
Defines functions fhmm

Documented in fhmm

#' Fit a finite heirarchical mixture model
#' @description 
#' Fits a finite heirarchical mixture model for comparison to the Nested Dirichlet Process
#' the prior concentration parameters for both mixture components w and pi are fixed to be one.
#' @param r vector of distances  associated with differing groups
#' @param n_j matrix of integers denoting the start and length of each school's associated BEF distances
#' @param L component truncation number
#' @param K intensity cluster truncation number
#' @param mu_0 mean hyperparameter for mu normal base measure. Default is 0; Normal(0,1).
#' @param kappa_0 variance hyperparameter for mu normal base measure. Default is 1; Normal(0,1).
#' @param nu_0 df hyperparameter for sigma inv chisq base measure. Default is 1; InvChisq(1,1);
#' @param sigma_0 scale hyperparameter for sigma inv chisq base measure. Default is 1; InvChisq(1,1);
#' @param iter_max total number of iterations for which to run sampler
#' @param warm_up number of iterations for which to burn-in or "warm-up" sampler
#' @param thin number of iterations to thin by
#' @param seed integer with which to initialize random number generator
#' @export
fhmm <- function(r, n_j,
                 mu_0 = 0, kappa_0 = 1,
                 nu_0 = 1, sigma_0 = 1,
                 L = 4 , K = 4,
                 iter_max, warm_up,
                 thin = 1,
                 include_warmup = FALSE,
                 seed = NULL

    call <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
    J <-  nrow(n_j)
    ## basic checks
    if(iter_max <= warm_up)
      stop("warm_up must be < iter_max",.call = FALSE)
        stop("all r must be positive numbers", .call = FALSE)
        R <- ceiling(max(r)) + 1E-6 ## maximum radius
        r_ <- r / R ## scaled event radii
        r_ <-  r
        R <- 1

        seed <- 1L

	r_  <-  qnorm(r_)

	d <- seq(from = floor(min(r_)), to = ceiling(max(r_)), by = 0.01) ## distance grid
  num_posterior_samples <- sum(seq(from=warm_up+1,to = iter_max,by=1) %% thin == 0 )

  fit <- list(fhmm_fit(r = r_, n_j = n_j, d = d,
                  L = L, K = K, J = J,
                  mu_0 = mu_0, kappa_0 = kappa_0,
                  sigma_0 = sigma_0, nu_0 = nu_0,
                  iter_max = iter_max, warm_up = warm_up,
                  thin = thin, seed = seed, chain = 1,
                  num_posterior_samples = num_posterior_samples))

  out <- hmm(c(list(K = K, L = L, d = R*pnorm(d), n = sum(n_j[,2]),
                  call = call), fit),chains = 1)


apeterson91/fhmm documentation built on Nov. 2, 2019, 1:58 p.m.