
Defines functions default_bind_else bypass_combine default_combine branch_combine emit_default entry_lhs_transform_default store_value eval_function_metadata .eval .as_positional_formals bind as_monad

Documented in as_monad bind

#' Deprecated name for evalwrap
#' @param ... arguments passed to evalwrap
#' @export
as_monad <- function(...){

#' Apply f to the contents of a monad and merge messages 
#' This function should not be used directly. Rather you should use the infix
#' operators. They all wrap this function.
#' @param x The input, may or may not be a monad report
#' @param f A function of the value contained in x
#' @param entry_lhs_transform f(m,x,...) a transform of the lhs called on entry
#' @param bind_if f(m) bind rhs to lhs if TRUE
#' @param bind_else f(m,f) action to take if bind_if is FALSE
#' @param emit f(i,o) Emit the input or the output
#' @param .single_on_bind f(m) Action to perform on input monad when binding
#' @param bind_args function to retrieve the arguments
#' @param io_combine f(m,o) weave m and f(m) into final output
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A monad report
bind <- function(
  entry_lhs_transform = entry_lhs_transform_default,
  bind_if             = function(m) .single_OK(m),
  bind_else           = default_bind_else,
  emit                = emit_default,
  m_on_bind           = function(x, ...){x},
  io_combine          = default_combine,
  bind_args           = function(m) list(.single_value(m, warn=FALSE)),
  parent_ids          = function(m) list(.get_ids(m)[.single_id(m)]),
  expect_rhs_function = TRUE,
  envir               = parent.frame()
  # FIXME: cleanup this implementation

  fdecon <- extract_metadata(substitute(f), env=envir, skip_name=!expect_rhs_function)
  rhs_str <- deparse(fdecon$expr)
  rhs_doc <- fdecon$docstring
  rhs_met_raw <- fdecon$metadata # an unevaluated expression
  rhs_enclos <- fdecon$enclos

  xdecon <- extract_metadata(substitute(x), env=envir)
  lhs_str <- deparse(xdecon$expr)
  lhs_doc <- xdecon$docstring
  lhs_met_raw <- xdecon$metadata # an unevaluated expression
  lhs_enclos <- xdecon$enclos

  m <- entry_lhs_transform(x, f, desc=lhs_str)

  if(!has_doc(m, index=m@head)){
    .single_doc(m) <- lhs_doc
  if(!has_meta(m, index=m@head)){
    # FIXME: is this really where I want to evaluate the metadata?
    .single_meta(m) <- eval(lhs_met_raw, envir=lhs_enclos)

  o <- if(bind_if(m))
    fs <- fdecon$expr
    fl <- as.list(fs)

      bound_args <- bind_args(m)
      final_args <- bound_args

      # If the expressions is of form 'x %>>% Foo::bar'
      # No special handling needed if arguments are given
      if(fl[[1]] == '::' && length(fl) == 3) {
        new_function <- f
      # Evaluate '.' inside an anonymous function, e.g. 'x %>>% { 2 * . }'
      # If a expanded list is passed, accept keywords
      else if(fl[[1]] == '{'){
        keys <- names(final_args)
          keys <- rep("", length(final_args))
        if(keys[1] == ""){
          keys[1] <- "."
        if(any(keys == "")){
          msg <- "Error in %s: Arguments to an anonymous function must be named"
        names(final_args) <- keys

        new_function <- pryr::make_function(

        rhs_str <- deparse(new_function)
      # As in magrittr, fail if an anonymous function is in the pipeline
      # without the parentheses. The infix operators act on the function body
      else if(fl[[1]] == "function"){
        stop("Anonymous functions must be parenthesized", call.=FALSE)
      else if(fl[[1]] == "(" && fl[[2]][[1]] == "function"){
        new_function <- eval(fl[[2]], envir=envir)
      else {
        new_function <- eval(fl[[1]], envir=envir)
        final_args <- append(bound_args, fl[-1])

    o <- .eval(
      m    = m,
      func = new_function,
      args = final_args,
      env  = envir,
      code = rhs_str

    m <- m_on_bind(m)

    o <- io_combine(m=m, o=o, f=new_function, margs=parent_ids(m)) 

    rhs_met <- eval_function_metadata(
      f         = new_function,
      args      = final_args,
      meta_expr = rhs_met_raw,
      env       = envir,
      enclos    = rhs_enclos

    apply_rewriters(o, rhs_met)

  } else {
    rhs_met <- eval(rhs_met_raw, envir=envir, enclos=rhs_enclos)
    bind_else(m, f)

  # NOTE: This causes much pain. It is a hack I wrote for reasons I've
  # forgotten. There should be a more natural place to set this info. This
  # sometimes overwrites previous settings creating the most subtle bugs.
    .single_doc(o)  <- rhs_doc
    .single_meta(o) <- rhs_met
    .single_code(o) <- rhs_str

  result <- emit(m, o)
  .single_mem(result) <- as.integer(object.size(.single_value(result, warn=FALSE)))

# FIXME: Find a better way to do this. I need to replace a list of names with
# an `alist` of unnamed (positional) arguments.
.as_positional_formals <- function(arg_names){
  code_str <- sprintf("alist(%s)", paste0(arg_names, " = ", collapse=", ")) 

# Evaluate the expression, load timing info into resultant object
.eval <- function(
  m,     # LHS monad, needed for making the key
  func,  # main function
  args,  # arguments to the main function
  env,   # for evaluation in correct environment 
  code   # needed for making the key 

  key <- .digest(
    # parent key
    get_key(m, m@head)[[1]],
    # the function that will be executed
    # the RHS expression (distinguishes between arguments)
    # account for depth in the workflow
    get_depth(m, m@head)[[1]],
    # account for position among the children
    length(get_dependents(m, m@head)[[1]]),
    # a nest dependent raw vector

  .set_nest_salt(serialize(key, NULL))

  evalwrap(do.call(func, args, envir=env), desc=code, key=key, env=env) %>% .unnest

eval_function_metadata <- function(f, args, meta_expr, env, enclos){
  if(meta_expr == substitute(list())){

  body(f) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"), meta_expr))
  environment(f) <- enclos
  m_meta <- evalwrap(do.call(f, args), env=env)

  meta <- if(get_OK(m_meta, m_meta@head)){
    get_value(m_meta, m_meta@head)[[1]]
  } else {

    meta$.metadata_warnings <- get_warnings(m_meta)[[1]]
    meta$.metadata_error <- get_error(m_meta)[[1]]
    meta$.metadata_message <- get_notes(m_meta)[[1]]


## m_on_bind options

# preserve value upon future bind
store_value <- function(m) { .single_stored(m) <- TRUE ; m }

entry_lhs_transform_default <- function(m, f, ...) {
  # FIXME: This is a sneaky way of safely evaluating the lhs without nesting
  # the nads. I need a cleaner solution.
  evalwrap(m, lossy=TRUE, ...)

emit_default <- function(input, output) {
  # NOTE: output here is an Rmonad, not a value. It will be NULL only if no
  # bind operation was performed. It may wrap a NULL value.
  } else {

## io_combine options

branch_combine <- function(m, o, f, margs){
  # Add o as a normal child of m, preserving its value
  o2 <- .inherit(child=o, parent=m, force_keep=TRUE)
  if(has_nest(o, index=o@head)){
    o2 <- splice_function(f=f, m=o, ms=margs, final=o2)
  # Point head to the parent
  o2@head <- m@head

default_combine <- function(m, o, f, margs){
  o2 <- .inherit(child=o, parent=m, inherit_value=!.single_OK(o))
  if(has_nest(o, index=o@head)){
    o2 <- splice_function(f=f, m=o, ms=margs, final=o2)

bypass_combine <- function(m, o, f, margs){
  # the new value inherits the old value, losing whatever it had but the
  # pass/fail state of the child is preserved
  .inherit(child=o, parent=m, inherit_value=TRUE, inherit_OK=FALSE)

## bind_else

default_bind_else <- function(...){

arendsee/monadR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2020, 4:26 a.m.