Man pages for arendsee/fagin
Annotate Orphan Genes

configGet a default configuration object
config_alignment-classAlignment settings and thresholds
config_alignment_simulation-classSimulation parameters
config_alignment_thresholds-classThresholds for alignment significance
config_input-classPaths to inputs and the focal species name
config_orf-classSettings for Open Reading Frame finding
config_synder-classSettings for Synder
derived_input-classClass containing all data required for a Fagin run
derive_genomic_ORFsDerive mono-exonic ORF intervals from a genome
derive_nstringDerive N-interval table from a genome
derive_transcript_ORFsDerive ORFs from transcripts
determine_labelsMerge labels for all species
determine_originsGiven a species tree and a set of labels, determine orphan...
dgumbelGumbel density function
dnaregexInternal function for extracting intervals from pattern...
dna_summary-classSummary of a set of DNA sequences
extract_with_complementsExtract DNA intervals, reverse complementing them if they are...
faa_summary-classSummary of a set of protein sequences
faginfagin: Trace the origins of orphan genes
fagin_config-classThe top configuration class
fagin_ioInput and output
fagin_printerSpecial printers
fagin_summarySummarize functions
final_protein_residue_countsGet a table listing the last protein residue proportions for...
genomic_compositionSummarize the genomic composition of each species
get_speciesGet all species in the study
get_species_phylogenetic_orderGet the phylogenetic order of species (mostly useful for...
get_summariesTranspose the species data summaries
get_synder_count_tableGet summary table of synder search intervals per gene counts
get_synder_nsiGet tables of number of search intervals
get_targetsGet the target species from a config object
gff_summary-classSummary of a GFF file
granges_summary-classSummary of a IRanges or GRanges file (without the types of a...
initial_protein_residue_countsGet a table listing the first protein residue counts for each...
load_gene_modelsLoad a GFF file as a GenomicFeatures object
make_excel_spreadsheetCreate an excel spreadsheet of fagin results
make_fagin_cacherBuild the cacher that will be used inside rmonad
make_format_translation_warningCollate the warnings of a Biostrings::translate function
make_genome_tableTabulate states for each genome
make_origin_tableMake a table of the origin summaries for each gene
make_query_target_tableTabulate the query to target relationships
make_result_archiveOrganize output data into a small archive
make_secondary_genewise_tableMake a table of the secondary labels for each query gene
make_secondary_labels_tableSummarize secondary labels as a table
make_synder_flag_tableSummarize the synder flags for each species
make_synder_tableTabulate states for each genome
make_synmap_tableTabulate states for each genome
merge_named_vectorsMerge named vectors into a data.frame
number_of_scaffoldsGet a table listing the scaffold count for each species
numeric_summary-classSummary of a numeric vector
pgumbelGumbel function
phase_summary-classCDS phase summary
plot_secondary_labelsPlot the secondary labels
primary_dataLoad primary data
protein_has_internal_stopCount the internal stop codons in each species protein models
qgumbelGumbel function
run_faginRun a Fagin analysis
secondary_dataLoad secondary data
seq_summary-classSummary of a sequence
species_data_files-classReferences to each of the RData files for a given species
species_meta-classData summaries and references to full data for a given...
species_summaries-classSummaries of the data stored for each species
synmap_summary-classSummary of a single synteny map
synteny_meta-classSummaries of every synteny map and references to full data
tertiary_dataLoad tertiary data
validate_configValidate a configuration
yeast_configInitialize the configuration for the yeast case study
arendsee/fagin documentation built on Aug. 27, 2019, 11:58 a.m.