#' Weak-IV Robust Anderson Rubin Test
# fork of `ivmodel::AR.test` that accepts FELM objects and fits models with FEs
#' @param data dataframe
#' @param Y outcome (string)
#' @param D treatment (string)
#' @param Z instrument (string)
#' @param controls control variables (character vector)
#' @param FE fixed effects (character vector)
#' @param cl Cluster name
#' @param weights weighting vector
#' @param prec precision of CI in string
#' @param CI whether to conduct inversion to get CI
#' @param alpha level of statitical significance
#' @param parallel parallel computing
#' @param cores number of cores
#' @importFrom lfe felm
#' @export
AR_test = function(
data, Y, D, Z, controls, FE = NULL, cl = NULL,
weights = NULL, prec = 4, CI = TRUE, alpha = 0.05,
parallel = NULL, cores = NULL) {
# keep rows with complete data
X <- controls
data <- data[, c(Y, D, Z, X, FE, cl, weights)]
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ]
p_iv <- length(Z)
# parallelising
if (is.null(parallel) == TRUE) {
if (nrow(data) > 5000 & CI == TRUE) {
parallel <- TRUE
} else {
parallel <- FALSE
# Run IV regression once
ivfit <- IV(data = data, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, X = X, FE = FE, cl = cl, weights = weights)
beta_iv <- ivfit$coef
se_iv <- ivfit$se
beta_seq <- c(
seq(beta_iv - 10 * se_iv, beta_iv - 3.1 * se_iv, length.out = 100),
seq(beta_iv - 3 * se_iv, beta_iv + 3 * se_iv, by = 0.02 * se_iv),
seq(beta_iv + 3.1 * se_iv, beta_iv + 10 * se_iv, length.out = 100)
ngrid <- length(beta_seq)
# residualise
Ytil = suppressWarnings(partialer(Y, X = X, FE = FE, data = data, weights = weights))
Dtil = suppressWarnings(partialer(D, X = X, FE = FE, data = data, weights = weights))
Ztil = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = p_iv)
for (i in 1:length(Z)) {
Ztil[, i] = suppressWarnings(partialer(Z[i], X = X, FE = FE, data = data, weights = weights))
d <- cbind.data.frame(Ytil, Dtil, Ztil, data[, c(cl, weights)])
colnames(d) <- c(Y, D, Z, cl, weights)
# reduced form
fmla = formula_lfe(Y = Y, D = Z, X = NULL, FE = NULL, cl = cl)
# function to test each value on the real line
one.AR <- function(beta, d, Y, D, Z, cl, weights) {
d[, Y] <- d[, Y] - beta * d[, D]
p_iv <- length(Z)
reg <- OLS(data = d, Y = Y, D = Z, X = NULL, FE = NULL, cl = cl, weights = weights)
coef <- reg$coef
vcov <- reg$vcv
df2 <- reg$df
df1 <- p_iv
Fstat <- c((t(coef) %*% solve(vcov) %*% coef) / p_iv)
pval <- pf(Fstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
output <- c(Fstat, df1, df2, pval)
names(output) <- c("F", "df1", "df2", "p")
# AR test
Fstat <- one.AR(0, d = d, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, cl = cl, weights = weights)
# Confidence intervals
if (CI == TRUE) {
message("AR Test Inversion...\n")
if (parallel == FALSE) {
accept <- rep(NA, ngrid)
for (i in 1:ngrid) {
test.out <- one.AR(beta_seq[i], d = d, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, cl = cl, weights = weights)
accept[i] <- ifelse(test.out[4] >= alpha, 1, 0)
} else {
# parallel computing
if (is.null(cores)) {
cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
message("Parallelising on ", cores, " cores \n\n", sep = "")
# register
cl.parallel <- future::makeClusterPSOCK(cores, verbose = FALSE)
expfun <- c("OLS", "IV", "formula_lfe", "OLS")
accept <- foreach(
i = 1:ngrid, .combine = c, .inorder = FALSE,
.export = expfun,
.packages = c("lfe")
) %dopar% {
test.out <- one.AR(beta_seq[i], d = d, Y = Y, D = D, Z = Z, cl = cl, weights = weights)
return(ifelse(test.out[4] >= alpha, 1, 0))
# summarize ("accept" means reject the null)
bounded <- FALSE
if (sum(accept) == ngrid) {
ci <- c(-Inf, Inf)
ci.print <- "(-Inf, Inf)" # all accepted
} else if (sum(accept) == 0) {
ci <- NA
ci.print <- "empty"
} else if (accept[1] == 0 && accept[ngrid] == 0) { # e.g. 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
betas <- range(beta_seq[accept == 1])
ci <- round(betas, prec)
ci.print <- paste0("[", sprintf(paste0("%.", prec, "f"), betas[1]), ", ", sprintf(paste0("%.", prec, "f"), betas[2]), "]") # bounded interval
bounded <- TRUE
} else if (accept[1] == 1 && accept[ngrid] == 1) {
betas <- round(range(beta_seq[accept == 0]), prec) # e.g. 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
ci <- c(-Inf, betas[1], betas[2], Inf)
ci.print <- paste0("(-Inf, ", sprintf(paste0("%.", prec, "f"), betas[1]), "] Union [", sprintf(paste0("%.", prec, "f"), betas[2]), ", Inf)")
} else if (accept[1] == 0 && accept[ngrid] == 1) {
betas <- round(range(beta_seq[accept == 1]), prec) # e.g. 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
ci <- c(betas[1], Inf)
ci.print <- paste0("[", sprintf(paste0("%.", prec, "f"), betas[1]), ", Inf)")
} else if (accept[1] == 1 && accept[ngrid] == 0) {
betas <- round(range(beta_seq[accept == 1]), prec) # e.g. 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
ci <- c(-Inf, betas[2])
ci.print <- paste0("(-Inf, ", sprintf(paste0("%.", prec, "f"), betas[2]), "]")
## Print acceptance ##
# accept <- cbind(beta_seq, accept)
# rownames(accept) <- NULL
# colnames(accept) <- c("beta", "accept")
# output
if (CI == TRUE) {
out <- list(Fstat = round(Fstat, prec), ci.print = ci.print, ci = ci, bounded = bounded)
} else {
out <- list(Fstat = round(Fstat, prec))
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