
Defines functions find_interval

#' Candidates of intervals to estimate
#' @param x Numeric vectors
#' @noRd
interval_type <- list(
  credible = list(
    L = function(x, lo, ...) qgamma(lo, x),
    H = function(x, hi, ...) qgamma(hi, x)
  predictive = list(
    L = function(x, lo, ...) qnbinom(lo, x, .5),
    H = function(x, hi, ...) qnbinom(hi, x, .5)

#' Find intervals on selected variables
#' Adds the result to new columns suffixed by `.L` and `.H`
#' @param x data frame
#' @param type Type of intervals.
#' @param range Range of intervals.
#' @inheritParams tidyselect::vars_select
#' @noRd
find_interval <- function(
  x, ..., type = c("predictive", "credible"), range = 0.95, .strict = FALSE
) {
  .vars <- vars_select(names(x), ..., .strict = .strict)
  type = match.arg(type)
  lo = (1 - range) / 2
  hi = 1 - lo
  x %>>%
    mutate_at(.vars, interval_type[[type]], lo = lo, hi = hi) %>>%
    rename_at(vars(matches("^[LH]$")), function(x) paste0(.vars, "_", x)) %>>%
      vars(matches("_[LH]$")), str_replace_all, c("_L$" = ".L", "_H$" = ".H")
atusy/qntmap documentation built on April 11, 2021, 4:45 p.m.