

 #  "An article about computational science in a scientific publication
 #  is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the
 #  scholarship. The actual scholarship is the complete software
 #  development environment and the complete set of instructions
 #  which generate the figures." 
 #                                          - Jon Claerbout


#' Description: Probabiity of mode given multiple samples (ie. data matrix)
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.rS <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE) {

  # Probability of a response, given sample (group)
  # P(r|S) = P(S|r)P(r)/P(S) = P(S, r)/(sum_r P(S, r))
  # P(r|S) = P(S|r)P(r)/sum_r(P(S|r)P(r)) = (a*P(S|r)P(r))/(a*sum_r(P(S|r)P(r)))
  # -> log P(r|S) = log((a*P(S|r)P(r))/(a*sum_r(P(S|r)P(r)))) = log(a) + log(P(S|r)P(r)) - log(a) - log(sum_r(P(S|r)P(r)))
  # = log(a*P(S, r)) - log(sum_r(a*P(S, r)))
  # = log(a*psr) - log(sum_r(a*psr)) = log(a) + log(psr) - log(sum_r(exp(log(a) + log(psr))))
  # NOTE: unstable due to overflows in particular when multiple samples are used
  # Log P(r|S) = logP(S, r) - log(sumr(P(S, r)))
  #logp <- psr.log - log(sum(exp(psr.log)))
  # psr <- get.P.rs.joint(sample, model, subnet.id, log = FALSE)  

  # joint density P(S, r) for each component r
  psr.log <- P.rs.joint(dat, pars, log = TRUE)
  # density P(r|S), avoiding numerical overflows with log.a trick
  log.a <- 10 - max(psr.log)
  logp <- log.a + psr.log - log(sum(exp(log.a + psr.log)))

  # Compared output in univariate case to the direct calculation:
  #ps <- pars$w * dnorm(4.467782, mean = pars$mu, sd = pars$sd); ps/sum(ps)
  #P.rS(matrix(4.467782), pars, log = FALSE)
  # -> OK

  if (log) {
  } else {

#' Description: Probabiity of mode given a sample (a data vector)
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#'  @param scaling Try to avoid floating errors. To be improved later.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.r.s <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE, scaling = 0) {

  # FIXME rowmeans(qofz) is constant but not 1
  # P(r|s) for each response r and sample s
  if (length(pars$w) == 1) {
    # If there is only one mode, its likelihood is 1 for all samples
    qofz <- matrix(rep(1, ncol(dat)))
    rownames(qofz) <- colnames(dat)
  } else {
    logp <- P.rs.joint.individual(dat, pars, log = TRUE)
    # Try scaling to avoind floating errors that occur easily with small probs
    qofz <- t(apply(logp, 2, function (logx) {xs <- (scaling + logx); exp(xs)/sum(exp(xs))}))

  if ( log ) { qofz <- log(qofz) }

  matrix(qofz, nrow = ncol(dat))


#' Description: Joint probabiity density for mode and sample
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.rs.joint.individual <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE) {

  # P(r,s) = P(s|r)P(r) = P(r|s)P(s)
  # P(r, s) for all samples and responses. Should hold sum_r P(r, s) = P(s) -> OK
  #  Alternatively: logp.joint <- t(t(prs.log) + ps.log)

  # FIXME: merge with P.rs.joint and/or P.rS to avoid redundancy
  psr.log <- P.s.r(dat, pars, log = TRUE)
  pr.log <- as.vector(log(pars$w))

  logp.joint <- psr.log + pr.log
  colnames(logp.joint) <- colnames(dat)
  if (log) {
  } else {

#' Description: Joint probabiity density for mode and sample group
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.rs.joint <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE) {

  # Joint (Log) density of a given sample group: P(S, r) = P(S|r)P(r)
  # and each mixture component r.
  # First calculate
  # P(S|r) for each response; length of output equals to number of responses
  # i.e. logsum of the individual sample densities
  pSr.log <- P.Sr(dat, pars, log = TRUE) #get.P.Sr(sample, model, subnet.id, log = TRUE)  
  # Density for each mixture component
  pr.log <- log(pars$w)

  logp.joint <- pSr.log + pr.log

  # Alternative:
  # logp.joint <- rowSums(get.P.rs.joint.individual(sample, model, pars, subnet.id, log = TRUE))

  if (log) {
  } else {

#' Description: Probabiity density for sample group given mode
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.Sr <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE) {

  # dat is features x samples matrix
  psr <- P.s.r(dat, pars, log = TRUE)

  # Returns responses x samples matrix
  # for each response, calculate logsum over samples
  if (log) {
  } else {

#' Description: Probabiity density for sample given mode
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.s.r <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE) {

  # dat: features x samples matrix

  # Log probability density on each data point for each response
  # P(s|r)
  if (!nrow(dat) == ncol(pars$mu)) { stop("Dimensions in dat and pars do not match!") }

  # FIXME: in many cases density needs to be calculated just within a
  # single response, here calculated for all responses. Speedup by
  # having this for given response only.

  if ( is.vector(dat) ) { dat <- as.matrix(dat, nrow = length(dat)) }

  # responses x samples matrix P(s|r)
  psr <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(pars$w), ncol = ncol(dat)) 
  if (!is.null(colnames(dat))) { colnames(psr) <- colnames(dat) }

  for ( response in seq_len(length( pars$w ))) {
    # Given the diagonal covariances, the density is product (log-sum)
    # over the densities for individual features (on each data point)
    psr[response, ] <- colSums(dnorm(dat, mean = as.numeric(pars$mu[response, ]), sd = as.numeric(pars$sd[response, ]), log = TRUE))          

  logp <- psr # responses x samples
  rownames(logp) <- names(pars$w)
  colnames(logp) <- colnames(dat)

  if (log) {
  } else {


#' Description: Probabiity density for sample 
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.S <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE) {

  # psi: individual sample densities P(s) given in _log domain_

  # FIXME: develop this s.t. calculates individual sample densities independently
  # Overall probability of sample s, given the Gaussian mixture model
  # P(s) = sum_r P(s, r)
  # ps <- log(sum(get.P.rs.joint(sample, model, subnet.id, log = FALSE)))

  # FIXME: numerically does not hold tightly that P(S) = sumr P(S, r) = sumr P(S|r)P(r)
  # the latter equality holds, P(S) is problematic. Differences are not big for examples
  # I checked, but they are still notable. Check in more detail this one.
  #sum(get.P.rs.joint(s, model, subnet.id, log = FALSE))
  #sum(get.P.Sr(s, model, pars = NULL, subnet.id, log = FALSE) * pars$w)

  ps <- sum(P.s.individual(dat, pars, log = TRUE)) # log sum
  if (log) {
  } else {

#' Description: Probabiity density for individual sample 
#' Mainly for internal use; documentation will be provided later. Tools for calculating densities with Gaussian mixture models.
#' Arguments:
#'  @param dat features x samples data matrix for mixture modeling
#'  @param pars Gaussian mixture model parameters (diagonal covariances); list with elements mu (mean vectors), sd (covariance diagonals), w (weights). The mu and sd are component x features matrices, w is vector giving weight for each component.
#'  @param log Logical. Return densities in log domain.
#' Returns:
#'   @return Probability density
#' @references See citation("netresponse") 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords internal utilities

P.s.individual <- function (dat, pars, log = TRUE) {

  # FIXME: merge with P.S (?)
  # Overall probability of sample s, given the model. 
  # individually for each sample

  # responses x samples
  # for each sample (column), density mass is the sum over joint densities on individual responses
  # P(s) = sum_r P(s, r) = sum_r P(s,r) = sum_r P(s|r)P(r)

  ps <- colSums(P.rs.joint.individual(dat, pars, log = FALSE))

  # two alternatives to calculate P(s)
  # log(colSums(get.P.rs.joint.individual(rsample, model, subnet.id, log = FALSE)))
  # log(sum(get.P.Sr(rsample, model, subnet.id, log = FALSE) * get.P.r(model, subnet.id, log = FALSE)))
  # get.P.s(rsample, model, subnet.id, log = TRUE) 

  # log only after summation:
  if (log) {
  } else {
antagomir/netresponse documentation built on March 30, 2023, 7:24 a.m.