
.ipe <- new.env(TRUE, emptyenv())

.marker <- function(obj) {
  class(obj) <- c("iMarker", "iObject")

.init.set <- function(len, name="data") {
 if (!is.null(.ipe$len) && len == .ipe$len) return(TRUE)
 .ipe$len = len
 .ipe$name = name
 .ipe$m = .marker(.Call(A_MarkerCreate, as.integer(len)))

.callback <- function(obj) {
  class(obj) <- c("iCallback", "iObject")

## hack!
addCallback <- function(FUN) .callback(.Call(A_MarkerDependentCreate, .ipe$m, FUN))
reset <- function() rm(len,name,m,envir=.ipe)
restore <- function() { if (exists(".last.ipe")).ipe <<- .last.ipe; invisible(.ipe$len) }

.var <- function(x, name=deparse(substitute(x))) {
 if (is.null(.ipe$m)) .init.set(length(x))
 if (.ipe$len != length(x)) { .last.ipe <<- .ipe; reset(); .init.set(length(x)) }
 .Call(A_VarRegister, x, .ipe$m, name)

iplot <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("iplot")
ibar <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ibar")
ipcp <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ipcp")
ihist <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ihist")
its <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("its")
imvp <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("imvp")

redraw <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("redraw")
selected <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("selected")
select <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("select")
move <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("move")
visible <- function(x) UseMethod("visible")
`visible<-` <- function(x, value) UseMethod("visible<-")
values <- function(x) UseMethod("values")
`values<-` <- function(x, value) UseMethod("values<-")
marker <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("marker")

as.marker <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.marker")

primitives <-function(x,...) UseMethod("primitives")

add <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("add")
add.iPlot <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("add.iPlot", obj)
add.iContainer <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("add.iContainer", obj)
add.primitive <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("add.primitive", obj)
add.pairlist <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("add.pairlist", obj)
add.iMarker <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("add.iMarker", obj)
add.default <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("add.default", obj)

delete <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("delete")
delete.iPlot <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("delete.iPlot", obj)
delete.iMarker <- function(x, obj, ...) UseMethod("delete.iMarker", obj)

add.iContainer.iVisual <- function(x, obj, ...) {
  invisible(.Call(A_ContainerAdd, x, obj))

.po <- function(p) {
  sc <- .Call(A_PlotValue, p)$subclass
  if (is.null(sc)) sc <- character(0)
  class(p) <- c(sc, "iPlot", "iVisual", "iObject")

.flag.names <- c("fix.top", "fix.left", "fix.bottom", "fix.right", "fix.width", "fix.height", "xspring", "yspring", "xyspring")
.flag.values <- c(0x100L, 0x200L, 0x400L, 0x800L, 0x1000L, 0x2000L, 0xa00L, 0x500L, 0xf00L)
.default.flag.value <- 0L

.flags <- function(x) {
  f <- match(x, .flag.names)
  if (any(is.na(f))) stop("invalid flag: ", paste(x[is.na(f)], collapse=", "))
  if (!length(f)) 0L else as.integer(sum(.flag.values[f]))

.default.window.placement <- function(frame)
  c(100, 100)

.do.plot <- function(callName, className, window, frame, flags, ...) {
  flags <- if (missing(flags)) .default.flag.value else .flags(flags)
  if (missing(window)) window <- NULL
  if (missing(frame)) frame <- c(0, 0, 400, 300)
  p <- .Call(callName, ..., frame, flags)
  if (is.null(window)) {
    window <- .Call(A_WindowCreate, p, .default.window.placement(frame))
    class(window) <- "iWindow"
  if (!className %in% "iContainer") {
    .Call(A_PlotSetValue, p, list(window = window, subclass = className))
    class(p) <- c(className, "iPlot", "iVisual", "iObject")
    .Last.plot <<- p
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") redraw(p, TRUE)
  } else class(p) <- c(className, "iVisual", "iObject")

iplot.default <- function(x, y, xname=deparse(substitute(x)), yname=deparse(substitute(y)), ..., window, frame, flags) {
  if (!is.character(xname) || length(xname) != 1) stop("invalid xname argument - must be a character vector of length one")
  if (!is.character(yname) || length(yname) != 1) stop("invalid yname argument - must be a character vector of length one")
 vx = .var(x, xname)
 vy = .var(y, yname)
 .do.plot("A_ScatterPlot", "iScatterplot", window, frame, flags, vx, vy)

its.default <- function(x, y, names, xname=deparse(substitute(x)), yname=deparse(substitute(y)), vname=deparse(substitute(names)), 
	..., window, frame, flags) {
  if (!is.character(xname) || length(xname) != 1) stop("invalid xname argument - must be a character vector of length one")
  if (!is.character(yname) || length(yname) != 1) stop("invalid yname argument - must be a character vector of length one")
  if (!is.character(vname) || length(vname) != 1) stop("invalid yname argument - must be a character vector of length one")
  vx = .var(x, xname)
  vy = .var(y, yname)
  vnames = .var(names, vname)
  .do.plot("A_TimePlot", "iTimeSeriesPlot", window, frame, flags, vx, vy, vnames)

ibar.factor <- function(x, xname=deparse(substitute(x)), ..., window, frame, flags) {
  if (!is.character(xname) || length(xname) != 1) stop("invalid xname argument - must be a character vector of length one")
  vx = .var(x, xname)
  .do.plot("A_BarPlot", "iBarchart", window, frame, flags, vx)

ibar.default <- function(x, ...) stop("Sorry, bar charts for this data type are not yet defined.")

imvp.default <- function(x, ..., window, frame, flags) {
	.do.plot("A_MVPlot", "iMarkerValuesPlot", window, frame, flags, x)

ihist.default <- function(x, xname=deparse(substitute(x)), ..., window, frame, flags) {
  if (!is.character(xname) || length(xname) != 1) stop("invalid xname argument - must be a character vector of length one")
  vx = .var(x, xname)
  .do.plot("A_HistPlot", "iHist", window, frame, flags, vx)

ipcp.list <- function(x, ..., window, frame, flags) {
  if (length(x) < 2) stop("need at least 2 dimensions")
  v = lapply(seq.int(x), function(i) .var(x[[i]], names(x)[i]))
  .do.plot("A_PCPPlot", "iPCP", window, frame, flags, v)

ipcp.matrix <- function(x, ..., window, frame, flags) {
  if (dim(x)[2] < 2) stop("need at least two columns")
  cn = colnames(x)
  v = lapply(seq.int(dim(x)[2]), function(i) .var(x[,i], cn[i]))
  .do.plot("A_PCPPlot", "iPCP", window, frame, flags, v)

ipcp.data.frame <- ipcp.list

ipcp.default <- function(x, ..., window, frame, flags) {
  if (!is.vector(x)) stop("unsuppored data")
  n = length(x)
  l = unlist(lapply(list(...),function(q) length(q) == n))
  l = c(list(x),list(...)[l])

icontainer <- function(parent = NULL, window, frame, flags)
  .do.plot("A_ContainerCreate", "iContainer", window, frame, flags, parent)

redraw.iPlot <- function(x, entirely=FALSE, ...)
  invisible(.Call(A_PlotRedraw, x, entirely))

redraw.iVisual <- function(x, ...)
  invisible(.Call(A_PlotRedraw, x))

primitives.iPlot <- function(x, ...)
invisible(.Call(A_PlotPrimitives, x))

### -- marker-related functions

marker.iPlot <- function(x, ...)
  .marker(.Call(A_PlotPrimaryMarker, x))

visible.iMarker <- function(x)
  .Call(A_MarkerVisible, x)

`visible<-.iMarker` <- function(x, value) {
  if (is.double(value)) value <- as.integer(value)
  invisible(.Call(A_MarkerSetVisible, x, value))

selected.iMarker <- function(x, ...)
  .Call(A_MarkerSelected, x)

select.iMarker <- function(x, which, ...) {
  if (!is.integer(which) && is.numeric(which)) which <- as.integer(which)
  invisible(.Call(A_MarkerSelect, x, which))

length.iMarker <- function(x)
  .Call(A_MarkerLength, x)

values.iMarker <- function(x)
  .Call(A_MarkerValues, x)

`values<-.iMarker` <- function(x, value) {
  if (is.double(value)) value <- as.integer(value)
  invisible(.Call(A_MarkerSetValues, x, value))

`$.iMarker` <- function(x, name) {
  if (name == "values") return(values(x))
  if (name == "selected") return(selected(x))
  if (name == "visible") return(visible(x))
  if (name == "onChange") return(.Call(A_MarkerCallbacks, x))

`$<-.iMarker` <- function(x, name, value) {
  if (name == "values") return({values(x) <- value; x})
  if (name == "selected") return({selected(x) <- value; x})
  if (name == "visible") return({visible(x) <- value; x})
  if (name == "onChange") return({
    .Call(A_MarkerRemoveAll, x)
    if (!is.null(value)) .callback(.Call(A_MarkerDependentCreate, x, value))
    x })

names.iMarker <- function(x) c("values", "selected", "visible", "onChange")

add.iMarker.function <- function(x, obj, ...)
  .callback(.Call(A_MarkerDependentCreate, x, obj))

add.iMarker.iCallback <- function(x, obj, ...)
  invisible(.Call(A_MarkerAdd, x, obj))

delete.iMarker.iCallback <- function(x, obj, ...)
  invisible(.Call(A_MarkerRemove, x, obj))

as.marker.iMarker <- function(x, ...) x
as.marker.iObject <- function(x, ...) { class(x) = c("iMarker", "iObject"); x }

## access to virtual fields in plot objects that have pass-by-reference semantics of the whole plot object

`$.iPlot` <- function(x, name) {
  if (name == "marker") return(marker(x))
  if (name == "xlim")
    return(c(x$xlim.low, x$xlim.hi))
  if (name == "ylim")
    return(c(x$ylim.low, x$ylim.hi))
  if (name == "frame")
    return(.Call(A_VisualGetFrame, x))
  if (name == "caption")
    return(.Call(A_PlotGetCaption, x))
  if (name == "new.context")
    return(function() .Call(A_PlotNewContext, x))
  d <- .Call(A_PlotDoubleProperty, x, name)
  if (!is.null(d) && !all(is.na(d))) return(if (name %in% c("spines")) (d > 0.5) else d)
  o <- .Call(A_PlotValue, x)

`$<-.iPlot` <- function(x, name, value) {
  if (name %in% c("marker")) { if (!.Call(A_EqualPtrs, marker(x), value)) stop("read-only property"); return(x) }
  if (name %in% c("xlim","ylim")) {
    if (!is.numeric(value) || length(value) != 2)
      stop("invalid range specification - must be a numeric vector of length two")
    .Call(A_PlotSetDoubleProperty, x, paste(name,".low",sep=''), value[1])
    .Call(A_PlotSetDoubleProperty, x, paste(name,".hi",sep=''), value[2])
  if (name == "frame") {
    if (!is.numeric(value) || length(value) >4)
      stop("invalid frame specification")
    if (length(value) < 4) {
      cf <- .Call(A_VisualGetFrame, x)
      cf[1:length(value)] <- value
      value <- cf
    .Call(A_VisualSetFrame, x, as.double(value))
	if (name == "caption"){
		if (length(value) < 1)
			stop("invalid title string")
		.Call(A_PlotSetCaption, x, as.character(value))
  if (.Call(A_PlotSetDoubleProperty, x, name, value)) return(x)
  o <- .Call(A_PlotValue, x)
  o[[name]] <- value
  .Call(A_PlotSetValue, x, o)

move.iVisual <- function(x, xpos, ypos, redraw=TRUE, ...) {
  f <- .Call(A_VisualGetFrame, x)
  if (!missing(xpos)) f[1] <- as.double(xpos)[1]
  if (!missing(ypos)) f[2] <- as.double(ypos)[1]
  .Call(A_VisualSetFrame, x, f)
  if (redraw) redraw(x)

move.iWindow <- function(x, xpos, ypos, ...) {
  if (missing(xpos) || !is.numeric(xpos) || !length(xpos) == 1 ||
      missing(ypos) || !is.numeric(ypos) || !length(ypos) == 1)
    stop("invalid window position specification")
  .Call(A_WindowMoveAndResize, x, c(xpos, ypos), NULL)

resize.iVisual <- function(x, width, height, redraw=TRUE) {
  f <- .Call(A_VisualGetFrame, x)
  if (!missing(width)) f[3] <- as.double(width)[1]
  if (!missing(height)) f[4] <- as.double(height)[1]
  .Call(A_VisualSetFrame, x, f)
  if (redraw) redraw(x)

resize.iWindow <- function(x, width, height) {
  if (missing(width) || !is.numeric(width) || !length(width) == 1 ||
      missing(height) || !is.numeric(height) || !length(height) == 1)
    stop("invalid window size specification")
  .Call(A_WindowMoveAndResize, x, NULL, c(width, height))

names.iPlot <- function(x)
  c(names(.Call(A_PlotValue, x)), "marker")

iset.selected <- function() {
  if (is.null(.ipe$m)) stop("no active iSet");
  .Call(A_MarkerSelected, .ipe$m)

iset.select <- function(what) {
  if (is.null(.ipe$m)) stop("no active iSet");
  if (!is.integer(which) && is.numeric(which)) which <- as.integer(which)
  invisible(.Call(A_MarkerSelect, .ipe$m, which))

selected.iPlot <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- x$marker
  if (is.null(m)) stop("plot has no primary marker")
  .Call(A_MarkerSelected, m)

select.iPlot <- function(x, which, ...) {
  m <- x$marker
  if (is.null(m)) stop("plot has no primary marker")
  if (!is.integer(which) && is.numeric(which)) which <- as.integer(which)
  invisible(.Call(A_MarkerSelect, m, which))

visible.iPlot <- function(x) {
	m <- x$marker
	if (is.null(m)) stop("plot has no primary marker")
	.Call(A_MarkerVisible, m)

iset.visible<- function() {
	if (is.null(.ipe$m)) stop("no active iSet");
	.Call(A_MarkerVisible, .ipe$m)

iset.set.visible <- function(what) {
	if (is.null(.ipe$m)) stop("no active iSet");
	if (!is.integer(which) && is.numeric(which)) which <- as.integer(which)
	invisible(.Call(A_MarkerSetVisible, .ipe$m, which))

`visible<-.iPlot` <- function(x, value) {
	m <- x$marker
	if (is.null(m)) stop("plot has no primary marker")
	if (!is.integer(value) && is.numeric(value)) value <- as.integer(value)
	invisible(.Call(A_MarkerSetVisible, m, value))

marker.NULL <- function(x, ...) {
	if (is.null(.ipe$m)) stop("no active iSet");

values.NULL <- function(x) values(marker())
visible.NULL <- function(x) visible(marker())
selected.NULL <- function(x, ...) selected(marker())

idev <- function(width=640, height=480, ps=12, bg=0, canvas=0, dpi=90, window, flags) {
  flags <- if (missing(flags)) 0L else .flags(flags)
  dev <- .External("RAcinonyxDevice", width, height, ps, bg, canvas, dpi, flags)
  if (missing(window)) {
    window <- .Call(A_WindowCreate, dev, .default.window.placement())
    attr(dev, "window") <- window
  class(dev) <- c("iVisual", "iObject")

### tools

CONS <- function(head, tail=NULL) .Call(A_CONS, head, tail)

print.iObject <- function(x, ...) { cat(.Call(A_Describe, x),"\n"); x }
print.primitive <- function(x, ...) { cat("iPlot primitive",.Call(A_Describe, x),"\n"); x }
print.iPlot <- function(x, ...) { cat(.Call(A_PlotGetCaption, x), " (",
                                      .Call(A_Describe, x), ")\n", sep=''); x }
print.iWindow <- function(x, ...) { cat("iPlots window", .Call(A_Describe, x), "\n"); x }
print.iMarker <- function(x, ...) { cat("iPlots marker", .Call(A_Describe, x), "\n"); x }
print.iCallback <- function(x, ...) { cat("iPlots callback", .Call(A_Describe, x), "\n"); x }
att/iplots documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:12 p.m.