
Defines functions TFCSV.processMeta

TFCSV.processMeta <- function(file, rawdata) {
	# look for keyword-value pairs in the CSV file
	metadata <- read.csv(file, as.is=TRUE, colClasses="character")
	keywords <- metadata$keyword
	findKeyword <- function(string, keys) {
		found <- string %in% keys
		if (found) return(which(keys == string)) else return(-1)
	res <- list(colheadings=rep("", dim(rawdata)[2]))
	# look for colheadings
	colheadings.i <- findKeyword(string="colheading", keys=keywords)
	if (colheadings.i[1] != -1) {
		headings <- parseColHeadings(metadata[colheadings.i, 2], rd=rawdata)
		res$colheadings <- headings
	# look for spanheadings
	spanheadings.i <- findKeyword(string="spanheading", keys=keywords)
	if (spanheadings.i[1] != -1) {
		span.parsed <- lapply(spanheadings.i, function(z) unlist(strsplit(metadata[z,2], "!")))
		# the first element needs processing as a column title
		# the second and third need the column names extracted
		parseSpanHeadings <- function(z) {
			z[1] <- gsub(";","\\\n",z[1])
			z[2:4] <- unlist(lapply(z[2:4], function(y) unlist(strsplit(y, "="))[2]))
		span.parsed <- lapply(span.parsed, parseSpanHeadings)
		res$spanheadings <- matrix(unlist(span.parsed), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
		res$spanheadings <- as.data.frame(res$spanheadings)
		names(res$spanheadings) <- c("heading", "start", "end", "row")
	# look for coldecimals
	coldecimals.i <- findKeyword(string="coldecimal", keys=keywords)
	if (coldecimals.i[1] != -1) {
		cd <- lapply(coldecimals.i, function(z) unlist(strsplit(metadata[z,2], "=")))
		res$coldecimals <- data.frame(col=sapply(cd, function(z) return(z[1])), dp=sapply(cd, function(z) return(z[2])), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

arnhew99/Jasper documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 2:46 p.m.