
Defines functions convert_acs_obj_to_df make_geo get_column_idx get_tract_acs_data get_acs_data county_choropleth_acs state_choropleth_acs

Documented in county_choropleth_acs get_acs_data state_choropleth_acs

if (base::getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {

#' Create a US State choropleth from ACS data
#' Creates a choropleth of US States using the US Census' American Community Survey (ACS) data.  
#' Requires the acs package to be installed, and a Census API Key to be set with 
#' the acs's api.key.install function.  Census API keys can be obtained at http://www.census.gov/developers/tos/key_request.html.
#' @param tableId The id of an ACS table
#' @param endyear The end year of the survey to use.  See acs.fetch (?acs.fetch) and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details.
#' @param span The span of time to use.  See acs.fetch and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details.
#' @param num_colors The number of colors on the map. A value of 1 
#' will use a continuous scale. A value in [2, 9] will use that many colors. 
#' @param zoom An optional list of states to zoom in on. Must come from the "name" column in
#' ?state.regions.
#' @return A choropleth.
#' @seealso \code{api.key.install} in the acs package which sets an Census API key for the acs library
#' @seealso http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/help/jsf/pages/metadata.xhtml?lang=en&type=survey&id=survey.en.ACS_ACS 
#' which contains a list of all ACS surveys.
#' @references Uses the acs package created by Ezra Haber Glenn.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # median income, default parameters
#' state_choropleth_acs("B19301")
#' # continuous scale, zooming in on New York, New Jersey and Connecticut
#' state_choropleth_acs("B19301", num_colors=1, zoom=c("new york", "new jersey", "connecticut"))
#' }
#' @importFrom acs acs.fetch geography estimate geo.make
state_choropleth_acs = function(tableId, endyear=2011, span=5, num_colors=7, zoom=NULL)
  acs.data = get_acs_data(tableId, "state", endyear, span)
  state_choropleth(acs.data[['df']], acs.data[['title']], "", num_colors, zoom)

#' Create a US County choropleth from ACS data
#' Creates a US County choropleth using the US Census' American Community Survey (ACS) data.  
#' Requires the acs package to be installed, and a Census API Key to be set with 
#' the acs's api.key.install function.  Census API keys can be obtained at http://www.census.gov/developers/tos/key_request.html.
#' @param tableId The id of an ACS table
#' @param endyear The end year of the survey to use.  See acs.fetch (?acs.fetch) and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details.
#' @param span The span of time to use.  See acs.fetch and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details.
#' @param num_colors The number of colors on the map. A value of 1 
#' will use a continuous scale. A value in [2, 9] will use that many colors. 
#' @param state_zoom An optional vector of states to zoom in on. Elements of this vector must exactly 
#' match the names of states as they appear in the "region" column of ?state.regions.
#' @param county_zoom An optional vector of counties to zoom in on. Elements of this vector must exactly 
#' match the names of counties as they appear in the "region" column of ?county.regions.
#' @return A choropleth.
#' @seealso \code{api.key.install} in the acs package which sets an Census API key for the acs library
#' @seealso http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/help/jsf/pages/metadata.xhtml?lang=en&type=survey&id=survey.en.ACS_ACS 
#' which contains a list of all ACS surveys.
#' @references Uses the acs package created by Ezra Haber Glenn.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # median income, all counties in US
#' county_choropleth_acs("B19301")
#' # continuous scale, zooing in on all counties in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut
#' county_choropleth_acs("B19301", num_colors=1, state_zoom=c("new york", "new jersey", "connecticut"))
#' # zooming in on the 5 counties (boroughs) that make up New York City
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(choroplethrMaps)
#' data(county.regions)
#' nyc_county_names=c("kings", "bronx", "new york", "queens", "richmond")
#' nyc_county_fips = county.regions %>%
#'   filter(state.name=="new york" & county.name %in% nyc_county_names) %>%
#'   select(region)
#' county_choropleth_acs("B19301", num_colors=1, county_zoom=nyc_county_fips$region)
#' }
#' @importFrom acs acs.fetch geography estimate geo.make
county_choropleth_acs = function(tableId, endyear=2011, span=5, num_colors=7, state_zoom=NULL, county_zoom=NULL)
  acs.data = get_acs_data(tableId, "county", endyear, span)
  county_choropleth(acs.data[['df']], acs.data[['title']], "", num_colors, state_zoom, county_zoom)

#' Returns a list representing American Community Survey (ACS) estimates
#' Given a map, ACS tableId, endyear and span. Prompts user for the column id if there 
#' are multiple tables. The first element of the list is a data.frame with estimates. 
#' The second element is the ACS title of the column.
#' Requires the acs package to be installed, and a Census API Key to be set with the 
#' acs's api.key.install function.  Census API keys can be obtained at http://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html.
#' @param tableId The id of an ACS table
#' @param map The map you want to use. Must be one of "state", "county" or "zip".
#' @param endyear The end year of the survey to use.  See acs.fetch (?acs.fetch) and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details.
#' @param span The span of time to use.  See acs.fetch and http://1.usa.gov/1geFSSj for details.
#' on the same longitude and latitude map to scale. This variable is only checked when the "states" variable is equal to all 50 states.
#' @param column_idx The optional column id of the table to use. If not specified and the table has multiple columns,
#' you will be prompted for a column id.
#' @param include_moe Whether to include the 90 percent margin of error. 
#' @export
#' @seealso http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/help/jsf/pages/metadata.xhtml?lang=en&type=survey&id=survey.en.ACS_ACS, which lists all ACS Surveys.
#' @importFrom acs acs.fetch geography estimate geo.make
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(Hmisc) # for cut2
#' # States with greater than 1M residents
#' df       = get_acs_data("B01003", "state")[[1]] # population
#' df$value = cut2(df$value, cuts=c(0,1000000,Inf))
#' state_choropleth(df, title="States with a population over 1M", legend="Population")
#' # Counties with greater than or greater than 1M residents
#' df       = get_acs_data("B01003", "county")[[1]] # population
#' df$value = cut2(df$value, cuts=c(0,1000000,Inf))
#' county_choropleth(df, title="Counties with a population over 1M", legend="Population")
#' }
get_acs_data = function(tableId, map, endyear=2012, span=5, column_idx=-1, include_moe=FALSE)
  acs.data   = acs.fetch(geography=make_geo(map), table.number = tableId, col.names = "pretty", endyear = endyear, span = span)
  if (column_idx == -1) {
    column_idx = get_column_idx(acs.data, tableId) # some tables have multiple columns 
  title      = acs.data@acs.colnames[column_idx] 
  df         = convert_acs_obj_to_df(map, acs.data, column_idx, include_moe) # choroplethr requires a df
  list(df=df, title=title) # need to return 2 values here

get_tract_acs_data = function(tracts, tableId, endyear=2012, span=5, column_idx=-1, include_moe=FALSE)
  acs.data = acs.fetch(geography    = tracts, 
                       table.number = tableId,
                       col.names    = "pretty", 
                       endyear      = endyear, 
                       span         = span)
  if (column_idx == -1) {
    column_idx = get_column_idx(acs.data, tableId) # some tables have multiple columns 
  title      = acs.data@acs.colnames[column_idx] 
  df         = convert_acs_obj_to_df("tract", acs.data, column_idx, include_moe) # choroplethr requires a df
  list(df=df, title=title) # need to return 2 values here

# support multiple column tables
#' @importFrom utils menu
get_column_idx = function(acs.data, tableId)
  column_idx = 1
  if (length(acs.data@acs.colnames) > 1)
    num_cols   = length(acs.data@acs.colnames)
    title      = paste0("Table ", tableId, " has ", num_cols, " columns.  Please choose which column to render:")
    column_idx = menu(acs.data@acs.colnames, title=title)

make_geo = function(map)
  stopifnot(map %in% c("state", "county", "zip"))
  if (map == "state") {
    geo.make(state = "*")
  } else if (map == "county") {
    geo.make(state = "*", county = "*")
  } else {
    geo.make(zip.code = "*")

# the acs package returns data as a custom S4 object. But we need the data as a data.frame.
# this is tricky for a few reasons. one of which is that acs.data is an S4 object.
# another is that each map (state, county and zip) has a different naming convention for regions
# another is that the census data needs to be clipped to the map (e.g. remove puerto rico)
#' @importFrom acs standard.error
convert_acs_obj_to_df = function(map, acs.data, column_idx, include_moe) 
  stopifnot(map %in% c("state", "county", "zip", "tract"))
  if (map == "state") {
    # create a data.frame of (region, value) pairs
    region = tolower(geography(acs.data)$NAME) 
    region = as.character(region)
    value  = as.numeric(estimate(acs.data[, column_idx]))
    df     = data.frame(region = region, value = value)
    if (include_moe)
      df$margin.of.error = 1.645 * as.numeric(standard.error(acs.data[, column_idx])) 
    # subset for our map
    df[df$region != "puerto rico", ]

  } else if (map == "county") {
    # create a data.frame of (region, value) pairs
    # create fips code
    region = paste(as.character(acs.data@geography$state), 
                   sep = "")
    region = as.numeric(region)
    value  = as.numeric(estimate(acs.data[, column_idx]))
    df     = data.frame(region = region, value = value)
    if (include_moe)
      df$margin.of.error = 1.645 * as.numeric(standard.error(acs.data[, column_idx])) 
    # remove state fips code 72, which is Puerto Rico, which we don't map
    df[df$region < 72000 | df$region > 72999, ]  
  } else if (map == "zip") {
    # create a data.frame of (region, value) pairs
    region = geography(acs.data)$zipcodetabulationarea
    region = as.character(region)
    value  = as.numeric(estimate(acs.data[, column_idx]))
    df     = data.frame(region = region, value = value)
    if (include_moe)
      df$margin.of.error = 1.645 * as.numeric(standard.error(acs.data[, column_idx])) 

    # clipping is done in the choroplethrZip package, because that's where the region definitions are
  } else if (map == "tract") {
    df = data.frame(state  = geography(acs.data)$state,   # integer
                    county = geography(acs.data)$county,  # integer
                    tract  = geography(acs.data)$tract,   # character
                    value  = as.numeric(estimate(acs.data[,column_idx])))
    if (include_moe)
      df$margin.of.error = 1.645 * as.numeric(standard.error(acs.data[, column_idx])) 
    # county fips code must be 5 chars
    # 2 chars for the state (i.e. leading "0")
    df$state = as.character(df$state)
    df$state = paste0("0", df$state)
    # 3 chars for the county - i.e. leading "0" or leading "00"
    df$county = as.character(df$county)
    for (i in 1:nrow(df))
      if (nchar(df[i, "county"]) == 1) {
        df[i, "county"] = paste0("00", df[i, "county"])
      } else if (nchar(df[i, "county"]) == 2) {
        df[i, "county"] = paste0("0", df[i, "county"])
    # now concat with the tract id
    df$region = paste0(df$state, df$county, df$tract)
    # only include relevant columns
    if (include_moe)
      df[, c("region", "value", "margin.of.error")] # only return (region, value) pairs
    } else {
      df[, c("region", "value")]
arilamstein/choroplethr documentation built on March 2, 2024, 8:17 p.m.