
#' Collects safety z-scores for companies
#' Given a data frame of companies (names and tickers), a data frame of financial
#' statements, and a data frame of daily price data, calculates BAB, IVOL, LEV, 
#' O, Z, and EVOL, and determines the z-score of overall safety for each company 
#' based on the paper Quality Minus Junk (Asness et al.) in Appendix page A2.
#' @param companies A data frame of company names and tickers.
#' @param financials A data frame containing financial statements for every 
#' company.
#' @param prices A data frame containing the daily market closing prices and 
#' returns. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{market_data}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{market_profitability}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{market_growth}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{market_payouts}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' companies <- qmjdata::companies[1,]
#' market_safety(companies, qmjdata::financials, qmjdata::prices)
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr filter distinct arrange
#' @export

market_safety <- function(companies = qmjdata::companies, financials = qmjdata::financials, prices = qmjdata::prices) {
  if (length(companies$ticker) == 0) {
    stop("first parameter requires a ticker column.")
  if (length(which(financials$TCSO < 0))) {
    stop("Negative TCSO exists.")
  allcompanies <- data.frame(companies$ticker)
  colnames(allcompanies) <- "ticker"
  ## set unavailable financial info to 0
  financials[is.na(financials)] <- 0
  ## set unavailable price data to 0
  prices[is.na(prices)] <- 0
  prices$pret[is.nan(prices$pret)] <- 0
  prices$pret[is.infinite(prices$pret)] <- 0
  currentyear <- as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))
  market <- dplyr::filter(prices, ticker == "GSPC")
  nogspc <- dplyr::filter(prices, ticker != "GSPC")
  year <- numeric()
  if (sum(as.numeric(sub("-.*", "", market$date)) == currentyear) <= 150) {
    year <- currentyear - 1
  } else {
    year <- currentyear
  marketlistb <- market[grepl(year, market$date), ]
  ## merge to allow cross column comparisons in price returns and closing prices
  mergedail <- merge(marketlistb, nogspc, by = "date")
  ## separates into a list indexed by ticker
  splitdail <- split(mergedail, mergedail$ticker.y)
  ## Stores list of indices for a company ticker.
  splitindices <- split(seq(nrow(prices)), prices$ticker)
  companiesstored <- names(splitindices)
  modifiedsetdiff <- function(x.1, x.2, ...) {
    x.1p <- do.call("paste", x.1[, 1:5])
    x.2p <- do.call("paste", x.2[, 1:5])
    x.1[!x.1p %in% x.2p, ]
  fin <- financials
  fin <- dplyr::arrange(financials, desc(year))
  fstyear <- dplyr::distinct_(fin, "ticker")
  fin <- modifiedsetdiff(fin, fstyear)
  sndyear <- dplyr::distinct_(fin, "ticker")
  fin <- modifiedsetdiff(fin, sndyear)
  thdyear <- dplyr::distinct_(fin, "ticker")
  fthyear <- modifiedsetdiff(fin, thdyear)
  fthyear <- dplyr::distinct_(fthyear, "ticker")
  ## Forces all data frames to have the same number of rows.
  fstyear <- merge(allcompanies, fstyear, by = "ticker", all.x = TRUE)
  sndyear <- merge(allcompanies, sndyear, by = "ticker", all.x = TRUE)
  thdyear <- merge(allcompanies, thdyear, by = "ticker", all.x = TRUE)
  fthyear <- merge(allcompanies, fthyear, by = "ticker", all.x = TRUE)
  ## functions calculate individual components of safety
  merger <- function(company_ticker) {
    result <- -(cov(as.numeric(as.character(splitdail[[company_ticker]]$pret.y)), as.numeric(as.character(splitdail[[company_ticker]]$pret.x)))/var(as.numeric(as.character(splitdail[[company_ticker]]$pret.x))))
    if (is.na(result)) {
      warning(paste(paste("BAB for", company_ticker, sep = " "), "generated NA", sep = " "))
  calc_ivol <- function(company_ticker) {
    if (length(splitdail[[company_ticker]]) > 0) {
      lmobj <- lm(as.numeric(as.character(splitdail[[company_ticker]]$pret.y)) ~ as.numeric(as.character(splitdail[[company_ticker]]$pret.x)))
    } else {
      warning(paste(paste("IVOL for", company_ticker, sep = " "), "generated NA", sep = " "))
  lev <- function(td, ta) {
  calcmean <- function(indexlist) {
    indexlist <- as.numeric(indexlist)
    closingprices <- prices$close[indexlist]
  marketequity <- function(closemeans, tcso) {
  evol <- function(ni1, ni2, ni3, ni4, tlse1, tlse2, tlse3, tlse4, tl1, tl2, tl3, tl4, rps1, rps2, rps3, rps4, nrps1, nrps2, nrps3, nrps4) {
    val1 <- ni1/(tlse1 - tl1 - (rps1 + nrps1))
    val2 <- ni2/(tlse2 - tl2 - (rps2 + nrps2))
    val3 <- ni3/(tlse3 - tl3 - (rps3 + nrps3))
    val4 <- ni4/(tlse4 - tl4 - (rps4 + nrps4))
    sd(c(val1, val2, val3, val4), na.rm = TRUE)
  intwo <- function(ni1, ni2) {
    as.numeric(ni1 > 0 && ni2 > 0)
  ## apply the calculation functions to all companies without needing a slow loop.
  BAB <- sapply(companies$ticker, merger)
  IVOL <- sapply(companies$ticker, calc_ivol)
  LEV <- mapply(lev, fstyear$TD, fstyear$TA)
  closingmeans <- sapply(splitindices, calcmean)
  tempframe <- data.frame(companiesstored, closingmeans)
  colnames(tempframe) <- c("ticker", "close")
  tempframe <- merge(allcompanies, tempframe, by = "ticker", all.x = TRUE)
  ME <- mapply(marketequity, tempframe$close, fstyear$TCSO)
  WC <- fstyear$TCA - fstyear$TCL
  RE <- fstyear$NI - (fstyear$DIVC * fstyear$TCSO)
  EBIT <- fstyear$NI - fstyear$DO + (fstyear$IBT - fstyear$IAT) + fstyear$NINT
  SALE <- fstyear$TREV
  Z <- (1.2 * WC + 1.4 * RE + 3.3 * EBIT + 0.6 * ME + SALE)/(fstyear$TA)
  EVOL <- mapply(evol, fstyear$NI, sndyear$NI, thdyear$NI, fthyear$NI, fstyear$TLSE, sndyear$TLSE, thdyear$TLSE, fthyear$TLSE, fstyear$TL, sndyear$TL, 
    thdyear$TL, fthyear$TL, fstyear$RPS, sndyear$RPS, thdyear$RPS, fthyear$RPS, fstyear$NRPS, sndyear$NRPS, thdyear$NRPS, fthyear$NRPS)
  ADJASSET <- fstyear$TA + (0.1 * (ME - (fstyear$TLSE - fstyear$TL) - fstyear$RPS - fstyear$NRPS))
  TLTA <- (fstyear$TD - fstyear$NI - fstyear$RPS - fstyear$NRPS)/ADJASSET
  WCTA <- (fstyear$TCA - fstyear$TCL)/ADJASSET
  CLCA <- fstyear$TCL/fstyear$TCA
  OENEG <- fstyear$NI > fstyear$TA
  NITA <- fstyear$NI/fstyear$TA
  FUTL <- fstyear$IBT/fstyear$TL
  INTWO <- mapply(intwo, fstyear$NI, sndyear$NI)
  CHIN <- (fstyear$NI - sndyear$NI)/(abs(fstyear$NI) + abs(sndyear$NI))
  O <- -(-1.32 - 0.407 * log(ADJASSET/100) + 6.03 * TLTA - 1.43 * WCTA + 0.076 * CLCA - 1.72 * OENEG - 2.37 * NITA - 1.83 * FUTL + 0.285 * INTWO - 0.521 * 
  ## removes potential errors from Inf values
  BAB[is.infinite(BAB)] <- 0
  IVOL[is.infinite(IVOL)] <- 0
  LEV[is.infinite(LEV)] <- 0
  O[is.infinite(O)] <- 0
  Z[is.infinite(Z)] <- 0
  EVOL[is.infinite(EVOL)] <- 0
  ## scale converts the individual scores for these values into z-scores.
  BAB <- scale(BAB)
  IVOL <- scale(IVOL)
  LEV <- scale(LEV)
  O <- scale(O)
  Z <- scale(Z)
  EVOL <- scale(EVOL)
  # removes potential errors from nan values
  BAB[is.nan(BAB)] <- 0
  IVOL[is.nan(IVOL)] <- 0
  LEV[is.nan(LEV)] <- 0
  O[is.nan(O)] <- 0
  Z[is.nan(Z)] <- 0
  EVOL[is.nan(EVOL)] <- 0
  safety <- BAB + IVOL + LEV + O + Z + EVOL
  safety <- scale(safety)
  data.frame(ticker = companies$ticker, safety = safety, BAB = BAB, IVOL = IVOL, LEV = LEV, O = O, Z = Z, EVOL = EVOL)
anttsou/qmj documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:28 p.m.