
# get non-exported function (copied from the raster package)
.recvOneData <- eval(parse(text="parallel:::recvOneData"))
.sendCall <- eval( parse( text="parallel:::sendCall") )

#' @title Compare Temporal Consistency of two Rasters
#' @description Analysis of the temporal consistency (agreement) of two \code{\link[raster]{Raster-class}} objects with dimensions
#' x (lon), y (lat), z (time). The analysis is performed pixel by pixel. The temporal profile (z dimension) of each
#' pixel at a given (x,y) is extracted in the two raster and compared using a set of statistics. This results in a raster map for
#' each computed statistic, depicting the spatial variability of the temporal coherence (agreement) between the two datasets.
#' @usage compare_raster_time(x,y,stats,FUN = NULL,cl = NULL,filename=rasterTmpFile(),...)
#' @param x A \code{\link[raster]{Raster-class}} object. Better be a \code{RasterBrick}, for faster computing
#' @param y Another \code{\link[raster]{Raster-class}} object to compare with the first one
#' @param stats A character \code{vector} with one or more of the following: 'missing', 'cor',
#' 'ax', 'ay', 'bx', 'by', 'ac','acu', 'acs', 'mbe', 'rmsd', 'rmspd',  'rmpdu', 'rmpds','mpdpu','mpdps',
#' 'smoothness','atime','btime'. See details
#' @param FUN An optional function to be applied on the \code{z} slot of the input \code{x} and \code{y} (can be set with
#' \code{\link[raster]{setZ}}, to group statistics according to the resulting classes. If provided, only one
#' \code{stats} is allowed. See Examples section.
#' @param cl cluster object for parallel processing. Default is \code{NULL}
#' @param filename name of the file where the output raster should be saved. Default is created through \code{\link[raster]{rasterTmpFile}}
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[raster]{writeRaster}}
#' @details
#' The \code{stats} arguments can take one or more of the following values (see Ji and Gallo, 2006):
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{missing}}{ Number of missing values in the \code{x} and \code{y} raster}
#'    \item{\code{cor}}{ Correlation coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{ax}}{ Intercept of the Geometric Mean Functional Relationship (GMFR) model x = a + by}
#'    \item{\code{ay}}{ Intercept of the GMFR model y = a + bx}
#'    \item{\code{bx}}{ Coefficient of the GMFR model x = a + by}
#'    \item{\code{by}}{ Coefficient of the GMFR model y = a + bx}
#'    \item{\code{ac}}{ Agreement Coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{acu}}{ Unsystematic Agreement Coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{acs}}{ Systematic Agreement Coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{mbe}}{ Mean Bias Error}
#'    \item{\code{rmsd}}{ Root Mean Square Deviation}
#'    \item{\code{rmspd}}{ Root Mean Square Deviation in percentage of mean y}
#'    \item{\code{rmpdu}}{ Unsystematic Square Root of Mean Product-difference }
#'    \item{\code{rmpds}}{ Systematic Square Root of Mean Product-difference}
#'    \item{\code{mpdpu}}{ Proportion of the unsystematic differences over the total difference}
#'    \item{\code{mpdps}}{ Proportion of the systematic differences over the total difference}
#'    \item{\code{smoothness}}{ Mean absolute value of the first derivative over time}
#'    \item{\code{atime}}{ Intercept of the regression over time}
#'    \item{\code{btime}}{ Coefficient of the regression over time}
#' }
#' @return A \code{\link[raster]{Raster-class}} object with layers correponding to \code{stats}. If \code{FUN} argument
#' is provided, layers correponds to the groups resulting from applying \code{FUN} to the \code{z} slot of input rasters \code{x}
#' and \code{y}.
#' @author Antoine Stevens
#' @references
#' Ji, L., and Gallo, K. (2006). An Agreement Coefficient for Image Comparison. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72, 823-833.
#' Meroni, M., Atzberger, C., Vancutsem, C., Gobron, N., Baret, F., Lacaze, R., Eerens, H., and Leo, O. (2013). Evaluation of Agreement Between Space Remote Sensing SPOT-VEGETATION fAPAR Time Series. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51, 1951-1962.
#' Meroni M., Fasbender D., Balaghi et al. (2015). Testing VGT data continuity between SPOT and PROBA-V missions for operational yield forecasting in North African countries. JRC Technical Report, 28 p.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Let's compare VGT and PROBA-V instruments during their overlaping period
#' # (October 2013 - March 2014)
#' # Don't forget to provide in copernicus_options() your user and password details
#' # for COPERNICUS data portal before running this
#' # e.g. : copernicus_options(user = "Smith", password = "hello")
#' # First, get data for NDVI_1km_V1
#' fn_SPOT <- download_copernicus(product = 'NDVI_1km_V1', begin = '2013-10-01', end = '2014-03-31',
#'                      tileH = 19, tileV = 4)
#' # and NDVI_1km_V2 ...
#' fn_PROBA <- download_copernicus(product = 'NDVI_1km_V2', begin = '2013-10-01', end = '2014-03-31',
#'                      tileH = 19, tileV = 4)
#' # Extract NDVI, export to tif
#' f_SPOT <-extract_copernicus(fn_SPOT,job = "product_comparison",layers = 2)
#' f_PROBA <-extract_copernicus(fn_PROBA,job = "product_comparison",layers = 1)
#' # Convert to  rasterBrick
#' f_SPOT <- sub('\\.h5','_NDVI.tif',f_SPOT)
#' f_PROBA <- sub('\\.h5','_NDVI.tif',f_PROBA)
#' SPOT  <- writeRaster(stack(f_SPOT),filename = rasterTmpFile())
#' PROBA  <- writeRaster(stack(f_PROBA),filename = rasterTmpFile())
#' # Compare temporal consistency
#' # Use the 'cl' option to speed up processing!
#' ct <- compare_raster_time(SPOT,PROBA)
#' # plot
#' brks <- c(0,.05,.1,.2,.3,.7)
#' nb <- length(brks)-1
#' cols <- rev(heat.colors(nb))
#' plot(ct,"rmsd",col = cols,breaks = brks) # rmsd
#' # focus on a small area
#' # extent corresponding to the Delta of the Po
#' e <- extent(c(10.5,12.5,44,46)) # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
#' # convert geo coordinates to EPSG 32662 (Platte Carree)
#' e <- extent(projectExtent(raster(e,crs = crs("+init=epsg:4326")),crs("+init=epsg:32662")))
#' plot(ct,"ac",ext = e,zlim=c(0,1))
#' # Let's see if there are different patterns
#' # according to seasons
#' # First, define a z slot
#' d <- scan_file_copernicus(names(SPOT))$Date # get dates
#' SPOT <- setZ(SPOT,d)
#' PROBA <- setZ(PROBA,d)
#' # Compare, grouping by Quarter
#' # create a special function, appending 'Q' to the quarter number
#' quarter <- function(x) paste0("Q",lubridate::quarter(x))
#' quarter(d)
#' ct_Quarter <- compare_raster_time(SPOT,PROBA,stats = "cor",FUN = quarter)
#' plot(ct_Quarter)
#' }
#' @export
compare_raster_time <- function(x,y,
                                stats = c("missing", "cor", "ax", "ay", "bx", "by", "ac","acu", "acs", "mbe",
                                          "rmsd", "rmspd",  "rmpdu", "rmpds","mpdpu","mpdps",
                                FUN = NULL,cl = NULL,filename=rasterTmpFile(),...){

      stop("cl should be a cluster object. See ?getCluster")

  stats <- match.arg(stats,several.ok = TRUE)

  # change stats
    stats <- stats[!stats%in%"missing"]
    stats <- c(stats,paste("missing",c("x","y"),sep="_"))
    stats <- stats[!stats%in%"smoothness"]
    stats <- c(stats,paste("smoothness",c("x","y"),sep="_"))
    stats <- stats[!stats%in%"atime"]
    stats <- c(stats,paste("atime",c("x","y"),sep="_"))
    stats <- stats[!stats%in%"btime"]
    stats <- c(stats,paste("btime",c("x","y"),sep="_"))

    x <- stack(x, quick=TRUE)

    y <- stack(y, quick=TRUE)

  # compare dimensions
    stop("x and y rasters have different geometries")
  if(nlayers(x) != nlayers(y))
    stop("x and y rasters have a different number of bands")

    z1 <- getZ(x)
    z2 <- getZ(y)
      stop("Set z values via 'setZ'")
      stop("Z values are not identical")
      warning("More than one 'stats' is provided. Only the first one is kept")
      stats <- stats[1]
    f <- FUN(z1)
    nl <- nlevels(factor(f))
    fn <- levels(factor(f))
  } else {
    f <- NULL
    nl <- length(stats)
    fn <- stats

  if(any(stats %in% c("atime_x","btime_x"))){
    z <- getZ(x)
      stop("Set z values via 'setZ'")
  } else {
    z <- NULL
  b <- list()
  b[[1]] <- brick(x,nl=nl, values=FALSE)
  # if(length(getZ(x)))
  #   b[[1]] <- setZ(b[[1]],getZ(x))
  names(b[[1]]) <-  fn
  b[[1]] <- writeStart(b[[1]], filename = filename,...)
  if (is.null(cl)){
    tr <- blockSize(x,n = nlayers(x)*2)
    for ( i in seq_along(tr$row))
      b[[1]] <- writeValues(b[[1]], .compare_time(i = i, x = x, y = y, z = z, row = tr$row, nrows = tr$nrow, stats = stats, f = f), tr$row[i])
  } else {

    cores <- length(cl)
    # send expr and data to cluster nodes
    # parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl,library(matrixStats))

    # number of blocks
    tr <- blockSize(x, minblocks=cores)

    for (i in 1:cores)
      .sendCall(cl[[i]],.compare_time,list(i = i, x = x, y = y, z = z, row = tr$row, nrows = tr$nrow, stats = stats, f = f),tag=i)

    for (i in 1:tr$n) {
      d <- .recvOneData(cl);
      if (!d$value$success)
        stop("Cluster error in Row: ", tr$row[d$value$tag],"\n")

      b[[1]] <- writeValues(b[[1]], d$value$value, tr$row[d$value$tag])
      ni <- cores + i
      if (ni <= tr$n)
        .sendCall(cl[[d$node]],.compare_time,list(i = ni, x = x, y = y, z = z, row = tr$row, nrows = tr$nrow, stats = stats, f = f),tag=ni)

  for (a in seq_along(b))
    b[[a]] <- writeStop(b[[a]])

  b <- brick(filename)

.compare_time <- function(i,x,y,z,row,nrows, stats, f){
  x <- getValues(x,row=row[i], nrows=nrows[i])
  y <- getValues(y,row=row[i], nrows=nrows[i])
  } else {
    res <- matrix(NA,nrow = nrow(x),ncol = nlevels(factor(f)))
    for(k in 1:nlevels(factor(f))){
      id <-  factor(f) == levels(factor(f))[k]
      xk <- x[,id]
      yk <- y[,id]
      res[,k] <- .compare_xy(xk,yk,z,stats)

#' @title Compare Spatial Consistency of Two Rasters
#' @description Analysis of the spatial consistency (agreement) of two \code{\link[raster]{Raster-class}} objects with dimensions
#' x (lon), y (lat), z (time). The analysis is performed layer by layer. At a given z, an entire layer is extracted in
#' in the two rasters and the two layers are compared using a set of statistics. This results in a time serie for
#' each computed statistic, depicting the temporal profile (seasonality) of the spatial coherence (agreement) between the two datasets.
#' @usage compare_raster_space(x,y,lc,stats)
#' @param x A \code{\link[raster]{Raster-class}} object. Better be a \code{RasterBrick}, for faster computing
#' @param y Another \code{\link[raster]{Raster-class}} object to compare with the first one
#' @param lc An optional \code{\link[raster]{raster}} object giving classes for which separate statistics are retrieved
#' @param stats A character \code{vector} with one or more of the following: 'missing', 'cor',
#' 'ax', 'ay', 'bx', 'by', 'ac','acu', 'acs', 'mbe', 'rmsd', 'rmspd',  'rmpdu', 'rmpds','mpdpu','mpdps'. See details
#' The \code{stats} arguments can take one or more of the following values (see Ji and Gallo, 2006):
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{missing}}{ Number of missing values in the \code{x} and \code{y} raster}
#'    \item{\code{cor}}{ Correlation coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{ax}}{ Intercept of the Geometric Mean Functional Relationship (GMFR) model x = a + by}
#'    \item{\code{ay}}{ Intercept of the GMFR model y = a + bx}
#'    \item{\code{bx}}{ Coefficient of the GMFR model x = a + by}
#'    \item{\code{by}}{ Coefficient of the GMFR model y = a + bx}
#'    \item{\code{ac}}{ Agreement Coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{acu}}{ Unsystematic Agreement Coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{acs}}{ Systematic Agreement Coefficient}
#'    \item{\code{mbe}}{ Mean Bias Error}
#'    \item{\code{rmsd}}{ Root Mean Square Deviation}
#'    \item{\code{rmspd}}{ Root Mean Square Deviation in percentage of mean y}
#'    \item{\code{rmpdu}}{ Unsystematic Square Root of Mean Product-difference }
#'    \item{\code{rmpds}}{ Systematic Square Root of Mean Product-difference}
#'    \item{\code{mpdpu}}{ Proportion of the unsystematic differences over the total difference}
#'    \item{\code{mpdps}}{ Proportion of the systematic differences over the total difference}
#' }
#' @return an \code{array} of statistics with 1st dimension corresponding to layers in input rasters, 2nd dimension to
#' \code{stats} and optional 3rd dimension to classes defined by \code{lc}
#' @author Antoine Stevens
#' @references
#' Ji, L., and Gallo, K. (2006). An Agreement Coefficient for Image Comparison. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72, 823-833.
#' Meroni, M., Atzberger, C., Vancutsem, C., Gobron, N., Baret, F., Lacaze, R., Eerens, H., and Leo, O. (2013). Evaluation of Agreement Between Space Remote Sensing SPOT-VEGETATION fAPAR Time Series. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51, 1951-1962.
#' Meroni M., Fasbender D., Balaghi et al. (2015). Testing VGT data continuity between SPOT and PROBA-V missions for operational yield forecasting in North African countries. JRC Technical Report, 28 p.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Let's compare VGT and PROBA-V instruments during their overlaping period
#' # (October 2013 - March 2014)
#' # Don't forget to provide in copernicus_options() your user and password details
#' # for COPERNICUS data portal before running this
#' # e.g. : copernicus_options(user = "Smith", password = "hello")
#' # First, get data for NDVI_1km_V1
#' fn_SPOT <- download_copernicus(product = 'NDVI_1km_V1', begin = '2013-10-01', end = '2014-03-31',
#'                      tileH = 19, tileV = 4)
#' # and NDVI_1km_V2 ...
#' fn_PROBA <- download_copernicus(product = 'NDVI_1km_V2', begin = '2013-10-01', end = '2014-03-31',
#'                      tileH = 19, tileV = 4)
#' # Extract NDVI, export to tif
#' f_SPOT <-extract_copernicus(fn_SPOT,job = "product_comparison",layers = 2)
#' f_PROBA <-extract_copernicus(fn_PROBA,job = "product_comparison",layers = 1)
#' # Convert to  rasterBrick
#' f_SPOT <- sub('\\.h5','_NDVI.tif',f_SPOT)
#' f_PROBA <- sub('\\.h5','_NDVI.tif',f_PROBA)
#' SPOT  <- writeRaster(stack(f_SPOT),filename = rasterTmpFile())
#' PROBA  <- writeRaster(stack(f_PROBA),filename = rasterTmpFile())
#' # Compare their spatial consistency
#' # by land cover class
#' # Create a fake LC map
#' lc <- raster(SPOT)
#' values(lc) <- as.numeric(cut(1:ncell(lc), 3))
#' cs <- compare_raster_space(SPOT,PROBA,lc)
#' str(cs)
#' # plot the three classes
#' # get correlation coeff
#' r <- cs[,"cor",]
#' # get acquisition dates
#' d <- scan_file_copernicus(names(SPOT))$Date
#' plot(d,r[,1],type = "l",xlab = "", ylab = "Correlation coefficient",ylim=c(0,1))
#' lines(d,r[,2],col = "red")
#' lines(d,r[,3],col = "blue")
#' legend("bottomright",lty = 1, legend = paste0("class ", 1:3), col = c("black","red","blue"))
#' }
#' @export
compare_raster_space <- function(x,y,lc,
                                 stats= c("missing", "cor", "ax", "ay", "bx", "by", "ac", "acu", "acs", "mbe" ,
                                          "rmsd", "rmspd", "rmpdu", "rmpds","mpdpu","mpdps")){
  stats <- match.arg(stats,several.ok = TRUE)

  # change stats
    stats <- stats[!stats%in%"missing"]
    stats <- c(stats,paste("missing",c("x","y"),sep="_"))

    x <- stack(x, quick=TRUE)

    y <- stack(y, quick=TRUE)

      lc <- stack(lc, quick=TRUE)
    lc.levels <- factor(getValues(lc))
    res <- array(NA,dim = c(nlayers(x),length(stats),nlevels(lc.levels)))
    dimnames(res) <- list(names(x),stats,levels(lc.levels))
  } else {
    lc.levels <- NULL
    res <- matrix(NA,nrow = nlayers(x),ncol = length(stats))
    rownames(res) <- names(x)
    colnames(res) <- stats

  z <- NULL

  # compare dimensions
    stop("x, y rasters have different geometries")
  if(nlayers(x) != nlayers(y))
    stop("x and y rasters have a different number of bands")

      stop("x, y and lc rasters have different geometries")

  tr <- blockSize(x)
  chunks <- as.numeric(cut(1:nlayers(x),tr$n)) # transpose chunks to layer index
  for (i in 1:tr$n){

    ch <- which(chunks == i)
    xx <- getValuesBlock(x,row = 1, nrows = nrow(x),col = 1, ncols = ncol(x),lyrs = ch)
    yy <- getValuesBlock(y,row = 1, nrows = nrow(y),col = 1, ncols = ncol(y),lyrs = ch)

      res[ch,] <- .compare_xy(xx,yy,z,stats,byrow = FALSE)
    } else {
      for(k in 1:nlevels(lc.levels)){
        id <-  lc.levels == levels(lc.levels)[k]
        res[ch,,k] <- .compare_xy(xx[id,],yy[id,],z,stats,byrow = FALSE)

#' Internal function to compare two matrix
#' @param x input x
#' @param y input y
#' @param z time for regression
#' @param stats See \code{compare_raster_time}
#' @param byrow Logical. Should the comparisons processed by row?
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.compare_xy <- function(x,y,z,stats,byrow = TRUE){
  # See Ji and Gallo (2006) An Agreement Coefficient for Image Comparison
  # pg 826 ex:
  # x = c(6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14); y = c(2, 3, 5, 5, 6, 8)
    x <- t(x)
    y <- t(y)
  py <- ncol(y);ny <- nrow(y) # dims
  res <- matrix(nrow = ny, ncol = length(stats))
  colnames(res) <- stats

  nax <- is.na(x)
  nay <- is.na(y)

  mix <- matrixStats::rowCounts(nax)# much faster
  miy <- matrixStats::rowCounts(nay)

  # good obs
  goodx <- mix<(py - 3) # need at least 3 obs per row to compute stats ...
  goody <- miy<(py - 3)

  # missing obs in percentage
  mix <- mix/py*100
  miy <- miy/py*100

  if("missing_x" %in% stats){
    res[,"missing_x"] <- mix
    res[,"missing_y"] <- miy

  if("smoothness_x" %in% stats){
    difx <- matrixStats::rowDiffs(x[goodx,]) # derivative
    difx <- rowMeans(abs(difx),na.rm=T)
    # difx <- rowMeans(abs(t(t(difx)/as.numeric(diff(z)))),na.rm=T) # this is the correct derivative
    dify <- matrixStats::rowDiffs(y[goody,]) # derivative
    dify <- rowMeans(abs(dify),na.rm=T)
    res[goodx,"smoothness_x"] <- difx
    res[goody,"smoothness_y"] <- dify

  if(any(stats %in% c("atime_x","btime_x"))){
    ## add 1 for a model with an intercept
    z <- cbind(1, (z - min(z))/365.25) # to get yearly coeff
    abx <-  t(apply(x[goodx,],1,function(y){ia <- !is.na(y);stats::lm.fit(y = y[ia],x=z[ia,])$coefficient}))
    aby <-  t(apply(y[goody,],1,function(y){ia <- !is.na(y);stats::lm.fit(y = y[ia],x=z[ia,])$coefficient}))
    if("atime_x" %in% stats){
        res[goodx,"atime_x"] <- abx[,1]
        res[goody,"atime_y"] <- aby[,1]
    if("btime_x" %in% stats){
        res[goodx,"btime_x"] <- abx[,2]
        res[goody,"btime_y"] <- aby[,2]

  # now keep only complete cases
    x[nay] <- NA
    y[nax] <- NA

  # remove rows with only NA
  good <- goodx & goody
  x <- x[good,,drop=F]
  y <- y[good,,drop=F]
  ny <- sum(good)

  # if there is at least one complete case ...

    n <- py - matrixStats::rowCounts(y,value = NA) # n complete cases

    mx <- .rowMeans(x,ny,py,na.rm = TRUE) # mean x
    my <- .rowMeans(y,ny,py,na.rm = TRUE) # mean x

    xmx <- x - mx # deviation to the mean x
    ymy <- y - my # deviation to the mean y

    sdx <- (.rowSums(xmx^2,ny,py,na.rm=T)/(n-1))^.5 # standard deviation x
    sdy <- (.rowSums(ymy^2,ny,py,na.rm=T)/(n-1))^.5 # standard deviation y

    if(any(stats %in% c("cor","ax","bx","by","ay","acu","acs","rmpds","rmpdu","mpdpu","mpdps"))){

      covxy <- .rowSums(xmx*ymy,ny,py,na.rm=T)/(n-1) # covariance
      r <- covxy/(sdx*sdy) # correlation
      if("cor" %in% stats)
        res[good,"cor"] <- r

      if(any(stats %in% c("ax","bx","acu","acs","rmpds","rmpdu","mpdps","mpdpu"))){
        bx <- sdx/sdy * sign(r)  # coefficient of the GMFR x = a + by
        ax <- mx - (bx*my)  # intercept of the GMFR x = a + by
        xhat <- ax + (bx*y)
        if("ax" %in% stats)
          res[good,"ax"] <- ax
        if("bx" %in% stats)
          res[good,"bx"] <- bx

      if(any(stats %in% c("ay","by","acu","acs","rmpds","rmpdu","mpdps","mpdpu"))){
        by <- sdy/sdx * sign(r) # coefficient of the GMFR y = a + bx
        ay <- my - (by*mx) # intercept of the GMFR y = a + bx
        yhat <- ay + (by*x)
        if("ay" %in% stats)
          res[good,"ay"] <- ay
        if("by" %in% stats)
          res[good,"by"] <- by

    if(any(stats %in% c("mbe","ac","acs","acu"))){
      mbe <- (mx-my) # mbe
      if("mbe" %in% stats)
        res[good,"mbe"] <- mbe

    if(any(stats %in% c("rmsd","rmspd","ac","acs","acu","mbe","rmpds","mpdpu","mpdps"))){

      ssd <- .rowSums((x-y)^2,ny,py,na.rm=T) # sum of squared differences

      if(any(stats %in% c("ac","acs","acu"))){
        mbe <- abs(mbe)
        spod <- .rowSums((mbe + abs(x - mx))*(mbe + abs(y - my)),ny,py,na.rm=T) # sum of potential differences
        if("ac" %in% stats){
          ac <- 1 - (ssd/spod) # agreement coefficient
          ac <- pmax(ac,-1) # restrict to [-1;1]
          res[good,"ac"] <- ac

      if(any(stats %in% c("rmsd","rmspd","mpdpu","mpdps"))){
        msd <- ssd / n # mean squared difference
        if(any(stats %in% c("rmsd","rmspd"))){
          rmsd <- msd^.5
          if("rmsd" %in% stats)
            res[good,"rmsd"] <- rmsd
          if("rmspd" %in% stats){
            rmspd <- rmsd/my
            res[good,"rmspd"] <- rmspd

    if(any(stats %in% c("acu","acs","rmpdu","rmpds","mpdps","mpdpu"))){

      spdu <- .rowSums(abs(x - xhat)*abs(y - yhat),ny,py,na.rm=T) # unsystematic sum of product-difference

      if(any(stats %in% c("rmpdu","mpdpu","mpdpu"))){
        mpdu <- spdu/n
        if("rmpdu" %in% stats){
          rmpdu <- (mpdu)^.5
          res[good,"rmpdu"] <- rmpdu
        if("mpdpu" %in% stats){
          mpdpu <- mpdu/msd
          res[good,"mpdpu"] <- mpdpu

      if("acu" %in% stats){
        acu <- 1 - (spdu/spod)
        acu <- pmax(acu,-1) # restrict to [-1;1]
        res[good,"acu"] <- acu

      if(any(stats %in% c("acs","rmpds","mpdps"))){
        spds <- ssd - spdu # systematic sum of product-difference
        if (any(stats %in% c("rmpds","mpdps"))){
          mpds <- spds/n
          if("rmpds" %in% stats){
            rmpds <- (mpds)^.5
            res[good,"rmpds"] <- rmpds
          if("mpdps" %in% stats){
            mpdps <- mpds/msd
            res[good,"mpdps"] <- mpdps

        if("acs" %in% stats){
          acs <- 1 - (spds/spod)
          acs <- pmax(acs,-1) # restrict to [-1;1]
          res[good,"acs"] <- acs
antoinestevens/copernicus documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:23 p.m.