env
  ##task <- results$task
  ## Naras: FIX solver_opts
  solver_opts <- solution$solver_options

      sol <- solution$sol$int
  else if(!is.null(solver_opts$bfs) && solver_opts$bfs && inverse_data$is_LP)
      sol <- solution$sol$bas   # The basic feasible solution.
      sol <- solution$sol$itr   # The solution found via interior point method.

  problem_status <- sol$prosta
  solution_status <- sol$solsta

    status <- SOLVER_ERROR
    status <- status_map(solution_status)

  ## For integer problems, problem status determines infeasibility (no solution).
  ##  if(sol == mosek.soltype.itg && problem_status == mosek.prosta.prim_infeas)
  ## Using reference https://docs.mosek.com/9.0/rmosek/accessing-solution.html
  if(inverse_data$integer_variables && (problem_status == "MSK_PRO_STA_PRIM_INFEAS" || problem_status == "PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE"))
      status <- INFEASIBLE

  if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
                                      # Get objective value.
      opt_val <- sol$pobjval + inverse_data[[OBJ_OFFSET]]
                                      # Recover the CVXR standard form primal variable.
      ## z <- rep(0, inverse_data$n0)
      ## task.getxxslice(sol, 0, length(z), z)
      primal_vars <- list()
      primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[object@var_id]])]] <- sol$xx
      ## Recover the CVXR standard form dual variables.
      ## if(sol == mosek.soltype.itn)
      if (inverse_data$integer_variables) {
        dual_var_ids <- sapply(c(inverse_data$suc_slacks, inverse_data$y_slacks, inverse_data$snx_slacks, inverse_data$psd_dims), function(slack) { slack[[1L]] })
        dual_vars <- as.list(rep(NA_real_, length(dual_var_ids)))
        names(dual_vars) <- dual_var_ids
      } else
        dual_vars <- MOSEK.recover_dual_variables(sol, inverse_data)

  } else {
      if(status == INFEASIBLE)
          opt_val <- Inf
      else if(status == UNBOUNDED)
          opt_val <- -Inf
          opt_val <- NA_real_
      vid <-
      primal_vars <- list()
      primal_vars[[as.character(inverse_data[[object@var_id]])]] <- NA_real_
      dual_var_ids <- sapply(c(inverse_data$suc_slacks, inverse_data$y_slacks, inverse_data$snx_slacks, inverse_data$psd_dims), function(slack) { slack[[1L]] })
      dual_vars <- as.list(rep(NA_real_, length(dual_var_ids)))
      names(dual_vars) <- dual_var_ids

  ## Store computation time.
  attr <- list()
  attr[[SOLVE_TIME]] <- solution$dinfo$OPTIMIZER_TIME

  ## Delete the MOSEK Task and Environment
  ##task.__exit__(NA, NA, NA)
  ##env.__exit__(NA, NA, NA)

  return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, attr))

#' Recovers MOSEK solutions dual variables
#' @param sol List of the solutions returned by the MOSEK solver.
#' @param inverse_data A list of the data returned by the perform function.
#' @return A list containing the mapping of CVXR's \linkS4class{Constraint}
#' object's id to its corresponding dual variables in the current solution.
MOSEK.recover_dual_variables <- function(sol, inverse_data) {
  dual_vars <- list()

  ## Dual variables for the inequality constraints.
  suc_len <- ifelse(length(inverse_data$suc_slacks) == 0, 0, sum(sapply(inverse_data$suc_slacks, function(val) { val[[2]] })))
  if(suc_len > 0) {
      ## suc <- rep(0, suc_len)
      ## task.getsucslice(sol, 0, suc_len, suc)
      dual_vars <- utils::modifyList(dual_vars, MOSEK.parse_dual_vars(sol$suc[seq_len(suc_len)], inverse_data$suc_slacks))

  ## Dual variables for the original equality constraints.
  y_len <- ifelse(length(inverse_data$y_slacks) == 0, 0, sum(sapply(inverse_data$y_slacks, function(val) { val[[2]] })))
  if(y_len > 0) {
      ##y <- rep(0, y_len)
      ## task.getyslice(sol, suc_len, suc_len + y_len, y)
      dual_vars <- utils::modifyList(dual_vars, MOSEK.parse_dual_vars(sol$suc[seq.int(suc_len, length.out = y_len)], inverse_data$y_slacks))

  ## Dual variables for SOC and EXP constraints.
  snx_len <- ifelse(length(inverse_data$snx_slacks) == 0, 0, sum(sapply(inverse_data$snx_slacks, function(val) { val[[2]] })))
  if(snx_len > 0) {
      ##snx <- matrix(0, nrow = snx_len, ncol = 1)
      ##task.getsnxslice(sol, inverse_data$n0, inverse_data$n0 + snx_len, snx)
      dual_vars <- utils::modifyList(dual_vars, MOSEK.parse_dual_vars(sol$snx, inverse_data$snx_slacks))

  ## Dual variables for PSD constraints.
  for(psd_info in inverse_data$psd_dims) {
    id <- as.character(psd_info[[1L]])
    dim <- psd_info[[2L]]
    ##sj <- rep(0, dim*floor((dim + 1)/2))
    ##task.getbars(sol, j, sj)
    dual_vars[[id]] <- vectorized_lower_tri_to_mat(sol$bars[[1L]], dim)


#' Parses MOSEK dual variables into corresponding CVXR constraints and dual values
#' @param dual_var List of the dual variables returned by the MOSEK solution.
#' @param constr_id_to_constr_dim A list that contains the mapping of entry "id"
#' that is the index of the CVXR \linkS4class{Constraint} object to which the
#' next "dim" entries of the dual variable belong.
#' @return A list with the mapping of the CVXR \linkS4class{Constraint} object
#' indices with the corresponding dual values.
MOSEK.parse_dual_vars <- function(dual_var, constr_id_to_constr_dim) {
  dual_vars <- list()
  running_idx <- 1
  for(val in constr_id_to_constr_dim) {
    id <- as.character(val[[1]])
    dim <- val[[2]]
    ## if(dim == 1)
    ##   dual_vars[id] <- dual_vars[running_idx]   # a scalar.
    ## else
    ##   dual_vars[id] <- as.matrix(dual_vars[running_idx:(running_idx + dim)])
    dual_vars[[id]] <- dual_var[seq.int(running_idx, length.out = dim)]
    running_idx <- running_idx + dim

## MOSEK._handle_mosek_params <- function(task, params) {
##     if(is.na(params))
##         return()

##   ##requireNamespace("Rmosek", quietly = TRUE)

##   handle_str_param <- function(param, value) {
##     if(startsWith(param, "MSK_DPAR_"))
##       task.putnadourparam(param, value)
##     else if(startsWith(param, "MSK_IPAR_"))
##       task.putnaintparam(param, value)
##     else if(startsWith(param, "MSK_SPAR_"))
##       task.putnastrparam(param, value)
##     else
##       stop("Invalid MOSEK parameter ", param)
##   }

##   handle_enum_param <- function(param, value) {
##     if(is(param, "dparam"))
##       task.putdouparam(param, value)
##     else if(is(param, "iparam"))
##       task.putintparam(param, value)
##     else if(is(param, "sparam"))
##       task.putstrparam(param, value)
##     else
##       stop("Invalid MOSEK parameter ", param)
##   }

##   for(p in params) {
##     param <- p[[1]]
##     value <- p[[2]]
##     if(is(param, "character"))
##       handle_str_param(param, value)
##     else
##       handle_enum_param(param, value)
##   }
## }

#' Utility method for formatting a ConeDims instance into a dictionary
#' that can be supplied to SCS.
#' @param cone_dims A \linkS4class{ConeDims} instance.
#' @return The dimensions of the cones.
SCS.dims_to_solver_dict <- function(cone_dims) {
  cones <- list(z = as.integer(cone_dims@zero),
                l = as.integer(cone_dims@nonpos),
                q = sapply(cone_dims@soc, as.integer),
                ep = as.integer(cone_dims@exp),
                s = sapply(cone_dims@psd, as.integer))

#' Utility methods for special handling of semidefinite constraints.
#' @param matrix The matrix to get the lower triangular matrix for
#' @return The lower triangular part of the matrix, stacked in column-major order
scaled_lower_tri <- function(matrix) {
  # Returns an expression representing the lower triangular entries.
  # Scales the strictly lower triangular entries by sqrt(2), as
  # required by SCS.
  rows <- cols <- nrow(matrix)
  entries <- floor(rows * (cols + 1)/2)

  row_arr <- seq_len(entries)

  col_arr <- matrix(1:(rows*cols), nrow = rows, ncol = cols)
  col_arr <- col_arr[lower.tri(col_arr, diag = TRUE)]

  val_arr <- matrix(0, nrow = rows, ncol = cols)
  val_arr[lower.tri(val_arr, diag = TRUE)] <- sqrt(2)
  diag(val_arr) <- 1
  val_arr <- as.vector(val_arr)
  val_arr <- val_arr[val_arr != 0]

  coeff <- Constant(sparseMatrix(i = row_arr, j = col_arr, x = val_arr, dims = c(entries, rows*cols)))
  vectorized_matrix <- reshape_expr(matrix, c(rows*cols, 1))
  return(coeff %*% vectorized_matrix)

#' Expands lower triangular to full matrix.
#' @param lower_tri A matrix representing the lower triangular part of the matrix,
#' stacked in column-major order
#' @param n The number of rows (columns) in the full square matrix.
#' @return A matrix that is the scaled expansion of the lower triangular matrix.
tri_to_full <- function(lower_tri, n) {
  # Expands n*floor((n+1)/2) lower triangular to full matrix.
  # Scales off-diagonal by 1/sqrt(2), as per the SCS specification.
  full <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
  full[upper.tri(full, diag = TRUE)] <- lower_tri
  full[lower.tri(full, diag = TRUE)] <- lower_tri

  unscaled_diag <- diag(full)
  full <- full/sqrt(2)
  diag(full) <- unscaled_diag

  matrix(full, nrow = n*n, byrow = FALSE)

# SuperSCS <- setClass("SuperSCS", contains = "SCS")
# SuperSCS.default_settings <- function(object) {
#   list(use_indirect = FALSE, eps = 1e-8, max_iters = 10000)
# }
# #' @param solver,object,x A \linkS4class{SuperSCS} object.
# #' @describeIn SuperSCS Returns the name of the SuperSCS solver
# setMethod("name", "SuperSCS", function(x) { SUPER_SCS_NAME })
# #' @describeIn SuperSCS imports the SuperSCS solver.
# setMethod("import_solver", "SuperSCS", function(solver) {
#   stop("Unimplemented: SuperSCS is currently unavailable in R.")
# })
# #' @param data Data generated via an apply call.
# #' @param warm_start An option for warm start.
# #' @param verbose A boolean of whether to enable solver verbosity.
# #' @param solver_opts A list of Solver specific options
# #' @param solver_cache Cache for the solver.
# #' @describeIn SuperSCS Solve a problem represented by data returned from apply.
# setMethod("solve_via_data", "SuperSCS", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
#   if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
#   args <- list(A = data[[A_KEY]], b = data[[B_KEY]], c = data[[C_KEY]])
#   if(warm_start && !is.null(solver_cache) && length(solver_cache) > 0 && name(object) %in% names(solver_cache)) {
#     args$x <- solver_cache[[name(object)]]$x
#     args$y <- solver_cache[[name(object)]]$y
#     args$s <- solver_cache[[name(object)]]$s
#   }
#   cones <- SCS.dims_to_solver_dict(data[[ConicSolver()@dims]])
#   # Settings.
#   user_opts <- names(solver_opts)
#   for(k in names(SuperSCS.default_settings)) {
#     if(!k %in% user_opts)
#       solver_opts[[k]] <- SuperSCS.default_settings[[k]]
#   }
#   results <- SuperSCS::solve(args, cones, verbose = verbose, solver_opts)
#   if(!is.null(solver_cache) && length(solver_cache) > 0)
#     solver_cache[[name(object)]] <- results
#   return(results)
# })

# XPRESS <- setClass("XPRESS", contains = "SCS")
# # Solver capabilities.
# setMethod("mip_capable", "XPRESS", function(solver) { TRUE })
# setMethod("supported_constraints", "XPRESS", function(solver) { c(supported_constraints(ConicSolver()), "SOC") })
# # Map of XPRESS status to CVXR status.
# setMethod("status_map", "XPRESS", function(solver, status) {
#   if(status == 2)
#     return(OPTIMAL)
#   else if(status == 3)
#     return(INFEASIBLE)
#   else if(status == 5)
#     return(UNBOUNDED)
#   else if(status %in% c(4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13))
#     return(SOLVER_ERROR)
#   else if(status == 9)   # TODO: Could be anything. Means time expired.
#   else
#     stop("XPRESS status unrecognized: ", status)
# })
# setMethod("name", "XPRESS", function(x) { XPRESS_NAME })
# setMethod("import_solver", "XPRESS", function(solver) {
#   stop("Unimplemented: XPRESS solver unavailable in R.")
# })
# setMethod("accepts", signature(object = "XPRESS", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
#   # TODO: Check if the matrix is stuffed.
#   if(!is_affine(problem@objective@args[[1]]))
#     return(FALSE)
#   for(constr in problem@constraints) {
#     if(!inherits(constr, supported_constraints(object)))
#       return(FALSE)
#     for(arg in constr@args) {
#       if(!is_affine(arg))
#         return(FALSE)
#     }
#   }
#   return(TRUE)
# })
# setMethod("perform", signature(object = "XPRESS", problem = "Problem"), function(object, problem) {
#   tmp <- callNextMethod(object, problem)
#   data <- tmp[[1]]
#   inv_data <- tmp[[2]]
#   variables <- variables(problem)[[1]]
#   data[[BOOL_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@boolean_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
#   data[[INT_IDX]] <- lapply(variables@integer_idx, function(t) { t[1] })
#   inv_data$is_mip <- length(data[[BOOL_IDX]]) > 0 || length(data[[INT_IDX]]) > 0
#   return(list(object, data, inv_data))
# })
# setMethod("invert", signature(object = "XPRESS", solution = "list", inverse_data = "list"), function(object, solution, inverse_data) {
#   status <- solution[[STATUS]]
#   if(status %in% SOLUTION_PRESENT) {
#     opt_val <- solution[[VALUE]]
#     primal_vars <- list()
#     primal_vars[[inverse_data[[object@var_id]]]] <- solution$primal
#     if(!inverse_data@is_mip)
#       dual_vars <- get_dual_values(solution[[EQ_DUAL]], extract_dual_value, inverse_data[[EQ_CONSTR]])
#   } else {
#     primal_vars <- list()
#     primal_vars[[inverse_data[[object@var_id]]]] <- NA_real_
#     if(!inverse_data@is_mip) {
#       dual_var_ids <- sapply(inverse_data[[EQ_CONSTR]], function(constr) { constr@id })
#       dual_vars <- as.list(rep(NA_real_, length(dual_var_ids)))
#       names(dual_vars) <- dual_var_ids
#     }
#     if(status == INFEASIBLE)
#       opt_val <- Inf
#     else if(status == UNBOUNDED)
#       opt_val <- -Inf
#     else
#       opt_val <- NA
#   }
#   other <- list()
#   other[[XPRESS_IIS]] <- solution[[XPRESS_IIS]]
#   other[[XPRESS_TROW]] <- solution[[XPRESS_TROW]]
#   return(Solution(status, opt_val, primal_vars, dual_vars, other))
# })
# setMethod("solve_via_data", "XPRESS", function(object, data, warm_start, verbose, solver_opts, solver_cache) {
#   if (missing(solver_cache)) solver_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
#   solver <- XPRESS_OLD()
#   solver_opts[[BOOL_IDX]] <- data[[BOOL_IDX]]
#   solver_opts[[INT_IDX]] <- data[[INT_IDX]]
#   prob_data <- list()
#   prob_data[[name(object)]] <- ProblemData()
#   solve(solver, data$objective, data$constraints, prob_data, warm_start, verbose, solver_opts)
# })
anqif/cvxr documentation built on July 3, 2024, 10:30 a.m.