
#' freq.tab
#' Creates a simple frequency table and stores it in a data.frame.
#' In additiion it adds attributes (header, sub.header, answer, type) to the output data.frame.
#'@param x a vector
#'@param weighs a numeric vector of weights
#'@param transpose transposes the table if set as TRUE
#'@param cells a vector indicating which cells to export.Default is c("count", "pct")
#'@return a data.frame
#'@export freq.tab

freq.tab <- function(x, transpose=FALSE, weights=NULL, digits=3, cumsum = TRUE, screen = TRUE){
  count <- wtd.table(x, weights, type='table')
  count[(length(count)+1)] <- sum(count) # addmargins fucker med mig ved named numericals
  names(count)[length(count)] <- "Total"
  count <- round(count)
  pct <- wpct(x, weights)
  pct.cumsum  <- cumsum(pct)
  pct[(length(pct)+1)] <- sum(pct)
  names(pct)[length(pct)] <- "Total"
  pct <- round(pct, digits)
  if (cumsum){
            cumsum              <- c(pct.cumsum,pct.cumsum[length(pct.cumsum)])
            cumsum              <- round(cumsum, digits)
            out                 <- cbind(count,pct,cumsum)
            dimnames(out)[[2]]  <- c("Antal", "Procent","Kumulativ procent")
  else {
            out <- cbind(count,pct)
            dimnames(out)[[2]] <- c("Antal", "Procent") 
  out <- data.frame(out, check.names=FALSE)
  if (screen)
  out[,2:3]    <- out[,2:3]*100
  if (transpose)
    out <- data.frame(t(out), check.names=FALSE)
  attributes(out)$header <- attributes(x)$header
  attributes(out)$sub.header <- attributes(x)$sub.header
  attributes(out)$answer <- attributes(x)$answer
  attributes(out)$type <- "freq.tab"

#' freq.mc
#' Creates a multiple choice frequency table from the column vectors in a data.frame.
#' When working with survey data one often finds oneself with a single variable for each element of a multiple choice question. 
#' This function performs a frequency table on each variable in x and compounds the yes.answer into a single frequency table 
#' and stores it in a data.frame.
#' If a column vector within x does not have an answer attribute acribed to it, then yes.answer and row.number can be used
#' to match which element of the vector the function should use instead.
#'@param x a data.frame
#'@param yes.answer a character value that can be used to match which element of a column vector to use in creating 
#'the multiple choice frequency table.
#'@param row.number a numerical value that can be used to match which element of a column vector to use in creating 
#'the multiple choice frequency table.
#'@return a data.frame
#'@export freq.mc

freq.mc  <- function(x, cells=c("count", "pct"), yes.answer=NULL, row.number=1,weight=NULL){
  if (!is.data.frame(x))
    warning("x is not a data.frame. If x is a vector consider using freq.tab function instead")
  tab.list <- llply(x,freq.tab, cells=cells, weight=weight)
  row.out <- headers <- sub.headers <- answers <- has.header <- has.sub.header <- has.answer <- vector(length=length(tab.list))
  for (i in 1:length(tab.list)){
    has.header[i]            <- !is.null(attributes(tab.list[[i]])$header)
    has.sub.header[i]        <- !is.null(attributes(tab.list[[i]])$sub.header)
    has.answer[i]            <- !is.null(attributes(tab.list[[i]])$answer)
    if (has.header[i])
      headers[i] <- attributes(tab.list[[i]])$header
      headers[i] <- names(tab.list)[i]
    if (has.sub.header[i])
      sub.headers[i] <- attributes(tab.list[[i]])$sub.header
    if (has.answer[i])
      answers[i] <- attributes(tab.list[[i]])$answer
      if (!is.null(yes.answer)){
        if (yes.answer %in% rownames(tab.list[[i]]))
          answers[i] <- rownames(tab.list[[i]])[rownames(tab.list[[i]])==yes.answer]
        answers[i] <- rownames(tab.list[[i]])[row.number]
  if(length(unique(headers)) == 1)
    header <- headers[1]
    header <- "" 
  no.cols <- vector(length=length(tab.list))
  for (i in 1:length(tab.list)) 
    no.cols[i] <- unlist(ncol(tab.list[[i]]))
  n.col           <- max(no.cols)
  n.rows          <- length(tab.list)
  out             <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=n.rows, ncol=n.col))
  if (!"count" %in% cells)
    names(out) <- "Procent"

  if (!"pct" %in% cells)
    names(out) <- "Antal"
  if ("count" %in% cells && "pct" %in% cells)
    names(out)      <- c("Antal", "Procent")
  dup.answers <-  duplicated(answers)
  dup.sub.headers <-  duplicated(sub.headers)
  if (unique(dup.answers[2:length(dup.answers)])){
    if (!unique(dup.headers[2:length(dup.headers)]))
      row.names(out) <- headers
    if (!unique(dup.sub.headers[2:length(dup.sub.headers)]))
      row.names(out) <- sub.headers
    row.names(out) <- answers

  for (i in 1:length(tab.list)){
    row.out[i] <- which(rownames(tab.list[[i]]) %in% answers[i])
    out[i,] <- tab.list[[i]][row.out[i],]
  attributes(out)$header          <- header
  attributes(out)$type            <- "freq.mc"

#' freq.scale
#' Creates a frequency table from the column vectors in a data.frame.
#' @param x a data.frame
#' @param weighs a numeric vector of weights
#' @param header add a header (for tabout)
#' @param cells a vector indicating which cells to export.Default is c("count", "pct")
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export freq.scale

freq.scale <- function(x,cells=c("count", "pct"), weight=NULL, header=NULL){
  if (is.data.frame(x)){
    tab.list.count <- llply(x,freq.tab, cells="count", weight=weight, transpose=T)
    tab.list.pct   <- llply(x,freq.tab, cells="pct", weight=weight, transpose=T)
    tab.list.count <- list(freq.tab(x, cells="count", weight=weight, transpose=T))
    tab.list.pct <- list(freq.tab(x, cells="pct", weight=weight, transpose=T))
  if (is.data.frame(x)){
    x.numeric       <- llply(x, as.numeric)
    Gennemsnit      <- laply(x.numeric, mean, na.rm=T)
    x.numeric       <- laply(x, as.numeric)
    Gennemsnit      <- mean(x.numeric, na.rm=T)
  Gennemsnit      <- round(Gennemsnit,2)
  Antal <- vector(length=length(tab.list.pct))
  for (i in 1:length(tab.list.count))
    Antal[i] <- unlist(tab.list.count[[i]][length(tab.list.count[[i]])])
  no.rows <- vector(length=length(tab.list.pct))
  no.col  <- ncol(tab.list.pct[[1]])+2
  out.pct <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(no.rows), ncol=no.col))
  for (i in 1:length(tab.list.pct)){
    out.pct[i,] <- cbind(tab.list.pct[[i]], Antal[i],Gennemsnit[i])
  col.names <- vector("list",length=length(tab.list.pct))
  has.header <- has.sub.header <- headers <- sub.headers <- vector(length=length(tab.list.pct))
  for (i in 1:length(tab.list.pct)){
    col.names[[i]]        <- attributes(tab.list.pct[[i]])$names
    has.header[i]         <- !is.null(attributes(tab.list.pct[[i]])$header)
    has.sub.header[i]     <- !is.null(attributes(tab.list.pct[[i]])$sub.header)
    if (has.header[i])
      headers[i]    <- unlist(attributes(tab.list.pct[[i]])$header)
    #                     else 
    #                               headers[i]    <- attributes(tab.list.pct)$names[i]
    if (has.sub.header[i])
      sub.headers[i]    <- unlist(attributes(tab.list.pct[[i]])$sub.header)  
      sub.headers[i]    <- attributes(tab.list.pct)$names[i]
  if (!is.null(header))
    header <- header
      header <- headers[1]
  row.names(out.pct) <- sub.headers
  names(out.pct)     <- c(col.names[[1]],"Antal", "Gennemsnit")
  attributes(out.pct)$header <- header
  attributes(out.pct)$answer <- sub.headers
  attributes(out.pct)$type <- "frec.scale"

#' cross.tab
#' Creates a frequency table from the column vectors in a data.frame.
#' @param x a vector
#' @param y a vector
#' @param weighs a numeric vector of weights
#' @param either "row", "column" or "count"
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export cross.tab

cross.tab  <- function(dep,indep, cells="prop.r", chisq=T, weight=NULL, digits = 3){
          table <- crosstab(dep,indep, weight, plot = F, prop.r = T, prop.c = T, prop.t = T, chisq = T)
          if(any(c("Row","row","r","R", "prop.r", "Prop.r") %in% cells)){
                    tab                       <- round(addmargins(table$prop.row,2),digits)
                    colnames(tab)[ncol(tab)]  <- "Total"
          if(any(c("Col","col","c","C","Columns","columns", "prop.c", "Prop.c") %in% cells)){
                    tab                       <- round(addmargins(table$prop.col,1),digits)
                    rownames(tab)[nrow(tab)]  <- "Total"
          if(any(c("Count","count") %in% cells)){
                    tab                       <- round(addmargins(table$t,2),digits)
                    colnames(tab)[ncol(tab)]  <- "Total"
          out            <- as.data.frame.matrix(tab)
                    cst                      <- table$CST
                    attributes(out)$p.value  <- cst$p.value
                    attributes(out)$CST      <- cst
          #           attributes(out)$header <- paste(attributes(y)$var.lab,"BY",attributes(x)$header)
          #           attributes(out)$type  <- "cross"
antongrau/soc.report documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:25 p.m.