
Defines functions escape_text encode_labels validate_labels parse_labels histogram_metric gauge_metric counter_metric

Documented in counter_metric gauge_metric histogram_metric

#' Metrics
#' @description
#' A metric is a measure which can be aggregated into a time series, and comes
#' in one of three types: counters, gauges, and histograms.
#' Metrics must have a unique name.
#' @param name The name of the metric.
#' @param help A brief, one-sentence explanation of the metric's meaning.
#' @param labels A vector of label names for the metric.
#' @param unit An optional unit for the metric, e.g. \code{"seconds"}. Must
#'   match the metric name.
#' @param ... For backward compatibility, otherwise ignored.
#' @param registry Where to register the metric for later retrieval.
#' @return An object with methods to manipulate the metric. See details.
#' @details
#' All metric objects have a `reset()` method that reverts the underlying value
#' (or values) to zero, an `unregister()` method that removes them from the
#' registry they were created in, and a `render()` method that writes a
#' representation of the metric in the text-based [OpenMetrics
#' format](https://github.com/OpenObservability/OpenMetrics/blob/main/specification/OpenMetrics.md).
#' Normally, [render_metrics()] is used instead.
#' In addition, various metrics have their own methods:
#' * `inc(by = 1, ...)`: Increments the metric by some positive number,
#'   defaulting to 1. Further parameters are interpreted as labels. Available
#'   for counters and gauges.
#' * `dec(by = 1, ...)`: Decrements the metric by some number, defaulting to 1.
#'   Further parameters are interpreted as labels. Available for gauges.
#' * `set(value, ...)`: Sets the metric to some number. Further parameters are
#'   interpreted as labels. Available for gauges.
#' * `set_to_current_time(...)`: Sets the metric to the current time, in seconds
#'   from the Unix epoch. Further parameters are interpreted as labels.
#'   Available for gauges.
#' * `observe(value, ...)`: Records an observation of some number. Further
#'   parameters are interpreted as labels. Available for histograms.
#' * `time(expr, ...)`: Records an observation for the time elapsed evaluating
#'   `expr`, in seconds. Further parameters are interpreted as labels.
#'   Available for histograms.
#' @examples
#' meows <- counter_metric("meows", "Heard around the house.", labels = "cat")
#' meows$inc(cat = "Shamus") # Count one meow from Shamus.
#' meows$inc(3, cat = "Unknown") # Count three meows of unknown origin.
#' meows$render()
#' thermostat <- gauge_metric("thermostat", "Thermostat display.")
#' thermostat$set(21.3) # Read from the display...
#' thermostat$dec(2) # ... and then turn it down 2 degrees.
#' thermostat$render()
#' temperature <- histogram_metric(
#'   "temperature", "Ambient room temperature measurements.",
#'   buckets = c(10, 15, 20, 22, 25), labels = "room"
#' )
#' set.seed(9090)
#' # Simulate taking ambient temperature samples.
#' for (measure in rnorm(20, mean = 21.5)) {
#'   temperature$observe(measure, room = sample(c("kitchen", "bathroom"), 1))
#' }
#' temperature$render()
#' @seealso The OpenMetrics specification on [Metric
#'   Types](https://github.com/OpenObservability/OpenMetrics/blob/main/specification/OpenMetrics.md#metric-types)
#'   as well as [the original Prometheus documenation](https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/).
#' @name metrics
#' @export
counter_metric <- function(name, help, labels = character(), ..., unit = NULL,
                           registry = global_registry()) {
  existing <- registry$metric(name, type = "counter")
  if (is.null(existing)) {
    # Backwards compatibility with passing labels as arguments.
    labels <- union(labels, names(list(...)))
      name = name, help = help, labels = labels, unit = unit,
      registry = registry
  } else {

#' @rdname metrics
#' @export
gauge_metric <- function(name, help, labels = character(), ..., unit = NULL,
                         registry = global_registry()) {
  existing <- registry$metric(name, type = "gauge")
  if (is.null(existing)) {
    # Backwards compatibility with passing labels as arguments.
    labels <- union(labels, names(list(...)))
      name = name, help = help, labels = labels, unit = unit,
      registry = registry
  } else {

#' @param buckets A sequence of buckets to bin observations into. Defaults to
#'   Prometheus's suggested buckets, which are a good fit for measuring
#'   user-visible latency in seconds (e.g. for web services).
#' @rdname metrics
#' @export
histogram_metric <- function(name, help, buckets = c(0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10),
                             labels = character(), ..., unit = NULL,
                             registry = global_registry()) {
  existing <- registry$metric(name, type = "histogram")
  if (is.null(existing)) {
    # Backwards compatibility with passing labels as arguments.
    labels <- union(labels, names(list(...)))
      name = name, help = help, buckets = buckets, labels = labels, unit = unit,
      registry = registry
  } else {

Metric <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    initialize = function(name, help, type = "gauge", labels = character(),
                          unit = NULL, registry = global_registry()) {
      if (!grepl("^[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*$", name)) {
        stop("Invalid metric name: '", name, "'.")
      private$name <- name
      private$help <- escape_text(help)
      private$type <- type
      private$unit <- unit
      private$registry <- registry
      if (length(labels) > 0) {
        # This is so we don't have to refactor the NULL checks.
        private$labels <- labels

      # We only need to check spec validity for label names once.
      valid <- grepl("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", private$labels)
      if (!all(valid)) {
          "One or more invalid metric labels: '",
          paste(private$labels[!valid], collapse = "', '"), "'."

      if (!is.null(private$unit) &&
          !grepl(sprintf("_%s$", private$unit), private$name)) {
        stop("Metric name does not match unit.")

      registry$register(name = name, type = type, self)

    unregister = function() {
      private$registry$unregister(name = private$name, type = private$type)
  private = list(
    name = NULL, help = NULL, type = NULL, labels = NULL, registry = NULL,
    unit = NULL,

    header = function(name = private$name, type = private$type) {
      if (!is.null(private$unit)) {
          "# HELP %s %s\n# TYPE %s %s\n# UNIT %s %s", name, private$help, name,
          type, name, private$unit
      } else {
          "# HELP %s %s\n# TYPE %s %s", name, private$help, name, type

Counter <- R6::R6Class(
  "Counter", inherit = Metric,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(name, help, labels = character(), unit = NULL,
                          registry = global_registry()) {
      # Compatibility with OpenMetrics.
      name <- gsub("_total$", "", name)
        name, help, type = "counter", labels = labels, unit = unit,
        registry = registry
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        # Fast version, just a value.
        private$value <- 0
        private$created <- unclass(Sys.time())
      } else {
        private$value <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
        private$created <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

    render = function(format = "openmetrics") {
      # Compatibility with OpenMetrics requires that metric names include
      # _total but help/type text do not. However, some existing tools will
      # barf on this input, notably the Prometheus Pushgateway, so it must be
      # possible to circumvent.
      # In addition, when in legacy mode, make _created a separate metric with
      # no HELP or TYPE info. This is what the Python reference client does.
      if (format == "openmetrics") {
        header <- private$header()
        if (is.null(private$labels)) {
            "%s\n%s_total %s\n%s_created %s\n", header, private$name,
            private$value, private$name, private$created
        } else {
          entries <- vapply(ls(private$value), function(key) {
              "%s_total{%s} %s\n%s_created{%s} %s", private$name, key,
              private$value[[key]], private$name, key, private$created[[key]]
          }, character(1))
          sprintf("%s\n%s\n", header, paste(entries, collapse = "\n"))
      } else {
        name <- sprintf("%s_total", private$name)
        header <- private$header(name = name)
        if (is.null(private$labels)) {
            "%s\n%s %s\n# TYPE %s_created gauge\n%s_created %s\n", header, name,
            private$value, name, name, private$created
        } else {
          entries <- vapply(ls(private$value), function(key) {
            sprintf("%s{%s} %s", name, key, private$value[[key]])
          }, character(1))
          created <- vapply(ls(private$created), function(key) {
            sprintf("%s_created{%s} %s", name, key, private$created[[key]])
          }, character(1))
            "%s\n%s\n# TYPE %s_created gauge\n%s\n", header,
            paste(entries, collapse = "\n"), name,
            paste(created, collapse = "\n")

    inc = function(by = 1, ...) {
      if (by < 0) {
          "Counter metrics can only be incremented by a positive number.",
          call. = FALSE
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$value <- private$value + by
      } else {
        key <- encode_labels(validate_labels(list(...), private$labels))
        value <- private$value[[key]]
        if (is.null(value)) {
          private$created[[key]] <- unclass(Sys.time())
          private$value[[key]] <- by
        } else {
          private$value[[key]] <- value + by

    reset = function() {
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$created <- unclass(Sys.time())
        private$value <- 0
      } else {
        private$created <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
        private$value <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  private = list(
    value = NULL, created = NULL

Gauge <- R6::R6Class(
  "Gauge", inherit = Metric,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(name, help, labels = character(), unit = NULL,
                          registry = global_registry()) {
        name, help, type = "gauge", labels = labels, unit = unit,
        registry = registry
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        # Fast version, just a value.
        private$value <- 0
      } else {
        private$value <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

    render = function(format = "openmetrics") {
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
          "%s\n%s %s\n", private$header(), private$name, private$value
      } else {
        entries <- vapply(ls(private$value), function(key) {
          sprintf("%s{%s} %s", private$name, key, private$value[[key]])
        }, character(1))
          "%s\n%s\n", private$header(), paste(entries, collapse = "\n")

    inc = function(by = 1, ...) {
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$value <- private$value + by
      } else {
        key <- encode_labels(validate_labels(list(...), private$labels))
        value <- private$value[[key]]
        if (is.null(value)) {
          private$value[[key]] <- by
        } else {
          private$value[[key]] <- value + by

    dec = function(by = 1, ...) {
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$value <- private$value - by
      } else {
        key <- encode_labels(validate_labels(list(...), private$labels))
        value <- private$value[[key]]
        if (is.null(value)) {
          private$value[[key]] <- -by
        } else {
          private$value[[key]] <- value - by

    set = function(value, ...) {
      if (!is.numeric(value)) {
        stop("Gauge metrics can only be set to a number.", call. = FALSE)
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$value <- value
      } else {
        key <- encode_labels(validate_labels(list(...), private$labels))
        private$value[[key]] <- value

    set_to_current_time = function(...) {
      self$set(value = unclass(Sys.time(), ...))

    reset = function() {
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$value <- 0
      } else {
        private$value <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  private = list(
    value = NULL

Histogram <- R6::R6Class(
  "Histogram", inherit = Metric,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(name, help, buckets = c(0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10),
                          labels = character(), unit = NULL,
                          registry = global_registry()) {
        name, help, type = "histogram", labels = labels, unit = unit,
        registry = registry
      buckets <- sort(buckets)
      private$buckets <- c(buckets, Inf)
      # Note: Buckets without a .0 seem to need them to satisfy the parser, but
      # otherwise the usual numeric formatting seems to be acceptable.
      buckets_str <- as.character(buckets)
      have_digits <- abs(buckets - trunc(buckets)) > 0
      buckets_str[!have_digits] <- sprintf("%.1f", buckets[!have_digits])
      private$le <- c(buckets_str, "+Inf")
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$created <- unclass(Sys.time())
      } else {
        private$created <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

    render = function(format = "openmetrics") {
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        buckets <- paste0(
          private$name, "_bucket{le=\"", private$le, "\"} ", private$dist
        sums <- sprintf("%s_sum %s", private$name, private$sum)
        count <- sprintf("%s_count %s", private$name, private$count)
        created <- sprintf("%s_created %s", private$name, private$created)
        if (format == "openmetrics") {
            "%s\n%s\n", private$header(),
            paste(c(buckets, sums, count, created), collapse = "\n")
        } else {
          created_type <- sprintf("#TYPE %s_created gauge", private$name)
            "%s\n%s\n", private$header(), paste(
              c(buckets, sums, count, created_type, created), collapse = "\n"
      } else {
        # Matching labels need to be printed together to satisfy the OpenMetrics
        # parser.
        keys <- ls(private$dist)
        if (length(keys) == 0) {
        blocks <- character(length(keys))
        # For legacy formatting, keep _created under its own metric.
        if (format == "openmetrics") {
          cblocks <- character()
        } else {
          cblocks <- character(length(keys) + 1)
          cblocks[1] <- sprintf("# TYPE %s_created gauge", private$name)
        for (i in 1:length(keys)) {
          key <- keys[i]
          buckets <- paste0(
            private$name, "_bucket{", key, ",le=\"", private$le, "\"} ",
          sums <- sprintf("%s_sum{%s} %s", private$name, key, private$sum[[key]])
          count <- sprintf(
            "%s_count{%s} %s", private$name, key, private$count[[key]]

          if (format == "openmetrics") {
            created <- sprintf(
              "%s_created{%s} %s", private$name, key, private$created[[key]]
            blocks[i] <- paste(c(buckets, sums, count, created), collapse = "\n")
          } else {
            blocks[i] <- paste(c(buckets, sums, count), collapse = "\n")
            cblocks[i + 1] <- sprintf(
              "%s_created{%s} %s", private$name, key, private$created[[key]]
          "%s\n%s\n", private$header(),
          paste(c(blocks, cblocks), collapse = "\n")

    observe = function(value, ...) {
      if (!is.numeric(value)) {
        stop("Histogram metrics can only observe a number.", call. = FALSE)
      dist <- as.integer(value <= private$buckets)

      # Update the running sum and count values.
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$dist <- private$dist + dist
        private$count <- private$count + 1
        private$sum <- private$sum + value
      } else {
        key <- encode_labels(validate_labels(list(...), private$labels))
        current <- private$dist[[key]]
        # We know that if one entry is missing they all are.
        if (is.null(current)) {
          private$created[[key]] <- unclass(Sys.time())
          private$dist[[key]] <- dist
          private$count[[key]] <- 1
          private$sum[[key]] <- value
        } else {
          private$dist[[key]] <- private$dist[[key]] + dist
          private$count[[key]] <- private$count[[key]] + 1
          private$sum[[key]] <- private$sum[[key]] + value

    time = function(expr, ...) {
      start <- Sys.time()
      elapsed <- unclass(difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "secs"))
      self$observe(elapsed, ...)

    reset = function() {
      if (is.null(private$labels)) {
        private$sum <- 0
        private$count <- 0
        private$dist <- rep(0, times = length(private$buckets))
      } else {
        private$dist <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
        private$sum <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
        private$count <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  private = list(
    buckets = numeric(), le = character(), dist = NULL, sum = NULL,
    count = NULL, created = NULL

parse_labels <- function(labels) {
  if (length(labels) == 0) {
  if (is.null(names(labels)) || any(nchar(names(labels)) == 0)) {
    stop("All labels must be named.", call. = FALSE)
  strings <- vapply(
    labels, function(x) is.character(x) && length(x) == 1, logical(1)
  if (!all(strings)) {
    stop("All labels must be strings.", call. = FALSE)

validate_labels <- function(labels, available) {
  labels <- parse_labels(labels)
  present <- available %in% names(labels)
  if (!all(present)) {
    missing <- paste0(available[!present], collapse = "', '")
    stop("One or more missing metric labels: '", missing,  "'.")
  # TODO: Is it wrong to silently drop additional labels?
  labels[names(labels) %in% available]

encode_labels <- function(labels) {
  paste0(names(labels), "=\"", escape_text(labels), "\"", collapse = ",")

escape_text <- function(text) {
  text <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", text, fixed = TRUE)
  text <- gsub("\n", "\\n", text, fixed = TRUE)
  text <- gsub("\"", "\\\"", text, fixed = TRUE)

.content_type <- "application/openmetrics-text;version=0.0.1;charset=utf-8"
.legacy_content_type <- "text/plain;version=0.0.4;charset=utf-8"
atheriel/openmetrics documentation built on July 8, 2021, 3:34 a.m.