
#' Tract Constructor
#' \code{tract} is the constructor for objects of class \code{tract}.
#' @param ... A set of name-value pairs. Arguments are evaluated sequentially,
#'   so you can refer to previously created variables. To be a valid tract, the
#'   set should contain at least the fields \code{name} with the name of the
#'   tract, \code{case} with the identifier of the subject to which the tract
#'   belongs, \code{scan} to identify repeated measures for the same subject,
#'   \code{side} with the hemisphere to which the tract belongs and
#'   \code{data} with the list of \code{streamline}s composing the tract.
#' @return A \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tr <- tract(name = "CST", case = "H018947", scan = "01", side = "L",
#'   data = list())
tract <- function(...) {

#' Tract Coercion
#' \code{as_tract} coerces an input \code{list} into a \code{tract}.
#' @param x Input list.
#' @param validate A boolean specifying whether the class of the input object
#'   should be checked (default: \code{TRUE}).
#' @return A \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' tr <- as_tract(cst_left)
as_tract <- function(x, validate = TRUE, biomarkers = "None") {
  UseMethod("as_tract", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname as_tract
as_tract.list <- function(x, validate = TRUE) {
  if (validate) {
    if (!is.list(x))
      stop("Input should be a list.")

    if (length(x) != 4)
      stop("Input list should contain exactly 4 fields")

    if (!all(c("PatientId", "ScanId", "TractName", "Streamlines") %in% names(x)))
      stop("Input list should contain fields PatientId, ScanId, TractName and Streamlinees.")

    if (!is.character(x$PatientId) || length(x$PatientId) != 1)
      stop("The PatientId field should be of type character and of length 1")

    if (!is.character(x$ScanId) || length(x$ScanId) != 1)
      stop("The ScanId field should be of type character and of length 1")

    if (!is.character(x$TractName) || length(x$TractName) != 1)
      stop("The TractName field should be of type character and of length 1")

    if (!is.list(x$Streamlines))
      stop("The Streamlines field should be a list.")

    all_streamline <- TRUE
    for (i in seq_along(x$Streamlines)) {
      str <- x$Streamlines[[i]]
      if (!is_streamline(str)) {
        all_streamline <- FALSE

    if (!all_streamline)
      stop("The Streamlines field should contain only streamline objects.")

  class(x) <- c("tract", class(x))

#' @export
#' @rdname as_tract
as_tract.tbl_df <- function(x, validate = TRUE, biomarkers = "None") {
  x %>%
    as.list() %>%
    as_tract(validate, biomarkers)

#' Tract Format Verification
#' \code{is_tract} check whether an input R object is of class \code{tract}.
#' @param object An input R object.
#' @return A boolean which is \code{TRUE} if the input object is of class
#'  \code{tract} and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' is_tract(cst_left)
is_tract <- function(object) {
  "tract" %in% class(object)

is.tract <- is_tract

#' Tract Reader
#' Read tractography data stored in a CSV file as output by VTPtoCSV.
#' @param path A string indicating the path to the CSV file to be read. The CSV
#'   filename should be formatted as \code{SubjectID_TractName.csv}.
#' @return A \code{tract} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
read_tract <- function(path, name = "CST", case = "001", scan = "001", biomarkers = "None") {
  data <- readr::read_csv(path)

  if (ncol(data) < 5L)
    stop("The input CSV file should contain at least 5 columns.")

  required_vars <- c("X", "Y", "Z", "PointId", "StreamlineId")
  if (!all(required_vars %in% names(data)))
    stop("The CSV file should contain at least the variables X, Y, Z, PointId and StreamelineId.")

  if (nrow(data) == 0)
    stop("Data sheet is empty.")

    PatientId = case,
    ScanId = scan,
    TractName = name,
    Streamlines = data %>%
      dplyr::arrange(StreamlineId, PointId) %>%
      dplyr::select(-PointId) %>%
      tidyr::nest(-StreamlineId, .key = "StreamlineData") %>%
      dplyr::pull(StreamlineData) %>%
      purrr::map(as_streamline) %>%
      purrr::map(add_biomarkers, model = biomarkers)
  ) %>%

#' Tract Writer
#' Write tractography data in a CSV file formatted as required by CSVtoVTP.
#' @param tract A \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @param folder A string giving the path to the folder where the CSV file
#'   should be saved.
#' @return TO DO.
#' @export
write_tract <- function(tract, file, ...) {
  if (!is_tract(tract))
    stop("The input object is not a tract.")

  tract %>%
    tidyr::unnest(.id = "StreamlineId") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(StreamlineId) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(PointId = 1:n()) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(X = x, Y = y, Z = z, PointId, StreamlineId, ...) %>%

#' Tract Plotting
#' \code{plot_tract} plots a \code{tract} object.
#' @param x A \code{\link{tract}} to be plotted.
#' @return Invisibly returns the input \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Right.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_right <- read_tract(file)
#' cst <- bind_tracts(cst_left, cst_right)
#' plot_tract(cst)
plot.tract <- function(x, transparency = 1) {
  name <- x$TractName
  case <- x$PatientId
  scan <- x$ScanId

    tibble(StreamlineData = x$Streamlines) %>%
      unnest(.id = "StreamlineId") %>%
      tidyr::gather(Coordinate, Value, x, y, z) %>%
        x = s,
        y = Value,
        col = scan,
        fill = StreamlineId
      )) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(size = 0.5, alpha = transparency) +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ Coordinate, scales = "free", nrow = 3L) +
      ggplot2::theme_bw() +
      ggplot2::xlab("Arc Length (mm)") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Coordinate (mm)") +
      ggplot2::guides(fill = FALSE) +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(name, "of Subject", case))


#' Tract Combination
#' @param ... A set of \code{\link{tract}}s.
#' @return A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with the following 5 variables:
#'   \code{name} with the name of the tract, \code{case} with the identifier of
#'   the subject to which the tract belongs, \code{scan} with the identifier of
#'   the repeated measure for a given subject, \code{side} with the hemisphere
#'   to which the tract belongs and \code{data} with the list of
#'   \code{streamline}s composing the tract.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Right.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_right <- read_tract(file)
#' bind_tracts(cst_left, cst_right)
bind_tracts <- function(...) {
  res <- dplyr::bind_rows(...)

#' Tract Reparametrization
#' @param tract A \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @param grid Uniform grid for the curvilinear abscissa (default: \code{0L}
#'   which uses the average number of points across streamlines defining the
#'   tract). Can be specificed either as an integer in which case the abscissa
#'   range of each streamline is used and abscissa is uniformly resampled within
#'   this range or as a numeric vector that will be taken as the new common
#'   abscissa for all streamlines.
#' @param validate A boolean specifying whether to check that first input is
#'   indeed a \code{\link{tract}}. should be checked (default: \code{TRUE}).
#' @return A \code{\link{tract}} reparametrized according to the input grid.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' reparametrize_tract(cst_left)
reparametrize_tract <- function(tract, ..., grid = 0L, validate = TRUE) {
  if (validate) {
    if (!is_tract(tract))
      stop("First input should be a tract object.")

  biomarkers <- dplyr::quos(...)
  biomarker_names <- biomarkers %>%
  l <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(biomarkers)) {
    l[[i]] <- dplyr::quo(!!(biomarker_names[[i]]) := approx(.data$s, .data[[!!(biomarker_names[[i]])]], xout = s)$y)


  if (length(grid) == 1L) {
    if (grid == 0L) {
      grid <- tract$data %>%
        purrr::map_int(nrow) %>%
        mean() %>%

    tract$data <- tract$data %>%
      purrr::map(dplyr::do, streamline(
        s = modelr::seq_range(.$s, n = grid),
        x = approx(.$s, .$x, xout = s)$y,
        y = approx(.$s, .$y, xout = s)$y,
        z = approx(.$s, .$z, xout = s)$y,
        validate = FALSE
  } else {
    if (length(grid) == 0L) {
      grid_length <- tract$data %>%
        purrr::map_int(nrow) %>%
        mean() %>%
      s_min <- tract$data %>%
        purrr::map(pull, s) %>%
        purrr::map_dbl(min) %>%
      s_max <- tract$data %>%
        purrr::map(pull, s) %>%
        purrr::map_dbl(max) %>%
      grid <- seq(s_min, s_max, length.out = grid_length)

    tract$data <- tract$data %>%
      purrr::map(dplyr::do, streamline(
        s = grid,
        x = approx(.$s, .$x, xout = s)$y,
        y = approx(.$s, .$y, xout = s)$y,
        z = approx(.$s, .$z, xout = s)$y,
        validate = FALSE


#' Tract Hausdorff Distance
#' @param tract A \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @param grid_length An integer specifying the grid length for uniform resampling of the 3D coordinates (default: \code{50L}).
#' @param ncores An integer specifying the number of cores available for the computations (default: \code{1L}).
#' @param nobs An integer specifying how many random \code{\link{streamline}}s should be kept from the input tract (default: \code{10L}).
#' @return A vector of size \code{nobs * (nobs - 1) / 2} storing optimally the matrix of Hausdorff distances between \code{\link{streamline}}s that were kept as part of the input \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' get_distance_vector(cst_left)
get_distance_vector <- function(tract, grid_length = 50L, ncores = 1L, nobs = 10L, distance_fun = get_L2_distance) {
  tmp <- tract %>%
    reparametrize_tract(grid = grid_length, validate = FALSE) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%

  parallel <- (ncores > 1L && requireNamespace("multidplyr", quietly = TRUE))
  if (parallel)
    cl <- multidplyr::create_cluster(cores = ncores) %>%

  tmp <- tidyr::crossing(
    tmp %>% dplyr::select(str1 = data) %>% dplyr::mutate(id1 = seq_len(n())),
    tmp %>% dplyr::select(str2 = data) %>% dplyr::mutate(id2 = seq_len(n()))
  ) %>%
    dplyr::filter(id2 > id1)

  if (parallel) {
    tmp <- tmp %>%
      multidplyr::partition(cluster = cl) %>%
        distances = purrr::map2_dbl(str1, str2, distance_fun)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::collect() %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::arrange(id1, id2)
  } else {
    tmp <- tmp %>%
        distances = purrr::map2_dbl(str1, str2, distance_fun)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(id1, id2)


align_tract <- function(tract, id = NULL) {
  if (is.null(id)) {
    new_index <- 0L
    old_index <- 1L

    while (new_index != old_index) {
      old_index <- new_index

      new_index <- tract %>%
        roahd::as.mfData() %>%
        roahd::multiMBD() %>%

      reference_streamline <- tract$data[[new_index]]
      tract$data <- tract$data %>%
                   fixed_streamline = reference_streamline,
                   cost_function = cost_L1)


  new_index <- which(tract$case == id)
  reference_streamline <- tract$data[[new_index]]
  tract$data <- tract$data %>%
               fixed_streamline = reference_streamline,
               cost_function = cost_L1)

# align_tract <- function(tract) {
#   depths <- tract %>%
#     roahd::as.mfData() %>%
#     roahd::multiMBD()
#   median_index <- which.max(depths)
#   median_depth <- max(depths)
#   return(
#     list(
#       tract = tract,
#       median_idx = median_index,
#       max_depth = median_depth
#     )
#   )
#   current_index <- median_index + 1
#   pos <- 0
#   max_iter <- 10L
#   while (current_index != median_index && pos < max_iter) {
#     pos <- pos + 1
#     writeLines(paste0("    Obs. ", pos))
#     reference_streamline <- tract$data[[median_index]]
#     tract$data <- tract$data %>%
#       purrr::map(
#         align_streamline,
#         fixed_streamline = reference_streamline,
#         cost_function = cost_L1
#       )
#     tmp_depths <- tract %>%
#       roahd::as.mfData() %>%
#       roahd::multiMBD()
#     current_index <- median_index
#     median_index <- which.max(tmp_depths)
#     median_depth <- max(tmp_depths)
#   }
#   list(
#     tract = tract,
#     median_idx = median_index,
#     max_depth = median_depth
#   )
# }

#' Modified Band Depth for Tracts Objects
#' This is a specialization of the \code{\link[roahd]{MBD}} function for
#' \code{\link{tract}} objects.
#' @param tract A \code{\link{tract}} object.
#' @param validate A boolean that specifies whether the input format should be
#'   checked (default: \code{TRUE}).
#' @return A numeric vector of depths for each \code{\link{streamline}} of the
#'   input \code{\link{tract}} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' MBD(cst_left)
MBD.tract <- function(tract) {
  tract %>%
    align_tract() %>%
    roahd::as.mfData() %>%

MBD_relative.tract <- function(tract_target, tract_reference, mfData_reference) {
  N_target <- length(tract_target$data)

  tract <- tract_target %>%
    bind_tracts(tract_reference) %>%
    align_tract() %>%

  relative_depths <- rep(0, tract$L)

  for (i in 1:tract$L) {
    fd_target <- tract$fDList[[i]][1:N_target, ]
    fd_reference <- tract$fDList[[i]][(N_target + 1):tract$N, ]
    relative_depths[i] <- roahd::MBD_relative(fd_target, fd_reference)


robust_clusterize <- function(tract, k = 1L, max_iter = 10L, nstart = 4L, ncores = 1L) {
  ncores <- min(ncores, nstart)
  parallel <- (ncores > 1L && requireNamespace("multidplyr", quietly = TRUE))

  if (parallel) {
    cl <- multidplyr::create_cluster(cores = ncores) %>%
      multidplyr::cluster_copy(clusterize) %>%
      multidplyr::cluster_copy(tract) %>%
      multidplyr::cluster_copy(k) %>%
    tmp <- tibble::tibble(id = seq_len(nstart)) %>%
      multidplyr::partition(cluster = cl) %>%
        res = purrr::map(id, ~ clusterize(tract, k, max_iter))
      ) %>%
      dplyr::collect() %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    res <- tmp$res
  } else {
    res <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(nstart))
      res[[i]] <- clusterize(tract, k, max_iter)
  idx <- which.min(purrr::map_dbl(res, "wmse"))

clusterize <- function(tract, k = 1L, max_iter = 10L, validate = TRUE) {
  if (validate) {
    if (!is_tract(tract))
      stop("Input should be a tract object.")

  n <- length(tract$data)
  labels <- seq_len(n)
  centroids <- sample.int(n, k)
  groups <- rep(0, n)
  reverse_groups <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(k)) {
    reverse_groups[[i]] <- centroids[i]
  within <- rep(0, k)
  wmse <- rep(0, max_iter)

  clustered_tract <- list()

  for (iter in seq_len(max_iter)) {

    # Some verbose display
    str_iter <- formatC(
      width = stringr::str_length(max_iter),
      format = "d",
      flag = "0"
    writeLines(paste0("- Iteration ", str_iter, "/", max_iter))

    # # Assignment step: Phase 1 (corners)
    # # Handle corner cases to have 2 elements per cluster to start with,
    # # otherwise you cannot compute relative depths
    # corners <- centroids %>%
    #   purrr::map_int(function(idx) {
    #     distances <- rep(0, n)
    #     for (i in labels) {
    #       if (i %in% centroids)
    #         distances[i] <- 1e100
    #       else
    #         distances[i] <- get_L1_distance(tract$data[[i]], tract$data[[idx]])
    #     }
    #     which.min(distances)
    #   })
    # for (i in seq_len(k))
    #   reverse_groups[[i]] <- c(reverse_groups[[i]], corners[i])
    # # Assignment step: Phase 2 (normal assignment)
    # for (i in labels) {
    #   writeLines(paste0("  * Assignment Step: Label ", i))
    #   skip_label <- FALSE
    #   for (j in seq_len(k)) {
    #     if (i %in% reverse_groups[[j]]) {
    #       skip_label <- TRUE
    #       break
    #     }
    #   }
    #   if (skip_label) next
    #   tract_target <- tract[i]
    #   relative_depths <- rep(0, k)
    #   for (j in seq_len(k)) {
    #     group_labels <- reverse_groups[[j]]
    #     tract_reference <- tract[group_labels]
    #     relative_depths[j] <- roahd::MBD_relative(tract_target, tract_reference)
    #   }
    #   optimal_cluster <- which.max(relative_depths)
    #   groups[i] <- optimal_cluster
    #   reverse_groups[[optimal_cluster]] <- unique(c(reverse_groups[[optimal_cluster]], i))
    # }

    # Assignment step
    # New attempt
    writeLines("  * Assign streamlines to clusters...")
    writeLines(paste0("    Centroids: ", centroids))
    if (iter == 1L) {
      # At first iteration, assign labels according to L1 distance to centroids
      groups <- labels %>%
        purrr::map_int(function(id) {
          distances <- rep(0, k)
          for (i in seq_len(k))
            distances[i] <- get_L1_distance(
              streamline1 = tract$data[[id]],
              streamline2 = tract$data[[centroids[i]]]
    } else {
      # Assign labels to cluster with maximal relative depth
      groups <- labels %>%
        purrr::map_int(function(id) {
          relative_depths <- rep(0, k)
          for (i in seq_len(k)) {
            med <- roahd::median_mfData(clustered_tract[[i]])
            median_streamline <- streamline(
              s = seq(med$t0, med$tP, length.out = med$P),
              x = med$fDList[[1]]$values[1, ],
              y = med$fDList[[2]]$values[1, ],
              z = med$fDList[[3]]$values[1, ]
            # current_streamline <- tract$data[[id]] %>%
            #   align_streamline(
            #     fixed_streamline = median_streamline,
            #     cost_function = cost_L1
            #   )
            current_streamline <- tract$data[[id]]
            current_tract <- tract[id]
            current_tract$data[[1]] <- current_streamline
            current_tract <- current_tract %>%
              reparametrize_tract(median_streamline$s, FALSE) %>%
            # TO DO: what happens if median is longer that current streamline?
            # Currently approx fill in with NA, how does roahd deal with it?
            relative_depths[i] <- 0
            for (j in seq_len(med$L)) {
              fd_target <- current_tract$fDList[[j]]
              fd_reference <- clustered_tract[[i]]$fDList[[j]]
              relative_depths[i] <- relative_depths[i] +
                roahd::MBD_relative(fd_target, fd_reference)

    for (i in seq_len(k))
      reverse_groups[[i]] <- labels[groups == i]

    # Find new cluster centers
    writeLines("  * Computing cluster medians...")
    for (i in seq_len(k)) {
      group <- (groups == i)
      group_labels <- labels[group]
      subtract <- tract[group_labels]
      aln <- align_tract(subtract)
      clustered_tract[[i]] <- roahd::as.mfData(aln$tract)
      centroids[i] <- group_labels[aln$median_idx]
      within[i] <- IQR(clustered_tract[[i]])# aln$max_depth

    wmse[iter] <- mean(within)
    writeLines(paste0("    Sum of within-cluster maximum depths: ", wmse[iter]))
  list(groups = groups, cendroids = centroids, within = within, wmse = wmse,
       clustered_tract = clustered_tract)

clusterize_test <- function(tract, k = 1L, max_iter = 10L) {
  n <- length(tract$data)
  labels <- seq_len(n)
  centroids <- sample.int(n, k)
  groups <- rep(0, n)
  wmse <- rep(0, max_iter)

  tract <- reparametrize_tract(tract, grid = numeric(), validate = FALSE)

  clustered_tract <- list()

  for (iter in seq_len(max_iter)) {

    # Some verbose display
    str_iter <- formatC(
      width = stringr::str_length(max_iter),
      format = "d",
      flag = "0"
    writeLines(paste0("- Iteration ", str_iter, "/", max_iter))

    reverse_groups <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(k)) {
      reverse_groups[[i]] <- centroids[i]

    # Assignment step: Phase 1 (corners)
    # Handle corner cases to have 2 elements per cluster to start with,
    # otherwise you cannot compute relative depths
    corners <- centroids %>%
      purrr::map_int(function(idx) {
        distances <- rep(0, n)
        for (i in labels) {
          if (i %in% centroids)
            distances[i] <- 1e100
            distances[i] <- get_L1_distance(tract$data[[i]], tract$data[[idx]])
    for (i in seq_len(k))
      reverse_groups[[i]] <- c(reverse_groups[[i]], corners[i])

    # print(reverse_groups)

    # Assignment step: Phase 2 (normal assignment)
    for (i in labels) {
      writeLines(paste0("  * Assignment Step: Label ", i))
      skip_label <- FALSE
      for (j in seq_len(k)) {
        if (i %in% reverse_groups[[j]]) {
          skip_label <- TRUE
      if (skip_label) next
      tract_target <- roahd::as.mfData(tract[i])
      # print(tract_target)
      relative_depths <- rep(0, k)
      for (j in seq_len(k)) {
        group_labels <- reverse_groups[[j]]
        tract_reference <- roahd::as.mfData(tract[group_labels])
        depth <- 0
        for (l in 1:tract_reference$L)
          depth <- depth + roahd::MBD_relative(tract_target$fDList[[l]], tract_reference$fDList[[l]])
        relative_depths[j] <- depth / tract_reference$L
      optimal_cluster <- which.max(relative_depths)
      # depth_total <- depth_total + max(relative_depths)
      groups[i] <- optimal_cluster
      reverse_groups[[optimal_cluster]] <- unique(c(reverse_groups[[optimal_cluster]], i))

    # Find new cluster centers
    writeLines("  * Computing cluster medians...")
    depth_total <- 0
    for (i in seq_len(k)) {
      group_labels <- reverse_groups[[i]]
      subtract <- tract[group_labels]
      clustered_tract[[i]] <- roahd::as.mfData(subtract)
      depths <- roahd::multiMBD(clustered_tract[[i]])
      centroids[i] <- group_labels[which.max(depths)]
      depth_total <- max(depths)

    wmse[iter] <- depth_total
    writeLines(paste0("    Sum of within-cluster maximum depths: ", wmse[iter]))
  list(groups = groups, cendroids = centroids, wmse = wmse,
       clustered_tract = clustered_tract)

simplified_clusterize <- function(tract, k = 1L, max_iter = 10L, validate = TRUE) {
  if (validate) {
    if (!is_tract(tract))
      stop("Input should be a tract object.")

  n <- length(tract$data)
  labels <- seq_len(n)
  centroids <- sample.int(n, k)
  groups <- rep(0, n)
  reverse_groups <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(k)) {
    reverse_groups[[i]] <- centroids[i]
  within <- rep(0, k)

  clustered_tract <- list()
  mf_tract <- roahd::as.mfData(tract)
  res <- list()

  for (iter in seq_len(max_iter)) {

    # Some verbose display
    str_iter <- formatC(
      width = stringr::str_length(max_iter),
      format = "d",
      flag = "0"
    writeLines(paste0("- Iteration ", str_iter, "/", max_iter))

    # Assignment step
    writeLines("  * Assign streamlines to clusters...")
    writeLines(paste0("    Centroids: ", centroids))
    total <- 0
    if (iter == 1L) {
      # At first iteration, assign labels according to L1 distance to centroids
      groups <- labels %>%
        purrr::map_int(function(id) {
          distances <- rep(0, k)
          for (i in seq_len(k))
            distances[i] <- get_L1_distance(
              streamline1 = tract$data[[id]],
              streamline2 = tract$data[[centroids[i]]]
    } else {
      # Assign labels to cluster with maximal relative depth
      tmp <- labels %>%
        purrr::map(function(id) {
          relative_depths <- rep(0, k)
          for (i in seq_len(k)) {
            relative_depths[i] <- 0
            for (j in seq_len(mf_tract$L)) {
              fd_target <- mf_tract$fDList[[j]][id, ]
              fd_reference <- clustered_tract[[i]]$fDList[[j]]
              relative_depths[i] <- relative_depths[i] +
                roahd::MBD_relative(fd_target, fd_reference)
          list(maxi = max(relative_depths), argmaxi = which.max(relative_depths))
      groups <- purrr::map_int(tmp, "argmaxi")
      total <- sum(purrr::map_dbl(tmp, "maxi"))
    writeLines(paste0("Crit: ", total))

    for (i in seq_len(k))
      reverse_groups[[i]] <- labels[groups == i]

    # Find new cluster centers
    writeLines("  * Computing cluster medians...")
    for (i in seq_len(k)) {
      group <- (groups == i)
      group_labels <- labels[group]
      subtract <- mf_tract
      subtract$N <- length(group_labels)
      for (j in 1:mf_tract$L)
        subtract$fDList[[j]] <- mf_tract$fDList[[j]][group_labels, ]
      clustered_tract[[i]] <- subtract
      depths <- roahd::multiMBD(subtract)
      centroids[i] <- group_labels[which.max(depths)]
      within[i] <- IQR(subtract)# max(depths)

    wmse <- mean(within)
    writeLines(paste0("    Sum of within-cluster maximum depths: ", wmse))

    res[[iter]] <- list(groups = groups, cendroids = centroids, within = within,
                        wmse = wmse, clustered_tract = clustered_tract)

find_best_cluster <- function(idx, k, groups, labels, depths, tract) {
  maximum_depths <- rep(0, k)
  for (j in seq_len(k)) {
    group <- (groups == j)
    group_labels <- labels[group]
    if (idx %in% group_labels) {
      maximum_depths[j] <- max(depths[group_labels])
    group_labels <- c(idx, group_labels)
    subtract <- tract
    subtract$data <- subtract$data[group_labels]
    maximum_depths[j] <- max(MBD(subtract))

as.mfData.tract <- function(x, grid_length = NULL, ...) {
  s_min <- x$data %>%
    purrr::map(pull, s) %>%
    purrr::map_dbl(min) %>%

  s_max <- x$data %>%
    purrr::map(pull, s) %>%
    purrr::map_dbl(max) %>%

  if (is.null(grid_length))
    grid_length <- round(mean(purrr::map_int(x$data, nrow)))

  s <- seq(s_min, s_max, length.out = grid_length)

  tmp <- x %>%
    reparametrize_tract(grid = s, validate = FALSE) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::select(data) %>%
    tidyr::unnest(.id = "StreamlineId") %>%
    dplyr::group_by(StreamlineId) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(PointId = seq_len(n())) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup(StreamlineId) %>%

  xmatrix <- tmp %>%
    dplyr::select(StreamlineId, PointId, x) %>%
    tidyr::spread(PointId, x) %>%
    dplyr::select(-StreamlineId) %>%

  ymatrix <- tmp %>%
    dplyr::select(StreamlineId, PointId, y) %>%
    tidyr::spread(PointId, y) %>%
    dplyr::select(-StreamlineId) %>%

  zmatrix <- tmp %>%
    dplyr::select(StreamlineId, PointId, z) %>%
    tidyr::spread(PointId, z) %>%
    dplyr::select(-StreamlineId) %>%

  if ("fa" %in% names(tmp)) {
    famatrix <- tmp %>%
      dplyr::select(StreamlineId, PointId, fa) %>%
      tidyr::spread(PointId, fa) %>%
      dplyr::select(-StreamlineId) %>%

  if ("fa" %in% names(tmp))
    roahd::mfData(s, list(xmatrix, ymatrix, zmatrix, famatrix))
    roahd::mfData(s, list(xmatrix, ymatrix, zmatrix))

#' Inter-Quartile Range for arbitrary datasets
#' This is a generic function to compute the inter-quartile range of a dataset.
#' @param x Either a numeric vector or a \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @param na.rm A boolean for removing missing values (default: \code{FALSE}).
#'   For numeric vector inputs only.
#' @param type An integer selecting one of the many quantile algorithms, see
#'   \code{\link[stats]{quantile}}. For numeric vector inputs only.
#' @param validate A boolean that specifies whether the input format should be
#'   checked (default: \code{TRUE}). For \code{\link{tract}} inputs only.
#' @return A positive scalar representing the inter-quartile range of the input
#'   dataset.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' IQR(1:10)
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' IQR(cst_left)
IQR <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("IQR", x)

#' @export
#' @rdname IQR
IQR.numeric <- stats::IQR

#' @export
#' @rdname IQR
IQR.mfData <- function(x, ...) {
  depths <- roahd::multiMBD(x)
  depth_threshold <- max(depths) *
    optimize(depth_cost, c(0, 1), depth_data = depths)$minimum
  indices <- (depths >= depth_threshold)
  xmat <- x$fDList[[1]]$values[indices, ]
  ymat <- x$fDList[[2]]$values[indices, ]
  zmat <- x$fDList[[3]]$values[indices, ]
  volume <- 0
  for (i in 1:x$P) {
    points <- cbind(xmat[, i], ymat[, i], zmat[, i])
    area <- geometry::convhulln(points, "FA")$area
    volume <- volume + area
  volume / (x$P - 1)

#' Subsetting operator for \code{\link{tract}} objects
#' This method provides an easy and natural way to subset a tract
#' stored in a \code{\link{tract}} object, without having to deal with the inner
#' representation of the \code{\link{tract}} class.
#' @param tract The input \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @param i A valid expression to extract subtract with fewer streamlines (could be an integer, a numeric vector, of a logical vector).
#' @return A \code{\link{tract}} with the selected streamlines only.
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' t1 <- cst_left[1]
#' t2 <- cst_left[1:2]
#' n <- length(cst_left$data)
#' selected_streamlines <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), n, replace = TRUE)
#' t3 <- cst_left[selected_streamlines]
# "[.tract" <- function(tract, i) {
#   if (missing(i))
#     return(tract)
#   if (is.integer(i))
#     res <- dplyr::slice(tract, i)
#   else
#     res <- dplyr::filter(tract, i)
#   class(res) <- c("tract", class(res))
#   res
# }

#' Tract Simplification by Cluster Medians
#' @param tract An object of class \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @param clusters A numeric or integer vector giving the cluster membership of
#'   each \code{\link{streamline}} in the \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @return A \code{\link{tract}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' m <- simplify_tract(cst_left)
simplify_tract <- function(tract, clusters = NULL, validate = TRUE) {
  if (validate) {
    if (!is_tract(tract))
      stop("First argument should be an object of class tract.")
  if (is.null(clusters) && tract$name == "CST") {
    cl <- cluster_cst(tract, validate = FALSE)
    writeLines(paste0("   --> ", cl$G, " clusters detected."))
    clusters <- cl$classification
  all_clusters <- sort(unique(clusters))
  subtracts <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(all_clusters)) {
    cl <- all_clusters[i]
    writeLines(paste0(" - Simplyfing cluster #", cl, "..."))
    subtract <- dplyr::filter(tract, clusters == cl)
    class(subtract) <- c("tract", class(subtract))
    if (nrow(subtract) == 1L) {
      subtracts[[i]] <- subtract
    subtract <- tract(
      name = subtract$name,
      case = subtract$case,
      scan = subtract$scan,
      side = subtract$side,
      data = subtract %>%
        align_tract() %>%
        roahd::as.mfData() %>%
    subtracts[[i]] <- subtract

#' Clustering Method for the Cortico-Spinal Tract
#' This function uses the \code{\link[mclust]{Mclust}} method from the
#' \code{mclust} package to fit a Gaussian mixture model to the end-points of
#' the CST on the precentral gyrus via Expectation-Maximization for selecting
#' the optimal clustering according to the Bayesian Information Criterion.
#' @param cst An object of class \code{\link{tract}} representing the
#'   cortico-spinal tract.
#' @param validate A boolean specifying whether the input object should be
#'   checked or not (default: \code{TRUE}). For this function, it has to be of
#'   class \code{\link{tract}} and represent the cortico-spinal tract
#'   (\code{name} field of the \code{\link{tract}} should read \code{"CST"}).
#' @return An object of class \code{\link[mclust]{Mclust}} providing the
#'   BIC-optimal Gaussian mixture model for clustering the CST streamlines based
#'   on cortical position of their end-point.
#' @export
#' @importFrom mclust mclustBIC
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Case001_CST_Left.csv", package = "fdatractography")
#' cst_left <- read_tract(file)
#' cl <- cluster_cst(cst_left)
cluster_cst <- function(cst, validate = TRUE) {
  if (validate) {
    if (!is_tract(cst))
      stop("The input should be an object of class tract.")
    if (cst$name != "CST")
      stop("The input tract should be a CST (name field should indicate CST).")
  writeLines(" - Performing streamline clustering based on cortical position...")
  if (length(names(cst)) > 3L) {
    cst <- cst %>%
      tibble::as_tibble() %>%
        x0 = purrr::map_dbl(data, ~ .$x[1]) %>% abs(),
        y0 = purrr::map_dbl(data, ~ .$y[1]),
        z0 = purrr::map_dbl(data, ~ .$z[1])
  mclust::Mclust(cst, G = seq_len(60L), prior = mclust::priorControl(), initialization = list(subset = 1:5000))

mean_tract <- function(x, ...) {
  mean_streamline <- x$data %>%
      eigenvalues = purrr::map(t, eigen_if),
      dpara = purrr::map_dbl(eigenvalues, 1),
      dperp = purrr::map_dbl(eigenvalues, 2)
    ) %>%
    purrr::map(dplyr::select, s, x, y, z, dpara, dperp) %>%
  mean_streamline <- mean_streamline / length(x$data)
  mean_streamline %>%
      dplyr::vars(dx = x, dy = y, dz = z),
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(tangent = purrr::pmap(list(dx, dy, dz), c)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-dx, -dy, -dz) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = purrr::pmap(list(tangent, dpara, dperp), form_tensor)) %>%
    dplyr::select(s, x, y, z, t) %>%

compute_tangent <- function(x) {
  t <- x - dplyr::lag(x)
  t[1] <- t[2]

eigen_if <- function(x) {
  if (is.na(x[1, 1])) return(c(1.71, 0.2) * 0.001)
  vals <- eigen(x, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
  dpara <- vals[1]
  if (dpara > 2.1e-3) return(c(1.71, 0.2) * 0.001)
  dperp <- mean(vals[-1])
  if (dperp < 1e-5) return(c(1.71, 0.2) * 0.001)
  c(dpara, dperp)

form_tensor <- function(mu, lambda_para, lambda_perp) {
  output <- diag(lambda_perp, 3L) + (lambda_para - lambda_perp) * mu %*% t(mu)
  as_tensor(output, validate = FALSE)
astamm/fdatractography documentation built on May 12, 2019, 5:37 a.m.