#' @title
#' League Table and Heat Plot
#' @description
#' Produces a league table and a league heat plot that contain point estimates of relative
#' effectiveness for all possible pairs of treatments point estimates along with 95% credible
#' intervals obtained with the quantile method.
#' @param nma A \code{BUGSnetRun} object produced by running \code{nma.run()}.
#' @param central.tdcy The statistic that you want to use in order to measure relative effectiveness. The options are "mean" and "median".
#' @param log.scale If TRUE, odds ratios, relative risk or hazard ratios are reported on the log scale. Default is FALSE.
#' @param order A vector of strings representing the order in which to display the treatments.
#' @param low.colour A string indicating the colour of low relative treatment effects for the heat plot (e.g relative risk of 0.5).
#' @param mid.colour A string indicating the colour of null relative treatment effects for the heat plot (e.g relative risk of ~1.0).
#' @param high.colour A string indicating the colour of high relative treatment effects for the heat plot (e.g relative risk of ~2.0).
#' @param cov.value Must be specified for meta-regression. This is the value of the covariate for which to report the results.
#' @param digits Number of digits to display after the decimal point
#' @return \code{table} - A league table. Row names indicate comparator treatments.
#' @return \code{longtable} - League table in the long format.
#' @return \code{heatplot} - League heat plot, where a color scale is used to represent relative treatment effects and ** are used to highlight statistically significant differences.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{nma.run}}, \code{\link{nma.rank}}, \code{\link{nma.forest}}
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols bind_rows everything filter left_join mutate rename select summarise_all
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @examples
#' data(diabetes.sim)
#' diabetes.slr <- data.prep(
#' arm.data = diabetes.sim,
#' varname.t = "Treatment",
#' varname.s = "Study"
#' )
#' #Random effects, consistency model.
#' #Binomial family, cloglog link. This implies that the scale will be the Hazard Ratio.
#' diabetes.re.c <- nma.model(
#' data = diabetes.slr,
#' outcome = "diabetes",
#' N = "n",
#' reference = "Placebo",
#' family = "binomial",
#' link = "cloglog",
#' effects = "random",
#' type = "consistency",
#' time = "followup"
#' )
#' diabetes.re.c.res <- nma.run(
#' model = diabetes.re.c,
#' n.adapt = 100,
#' n.burnin = 0,
#' n.iter = 100)
#' league_table <- nma.league(
#' nma = diabetes.re.c.res,
#' central.tdcy = "median"
#' )
#' league_table$heatplot
#' league_table$table
#' league_table$longtable
#' @export
nma.league <- function(
central.tdcy = "median",
log.scale = FALSE,
order = NULL,
low.colour = "darkgoldenrod1",
mid.colour = "white",
high.colour = "cornflowerblue",
cov.value = NULL,
digits = 2
) {
# Bind variables to function
trt <- NULL
Treatment <- NULL
Comparator <- NULL
if (!inherits(nma, 'BUGSnetRun'))
stop("\'nma\' must be a valid BUGSnetRun object created using the nma.run function.")
if(!is.null(nma$model$covariate) & is.null(cov.value)) stop("cov.value must be specified for meta-regression")
if(nma$model$type=="inconsistency") {
stop('This function has not been implemented yet for the inconsistency model.')
dmat <- do.call(rbind, nma$samples) %>% data.frame() %>% select(starts_with("d."))
trt.names <- nma$trt.key
colnames(dmat) <- trt.names
betamat <- do.call(rbind, nma$samples) %>% data.frame() %>% select(starts_with("beta."))
trt.names <- nma$trt.key
colnames(betamat) <- trt.names
dmat <- dmat+betamat*(cov.value-nma$model$mean.cov)
order <- trt.names
dmat %<>% select(order)
trt.names <- order
colvals <- function(dmat, b.col=1, paste=TRUE) {
# Bind variables to function
key <- NULL
value <- NULL
trt <- NULL
estimate <- NULL
lci <- NULL
uci <- NULL
result <- NULL
base <- colnames(dmat)[b.col]
dmat2 <- dmat
new.vars <- paste0(colnames(dmat2), "-", b.col)
for(i in 1:ncol(dmat)) {
dmat2[[new.vars[i]]] <- dmat[, i] - dmat[, b.col]
dmat2 %<>% select(new.vars)
colnames(dmat2) <- trt.names
if(central.tdcy=="mean" & log.scale==FALSE & nma$link!="identity"){
tmp.estimate <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(estimate = exp.mean)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, estimate = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_estimate", "", trt))
} else if(central.tdcy=="mean"){
tmp.estimate <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(estimate = id.mean)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, estimate = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_estimate", "", trt))}
if(central.tdcy=="median" & log.scale==FALSE & nma$link!="identity"){
tmp.estimate <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(estimate = exp.median)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, estimate = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_estimate", "", trt))
} else if(central.tdcy=="median"){
tmp.estimate <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(estimate = id.median)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, estimate = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_estimate", "", trt))
if(log.scale==FALSE & nma$link!="identity"){
tmp.lci <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(lci = exp.lci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, lci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_lci", "", trt))
tmp.uci <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(uci = exp.uci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, uci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_uci", "", trt))
null.value <- 1
} else{
tmp.lci <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(lci = id.lci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, lci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_lci", "", trt))
tmp.uci <- dmat2 %>%
summarise_all(list(uci = id.uci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, uci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_uci", "", trt))
null.value <- 0
#create C-style formatting string from the digits parameter
fmt <- paste0("%.", digits, "f")
tmp1 <- left_join(tmp.estimate, tmp.lci, by = "trt") %>%
left_join(., tmp.uci, by = "trt") %>%
mutate(result = paste(sprintf(fmt, estimate),
" (",
sprintf(fmt, lci),
" to ",
sprintf(fmt, uci),
")", sep="")) %>%
select(trt, result)
colnames(tmp1)[2] <- as.character(tmp.estimate %>% filter(estimate==null.value) %>% select(trt))
} else{
tmp1 <- left_join(tmp.estimate, tmp.lci, by = "trt") %>%
left_join(., tmp.uci, by = "trt")
colnames(tmp1)[2] <- central.tdcy
#Default layout
tmp1.list <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(dmat)) {
tmp1.list[[i]] <- colvals(dmat, b.col=i)
tmp.df <- suppressMessages(bind_cols(tmp1.list)) %>%
select(-starts_with("trt")) %>%
colnames(tmp.df) <- colnames(dmat)
rownames(tmp.df) <- colnames(dmat)
for(i in 1:dim(tmp.df)[1]){
tmp.df[i,i] <- colnames(tmp.df)[i]
default <- tmp.df
#long layout
tmp2.list <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(dmat)) {
tmp2.list[[i]] <- colvals(dmat, b.col=i, paste=FALSE)
longtable <- tmp2.list %>%
bind_rows() %>%
mutate(Treatment = trt,
Comparator = rep(trt.names, each=length(trt.names))) %>%
select(Treatment, Comparator, everything(), -trt)
if(log.scale==FALSE & nma$link!="identity"){
null.value <- 1
} else{
null.value <- 0
return(list("table"=default, "longtable"=longtable, "heatplot"=league.heat.plot(leaguetable=longtable,
order = order,
low.colour = low.colour,
mid.colour = mid.colour,
high.colour = high.colour,
midpoint = null.value,
digits = digits)))
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes element_blank geom_text geom_tile ggplot scale_fill_gradient2 scale_x_discrete scale_y_discrete theme theme_dark
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
league.heat.plot <- function(
order = NULL,
low.colour = "red",
mid.colour = "white",
high.colour = "springgreen4",
#Bind Variables to function
Treatment <- NULL
Comparator <- NULL
ct.stat <- NULL
lci <- NULL
uci <- NULL
#if (ncol(leaguetable) > 5){warning("leaguetable must be in 'long' format")}
league.tmp <- leaguetable%>%filter(Treatment != Comparator)
#rename central tendancy statistic to ct.stat
names(league.tmp)[names(league.tmp) == central.tdcy] <- "ct.stat"
#create C-style formatting string from the digits parameter
fmt <- paste0("%.", digits, "f")
heatplot <- ggplot(data = league.tmp, aes(x=Treatment, y=Comparator, fill=ct.stat)) +
geom_text(aes(label =
ifelse(((midpoint<lci & midpoint< uci) | (midpoint>lci & midpoint> uci)),
ifelse(Treatment!=Comparator, paste0("**", sprintf(fmt, ct.stat), "**", "\n", "(",sprintf(fmt, lci), ", ", sprintf(fmt, uci),")"), " "),
ifelse(Treatment!=Comparator, paste0(sprintf(fmt, ct.stat), "\n", "(",sprintf(fmt, lci), ", ", sprintf(fmt, uci),")"), " "))),
heatplot <- heatplot +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = low.colour, high = high.colour, mid = mid.colour, midpoint = midpoint)+
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
legend.position="none", panel.border=element_blank(),
scale_x_discrete(limits = order, expand = c(0, 0), position="top") +
scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(order), expand = c(0, 0))
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