
Defines functions update_options_in_list get_core_option_list_elements get_option_list_element_ids delete_options_in_list add_options_to_list create_new_option_list get_option_list_id delete_option_list get_all_option_lists get_option_lists

Documented in add_options_to_list create_new_option_list delete_option_list delete_options_in_list get_all_option_lists get_core_option_list_elements get_option_list_element_ids get_option_list_id get_option_lists update_options_in_list

#' Get a listing of the first 100 option lists in a given profile
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to get a listing of the first 100
#' option lists currently posted in the given profile. The API call limit is
#' currently set at 100 records.
#' @rdname get_option_lists
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param limit The maximum number of option lists to return
#' @param offset Skips the offset number of options before beginning to return
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return A listing of all option lists in the given profile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Get the id and name of all option lists in profile
#' option_lists <- get_option_lists(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect
#' option_lists
#' }
#' @export
get_option_lists <- function(server_name,
                             limit = 100,
                             offset = 0,
                             access_token) {
  optionlists_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                            "/optionlists?fields=fields&limit=", limit,
                            "&offset=", offset)
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::GET(url = optionlists_uri,
                 httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                 encode = "json")
  opts <- httr::content(r, type = "application/json")
  optx <- integer(length(opts))
  opt_id <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx),
                          function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$id))
  opt_name <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx),
                            function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$name))
  tibble::tibble(id = opt_id, name = opt_name)

#' Retrieve all option lists.
#' Retrieves all option lists in a profile in chunks of 100 (API call limit).
#' @rdname get_all_option_lists
#' @author Bill DeVoe, \email{William.DeVoe@@maine.gov}
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return Tibble of two columns containing the option list IDs and option
#'   list names: id <int>, name <chr>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Get the id and name of all option lists in profile
#' option_lists <- get_all_option_lists(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect
#' option_lists
#' }
#' @export
get_all_option_lists = function(server_name, profile_id, access_token) {
  # Blank tibble
  option_lists = tibble::tibble(id=integer(), name=character())
  # Start looping at list 0, in chunks of 100 (limit per api call)
  offset = 0
  while (T) {
    # Get chunk of 100
    chunk = get_option_lists(server_name, profile_id, limit = 100,
                             offset = offset, access_token)
    # Append to option list tibble
    for (row in 1:nrow(chunk)) {
      newid = chunk$id[row]
      newname = chunk$name[row]
      option_lists = dplyr::add_row(option_lists, id = newid,
                                    name = newname)
    # If the chunk is less than 100 escape the loop
    if (length(chunk$id) < 100) {break}
    # Increment offset by 100
    offset = offset + 100

#' Delete option list
#' Deletes an option list from a profile. Deleting options and option lists
#' should be done with consideration for existing data referencing the
#' list. As an alternative, options can be disabled by setting their condition
#' value to 'False'
#' @rdname delete_option_list
#' @author Bill DeVoe, \email{William.DeVoe@@maine.gov}
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @param option_list_id ID of the option list to be deleted.
#' @return ID of the option list to be deleted.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Delete option list
#' deleted_id <- delete_option_list(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = "your_profile_id",
#'   access_token = access_token,
#'   option_list_id)
#'   }
#' @export
delete_option_list <- function(server_name,
                               option_list_id) {
  delete_option_list_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                                   profile_id, "/optionlists/", option_list_id)
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  # No body, DELETE HTTP method
  r <- httr::DELETE(url = delete_option_list_uri,
                    httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                    encode = "json")
  response <- httr::content(r, type = "application/json")

#' Get the id of a single option list given an option list name
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to get the id number for a single
#' option list. You only need to supply the name of the option list.
#' @rdname get_option_list_id
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param option_list_name The name of the option list
#' @param limit The maximum number of option lists to return
#' @param offset Skips the offset number of options before beginning to return
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return A listing of all option lists in the given profile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Get the id of a single option list given the name
#' streams_option_list_id <- get_option_list_id(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   option_list_name = "SGS-Streams",
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' }
#' @export
get_option_list_id <- function(server_name,
                               limit = 1000,
                               offset = 0,
                               access_token) {
  optionlists_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                            "/optionlists?fields=fields&limit=", limit,
                            "&offset=", offset)
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::GET(url = optionlists_uri,
                 httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                 encode = "json")
  opts <- httr::content(r, type = "application/json")
  optx <- integer(length(opts))
  opt_id <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx),
                          function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$id))
  opt_name <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx),
                            function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$name))
  opt <- tibble::tibble(id = opt_id, name = opt_name)
  opt$id[opt$name == option_list_name]

#' Create a new option list
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to create a new option list. The new
#' option list will be created with the name you supply.
#' @rdname create_new_option_list
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param option_list_name A character name for the new option list
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return The id of the new option list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Create a new empty option list
#' new_option_list_id <- create_new_option_list(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   option_list_name = "SGS-Streams",
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect new option list id
#' option_list_id

#' # If successful, result should look something like:
#' # [1] 4423966
#' }
#' @export
create_new_option_list <- function(server_name,
                                   access_token) {
  optionlist_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                           profile_id, "/optionlists")
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::POST(url = optionlist_uri,
                  httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                  body = list(name = option_list_name),
                  encode = "json")
  list_id = httr::content(r, type = "application/json")$id
  if (!length(list_id) == 1) {
    stop("No optionlist id was returned")

#' Add option values to new option list
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to append a list of options in json
#' format to an existing option list. Please make sure that all option list
#' key_values are unique, otherwise new options will not be posted.
#' @rdname add_options_to_list
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param optionlist_id The id number for the option list
#' @param option_values A list of option values in json format
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return A vector of option list element ids, one for each option in the list
#' @examples
#' # The locations dataset is an example of a segmented option list
#' head(locations, 5)
#' # Convert locations dataframe to json
#' location_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(locations, auto_unbox = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Create a new empty option list
#' new_option_list_id <- create_new_option_list(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   option_list_name = "SGS-StreamLocations",
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect new option list id
#' new_option_list_id
#' # Add option elements from locations dataset to the new option list
#' option_ids <- add_options_to_list(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   optionlist_id = new_option_list_id,
#'   option_values = location_json
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect the first five new option list element ids.
#' head(option_ids, 5)
#' }
#' @export
add_options_to_list <- function(server_name,
                                access_token) {
  dup_chk <- jsonlite::fromJSON(option_values)
  if(!all(names(dup_chk) %in% c("sort_order", "label", "key_value", "condition_value"))) {
    stop(cat("\nUnrecognized option list names.\nNames can only consist of:\n",
             "'sort_order', 'label', 'key_value', or 'condition_value'.\n"))
  dup_chk <- dup_chk[, names(dup_chk)[!names(dup_chk) %in% "sort_order"]]
  if(any(duplicated(dup_chk))) {
    stop(cat("\nThere are duplicated items in the option list\n"))
  options_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                        "/optionlists/", optionlist_id,
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::POST(url = options_uri,
                  httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                  body = option_values,
                  encode = "json")
  as.vector(unlist(httr::content(r, type = "application/json")))

#' Delete all or some options in an option list
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to delete a list of option elements.
#' The elements to delete are specified by a .json list of element ids. Sort
#' order will automatically be reassigned after deleting specified elements.
#' @rdname delete_options_in_list
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id The id number of your profile
#' @param optionlist_id The id number for the option list
#' @param fields Placeholder for fields to delete, not yet implemented
#' @param id_values A .json list of ids for elements to delete
#' @param limit The maximum number of option elements to delete
#' @param offset Skips the offset number of options before beginning to delete
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return A vector of option list elements that were deleted
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Define .json list of ids for elements to delete
#' # Replace example values below with your own
#'   id_values = tibble::tibble(id = c(663487010, 663487013))
#'   id_values_json = jsonlite::toJSON(id_values, auto_unbox = TRUE)
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Delete specified elements from option list
#' deleted_ids <- delete_options_in_list(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   optionlist_id = your_option_list_id,
#'   id_values = id_values_json,
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect the first five deleted ids
#' head(deleted_ids, 5)
#' }
#' @export
delete_options_in_list <- function(server_name,
                                   fields = "fields",
                                   limit = 1000,
                                   offset = 0,
                                   access_token) {
  options_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                        "/optionlists/", optionlist_id,
                        "/options?fields=", fields,
                        "&limit=", limit,
                        "&offset=", offset)
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::DELETE(url = options_uri,
                    httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                    body = id_values,
                    encode = "json")
  as.vector(unlist(httr::content(r, type = "application/json")))

#' Get list of option_ids for a given element
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to get a list of all element ids in
#' an option list for a specific field. For example: \code{key_value}.
#' Returns a dataframe with ids and attributes of the specified element.
#' @rdname get_option_list_element_ids
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name.
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param optionlist_id The id number for the option list
#' @param element The specific option list element. For example: "key_value".
#' @param limit The maximum number of option element ids to return
#' @param offset Skips the offset number of options before beginning to return
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return A dataframe with id and attributes for the selected element.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Get the element ids
#' element_ids <- get_option_list_element_ids(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   optionlist_id = your_option_list_id,
#'   element = "key_value",
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect the first five element ids
#' head(element_ids, 5)
#' }
#' @export
get_option_list_element_ids <- function(server_name,
                                        limit = 1000,
                                        offset = 0,
                                        access_token) {
  fields = paste0("id:<," , element)
  if(!element %in% c("sort_order", "label", "key_value", "condition_value")) {
    stop(cat("Unrecognized element value.\nElement must be one of:\n",
             "'sort_order', 'label', 'key_value', or 'condition_value'.\n",
             "You entered:", element))
  optionlists_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                            "/optionlists/", optionlist_id,
                            "/options?fields=", fields,
                            "&limit=", limit,
                            "&offset=", offset)
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::GET(url = optionlists_uri,
                 httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                 encode = "json")
  opts <- httr::content(r, type = "application/json")
  optx <- integer(length(opts))
  opt_id <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx), function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$id))
  opt_element <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx), function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]][element]))
  dat = tibble::tibble(id = opt_id, element_name = opt_element)
  names(dat) <- c("id", element)

#' Get core elements in an option list
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to return the core option list
#' elements. Function will return the id, sort_order, label, key_value, and
#' condition_value.
#' @rdname get_core_option_list_elements
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param optionlist_id The id number for the option list
#' @param limit The maximum number of option list items to return
#' @param offset Skips the offset number of options before beginning to return
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return A dataframe of the core option list elements
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Get the core elements in an option list
#' core_elements <- get_core_option_list_elements(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   optionlist_id = your_option_list_id,
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect the first five core elements
#' head(core_elements, 5)
#' }
#' @export
get_core_option_list_elements <- function(server_name,
                                          limit = 1000,
                                          offset = 0,
                                          access_token) {
  optionlists_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                            "/optionlists/", optionlist_id,
                            "&limit=", limit,
                            "&offset=", offset)
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::GET(url = optionlists_uri,
                 httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                 encode = "json")
  opts <- httr::content(r, type = "application/json")
  optx <- integer(length(opts))
  opt_id <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx), function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$id))
  opt_sort_order <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx), function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$sort_order))
  opt_label <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx), function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$label))
  opt_key <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx), function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$key_value))
  opt_cond <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(optx), function(i) optx[i] <- opts[[i]]$condition_value))
  dat = tibble::tibble(id = opt_id, sort_order = opt_sort_order, label = opt_label,
                       key_value = opt_key, condition_value = opt_cond)

#' Update values in an existing option list
#' Sends a request to the iFormBuilder API to update existing values in an
#' option list. Option values for the specified fields will be updated to the
#' new values supplied in the json object `option_values`. Do not use the fields
#' parameter. It has not been implemented yet.
#' @rdname update_options_in_list
#' @param server_name String of the iFormBuilder server name
#' @param profile_id Integer of the iFormBuilder profile ID
#' @param optionlist_id The id number for the option list
#' @param option_values A json object containing new option list values
#' @param limit The maximum number of option list items to return
#' @param fields Placeholder for fields to update, not yet implemented
#' @param offset Skips the offset number of options before beginning to update
#' @param access_token Access token produced by \code{\link{get_iform_access_token}}
#' @return A vector of option ids for elements that were updated
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get access_token
#' access_token <- get_iform_access_token(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   client_key_name = "your_client_key_name",
#'   client_secret_name = "your_client_secret_name")
#' # Get the core elements in the locations option list example.
#' core_elements <- get_core_option_list_elements(
#'   server_name = "your_server_name",
#'   profile_id = 123456,
#'   optionlist_id = your_locations_option_list_id,
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect the first five core elements
#' head(core_elements, 5)
#' # Edit two of the core_elements we pulled above.
#' updated_options = core_elements[3:4,]
#' updated_options
#' # Edit. Assume RMs were incorrect.
#' updated_options$label[1] = "RM 0.20"
#' updated_options$label[2] = "RM 1.80"
#' # Convert location list dataframe to json
#' updated_options_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(updated_options, auto_unbox = TRUE)
#' # Send request
#' updated_ids <- update_options_in_list(
#'   server_name = "wdfw",
#'   profile_id = 417763,
#'   optionlist_id = your_locations_option_list_id,
#'   option_values = updated_options_json,
#'   access_token = access_token)
#' # Inspect the updated option list item ids.
#' updated_ids
#' }
#' @export
update_options_in_list <- function(server_name,
                                   fields = "fields",
                                   limit = 1000,
                                   offset = 0,
                                   access_token = access_token) {
  options_uri <- paste0(api_v60_url(server_name = server_name),
                        "/optionlists/", optionlist_id,
                        "/options?fields=", fields,
                        "&limit=", limit,
                        "&offset=", offset)
  bearer <- paste0("Bearer ", access_token)
  r <- httr::PUT(url = options_uri,
                 httr::add_headers('Authorization' = bearer),
                 body = option_values,
                 encode = "json")
  as.vector(unlist(httr::content(r, type = "application/json")))
arestrom/iformr documentation built on Nov. 25, 2021, 11:21 p.m.